TT (Tick Tock)

Red is the Devil's Color

Sana really can't believe that this is happening to her team. Sure, they have put away bad guys in their time being a team, but she still can't digest how and why all of this is happening. Dahyun has been  scouring the dark web and getting other white hats to help her,  Chaeyoung, Momo, and Tzuyu has mobilized all of their uniformed personnels to aid them, and Mina. She feels for Mina the most. 

It's bad enough that sometime ago it was her in the hospital with Jeongyeon from being shot and all. She's worried most about Mina and Jeongyeon.

Sana paced, and paced, and paced some more. But the longer she kept pacing, the more she feels agitated and feels like she's losing control. 

"Let me know if there would be any progress with the triangulation of the signal, I just hope that we find Jeongyeon in time." She said as she walked towards her office. 

Sana closed her door and slumped in her chair, the medals on her wall seem to be mocking her, she saved other lives why can't she do the same to her team. Her friends.


"I know how that feels. Trust me." A voice broke her trance like state.

"Jihyo," She stood. "I didn't hear you come in. Sit, sit." She motions to the woman standing by her couch.

There's something to Jihyo's aura that feels different, Sana noted in her head, the way she's currently standing, her eyes that seemed to been thousands of years old, filled with wisdom and- 

"Sana, I can help." Jihyo said, her hand on the corner or Sana's table. "I can help find Jeongyeon."


Dahyun's fingers had never clacked on her keys so hard before, well she has but that happened a long long time ago, she's now tasked to focus on finding the signal feed from where Jeongyeon's captor is, or Jeongyeon herself.

She's pulled up all known and unknown codes and signal traces she could find, even with the help of some of her poker white-hat buddies. But she still had no luck, that is until she saw this woman near the window.

She felt real calm like a small wave building in her stomach, her hands felt cold, but her fingers were on her crispy keys typing away, she felt like she's being lulled into a deep sleep, her eyelids felt heavy, and....

Her screen lit up, rows and rows of script flowing, her eyes wide she grinned as she rushed to Sana's office, heart thumping, and lead like legs; but her mind was clear. She's found where Jeongyeon is.


Mina kept driving and driving. Glancing at the monitor on her laptop on the passenger side seat, hoping and praying that Jeongyeon would have the strength to withstand a couple more moments before they ultimately find her. She can't help but feel guilty about all of this; if only she had talked to Sana about all this, if only she had kept a more watchful eye on Jeongyeon then she wouldn't be in this situation. 


She sighs, because that's all she can do at the moment, she can't stand watching her best friend grip the steering wheel of the car that she is in and turn her knuckles white, knowing fully that there is a bomb in that car. 


Dahyun's voice washes over her like cold rain the next time it comes through her ear piece.  "I got her location!" She exclaims.


Mina felt a surge of hope as Dahyun guided her to the twists and turns of the city. She's so near.

She's on her way to getting her partner back. And then put whoever did this to Jeongyeon behind bars where she can't hurt anyone else.

Sana breathed a sigh of relief, the hard part is done. The harder part now they have to cross, "Dubu, call out the bomb squad, I want a 5 mile perimeter on where Jeongyeon is, no one goes in or out of that.

Dahyun nods, speaking to the others and the bombs squad already on her line relaying Sana's orders, as she watch the screen where the feed was still on, she was still working on the script that could save her friend, she will work tirelessly to save her, she made that promise to herself.

Jihyo was still in Sana's office, her annoyance of the previous sight of Yeri still permeating her senses, but now her urge to help out Sana, Mina and the whole team is now her priority. Yeri will have to get by on her own for now, she will have to deal with that after all of this is done.

Her little push with Dahyun has worked, they have found the location of Jeongyeon, Mina is already on her way and Sana is out on the bullpen giving orders to Dahyun.

She closed her eyes one more time and entered her trance, muttering an incantation to summon one of her reapers, when she opened her eyes once more, a shadowy figure was in front of her.

"Akath, I need you to deploy. I will reward your service but you will have to be swift. No one is to see you in or out." She says.

The shadowy figure lets out a snarl, which Jihyo was a little irked. "These mortals are in need of help, and I am generously giving it to them. I need not be questioned on my commands. Follow and be rewarded or be banished again. Make a decision and make it quick, I am not in my most patient mood."

the figure bowed and dissipated in a cloud of vapor, Jihyo sighed. Her legion is harder to control ever since she came to Earth, not that her Father not knowing she was here made it any easier. Dominion over the undead and the demons are great and all but sometimes she wonders if being a fallen was worth it.

Mina and the others have finally reached Jeongyeon's location, spotting the car in an abandoned parking lot. The black sedan shimmering in the lights of the parking space. The bomb squad set up to approach the car Jeongyeon was in.

She wanted to approach the car too but the bomb squad didn't allow her. They set up a command center a little near the perimeter, the cordoned off area ready for a blast. But Mina didn't really want to think of that.

The bomb squad has already set up a radio in the car with Jeongyeon, they have freed her hands from the tape but they have warned her not to shift while they x-ray the car for the location of the bomb.

Jeongyeon's voice on their radio earpiece was some sort of relief for all of them. It was great to hear her voice,albeit a little defeated and obviously she was worn out and beaten. They have all welcomed the conversation.

"I'm sorry..." Came in their earpieces. Mina, Momo, and Chaeyoung could only look at one another. Steeling themselves, they assured Jeongyeon that they would let her out of her current predicament.

They all wanted to believe that.

The bomb squad finished the sweep and x-ray of the car and reported back to them. It was a pipe bomb, a pressure plate under Jeongyeon's seat, even a small amount of shift in pressure could set it off.

She reported back to Sana, who was currently on her way to where they were.

Mina spoke to Jeongyeon on the radio. "Just stay still Jeongie, we'll get you out of there. Just a little bit more okay?"

"It was Seong-Ah, Minaya. She kidnapped me, beat me, and then slapped a bomb on me." Jeongyeon said, her voice breaking.

Mina's heart broke, she was right Seong-Ah had kept her in the house they went to, she blamed herself for not looking hard enough, for not persisting hard enough.

"It's not your fault Minari. You're the one who worried about her the most and wanted to look for her. it's not your fault." Chaeyoung said as if reading her thoughts.

"It's not your fault Minari. You're the one who worried about her the most and wanted to look for her. it's not your fault." Chaeyoung said as if reading her thoughts.

Momo came bounding to them saying that Sana is already there, already talking and formulating a plan with the bomb squad and Dahyun on the line.

They were alerted by Jeongyeon's voice in their ears again.

"Guys! Something is beeping." Her voice was frenzied and urgent.

The bomb squad rushed to the car once more with Sana and Mina in tow.

There was a countdown, ten minutes. Ten measly minutes before their friend goes off with the bomb.

"We have to move now." A member of the bomb squad said.

Sana spoke once more to Dahyun. "Dubu, can you block the signal in the area?"

"I can but it will take me a few minutes, I need to time the satellite to the cell towers." Dahyun replied.

"We need to move her quickly ma'am" Another said.

The panic in the air was so thick it was kind of suffocating, Sana is in her head trying to clear it. She cannot panic, everybody is looking to her to give out orders, she's the captain for christ's sakes! She took a deep breath.

The air sort of shifted as soon as Dahyun signaled that it was just mere seconds until the satellite was above them to block out the signal.

Jihyo was back in her holding cell, just getting off the phone with her lawyers, discussing her release from HQ. When she sensed the presence of Akath.

The shadow grumbled and Jihyo sighed. "A thousand souls for you to reap, I will personally make sure that you will get some time off for your efforts. Perhaps a vessel of your liking?" She mentioned to the shadow in front of her.

She sighed again, now in annoyance. "An assistant is out of the question, I can give you in your vessel a stay at the chateau, but an assistant reaper is pushing it. Now, begone Akath! Your services are greatly appreciated, we will speak once more on this matter to collect your reward."

Now that all of this is done it was time to look for Yeri. She would need a few more demons involved to find her. A few favors wouldn't be too hard, but she will need all her liege to find her mystery angel along with her familiar.

The second the pressure plate was inserted Jeongyeon was free to exit the car, the timer was on at the last minute. they bolted. Fearing that the bomb would go off.

Halfway across the parking lot away from the car Momo and Chaeyoung stayed; when they heard it. It was so loud and so bright. Their eyes and ears couldn't adjust quickly.

They couldn't see their team, nor the bomb squad that was with them. No one was answering the radio, not Sana, not Mina, not Jeongyeon, even the other members of the bomb squad were looking as worried as them.

"MOMO! CHAE! SANA! MINA! ANYBODY!" Dahyun screamed and wailed into her microphone, but her headset was so silent the only thing she could hear was her heart beating in her ear.

Chaeyoung wanted to surge forward, to chase and look for her team now that the only thing is the fire. EMTs and the fire brigade were on the scene, not even allowing her through. Momo was too stunned, tears well up in Chaeyoung's eyes. Looking at Momo and dragging her past the line of local police that was crowding the cordon.

Momo quickly spotted Mina and Jeongyeon, the older, clutching her best friend's shoulder for support. She was limping and bleeding, her nose clearly broken. Her bruised face was a welcome sight to them. Mina was relatively unharmed. Apart from a few scratches on her face from the debris she was fine. Next they saw a member of the bomb squad that was with the scene, his suit was torn up badly, and he was bleeding as well, a shard of the pipe bomb was in his leg and the EMTs got to him. They saw the EMTs push off a gurney with a white cloth draped over it. Fearing the worst, they rushed to the gurney.


Yeri has been nursing her wrists, those handcuffs with the runes and the holy fire was a to handle. Not counting that she caved to giving her demon name to her captor. Jihyo will not be happy about that. But for now she is happy that she is now free of her bounds and that wretched holy oil that was giving her most of the problems.

Her captor, Nayeon, was still pacing back and forth. She deduced that whoever she was talking to was not happy about the situation. She wasn't either, she felt the connection of Jihyo entering her vessel as quick as it left. Her boss really took things to heart when it came to her legion of demons, her included.

See, her friendship , if you could call it that, with Jihyo started out really complicated. A fallen angel adopted by the Father of hell? Sure she could understand that. Most of the fallen have been adopted by the Father of hell quite often, if and so the Father chooses to. She was quickly assigned to being the Duchess' personal assistant if you could call it that. Torturing the damned and criminal was her favorite thing to do but if the father of hell has given you a task to accompany her daughter to manage the depths of hell, well you sort of have to accept.

She reminisced the past millennia or so of mischief with and sometime against her now boss. letting reapers loose on Earth to have extra souls to torture (sometimes feast upon, depends on what Yeri would feel at the moment), to actually helping out in the managing of souls. The occasional " Why am I in hell? I don't belong here, I'm a good person ' spiel from the souls that were brought to them. To the outright heinous souls that she loved torturing the most.

Some time after the largest breakout of souls from hell, she cemented her place beside the Duchess of hell. Personally overseeing the return of the souls that escaped from their neat little slice of hell. She blames one of her sisters in charge of keeping the gates of hell closed for partying with the reapers. Jihyo and her father never forgot that. So as a reward she was forever placed by Jihyo's side.

And now being held captive by an angel looking for a fallen, she reserves all rights to properly protect her patron. Not that this angel having dominion over her matters anyways.

Sana lay in a gurney sort of motionless, her ears still rung, and she's still seeing white spots in her vision. Everything was too loud and bright. Someone was talking to her, EMTs she noted in her head. She only heard snippets of the conversation, as the ringing in her ears still haven't stopped. She opened her eyes a bit more willing it to adjust and ignoring the white spots the still sees.

She saw Chaeyoung's worried face in her view just to her right, a muffled " You're going to be okay, Sana. " reached her ears.

Sana was taken to the nearest ambulance and the EMTs had a tice over on her, flashing lights in her eyes, checking to see if there were any injuries on her, and giving her oxygen.

"I'm fine, where's Mina and Jeongyeon?" She asked, refusing to put on the oxygen mask that the EMT pre offered.

"Mina is unharmed, Jeongie was bleeding so she had to be taken to the hospital. Mina rode with her. We lost one of the bomb squad." Momo spoke, in a calm, small voice.

Chaeyoung was trying to reassure Sana that they'll go as quickly once she's okay. But Sana insisted that she go right to the hospital in her car, to which the EMT protested.

Momo promised that she would drive Sana's car back to HQ and go to them at the hospital. That was the time where Sana agreed to put on the mask and lay back on the gurney.

Jihyo had summoned five of her lieutenants, to help the search for Yeri. She had promised them another reward when they found her. Currently waiting for her release from the mortal confinement she was in at the moment.

She patiently waited.

When Momo finally got to her holding room and had her sign the release papers with her lawyer out front of the room, she was made aware of the condition everyone is in.

"Mina wasn't that badly scratched up, she's in the hospital with Jeongyeon. Sana also needed to get checked, they were all so near the blast." Momo relayed to her.

She thanked Detective Hirai for the information while Momo apologized for all the trouble. Jihyo waved her hand dismissively. "I fully intended to cooperate and cooperate, thank you Momo. I shall visit the detectives and captain Minatozaki. But I have to attend to some important matters."

Jihyo exited HQ as quickly as possible. The hunt for this angel now begins. 


Mina hated hospitals ever since she had been in a coma for over two weeks. And now she hates it even more. Jeongyeon was rushed to do a CT on her, and she was left to relay everything once Momo had arrived at the hospital. The news of Sana being checked as well for injuries didn't sit well with her, especially since she cannot do anything with it but to just wait until the danger to them had settled.

Momo came in with Tzuyu with a camera in tow. She dreaded going back and remembering the panic in Jeongyeon's voice, or the unsettling feeling as if time had slowed down the moment the member of the bomb squad had put the pressure plate under Jeongyeon's seat. But, nevertheless she recounted the events, letting it play out in her head with her eyes closed.

Several flashes later Mina was free to go, a member of the local police and crime scene people have reported to have processed the scene.

"Aren't you going to wait for them?" Tzuyu asked, holding Mina's arm. The older one is clearly about to leave.

Tzuyu has worked with Mina since they were in the academy, sure she was also a trained member of the force but Tzuyu had been passionate about being a medical examiner. She saw Mina's ire most of the time back then for other rookies in the field being wrong on cases and not following protocol.

"This isn't protocol." Tzuyu mentioned to her.

Mina knew she was right, as much as she wanted to catch Seong-Ah in the fastest available time, her friends needed her. So she put her coat back on and all of them trudged to the waiting room.

Sana has been given the all clear, apart from her ringing ears due to the explosion she was fine. Jeongyeon had to be kept in the hospital, as she sustained several broken ribs, a broken nose, and some significant blood loss. Mina volunteered to watch them, but the brass had rung them up to tell them that they would all need to go home for the night. They made sure to place extra guards on Jeongyeon's door just in case.

Sensing the tension, Chaeyoung mentioned they needed to get back to HQ to debrief.

Mina was clearly pissed, not being able to be there for Jeongyeon really was a blow to her. And all of them knew that. So it wasn't a surprise when she slammed the door to the conference room.

"We are not debriefing tonight, but I expect all of you to be here early tomorrow." Sana said, looking at all of them. "It has been a rough night, Momo, Chaeyoung, Dahyun, Tzuyu, you can all go home, Mina and I will discuss."

Once half of the team had left, Sana invited Mina to her office and plopped down on her chair. "I know you are pissed, Minari. I heard what Jeongie said about Seong-Ah. If you have anyone to be mad at, be mad at me."

"Oh, I am pissed. I am pissed at how lightly we took Jeong's absence as just her taking a break, when I clearly said that there was something wrong. I am pissed at myself for not looking long enough and hard enough. I am pissed that we still haven't found that that did this to Jeongyeon, and now she's in the hospital again , because of ME." Mina half yelled. "So damn right, I am pissed."

Sana sighed, she had made the call of leaving Jeongyeon be in the knowledge that she was just taking a break away and taking her time as internal affairs said. But truthfully she wanted to berate herself for not following up on Mina's gut and lok for Jeongyeon.

"So what do you want to do?" Sana asked.

"Let me catch this and lock her up for everything she did to Jeongyeon and us."

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Chapter 8: I love this story so much (✪▽✪) It's so amazing, which makes me curious about the next chapter 🥹🥹 I hope Jeongie will be okay 🥹
Chapter 6: you're back! the story line is really good. I hope you keep updating
14 streak #3
Chapter 5: The story is spooky so full of mystery good job authornim please update hehehe
xZeiki #4
Chapter 5: That JeongMi tag gets me every single time. (☍﹏⁰) an I had a hard time reading those words authornim xD
Chapter 4: ohhh myy . dun dun dun dunnnn
cacalsi #6
Hi. I really love the story. It's like watching a TV drama that I can vividly see the plots in my head. Lowkey root for Jeongmi but Jihyo's character is such a charm.