Sweet Talker

Red is the Devil's Color

Mina tried to take a deep breath, her heart beating wildly still from the statement from Jihyo. 

"Okay, I'm all done. Orange isn't really a good color on me so bare with me." Jihyo said plopping the bag of clothes. 

Mina turned around her face beet shaded a thin layer of sweat forming on her porcelain face. 

Jihyo looked at Mina with concern, "Mina?" 

Mina was still kind of dazed, her breathing hollow. Jihyo called for her again. "Mina." 

She tried to shake Mina to reality but the gloss in her eyes still apparent. She held Mina's hand and suddenly Jihyo saw her face. 

It wasn't Jihyo but she can see herself, holding a thrashing Songjoo by her neck, half her face human and the other half her own. Her stomach burning, she lifted her hand and saw blood. 

The vision broke and Mina was breathing heavily by the table, Jihyo herself was recovering. 

Jihyo cursed under her breath, noticing the skin on her hands turning into scales and talons. 

She forced herself to calm down before Mina has fully recovered from the vision. 

Jihyo took Mina by the arm and sat her down. trying to calm her.


"I'm fine, I'm fine." Mina said raising her hands, "I just felt tired all of a sudden.” 

Jihyo frowned, her presence obviously taking a toll on Mina. 

“Are you sure you’re fine?” She asks again, wanting to reach out to Mina and make sure she’s okay, but even Jihyo doesn’t think that’s a great idea now. 

Mina nodded, standing up to compose her self as she takes the bag of Jihyo’s clothes. 

“How long have you been having these episodes?” Jihyo inquired,hoping Mina would make her privy to the information. 

“About a year ago, we stumbled upon a case, and after that it’s always like this. Not just with you. But also some of the people I met around.” 

She absolutely met demons.’  Jihyo thought. 

“I’d tell you more about the case but it’s one of my unsolved cases so it’s still kind of open. Besides, I don’t want to bore you with cop talk. I’ll meet you outside we can head to Sana’s office together.” Mina said one again turning her back to Jihyo. 


Yeri was pretty much stuck in the office swamped with Jihyo’s schedule, being her assistant in the business and her hell buddy, it wasn’t going too good for her. Especially no that Jihyo is at human jail. 

“I don’t know why doesn’t she just use her powers of persuasion if she was the all powerful duchess of hell.” Yeri said in a mocking tone. 

“Well she would, but I think she knows I’m watching her.” The figure moved closer to Yeri. 

“W-Who are you? I can call building security.” Yeri stuttered. 

“Easy there, you don’t want me to nick you somewhere important, right?” The woman said brandishing a golden dagger. 

Yeri wasn’t afraid, why would she? If this was a regular theif or intruder she can over power them in a second and well Yeri hasn’t sent someone to hell in a long time, maybe she missed the feeling.

But something was different with this woman and the dagger in he hands. Yeri felt the burning sensation as the tip came in contact with her neck, she felt like her demon body is being pried out of her vessel and straight back to hell. 

As if like the woman read what she was feeling. “Annoying feeling ain’t it?" The woman said pressing the blade harder on . "A normal blade none the less but inscribed with angelic runes. It probably hurts a lot."

Yeri winced, she knew the woman was right. It wouldn't hurt her like this if it wasn't blessed with angelic or heavenly runes. 

"What do you want?" Yeri croaked, her hands now bound by metal handcuffs, her wrists also taking the brunt of that burning sensation.

"I wouldn't try getting out of those restraints if I were you." The woman flashed another pair of metal handcuffs again inscribed with more runes. "I heard it can be a nasty burn, and can cut through thick scales even on your demon form, it would be hard getting out of it without taking on some damage." The woman retracted the dagger from . 

"All of this can stop you know?" The woman smiled sweetly. "You," she once again placed the dagger on Yeri's throat "Just need to tell me who this is.” 

But Yeri knew that being tortured is better than just giving up Jihyo easily to this woman, not that torture was Yeri’s cup of tea; given that her tormentor came prepared for her and her torture. She still would prefer being tortured over Jihyo permanently sending her back to hell. Besides, what this woman could do, Jihyo could do much worse if she really wanted to. 


Jihyo Sat in Sana’s office, observing the neatness of the books she kept, the pictures of her family on her desk, the multiple badges of honor and photos of her in uniform hanging off her walls. It was easy to spot that Sana was one of the youngest if not the youngest captain in the squad, Jihyo stood up to admire the photo closer from across the room. And sure enough it was a much younger Sana, hand in a firm handshake with an older man in uniform. 

“That was a year ago.” Sana said, sitting down on the arm of the chair Jihyo vacated. “It was after we caught a serial killer that called himself fry cook, cooked his victims and all that. We caught him on his supposed thirty-fifth kill. Mainly targeted women walking alone at night. It was all over the news.” Sana tilted her head, her eyes reminiscent. “Before I knew it I was in charge of a squad. The teammates I had before now reports to me, and one is well.” She sighed. 

Jihyo looked back at Sana, her sleeves raised to her elbows,  brown curly hair cascading down her shoulders. If Jihyo was completely human, she might’ve considered asking Santa out, but Jihyo wasn’t and now she just stood there as Sana walked to her desk and sat in her chair. 

“I hope you don’t mind the mess. I had internal affairs comb through my office and well it wasn’t pretty. But no worries you won’t be here for long.” 

Jihyo chuckled dryly, crossing her arms and leaning on Sana’s wall. “That is assuming you find who killed Taeyun and whoever is framing Jeongyeon and I, I’ll be here. Not that I really mind.”

Sana nodded, “You are smart as you are pretty Jihyo. And I couldn’t help but wonder, it was really an odd thing. Meeting you from a case involving one of my detectives a month ago; and now involved and allegedly being framed for a death with yet again another of my detectives.” Sana paused. “My question is why? Do you have any idea  who might hold a grudge deep enough to commit such a gruesome murder and try to frame you for it?” 

Everyone in hell’ Jihyo thought, but instead she said: “I could think of a few but I doubt they could pull off such a violent thing. I mean the hotel business is cut-throat but not enough to kill, rival businesses in the district are fierce, a few past lovers maybe? Or even a disgruntled employee; I highly doubt that I have one, but you can’t really tell with humans.”

Humans the way Jihyo said it made Sana have double thoughts in her head, as if Jihyo wasn't one. Sana shook her head, trying to shake the thought away, she doesn't need a distraction right now, one of her best detective is currently out of the game.

"Okay, are you willing to give us those names?" She asks, nervous fingers drumming on the arm of her chair, if Jihyo says no or lawyers up it could ge harder than it already is.

"Yes, absolutely. I intend to fully cooperate and everything. I will have to call my lawyers and tell them I'm here." Jihyo said, her gaze directly at Sana.

Sana nodded, "I'll have you escorted to your holding cell for now, Jihyo. one of those names could prove useful for you and us."


The next few days were absolute torture for Jeongyeon, not being able to help her partner in solving this case is making her go insane. She's even considering doing her own investigation. But that would mean that she'd have to go rogue and directly disobey Sana's orders, and besides internal affairs is a nasty situation to be tangled in.

Jeongyeon sighed, she spent her days on administrative leave helping Mina whenever she's at home; they eat, breathe, and live case after case. Making a lead board for Mina (really for her but she wasn't going to admit that), helping Mina when she has a break in the case or when ever she's stumped. Lacing up strings across their lead board, researching, and all that jazz, you name it Jeongyeon has done it. Mostly to prevent her from going insane, it made her feel like she had a purpose again, like she's part of the case again. 

Mina was out of the house again, following up on another lead that was given by Jihyo a week ago and Jeongyeon is bored out of her mind, well bored an stuck. Most of the leads Jihyo gave were dead ends, most of their alibis checked out. Jeongyeon sighed, so much for getting back to the squad as soon as possible. 

Deciding she's almost at her wits end, she went out for a jog around her block, it was after all a fine day outside, so why not.

She took her keys and left. 


The cool breeze and warm sunlight was what she needed to clear her head. She felt refreshed and weirdly energized. She took another lap.

She loved the sweat pouring down her face, the energy coursing through her, and the weather, and by her last lap she stopped by the park. She breathed the fresh air, and scanned her surroundings, her eyes landed on the quaint coffee shop, then she realized; it was the coffee shop that she and Taehyun used to visit after their work outs.

She sighed, suddenly feeling drained and sad. 

The bell to the coffee shop rings as Jeongyeon enters, the scent of freshly brewed coffee hitting her olfactory, memories of Taeyun flashing behind her eyes, her feet instinctly brings her to the table the used to share, she chokes back her tears and prepares to exit. 

"Jeongyeon?" A voice breaks her out her trance, she looks up and a saw a familiar face.


"Are you okay?" Seongah asked noticing Jeongyeon's forlorn look. 

Jeongyeon nodded and smiled weakly. "Yeah. Just remembered some stuff. I'm fine."

"You wanna talk about it?" Seongah asked again. 

Jeongyeon shook her head. "I'm fine Seongah-ya. Thank you for worrying."

"Let me at least buy you some coffee and you know you don't have to say anything we can just sit together." Seongah offered.


The silence between them was comfortable, Seongah didn't say anything after she got Jeongyeon's regular order which she was surprised that Seongah knew, they just sipped their coffee enjoying the cool breeze on their skin and the hot coffee on their lips. 

"Sorry I was just sad for a minute there." Jeongyeon said staring at her coffee cup.

Seongah smiled. "You miss her don't you?"

Jeongyeon nodded. "She pulled me out of a dark place after my partner was in a coma."

Seongah nodded, "I know. I saw how she did that. How you suddenly were interested in her. Say, what made you love her instantly." 

Jeongyeon ubruptly looked at the woman beside her, Seongah's tone suddenly sounding jealous and bitter. "I'm sorry what?"

"Oh come on Jeongyeon, you think a like her deserves you? You really think I'd let that happen?" Seongah said, a wide smirk on her face. 

Jeongyeon was astounded, she suddenly felt woozy. Her eyelids suddenly heavy. She wanted to talk but the words got stuck in . 

"You feel that Jeongyeon?" Seongah said as Jeongyeon eyed her cup the tainted coffee was now showing it's effects. "She can't have you Jeongyeon. No one can." Seongah said, and that was the last thing Jeongyeon saw and heard.


The fire still burned, and Yeri's blood wasn't drying. The angel woman's torture still waged on, the heavenly fire nearly touching her as the flames the never dissipating holy oil.

Nayeon walked and paced around and as Yeri has observed she was either talking to herself or she was she was talking to someone invisible. 

The language was definitely foreign to her. She isn't old enough to understand the language of heaven, she was formed in the fiery pits of hell, serving the duchess ever since she fell from heaven, up until this day a thousand years later she still serves the duchess of hell. 

The shackles are unbearable, but she wont crack that easy. 


Nayeon walked towards Yeri, dusting her palms off from the fire messages she had to answer, her sisters arguing about Ioathae is making her human head throb with pain. She wants to stretch her wings but sadly she needs to stay and guard her detainee.

"You must be famished." Nayeon said. "Well your human body must be. I can let you go but you need to do something for me."

Yeri shook her head. "You angels think you're above all the demons on Earth right? You can shove that offer up where the sun don't shine."

"I could, but I know that your vessels can only last so long with out mortal sustenance before they rot. Your demon form can rot these weak vessels inside out."

Yeri fully knows that but she wasn't going to start caving now. "Yeah well, my patron can find me a new vessel. So good luck."

Nayeon smirked. "You big scary demons and your hardheadedness. I only want to help. We'll send your patron back to where you guys came from." Nayeon approached the edge of the holy fire her eyes fixed on Yeri's. "I met your patron, demon. I faced her and asked her in the language of the angels. She looked frightened, I know fallens when I see one. The burnt stumps where her wings were. She's pretty powerful isn't she? That's why she's your patron."

Yeri is shaking. Not from fear but from laughter. "You don't know my patron, angel."

Nayeon smiled sweetly. "Demon, this is why I want to know. I wanna know where to find a fallen. I wanna bring about balance in this world demon. So instead of killing you, I'm trying to help you. This," Nayeon gestured at the holy fire ring still roaring around Yeri. "Is just so you cooperate and play nice."

"And the shackles studded in angelic runes? Holy fire I can understand. But shackles bedazzled in angelic runes? Quite and overkill isn't it?"

Nayeon laughed. "I'd remove that if you promise you behave."

"You really don't know demons do you. Let me go now angel. My patron will look for me."

"I'll let you go Demon. The second you tell me her name." Nayeon said getting up closer, her body glowing with a bright light.

"I would rather rot than tell you." Yeri spat.

"You'll eventually tell me. And when you do I'll send both of you to hell."


Jeongyeon's head was throbbing, was as dry as a desert, and the pain in her head is explosive. She sat up and ran her hand through her hair, 

Her eyes were still trying to adapt to the faint lighting aroound her, so she had to feel her way around.

Her mind registered that she was laying on a bed, shackled.

'Great' she thought. 'I got myself kidnapped.'

She stood up ignoring the throb in her head, the chain is not that long, only enough for her to get around in the tiny room with a bed, a sink, a rack and a toilet.

'Prison looks better than this.' She thought, as she feeled her way around the room.

The walls were a little thick, covered in what she can only register as foam, when the door swung open behind it a bright light.

"Jeongyeon, you shouldn't be up sweetie. Here I brought you dinner." Seongah said setting the tray of food down on the bed.

Seongah sat her down, and gave her the tray. "After ths we have to drink our vitamins!" Soengah said shaking a pill bottle.

Jeongyeon knew better than to engage in a physical fight. Although she knows she could out power Seongah, she wasn't shackled.

So Jeongyeon tried to think of a better way to try at her freedom.

"Seongah, where are we? Mina must be looking for me."

Seongah smiled, "First it was Taeyun, now it's Mina? Jeongie, is she bothering you? I can make her go away like Taeyun."

Jeongyeon quickly backpedaled "No, no. She isn't bothering me. I'm just worried if she might come looking for me."

Seongah caressed her cheek. "Jeongyeon, even if they do. They won't find us. They won't take you away from me."

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Chapter 8: I love this story so much (✪▽✪) It's so amazing, which makes me curious about the next chapter 🥹🥹 I hope Jeongie will be okay 🥹
Chapter 6: you're back! the story line is really good. I hope you keep updating
14 streak #3
Chapter 5: The story is spooky so full of mystery good job authornim please update hehehe
xZeiki #4
Chapter 5: That JeongMi tag gets me every single time. (☍﹏⁰) an I had a hard time reading those words authornim xD
Chapter 4: ohhh myy . dun dun dun dunnnn
cacalsi #6
Hi. I really love the story. It's like watching a TV drama that I can vividly see the plots in my head. Lowkey root for Jeongmi but Jihyo's character is such a charm.