
Why him?

Now after three weeks and more than fifteen rounds of chemotherapy it is starting to show its claws. Yesung has many bald places in his hair so he wears a beanie nonstop. He lost many kilos and now looks like a slightly breeze would blow him away. He is also always cold so he wears thick hoodie and warm flannel pants.


Yesung vomits after almost every food. They tried every possible kind of food but Yesung still vomits. Doctor Park gave them many vitamins and nutrition drinks. But today came worse surprise.


Super junior members are sitting around kitchen table and eat breakfast. Yesung pointed at the yellow thing which he wants to put on his ... how is this called? Yesung suddenly feels lost. Where is he? Last night he thought that he is in his parents house. Shindong sees how is Yesung staring at the bagel in his hand.


"Do you want a donut?"


Shindong put one donut in front of Yesung who is staring at him.


"What am I doing here?"


Everyone is confused and look at Yesung who is on edge of tears. Leeteuk abruptly stood up and kneeled in front of Yesung. It is breaking his heart to see Yesung like this. He looks so small and weak. His skin is now pale as snow and he has dark circles around his eyes.


"Yesung you are in our dorm. Why don’t you remember it?"


Yesung is looking at s and then at his hands. Yes, why he doesn’t remember it?


Heechul got dressed and together with Eunhyuk took Yesung to hospital. Doctor Park checked Yesung and then sighed.


"I was afraid that this will happen. The chemotherapy is affecting his brain and that’s why he has problems with memory."


Eunhyuk is shocked that Yesung's treatment has so many side effects. They silently drive home and Yesung seems lost, like he isn’t recognising the city around him. It is scaring them that Yesung has problem with remembering what number has their dorm. Eunhyuk gently takes his hand and leaded him to the elevator. Eunhyuk was happy about their comeback but now he thinks that it is good that it was canceled. Obviously Yesung can’t stay alone. Everyone is shocked after hearing the news and Ryeowook ran away in tears. Kyuhyun sat down on couch next to Yesung and started to sing of K.R.Y songs. He sang few first verses from Promise you and waits if Yesung joins him. But Yesung is only looking at him. He knows the melody but he can’t remember the words. Kyuhyun ended singing because it is useless and he feels like he is going to cry. Yesung looks so broken when he is quietly closing and opening his mouth. Yesung then wiped his tears with shaky hand and told that he is tired. He silently trailed in his dark room and sat down on his bed. His headache is growing worse and worse because of his attempts to remember the lyrics. He cried himself to sleep and it is breaking everyone's heart.

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Ms_koala #1
Chapter 10: Glad that they have a happy ending thingy.....
But I'm crying hard while reading it 😢😢
399 streak #2
Chapter 10: It's almost one year from the first time I read about this story, and here I am again, rereading it, because it's so goooooood!! <33333
Chapter 10: niiiice story
it would have been better if u also included kangin and sungmin
kibum and hangeng too
i don't think they wouldn't visit him if they knew yesng was sick even though they aren't with them in the dorm
399 streak #4
Chapter 7: This is really a wonderful story #sobbing

I love Leeteuk and Heechul here~ They're really like a big brother for our Sungie #still sobbing

I hope it's a story that have a happy ending (just read until chapter 7) I'll continue it tomorrow **I have a lot of work to do**
399 streak #5
Chapter 1: Why I always read stories that always make my heart aches .___.
Chapter 6: ugh..this is really heartbreaking..at least he know all members always beside him..you give me tears bomb huhuhuhu...*cry at the corner