
Why him?

Today no one in the dorm can sleep. They are too nervous because today Yesung is having his first chemotherapy. Leeteuk and Ryeowook are cooking breakfast and then they sit around kitchen table. Yesung tries to smile at them but failed so everyone is focusing on eating. After breakfast Yesung, Heechul and Leeteuk get dressed and head to the hospital. Yesung is nervously playing with his fingers and Heechul rubs his back. They arrived and put on black caps and face masks.


The doctor is trying to smile at Yesung because he looks so terrified that he could pass out in every minute. He has everything prepared and pointed at examine table because the patient needs to lay down during doing this.


"This is central venous catheter. It will make your treatment easier. We won’t need to stuck needles into your body all the time. Also the medicine will get right into place where we need it."


The doctor is speaking slowly with calm voice but Yesung can only see the scary looking things on the table. Leeteuk and Heechul are holding Yesung's hands to show him that they are here for him. Yesung's mother broke down after hearing the news about her son and mister Kim is now with her. Yesung doesn’t want to have his baby brother here so only Leeteuk and Heechul are here with him. Of course that rest of Super junior sneaked inside the hospital too and now wait in front of the doctor's office. Leeteuk didn’t want to bring all members here so he will be probably mad that they didn’t listen but Yesung is their hyung, they need to be here.


Heechul is repeating that he cant pass out after seeing blood but he is already pale and there still isn’t any blood. Leeteuk knows that he cant threat the doctor if it the procedure hurt Yesung.


"This will help you to relax."


The doctor stick needle in Yesung's hand and some clear substance flows inside his body. Heechul helped Yesung with taking of his shirt and then Yesung laid down again. Leeteuk is feeling like he will run away in few seconds. Yesung looks so small and fragile, how is he going to survive it?


The doctor smeared disinfection around Yesung's collarbone and chest. Then he put on gloves and took a scalpel. Leeteuk and Heechul grip Yesung's hands tighter when the doctor made two small cuts. Yesung is silently whimpering and Heechul starts to his hair.


The doctor took the catheter and eases it into Yesung's vein. He carefully guided it toward his heart and put other end of the catheter in the tunnel between the two cuts. The lumens are hanging ten centimeters out of Yesung's chest.


"You’ll need to flush it and change the dressing regularly."


The doctor then used stitches to close the two cuts and put dressing over them. Now it is time for the chemotherapy. Leeteuk pushed Yesung in wheelchair because he doesn’t look good.


Heechul opened the door and rest of them members jump to Yesung who started to cry.


"Go away!"


They are startled that they usually calm quiet hyung yelled at them but left. Heechul and Leeteuk gave them angry glares and pushed wheelchair with Yesung into private room where he will got the chemotherapy.


Nurse is already waiting here and the doctor insert needle in one lumen. The medicine is flowing from bag hanging next to Yesung into his body. Leeteuk is watching the liquid dropping slowly and steadily. The doctor left and took Leeteuk with him for short talk.


"I need to show you his medicine and dosage. Of course that you can refuse but it is better when someone takes care of the medicine."


Leeteuk is offended that he thought that he will say no. Of course that they are going to take care of Yesung! The doctor handed stock of papers to them and bag full of many bottles with pills. After thirty minutes Leeteuk has many notes and phone number of the doctor. They can call him whenever they need and phone to agency with private nurses. The doctor, mister Park, said that with the strong intense chemotherapy Yesung will need someone to assist him and look after him.


Meanwhile Yesung finished his first chemotherapy ever. Heechul was holding his hand the whole time and knows why Yesung sent rest of members away. Yesung is feeling embarrassed. Everyone saw him having a seizure and now when is Super junior busy they cant be here only because of him. Heechul hugged him and ensured him that there is nothing to be embarrassed. Yesung thought that he will feel sick right after the medicine but he feels quite fine. Tired and weak but fine. Leeteuk came and forced Yesung to sit in the wheelchair. Leeteuk is making sure that Yesung isn’t tiring himself. They got back in their car and drive back home. Yesung is feeling a little bit nauseous but still it isn’t something terrible. Heechul insisted on helping him with getting changed into something more comfy and then tucked him in bed.


Rest of Super junior is waiting in the living room and waits until Heechul leaves Yesung alone. In moment when Heechul went to make some tea for Yesung, Donghae and Ryeowook quickly sneaked in Yesung bedroom. Only small lamp is on so the room is quite dark. Yesung opened his eyes again because it isn’t possible that Heechul is back so quickly. Donghae and Ryeowook lay in bed on sides of their hyungs and snuggle close to him. Yesung hissed in pain when Ryeowook accidently touched the catheter.

Poor Ryeowook gasped and apologized with tears in his eyes. Yesung smiled weakly and they are now much more careful. Yesung is a little bit angry that they are acting like he will break under their touch.


When Heechul came back he almost scolded the two brats who didn’t listen his commands. He told to everyone that Yesung is tired and to not disturb him but here they are. But Heechul is quiet because now he sees that Yesung is sleeping pressed in gap between Donghae and Ryeowook. He put the cup on nightstand and covered them with blanket. He quietly left and Siwon started to whine that he wants to cuddle with Yesung too. Heechul slightly slapped back of his head and told him to be quiet and that Yesung isn’t puppy. This made him remember Yesung's dog and gave the small doggy to Siwon. Siwon is whining but goes for a walk. Heechul sat down on couch and thought that it is going well.

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Ms_koala #1
Chapter 10: Glad that they have a happy ending thingy.....
But I'm crying hard while reading it 😢😢
398 streak #2
Chapter 10: It's almost one year from the first time I read about this story, and here I am again, rereading it, because it's so goooooood!! <33333
Chapter 10: niiiice story
it would have been better if u also included kangin and sungmin
kibum and hangeng too
i don't think they wouldn't visit him if they knew yesng was sick even though they aren't with them in the dorm
398 streak #4
Chapter 7: This is really a wonderful story #sobbing

I love Leeteuk and Heechul here~ They're really like a big brother for our Sungie #still sobbing

I hope it's a story that have a happy ending (just read until chapter 7) I'll continue it tomorrow **I have a lot of work to do**
398 streak #5
Chapter 1: Why I always read stories that always make my heart aches .___.
Chapter 6: ugh..this is really heartbreaking..at least he know all members always beside him..you give me tears bomb huhuhuhu...*cry at the corner