twenty two.

Game of Deception

Sehun feels like he's on cloud nine. Sure it has been a long and eventful day and there were ups and downs but right now as he's with Jongin, everything just seems so perfect. 


Ares' words did fill him with doubts and it made him feel so insecure but Jongin just knew the rights words and actions to make him feel better both literally and figuratively. 


Luckily, it's just the two of them in the cabin so Jongin told him to take a shower first. Jongin let him use his clothes first as well. 


"Now you have a reason to come back here." Jongin tells him. 


As Jongin was accompanying Sehun back to his own cabin, they come across Donghae with some other demigods. Donghae immediately excuses himself from his newly made friends to join Sehun. Jongin also excuses himself and tells them to use the time to catch up and Sehun thanks him again before saying goodbye. 


Donghae brought food before taking him to a tree house right behind the cabin assigned for the children of Eros. 


"You guys have a tree house? This is so nice." Sehun says in awe once they got up. The place isn't too big but there's enough space. There were decorative lights and cushions all over the place. It was simple and nice and it even has a romantic feel to it. 


Sehun suddenly raises a brow at his best friend. "Wait, this isn't the part where you suddenly confess your undying love to me, is it?" 


Donghae laughs at first then he pretends to clutch at his heart. "Ouch, rejected before trying." he fakes a cry. 


Sehun relaxes before taking a seat on one of the cushions. He laughs it off. "Sorry, you don't usually take me to pretty places like this." 


"It's the only place that I can have you to myself." Donghae tells him. "I know you and Jongin have a thing going on but you should still make some time for your best friend."


Sehun guiltily looks at him. "I'm sorry… I haven't really adjusted yet. I'll always make time for you Donghae, you know that." 


Donghae smiles fondly at him. "I'm just teasing baby boy." he pinches Sehun's cheek. "You didn't even deny about having a thing going on with Jongin." he an eyebrow. 


"Well you can't deny the obvious." he shrugs. "But nothing is official between us. Jongin and I haven't had that talk yet. I'm honestly worried if things are going a bit fast for us." 


"Too fast huh?" Donghae gives him a look. 


"Yeah… it hasn't even been long since we got to know each other and---" Sehun stops when he sees Donghae smirking. "What?" 


Donghae ends up laughing. "Sehun, the only thing that's probably too fast is the way Jongin s into yo---" 


Sehun hits him with a cushion out of embarrassment. "You jerk, I was talking about my status with Jongin. Take this seriously!" he whines. 


Donghae wipes off a tear due to his laughter, Sehun looks unamused. "Well sorry, I can't take you seriously because you smell like ." 


Sehun stiffens before actually sniffing himself. Donghae continues to laugh in amusement. Sehun only smells Jongin on him because of the clothes and the shower gel he used. 


"Not literally," Donghae clears up. "I am the son of Eros and you know how my powers work." he shrugs. "I smell Jongin's pheromones all over you, you are wearing his clothes and let's not talk about your libido." 


Sehun blushes. "I… well we didn't go all the way." 


"So something did happen!" Donghae laughs. "Come on, give me the details. We actually have a lot to catch up on." 


Sehun sighs and decides to just tell Donghae everything, not just the things about Jongin but also about his mother. He can't keep anything from his own best friend anyways so he might as well just tell him. 


When he was done, Donghae gives him a sympathetic look but he gives him a reassuring smile as well. 


"Well I already knew Jongin had good intentions but after knowing this, I am a hundred percent more sure of it." Donghae tells him. "You shouldn't doubt him because with or without the charm, you're so easy to love." 


"I may be the son of the goddess of love but the romantic kind of love is new to me." Sehun fiddles with his fingers. "I think it's new for Jongin too so that's why we never really talked about it."


"Actions speak louder than words Sehun. You two haven't talked about it yet but it's clear as day to others anyways." Donghae says. 


Sehun smiles at that. Even Jongin's sisters are already treating him as if he's already their brother's boyfriend. 


"Anyways forget the romantic talk, I'm here for the talk." Donghae changes the topic. "Have you used the girdle yet?" 


Sehun nearly chokes. "That is long forgotten." he sputters. "I no longer have it." 


Donghae looks at him in disbelief. "You mean to say that Jongin already had you all tied up yet you haven't used the girdle yet?" 


Sehun turns beet red. "How are you finding out these details? I haven't even told you about that!" 


Donghae points at Sehun's wrists. "They're a bit red. Jongin thinks he's slick." he snorts.


"I don't know how I'll survive my tasks tomorrow with… more of you." Sehun whines. 


"What do you mean by that?" 


"I have a whole day to learn lessons with children of Aphrodite and Eros. If everyone can easily read me like you do, I'm doomed." 


"Keep your mind off of Jongin then you'll be fine." Donghae shrugs. 


"That's… difficult." Sehun honestly says. 


"Good luck to you then. I'll be in the same class tomorrow." 


"There is never a dull day at camp for me." Sehun groans. Just like what Jongin said, he attracts trouble like a magnet. 

Sehun ate breakfast with some of his siblings the following morning. If there's anyone else that treated him normally at camp besides Jongin and Donghae, it's his siblings. 


"What are your schedules for today, Sehun?" Jennie asks as they were eating. 


"Oh it's a class with some children of Eros and I suppose some of you guys?" Sehun answers. 


"Ah, I'm in that class." Jeonghan grins. "Krystal is in it too." 


Sehun has yet to meet all of his siblings, he only met Krystal the previous night since she was sent out for a task which she just recently finished. 


"It's a boring class anyways, but on some days Eros drops by to make things more fun." Krystal shrugs. 


Sehun doesn't think he wants to make things more fun. 


They continue to eat in silence when they suddenly heard a knock. Eunwoo gets up to check the door and as if in cue, all his siblings look at him. 


"Ahh, are you his newest target?" Yoona asks. 


"I've been smelling him on you ever since the first day we met." Jennie chuckles. 


"He's not a target, it's not like that." Irene defends. 


Sehun is still a novice at detecting pheromones but from what his siblings said, he could tell that it's Jongin at the door. 


"Sehun, you have a visitor." Eunwoo calls out. 


Sehun is about to stand up to talk to the son of Ares outside but it's too late when he sees Eunwoo dragging Jongin inside. 


"I don't think I'm exactly welcome here Eunwoo." Jongin groans. 


"All those times you sneaked in here and you suddenly think you're not welcome?" Jeonghan snickers as they pushed Jongin to have a seat with them in the dining area. 


Jongin winces at that while Sehun tries to shrug it off by continuing to eat his breakfast. Jongin is currently surrounded by all his past flings and relationships together with him, Jongin's current--whatever he is. 


"It has been a while since you dropped by here around this time. Please do tell what you're up to." Jaehyun drawls. 


"It's obvious that I'm here for Sehun." Jongin answers. "Is this interrogation really necessary?"


All eyes were suddenly on Sehun and he suddenly wants to ask Jongin what the hell is he thinking by dropping by here while Sehun's siblings are around. 


"We just want Sehun to know everything."


"I already know." Sehun says. His siblings look at him in pleasant surprise. "I know you're all his exes or flings or whatever, he told me that during my first day here." 


"And you're… okay with that?" Jennie asks. 


"It's in the past." Sehun tells them. "He's been honest with me." 


"Well that … now we can't interview Jongin to embarrass him." Jeonghan huffs. 


"Just leave them be, I know Sehun's our youngest brother and you want to be protective but he'll be fine." Irene speaks up.


"But… I am not the youngest?" Sehun corrects.


"You're the newest addition to the family so technically, you are the youngest." Yoona ruffles his hair. 


"Anyways now that it's all settled, may I please have some time with Sehun?" Jongin asks. 


"If he is late for class, we will look for you." Krystal threatens. 


"Yes, yes whatever." Jongin waves them all off as he heads out first. 


Sehun stands up as well and says his goodbye to his siblings before following Jongin. Once he got outside, Jongin immediately grabs him by the wrist and leads him to the lake area. 


"What are we doing here? And why did you show up at the cabin?" Sehun asks. 


"Well I have something to give you." Jongin replies. 


"And that couldn't wait?" 


Jongin gives him one of his charming smiles. "Well it can but I couldn't. Plus, I also kinda want your siblings to know about us." 


"I'm sure the whole camp knows about us." Sehun rolls his eyes. 


"Aren't you going to ask me what I have for you?" Jongin's asks in a playful tone as he reaches into his pocket.


"What is it?" Sehun's brows furrow as he juts his lips out in curiosity. 


Jongin takes out a small box and he suddenly kneels. Sehun feels like he's going to have a heart attack. 


"What are you doing?! Get up!" he panics. 


Jongin laughs at him as he gets up. "I was just practicing sweetheart." he snorts. 


Sehun's heart is still pounding against his chest. His cheeks were heating up and he feels like he's going to hyperventilate. "You're such an ." he whines. 


"Well to make things clear, I really do have a ring for you." Jongin opens the box and Sehun sees a silver ring. 


Sehun gawks at it. "What… what for?" 


"After I left you with Donghae last night, I went over to Chanyeol's workshop. I asked him if he could make restrainers for you without making you uncomfortable. He's a genius when it comes to making tools so he was able to transfer the abilities of the restrainers onto this ring." Jongin explains. 


Jongin takes out the ring and shows it to Sehun. "I want you to have it since I don't want you worrying about whether the people around you are not being sincere because of your pheromones." 


Jongin takes another item from his pocket. "Chanyeol made a matching bracelet for the ring too since the ring is too small to contain all the powers of the restrainers."


Sehun just feels so overwhelmed, so speechless that he can't even form the rights words to say. 


"Is it too much? I'm sorry if it's too much and I'm sorry for tricking you." Jongin quickly says. 


Sehun still kept mum. "Sehun?" Jongin asks, worried. 


Sehun bites back a sob before throwing his arms around Jongin. The son of Ares gasps before it all caves onto him. 


Sehun clutches the back of Jongin's shirt tightly. After a few seconds, he loosens his hold before turning his head to give Jongin a peck on the cheek. 


"Thank you, it means a lot." was all Sehun could say before burying his face against Jongin's neck. 


He received presents before. Lots. He received presents from his classmates that got crushes on him, he got expensive presents from his targets and Donghae buys him whatever he wants but this is probably the most sincere and most thoughful present that he ever received. 


"Don't thank me." Jongin snorts. "I'm kind of doing it to keep other people's eyes off of you as well." 


Sehun chuckles. "I'd prefer it that way." he pulls away. "Thank you Jongin, so much." 


Jongin gently takes his hand. "May I?" 


Sehun nods and Jongin places the bracelet onto him. Jongin takes the ring next and Sehun's eyes glint when he notices something engraved on it. 


"You're really so smooth, aren't you?" Sehun asks with a laugh. "J? The ring really has your initial on it?"


Jongin smirks. "You like that, don't you?" he asks as he slides the finger onto Sehun's finger. It's a perfect fit. 


"Maybe." Sehun singsongs. 


"Come on, I'll take you to your class for today before I start training again." Jongin loosely wraps an arm around Sehun's waist. 


"Tell Chanyeol I said thanks, I know it's your idea but he made them on such short notice so I hope you pay him properly for this." Sehun says. 


"I'll be sure to tell him. Paying him is easy, I have access to my dad's quarters in Olympus and he barely goes there. I simply lent him the key." 


"What is he going to do there?" 


"Whatever he and Baekhyun wants, I guess." 


Sehun cringes at the thought. "Okay, I hope they have fun. But for real though, thanks. I'll make it up to you, I promise." 


Jongin stops for a bit. The son of Ares looks… mesmerized as he looks at Sehun's eyes. "Are you alright?" Sehun asks. 


Jongin abruptly shakes his head and smiles reassuringly. "I'm alright. Come on, I'll take you to your class before your siblings look for you." 

Sehun's class is so far one of his most… "normal" experiences on camp. Everyone in the class is a son or daughter of Aphrodite or Eros, they are all immune to each other's charms. He may have been introduced as the "new kid" but he only got a few curious questions about the Underworld. It's all good because Sehun finally feels like he's fitting in perfectly. 


Donghae, Jeonghan and Krystal being in the same class made him feel even more relaxed too. 


The class is more focused on individual exercises and experiments. Jeonghan told Sehun that it's usually Eros in charge of instructing them but whenever he's not around, a nymph is left in charge. 


Donghae introduced two friends to Sehun. Both are children of Eros, Hani and Heechul. Sehun easily got along with them because they're just as fun as Donghae. 


"I can barely detect your pheromones, are you perhaps doing it on purpose?" Hani asks. 


Sehun shows the bracelet. "I'm wearing restrainers. It's to prevent unwanted attention." he says. 


"With a face like that there will always be unwanted attention." Heechul retorts. 


"Well it's to lessen it, I guess." Sehun sighs. 


"You're a weird one, others would crave for that attention." Hani comments. 


"That's because he already has all the attention he needs from a certain someone." Donghae grins. Sehun glowers at him. 


"Oh really? Do tell." Hani curiously asks. 


"It's not like you haven't heard of it." Jeonghan intervenes. "The news are all over camp."


"Just making sure." Hani shrugs. "Jongin sure is lucky though. I thought it was a child of Heph because of the bracelet, only a genius like Chanyeol can make something like that." 


"Actually it's from Jongin. He asked Chanyeol to make them." Sehun explains. "It's Jongin's idea. That's also why he went to the cabin this morning." he turns to Krystal and Jeonghan. 


Jeonghan looks at his sister. "Did he give you presents?" Krystal shakes her head. "Me too."


Donghae actually gasps before rushing to look at the bracelet, he also notices the ring. "Holy , are you finally together?!" he gawks. 


"It's just a gift." Sehun calmly says. 


"A gift to protect you." Krystal corrects. "And he never gives gifts… not until now."


"I see." Heechul clasps his hands. "The son of Ares is finally serious with someone huh?" he leans forward to look into Sehun's eyes. 


"Can we… not talk about that? Even Jongin and I haven't talked about it." he mutters as he maintains eye contact with Heechul. 


The son of Eros' eyes suddenly narrow. He takes a hold of Sehun's face and looks at him closely as if he's inspecting. 


"I thought you have restrainers on?" he asks. 


"I do." Sehun nods. 


"But… your eyes." Hani and Donghae curiously look and they too have the same reaction. Jeonghan and Krystal exchange glances before looking too. 


It left Sehun completely worried because everyone is looking at him like he's some sort of alien. "Is something wrong?" he asks. 


"It's gone now." Donghae sighs in relief. "But your eyes were changing colors earlier. It's like Madame Aphro's blessing." 


Sehun's shoulders slump at that. "Are the restrainers not working?" he asks with a frown. 


"They're definitely working for your pheromones." Hani points out. "However, I can't explain this one."


"Both of us have no experiences with restrainers so we don't know." Jeonghan says. "But none of us ever changed eye colors without the blessing." 


"What does it mean?" Sehun asks. 


"You should ask mother." Krystal says. 


Sehun tries his best to not make a sour face but it is probably obvious anyways. "I don't think this is… bad, I think it's harmless so let's not make a big deal out of it." 


"I know you're still not on good terms with mother but she's the only one that can help you with this." Krystal says. 


Sehun still shakes his head. "I think it's part of the blessing so don't worry too much."


"Aren't you blessed with purple eyes? The color of your eyes just now were different. It was in different hues." Jeonghan explains. 


"I still think it's nothing serious." Sehun shrugs. "When I feel something different, I promise to ask someone about it." They were all satisfied with that.


Sehun does not guarantee that the 'someone' is his mother though. 

Jongin is in a good mood because of the morning he spent with Sehun. He was in such a good mood that he did not say a single insult to the demigods he were training during that day. 


During the afternoon, he meets up with Chanyeol and Baekhyun to hang out. "Payment." Jongin grins as he gives Chanyeol the keys. 


"Thanks man, did Sehun like it?" 


"He loved them. You did an awesome job dude." Jongin praises. 


"Anyone wants to fill me in about what you're talking about?" Baekhyun asks. 


"Romeo here asked me to make matching jewelry for his beloved." Chanyeol narrates. 


"Oh… he did?" Baekhyun grins. "Chanyeol makes bracelets and necklaces for me whenever he has extra materials."


"They're restrainers, I can't always be there to defend him so I know he'd need them." Jongin says. 


Baekhyun coos. "Sehun's lucky to have a boyfriend like you, huh?" 


Jongin smiles as he scratches his cheek. “He’s not my boyfriend, not yet.” 


Chanyeol groans in disbelief. "Dude, you said you're finally going to ask him when I made that ring last night. Why change your mind?" 


"I was kind of testing the waters, I tried to make it look like a proposal by kneeling and he freaked out. I don't think he's ready for it." Jongin says dejectedly. 


Baekhyun furrows his brows at him. ". You're a ." 


"Why?" Jongin asks. 


"Why would you do something so sudden like that? Sehun has never been in any relationship before, right? Faking a proposal like that is definitely going to freak him out!" he scolds. 


"I don't want to just ask him. I did the same simple things for my previous relationships, I just want it to be different with him."


"It's already obvious that Sehun is different." Baekhyun says with a smile. "I'm sure Sehun knows that too. You can ask him in the simplest way possible and he'll still feel special."


"I think I missed the right timing." Jongin sighs. 


"You'll get another chance." Chanyeol pats his shoulder. 


Jongin nods determinedly. "Thanks guys, I'll keep what you told me in mind." 


"By the way, you didn't ask Chanyeol to bring me along just to talk about your love life, right? Is there anything else you want to ask?" Baekhyun changes the topic. 


"Actually there is. I don't know who else to ask." Jongin starts. Baekhyun looks at him attentively. "Can the eyes of Madame Aphro's kids still change colors even without the blessing? Or even when they have restrainers on?" 


Baekhyun scrunches his brows. "Not that I know of."


This time it's Jongin's turn to frown. "I knew it wasn't the blessing," 


"Why? What's up?" Chanyeol asks. 


"Sehun met dad yesterday and dad said some things that made Sehun feel insecure." Jongin scratches his head. "So I put restrainers on him and assured him my feelings are real and while that was happening, Sehun's eyes changed colors." he narrates. "It happened this morning too when I gave him the ring." 


"Hold up you put restrainers on him?" Chanyeol's eyes go wide. "You went full 50 shades on him, didn't you?" 


Baekhyun rolls his eyes at his lover. "You're not helping." 


"It wasn't like that." Jongin turns red in embarrassment. 


Chanyeol is about to make a retort but Baekhyun stops him. "Anyways, I think it has something to do with his pheromones or something or perhaps they might be traces of his mother's blessing. Is Sehun aware of it?" 


"I really don't think it's the blessing. His eyes were just purple when he got the blessing, it's different now and… I don't think Sehun knows it yet."


"I really don't have the answer for that." Baekhyun shrugs. "It's either you ask Sehun, his siblings or Madame Aphro herself."


"Madame Aphro…" Jongin repeats. 


He suddenly remembers what Sehun told him about his meeting with her. Sehun told him that Aphrodite gave him the strongest charm and that she used her powers on him. Then on the following day, his father suddenly talks to Sehun and lectures him about his own abilities. 


"Something is wrong." Jongin says. 


"What is?" Chanyeol and Baekhyun ask. 


Jongin shakes his head and stands up. "I'll explain everything once I figure it all out." he says before leaving. 


Jongin still can't pinpoint it but his instincts are barely wrong. Aphrodite and Ares might be hiding something from them and if there's anyone that can help him in figuring this all out, it's Sehun. 

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Thank you!
So many things happened in this chapter so I hope you all enjoyed this whole mess. Lmao. I'm so sorry for giving Sehun too much angst, I promise this is the last time I'm making him cry in this story (or is it fkdkks). Don't forget to leave a comment~


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Chapter 30: I have been reading this forever and still it is one of my favs :^
ReadRealize #2
Chapter 30: i reread this again. this story remains to be amazing
THIS IS SO AWESOME! And I love Kris here *-*
Palak27 #4
Chapter 30: This was an amazing story! I really really loved it! Thank you author for this wonderful fiction. I loved the characters, the plot, the drama, the fluff. Everything was great! I wish I could upvote it more than once.

Thanks again. I hope you're doing well.
Take care! Stay Safe! :)
Palak27 #5
Chapter 25: I hate Sehun and Kai's parents! They at parenting! I want to really really scream at them.
Palak27 #6
Chapter 19: I like it all. They're all so sweet. Well except for Aphrodite. I like Hades, Persephone, and Kris the most! :)
Palak27 #7
Chapter 16: Oh !!!!!!!
Palak27 #8
Chapter 15: Okay I hate Aphrodite and I love Hades!!!! He should be the god of heaven too if there's a thing like that. He's so nice!
Palak27 #9
Chapter 14: So cute!!! and I love Kris too. I hope he doesn't get his heart broken. I really like him! :)
Palak27 #10
Chapter 12: This story is sooo amazing! The moment between SeKai was sooo dreamy! I love it! Thank you author for this amaizng story. I am enjoying it a lottt! :)