
Game of Deception

Jongin nearly chokes upon seeing his father all of a sudden. Baekhyun looks at him in confusion because he too wasn't expecting to see the god just outside Hermes' quarters.


"What are you doing here?" Jongin asks.


"Hi dad, it's been a while. How are you?" Ares sarcastically remarks.


Jongin rolls his eyes. "Yeah that and what are you doing here?" he scowls.


"Well what do you think? I was told about stories of my son and a certain kid of Aphrodite. I was going to talk to Hermes to give me more information." Ares explains.


"Can't you ask me instead? I will provide you with honest answers, you know." Jongin complains.


"Hermes insisted that I should talk to him soon so I had to hurry here." Ares shrugs. "Aren't you a little too old to have your father called in by your mentor?"


"Aren't I old enough to make my own decisions regarding who I decide to associate myself with?" Jongin retorts.


"Wait, is this what it's about? They're mad because you're too close with Aphrodite's kid?" Ares asks.


"Madame Aphro is the only one mad but… She calls the shots." Jongin replies.


Ares looks at him in disbelief. "I already gave you warnings before. Stay away from her kids if you don't want to be on her bad side."


"I never asked you this but I can't help it, why do you both have to get your kids involved?" Jongin asks.


"Calm down Jongin, you already angered two gods in there. Don't add another one." Baekhyun reminds.


"Well my dad is the god of war so… He's always angry." Jongin shrugs.


"Look, I'm just trying to avoid problems with the goddess as much as possible." Ares runs his fingers through his hair. "Every child of mine follows the rules anyways, everyone but you and I'm just letting it slide because you are my best son."


"Can't you let it slide like one last time?" Jongin grins cheekily.


Ares dramatically wears his sunglasses, turns away and says 'no'. "You already asked me that several times, I am not believing you this time."


"Oh sir, this time it's a lot different." Baekhyun joins in.


Ares an eyebrow. "What makes you say that?"


"Meet Sehun first, then you'll know." Baekhyun winks.


"I don't care what you think, I don't want that boy near my son anymore!" Ares, Jongin and Baekhyun all stop when Aphrodite angrily storms out of Hermes' quarters.


The goddess stops when she realizes that there were people (demigods and a god) outside so she maintains her composure.


"Ares," she says.


Ares looks calm but Jongin noticed how his father's jaw clenched. "Aphrodite," he nods.


Hermes looks even more stressed out as he looks at the two. "Ares, you came earlier than expected."


"I heard this brat is causing trouble." Ares points Jongin. "Was he?"


Aphrodite's face says it all. Baekhyun smoothly excuses himself while Jongin is left to deal with all three Olympians alone, much to his dismay.


"Let's all go inside, Ares still doesn't know the full story." Hermes suggests.


"I don't have time for this." Aphrodite sneers. "Ares, all I want is for your son to stay away from my son. That's that." with that, the goddess leaves.


Ares exhales and gives Jongin a judging look. "Just what exactly did you do to have her that pissed at you?"


Jongin shakes his head. "Like Hermes said, you don't know the full story so let's talk."


"I'll leave the talking to you Jongin, I've had enough stress for one day." Hermes groans as he welcomes them inside.


Once they got settled in the living room, Jongin narrates everything to Ares right from the moment he was assigned the mission up until the part where he defended Sehun from Aphrodite. Of course he conveniently skipped out on the parts where he and Sehun got intimate.


Thankfully, his father didn't make any side comments. He listened up until Jongin was finished.


"I just think that Madame Aphro is being unfair to him, that's all." Jongin finishes off.


Ares sighs for the nth time that day. "I understand where you're coming from Jongin but Aphrodite is still Sehun's mother. There are still some things for her to decide. You can't meddle."


"But Sehun is already an adult and he has lived his life without his mother by his side. No offense but she at parenting." Jongin scoffs.


Ares snorts. "She is the goddess of love, one of these days I know she'd come around. Perhaps right now this is what she thinks is best for Sehun. At the end of the day, she is still his mother and we can't interfere."


Jongin crosses his arms and groans in disbelief. "You haven't met Sehun, dad. I really am… smitten by him. I've never been attracted to anyone like this before."


Ares smiles although Jongin could tell that it is insincere. "You haven't known him long either, perhaps this attraction would pass soon."


"I don't think it will." Jongin stands up. "I have to go. If you're siding with her then I've got no choice but to find a solution myself." he says before leaving the quarters.


Hermes looks at Ares in amusement as Jongin left. "He is as stubborn as you."


"I'm afraid that son of mine is going to end up making the same mistake as I did." Ares shakes his head. "The more forbidden something is, the more you'd want it."


"Just like you and Aphro, huh?" Hermes smirks.


Ares glares at him. "Why did it have to be a son of hers?" he complains.


"Obviously, he takes after you." Hermes snorts.


Ares simply flips him off before storming out of his quarters as well.


It has been two days since Sehun got scolded by Hades. Two days since he saw his father at the Elysian Fields. Two days since he broke down in front of the god of the Underworld.


It's ironic how Hades simply hugged him back and waited for him to calm down when he cried whereas his own mother made him kneel after telling his honest thoughts to her.


Kris jokes about how brave Sehun was for hugging the god of the Underworld while Sehun openly admits that it was a moment of weakness for him.


"Dad definitely has a soft spot for you, Snow White." Kris tells him.


"I can tell, I feel like a part of the family." Sehun grins.


"That's because you are." Kris smiles back.


If Sehun didn't have anyone waiting for him in camp, he'd stay in the Underworld. He just feels so at home. Not to mention that he is learning a lot as well. Kris properly taught him how to master detecting pheromones of other demigods and he learned a lot about hand to hand combat.


Persephone teaches him about Olympus, camp and the Underworld. She even brings Sehun out to help her with her garden sometimes.


Hades allows him to go out as long as he's with Kris or Hades himself. Sehun has toured more of the Underworld in less than a week than he did with Earth. The other day, Kris and Hades wanted to scare him off so they took him to Tartarus. However instead of fear, Sehun was fascinated by the creatures that he saw.


"So your mother apparently had a talk with Hermes regarding my report." Hades brings up.


Sehun was currently with Hades and Kris. They were currently at the Asphodel Meadows since new souls have arrived and they were checking on them.


"Oh… was she furious again?" Sehun asks.


Hades smiles knowingly. "Apparently she thinks you're seducing Kris and that you're having it easy down here."


Kris laughs while Sehun grimaces. "Well she's right about the having it easy part." Kris says.


"No way, I think she's right about me seducing you as well." Sehun winks.


Kris flicks his forehead while Hades watches them with amusement. "Should I send a false report about you two dating? Your mother will freak out if she gets news about you and my heir." Hades says.


Sehun enthusiastically nods. "Oh please do."


Kris looks at Sehun in disbelief. "Dad, don't give him ideas. He's willing to be rebellious just to annoy his mom."


"So what? It's the least I could do to get back at her." Sehun reasons.


"Sehun," Hades sighs. "I may joke around about provoking your mother but a joke remains as a joke for me. I can tell you really want it to happen. You are here to learn from your mistakes. I may have a soft spot for you but you still need to show improvement so that you can go back to camp." the god says.


Sehun tries his best to not frown. "I am trying…" he starts. "I'm trying to understand my mother's point of view in all of this. I really don't want to blame her for anything but I can't help it."


"That's why Persephone lectures you about the gods and goddesses. The best way to understand them is to learn their stories." Hades says.


"I suggest that you have a long talk with your mother once you get out of here." Kris tells him.


"We won't last a minute." Sehun groans. "She hates me."


"Hate is a strong word." Hades points out.


"Well I hate her, that I am sure of." Sehun looks at the roaming souls. "I used to not feel a thing towards her but that all changed when I met her. It changed for the worse."


"Let's forget about the soul checking, I'm taking you somewhere else." Hades changes the subject.


"Where to?" Sehun asks.


"I realized I've been going easy on you, so I'll take you back to the Fields of Mourning." Hades grins.


Sehun was confused but he held onto Kris anyways to head to their destination. Hades and Kris brought him to a different part of the Fields of Mourning. He sees a cave at one end and Hades gestures for him to enter.


"Am I going to get murdered because of the things I said about my mother?" Sehun asks.


The two end up laughing at his question. "I'm simply introducing you to some deities." Hades clarifies.


The cave was eerie and unsettling for Sehun. He might have been to Tartarus but hell continues to give him chills. As they went further, Sehun hears a few voices of women. They were chattering and laughing. It didn't take long until they reached the end of the cave where they see three women.


Sehun tries his best to hide the fear and surprise in his features to avoid being rude. The women had snakes in their hair, blood dripping from their eyes and wings that resembled a bat's.


The Furies or Erinyes. Goddesses of vengeance and retribution.


Sehun is somewhat both intrigued and afraid on why Hades wants him to meet them.


"Master Hades, it is good to see you. Master Kris, you too." the three greeted.


Hades nods at them in acknowledgement. Sehun notices how the three were eyeing him like he was fresh meat.


"This is Sehun, Aphrodite's son. He's with me." Hades introduces. Sehun keeps a straight face as he greets the three.


"I am sure that Persephone taught you about them. Do you have any ideas on who they are?" Hades asks.


Sehun recalls everything that Persephone taught him the day before. "They're the goddesses of vengeance. They give punishment to those that committed crimes. Alecto, Megaera and Tisiphone."


The three smirk at him. "He is a smart one. I am Alecto, punisher of moral crimes." one introduces.


"Megaera, punisher of infidelity oath breakers and theft. " the way she said theft brought chills down Sehun's spine. It was as if she knows.


"And I am Tisiphone, punisher of murderers."


Megaera looks at him a little longer than her two sisters. "Tell me, little lamb… what brought you here?" she asks.


Sehun looks at Hades and Kris. Hades simply gives him a reassuring nod while Kris looks like he has his guard up.


"Theft," Sehun answers. "I lied and stole from people back when I was on Earth but it wasn't for selfish reasons I--"


"Theft is theft." Megaera cuts him off, Sehun purses his lips.


"Something tells me that isn't the only reason." Alecto comments. "You know what I hate the most? It's anger. I love punishing children that disrespect their parents, even those that have sinned against the gods."


Sehun doesn't speak for a while. Tisiphone approaches him and tilts his chin up so that he was looking at them. "Is there anything you want to confess?"


"I… hate Aphrodite. I talked back at her and humiliated her in front of the gods." Sehun mutters.


"He is an honest one, master." Tisiphone says. "Do you have any suggestions on how we should punish the lad?"


Kris looks alarmed at this. "Dad, you can't let them." he exclaims. "Sehun is innocent."


"Master Kris, I am afraid that this boy is anything but innocent." Megaera smirks.


Kris worriedly looks at Sehun then at Hades. "I thought it is your responsibility if he ever gets hurt or scarred for life? Why did you take him to them?!"


"Calm down Kris, I won't allow them to give Sehun any punishment." Hades says.


The three furies look at their master in bewilderment. "But this little lamb is guilty. It is only right and just to give him punishment." Megaera says.


"Trust me ladies, this boy was given a form of punishment that he does not deserve. What he told you was true about the theft and his hatred for his mother but my wife, son and I have that covered." Hades calmly explains.


"Then why was he brought here?" Alecto asks.


"His mother thinks he's having it easy, that's why. Just teach the kid a lesson without going overboard. I can trust you, right?" Hades asks.


The three all had mischievous grins on their faces. "Of course, it will be our pleasure." Tisiphone says.


"Kris, let's go back to the Asphodel Meadows for now. We'll Come back for Sehun in a bit."




"They wouldn't dare to do anything to disappoint me so stop worrying." Hades assures.


Kris looks at Sehun in worry. "It's not them I'm worried about."


Sehun forces out a small smile as Kris and Hades both left. It scares him how he's suddenly left alone with the torturers in the Underworld but if Hades wants him to learn something from this he supposes it's not that bad after all.


"We can tell someone's sinful crimes just by looking at them and you…" Tisiphone runs her fingers through his hair and suddenly tugs at it, forcing him to look at them again. "Have a list."


"You lied, you stole, you used a men's pleasure against them, you were driven by revenge, you have such hatred for your own mother, you disrespected her and the list just goes on." Alecto enumerates. "So much moral crimes to punish. It's too bad Master Hades and Master Kris like you."


"The best part is that you do not regret anything that you did." Megaera says. "Except for two things, care to tell us?"


Sehun felt like he was in a trance. For once it felt like it was him under a spell or a charm. "I shouldn't have lied to my father when I was younger." Sehun says. "And I… shouldn't have been separated too long from Jong--." he snaps out of it and avoids eye contact. "Donghae."


Tisiphone smirks at this. She tugs on his hair once again, a little bit harsher this time and held him in place until he was looking right at Megaera and Alecto.


"Now tell me, what do you truly want? Is there anything that you desire?" Alecto asks.


Sehun refused to talk for a moment but the more he stared into their eyes, the more he was urged to talk.


"I just want all corrupt and unjust people to get a taste of their own medicine." Sehun says.


"What else?"


"I… just want… a mother."


Sehun looks completely puzzled after saying that while the Erinyes giggle.


"I do hate her, I don't understand." Sehun shakes his head.


"All I see is a boy that yearns for his mother's affection." Tisiphone says.


"Don't misunderstand, you do despise her. I can tell." Alecto tells him. "But deep inside you also want to know what it's like to experience your mother's love."


Sehun frowns dejectedly. When Irene told him that he always felt Aphrodite's presence despite her not being around, it made him a bit jealous. He never felt her, not even once and their first and only meeting ended up to be a complete disaster.


"It seems like we're right, sister." Megaera smiles. "Is there anything else that you desire besides that? Is there any deep, dark secret that you want to tell us?"


Sehun wanted to use his charm to get out of the mess he is currently in but he cannot disappoint Hades again. He feels so trapped. It was like he's stuck in a spider web and he can't get out.


"I want to… See Jongin again." Sehun says as if he's stuck in a daze. "I want him."


"You want him? Is this a dirty little secret of yours?"


Sehun absentmindedly nods. "Kind of? That night… I always thought that it was a foolish mistake of mine but a part of me would still do the same thing that happened that night over and over again."


"We've uncovered a weak spot." Alecto cackles. "You are a naughty one, little lamb."


Sehun blinks in confusion then he gasps. "! Stop doing that!" he exclaims.


The Erinyes laugh at him in amusement. "Tell us more about your desires for Jongin." Tisiphone snickers.


Sehun snaps out of it. "No, stop it. This isn't the punishment that I need!"


Megaera takes something from the line of concoctions behind them. She takes a small vial and she tosses it over to Tisiphone.


"Drink up, little lamb."


"Don't worry, we only torture and punish but we don't kill. That isn't poison." Alecto says.


"That doesn't give me reassurance at all." Sehun eyes the potion suspiciously.


"We can do this the easy way or the hard way. We can force you to drink that. Master Hades gave us permission to teach you a lesson." Megaera explains.


Sehun sighs nervously before taking the now opened vial from Tisiphone and drinking it. It was a lot sweeter than he expected.


"What's going to happen to me now?" Sehun asks.


"It's a potion that will make you embrace your desires." Megaera smirks. "Don't take it personally, we're giving you the easy punishment."


Sehun was about to make a retort when his vision suddenly got blurry. "W-what's… happening?" It felt like everything was spinning.


The last thing Sehun remembers was the sound of the Erinyes laughing before everything turned black.


Sehun woke up in the living room of the mansion. Persephone was right beside him and she immediately calls for Kris and Hades when he woke up.


"You were knocked out when we came back. I'm sorry for leaving you. I underestimated their mischievous ways." Hades says.


Sehun slowly gets up. Persephone hands him a glass of water. "Thank you."


"What were you two thinking? You left Sehun with three torturers, what did you think would happen?" Persephone scolds. "Good thing Sehun isn't hurt."


"I'm okay mom." Sehun blurts out.


Awkward silence passes by until Kris chuckles. "Sehun, are you okay?"


Sehun stands up and shakes his head. "I think I need to be alone." he tells them.


"Just rest, we'll talk about this tomorrow." Hades says.


Before leaving, Sehun suddenly hugs Persephone. He quickly pulls away with a flustered expression on his face. "Sorry… I Just… Bye." he blabbers before running towards his room.


Hades and Kris both look at Persephone in confusion. "I actually feel sorry for the kid, it felt like he really needed the affection." Persephone frowns.


When Sehun arrives at his room, he sees Noir by the door. Noir has grown attached to Sehun throughout his stay so the hellhound has a habit of sleeping in his room.


Sehun opens the door and he and Noir both enter. Sehun slumps onto his bed while Noir worriedly looks at him by his bedside.


"Sorry boy, I'm not acting like myself tonight." Sehun mutters as he caresses the hound's fur.


Sehun tries to sleep but he couldn't. There was a surge of thoughts running through his head. He was suddenly recalling all the targets that he and Donghae tricked for one moment then all of a sudden he kept thinking of what his life would be like if he had a mother too.


"It's a potion that will make you embrace your desires."


His first desire was for revenge, his second was to yearn for his mother--that explains why he was suddenly affectionate towards Persephone. His last was about-- Jongin.


For a moment all he could think about was his first and second desire. He was restless up until drowsiness finally hit him.


He was asleep once again but he woke up in the middle of the night feeling all hot and bothered. "." he curses as he pulls his hair in frustration.


He gets up and paces around his room. Now his thoughts were clouded with Jongin. those Erinyes for messing with his head. This isn't punishment, this is for their amusement.


Sehun accidentally wakes up Noir and the hellhound once again looks at him in concern. "You should sleep outside for now, boy. I'm sorry." Sehun frowns as he opens the door.


Noir nuzzles its head onto Sehun waist before leaving the room. Once Noir was gone, Sehun locks the door.


He looks at his bedside table and pulls out one of Hermes' envelopes and a pen. They said he has to embrace his desires, perhaps a talk with Jongin would suffice?


"I can't just blurt out to him that I want him." Sehun groans. "Why do I even want him? Sure he's hot as and he's like the only one that treated me with respect and he stood up for me several times and he made a promise to me. What's so special about that?" Sehun babbles to himself uncharacteristically.


It's like he got roofied once again but this time he has no idea what to do and he has to deal with it alone. There's no Donghae or Jongin to help him this time.


His mind kept replaying thoughts of the night that he tried tricking Jongin one last time--which somehow ended up with him getting ed but whatever.


Megaera asked him about his deepest, darkest and dirty little secret and he said it was Jongin. That explains this.


He was already halfway through writing Jongin's name and address when he drops the pen. It's a bad idea. He goes back to his bed. Whatever desires or whatever he has for Jongin, he has to tell it to him personally when they meet again.


With that settled, Sehun only has one thing to take care of… his .


Sehun didn't even realize it until he was trying to force himself to sleep once again. He felt like a hormonal teenager. This never happens to him.


He tries to calm himself down first but when he couldn't, he quickly strips off his pants and underwear.


It was a dirty, embarrassing mess with one hand his while he on two of his fingers.


Everything felt like a blur to him. It felt like his skin was on fire. Next thing he knows, he has two fingers in him and he was already out Jongin's name as he came hard.


That was when he fully snaps out of his trance. He climbs out the bed in a hurry and rushes towards the bathroom to take a shower.


He probably said every curse word he knows as he was cleaning himself. Screw the Erinyes and screw his damn desires.


He exits the bathroom in shame. He takes a change of clothes and got dressed. As he was putting his shirt on, he notices something different on his bedside drawer.


All the color got drained out of his face when he realizes that the envelope was gone.


So not only did he touch himself while thinking of Jongin… he accidentally recorded himself and sent it to him as well.


Sehun is never going to leave the Underworld ever again.

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Thank you!
So many things happened in this chapter so I hope you all enjoyed this whole mess. Lmao. I'm so sorry for giving Sehun too much angst, I promise this is the last time I'm making him cry in this story (or is it fkdkks). Don't forget to leave a comment~


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Chapter 30: I have been reading this forever and still it is one of my favs :^
ReadRealize #2
Chapter 30: i reread this again. this story remains to be amazing
THIS IS SO AWESOME! And I love Kris here *-*
Palak27 #4
Chapter 30: This was an amazing story! I really really loved it! Thank you author for this wonderful fiction. I loved the characters, the plot, the drama, the fluff. Everything was great! I wish I could upvote it more than once.

Thanks again. I hope you're doing well.
Take care! Stay Safe! :)
Palak27 #5
Chapter 25: I hate Sehun and Kai's parents! They at parenting! I want to really really scream at them.
Palak27 #6
Chapter 19: I like it all. They're all so sweet. Well except for Aphrodite. I like Hades, Persephone, and Kris the most! :)
Palak27 #7
Chapter 16: Oh !!!!!!!
Palak27 #8
Chapter 15: Okay I hate Aphrodite and I love Hades!!!! He should be the god of heaven too if there's a thing like that. He's so nice!
Palak27 #9
Chapter 14: So cute!!! and I love Kris too. I hope he doesn't get his heart broken. I really like him! :)
Palak27 #10
Chapter 12: This story is sooo amazing! The moment between SeKai was sooo dreamy! I love it! Thank you author for this amaizng story. I am enjoying it a lottt! :)