Chapter 5: Popular Brothers

Brothers' Conflict [REVAMPING]
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How can I be so stupid?

Groaning in irritation as I kicked these purple fluffy sheets to the side of the huge bed, I stood up and instantly grabbed my old towel atop my worn suitcase to run to the bathroom. However, before I even reach halfway through, I sighed and went back to the wrinkled bed. As fast as I could, I folded the blanket—even inside the room it is cold, and I don’t exactly know how to turn on the heater because I never had one before—and tucked the sheets until they are neat and not wrinkled anymore. I’m not particularly the neatest person out there and I do admit that sometimes I leave things messy in my house back when I was still living alone, but somehow, I feel it not right and a little rude if I become so comfortable here already, even if this… full of purple room is said to be mine.

I glanced at the time flashing in red atop the nightstand, my eyes widening when I read them. Groaning again, I rushed to the bathroom to take a fast shower. I did it in merely a few minutes and just put on a simple shirt and jeans that I grabbed from the walk-in closet in the room. I know, I couldn’t believe that another room could be built inside a room as well. I threw my bag on my shoulder as I hastily placed my foot inside my shoe, uncaring if the laces are not properly tied. I briefly swept my eyes around the room to check if I already have all of my things before going out of the room and running down the flight of stairs so I wouldn’t be late for my morning shift at the coffee shop. After all, I’m also unsure how long the bus will take to arrive in this area.

I should have asked Kyungsoo.

Grimacing at my negligence, I hitched my bag on my shoulders and gripped on the railings tighter as I descend. The stairs seem endless, and if I’m not used to running every morning to catch the bus, I would have fainted already due to tiredness. Well, it’s my fault anyway why I’m in this situation—it’s because I woke up late than usual. Only then did I realized that I never put on my alarm clock because the second I hit the huge bed after coming down from the rooftop, I was already out into dreamland. I may have also felt too comfortable on the huge fluffy bed… and now I’m worried about being late to work.

I’m really stupid.

After what felt like hours, I finally reached the last stairs and stepped down on the shiny floor of the first floor. Picking up my pace again, I passed by the extravagant living room and spotted two brothers chatting together on the sofa with mugs of what I assumed is coffee on their hands. They both turned when they heard my—probably—thundering footsteps, blinking at me in curiosity and bewilderment when they found out it was me. It’s Suho who is finally in his home clothes and that kind-looking brother whose name I don’t know yet. They are still in their pajamas. Well, the sun is not even up yet.

For a moment there, when I felt their eyes on me, I found myself slowing down. Suho raised a brow questioningly at me. “Where are you going this early?” His booming voice held confusion and if I heard just right, a little bit of suspicion as well.

I would have answered, but then the dinner last night flashed in my head. He’s probably just asking for the sake of it, and as far as I know, I don’t even know yet if they already talked with Mr. Kim last night while I’m sound asleep—and I don’t want to think yet about the possibility of finding my old suitcase outside the mansion when I go back here later.

And so, I went off to a new day after officially being a Kim, turning my back on them and leaving.


Despite the talk we had at the rooftop last night, and even if we found an affinity with the other, when I boarded the local bus and sat beside him it was actually still awkward. I guess it’s awkward because we now know each other, and the fact that we became siblings in just a night didn’t help either. Maybe last night’s magic has worn off already… I thought, looking away as I think of ways on how to talk to him again.

Kyungsoo shifted in his place so that he’s facing the front, not like the usual when he always looked out the window to turn his back to me. I guess he’s just naturally not good with strangers, and maybe I brought him discomfort before as well. I mean, I’m the strange girl with no name who suddenly showed up and sat beside him years ago, and never left his side from that day onwards.

He cleared his throat, surprising me as I’m deep in my thoughts. “Um, want to talk?” he offered in a silent yet soothing voice. Though I was just thinking of ways to talk to him, I suddenly felt too tired to do so when he did. Wincing at the ache of my legs, I discreetly reached down a hand to rub it, not even realizing that I was shaking my head as well. When I turned back to look at him, I caught him blinking at me and nodding his head in understanding. Only then did I realize that I just turned him down from starting a conversation with me.

I straightened my back and snapped my head back to him quickly, attention undivided, taking back what I just did. “No!” I exclaimed unnecessarily, flushing when his face morphed into a surprised one. “I mean, no, go on. Just talk, I will listen.” I sheepishly shot him a smile.

It took him a long moment to answer that I started panicking again, but then he suddenly stared at me deeply and asked, “Jung Ah… are you okay?” His wide enticing orbs were attentive.

Not expecting the question, I froze with my lips parted, but then suddenly a small smile started drawing on his lips. Oh. Realizing his intention, I closed my eyes and felt myself reciprocating it. A deep and low chuckle escaped from him, and for some reason, it made my stiff shoulders relax. Opening my eyes, I met his. “You are actually full of surprises.” I told him, finding it foreign when I heard gentleness oozing out of the tone I just used.

“Can I ask you a question?” he asked, and I nodded my head to allow him. “Where do you go before school? You always look tired, just like now. I actually don’t remember a single time that I saw you not exhausted when you climb the bus… and sometimes you even fall asleep after sitting down beside me.”

He actually notices it? But then I realized that he’s right. Of course, how could he not notice or hear my fast breaths when I sit beside him? It’s always a hard feat to catch up to the bus. Thinking that there’s nothing wrong in telling him, I laid my head back comfortably in the chair, answering him, “I work at a café.”

He appeared surprised for a moment, but it easily faded. He probably put it all together. “Suho hyung told us about earlier. You are really hardworking.” he told me.

I smiled without looking at him. “I don’t have any reason not to be.” I felt his eyes on me for a while, and I was glad he didn’t push on it. Kyungsoo, somehow, radiates solace.

Like the type of person you would want to keep by your side even through battles—because he’ll stick to your side even with just his own silent presence.

“Truthfully, I expected for you in breakfast. Xiumin hyung and Luhan hyung were searching for you as well.”

“They did?”

He smiled at my shocked expression. “They like you. Those brothers have been yearning for a sister for I don’t know how long already. Unfortunately for them, we all ended up as males.” He’s staring ahead, the beautiful smile on his lips turning distant as if he’s reminiscing a memory from the past. He sure feels so close to his brothers. I bit my lip in thought.

Reminded back of what happened with the two brothers a while ago, a tinge of guilt suddenly tingled my chest. I’m sure that not all of them are really bad…

“Would you tell me more about your brothers?” I asked timidly.

His smile widened upon my request, and I knew then that Kyungsoo is one of those brothers. Warm. “Of course. I would, for you.”


For once, Kyungsoo and I boarded off the bus together—not me just trailing after his back, and certainly not me just staring at the back of his head, but the two of us actually walked side by side from the bus stop until we reached and entered the gates of the school. However, I already knew then that it wouldn’t last. He’s a year above me, and so his classes are on another wing.

Kyungsoo bid me goodbye at the entrance of the school, saying something about how he needs to meet someone important before classes start. I don’t want to make assumptions, but when he mentioned ‘important person’, my mind couldn’t help but conjure a question whether he has a significant other—or simply, a girlfriend. As I stare at his back that’s slowly getting smaller and smaller as he unceasingly walked away from me, I realized then that it shouldn’t be my business, nor should it matter to me. I just know that if ever she exists, then she’s super lucky to have him. After all, I have never met someone as nice as him.

Turning my eyes away from him just before he completely disappeared, I walked away from the entrance to go to my wing when something made me put to an abrupt halt. My eyes caught a glimpse of a familiar cap and another head with ebony hair in the middle of the crowd that I always pass by whenever I go to my locker.

I had never known what that crowd is all about for I have always cared about nothing but myself—not until now. After all, with that plain snapback worn the other way around and those ebony strands almost covering those small eyes, I finally know what that crowd is for—or rather who it is for. Those are my brothers in the center. Well, just two of them.

Accidentally, I met one of their eyes. Like there’s some friction that he felt when I looked at him, he also looked back in response. I was right, it’s them. The shorter guy noticed the appalled look of his brother, and curious, he followed his gaze and ended up looking at me as well. I held their gazes for a minute or two, but it felt so long. They frowned at me, but I my heels already, walking away from them.

It was just great. I have the most popular boys at my school as my brothers.


But I was in for another great surprise when I entered my first class—Homeroom.

In my usual routine, after entering the classroom, I would always firstly look for a vacant seat at the middle corner of the room. I have always thought that everyone should just settle for one seat to sit at for the whole school year or the semester at least, but no, apparently everyone can’t choose one and so every day that I enter classes, I see different faces in those seats than the faces I saw yesterday. It’s not for all cases though, some people also stick to one seat, but if you are like me—an invisible student who blends in like I’m a wall—people do not really think twice to claim my favorite seat as theirs, and so sooner than I really wanted to, I had to give up and look for another. Every day, like any other, is another for me. I like corners and sitting in the middle of the room since it makes me blend in just fine with the people in front and behind me, and no one really noticed or cared.

Until today.

This morning, at Homeroom, it all changed. It was when I felt this bothersome feeling, like an itch I couldn’t scratch, or that feeling when you can sense that eyes are on you. I intended to ignore it at first, but the longer I let it be, the more I felt uncomfortable like someone is really watching me from behind. Figuring that there’s nothing wrong in checking and giving my senses the benefit of the doubt, I whirled around my seat, only to find out that someone is indeed looking at me from beh

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The revamped Chapter 7 is finally up with 11k words! Yes, 11k, I made up for the months that I was MIA, so please tell me your thoughts! Like, once you read this now, it's BRAND NEW. I completely changed almost everything. Please stay safe! Read happily and enjoy your holidays!


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exoplanet0403 #1
Chapter 52: Hi! This has been such a great read and one of my favorites. I hope everything is well and you continue to write and update this story because I'm so excited to see how it will turn out. The chapters are full of detail and their evolving relationship is always interesting to see. Thank you! 🙏🫶🫶
Priestess #2
hello..are you doing well author? i hope you are ♥️♥️ please stay safe, healthy, and happy ok? take your time but not too much though lol i’ll be waiting for you to come back and update BroCon. this fic will always be in my favorites’ list.. thank you and i hope to see you here soon! ♥️ take care!
Chapter 52: Ahhh, I'm so happy you’re still writing this story, cuz it's so good! It's extremely well written and I love how the chapters are so much more longer^^ Can't wait to see how this story will unfold!

Also happy new year!
748 streak #4
Chapter 52: I really enjoyed the fleshed out and extended version of this chapter. We are getting more of Jung-ah’s thoughts, as well as seeing more of Jongin. Not sure what to make of him yet, but the doggies are adorable. Time will only tell of he upholds his end of the bargain, and stops singling her out,

So far, the only sincere brothers seem to be Kyungsoo, Luhan, and Xiumin. Hopefully, Jung-ah will have the strength to deal with the others when Mr. Kim is away. It looks like things are going to start getting really interesting.

Happy New Year and congratulations on preparing to apply to colleges. Thank you so much for taking the time for this update, I really enjoyed it.
Chapter 52: This chapter is a lottttt more different compared to before. I remember the old one was more simpler where this one is more details. I could see clearly the interaction between Jongin and Jungah better here. As expected from Kyungsoo who is the closest to Jungah right now, he clearly can feel it whenever one of the siblings make her feel uncomfortable. And the 2 oldest, they are like a set, always left and right haha.
Even from befere this I'm always curiousin Jungah background. I feel like there is more to it than what we know and I can't wait to figure it out.

Thank you for the awesome update! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
Chapter 52: This chapter is alot different and more thorough than before like there were so many scenes which I was like have I read this before 🤔🤔🤔
I do think Jongin is being truthful about that deal and he will do his part of the deal but he is also a mischief little thing so... 😶😶😶
About Jung-ah she has her reasons in pushing Jongin and the other brothers away, used to being alone for a while now it's hard for her to open up to others 😔😔😔
Jongin's dog are the cutest dogs ever (also include ViVi) I also want a puppy but I am not allowed to have one🥺🥺🥺
This is such a lovely Gift, thank you so much for this update I really enjoyed it alot and Happy New year to you too ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 52: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1364585/52'>Chapter 7: Poodles and Wh...</a></span>
This definitely feels much better. More detailed in descriptions and also more depth in the characters' emotions. I can understand JungAh's reluctance to open up. After living alone for most of her life, suddenly she has to share it with 12 other people. As an introvert myself, i reckon it was not easy.

I love the conversation in the petshop. I don't know why, but i got teary when JungAh said that nothing has ever been permanent in her life. I hope jongin can make her feel welcomed in the family..

Anyway, thank you for the long chapter.. and happy holidays, too <333
Chapter 52: Thanks for the update.. So I noticed the changes you made here.. This meeting of Kai and Jung Ah was the start of their friendship or closeness in the previous version.. But here it is not.. Moreover it created more problem between them.. I wonder how things will go now.. Also in old version we didn't see Mr. Kim after he talked to her but here we see him.. And which also show how except Kyungsoo Chen Xiumin and Luhan all are pretending to accept her.. Which is concerning as how they going to behave or treat her once he is gone.. Jung Ah is too much stressed and exhausted.. I won't be surprised if she collapsed.. Can't wait to see how the story progress here in this new version..
Chapter 52: Oh, so jongin was only doing that because of Mr Kim. The atmosphere is something else
Chapter 51: Hi I hope you remember me.. I took a year long break from this site and now when I am back I saw you are revamping this story.. I read it all.. And I noticed the new additions.. Specially that Dinner chapter and Favorite Brother.. Her rooftop moment with Kyungsoo or classroom moment with SeKai.. And I am liking them..

Also about the Kris.. I am glad you are not totally abandoning the character.. Since real and reel are very different.. The Kris in this story is a fiction so I don't mind.. And you don't need to totally edit him.. Like its OK to give his moments or POV.. This is the Kris of this story.. A fictional character and don't have any connection with the real life person.. I hope you understand.. Merry Christmas.. ❤