Chapter 3: 12 Brothers

Brothers' Conflict [REVAMPING]
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My mouth was agape at the sight before me. It’s a really big house—no, mansion is the better term for this humungous structure. I never thought that I would get to see one when I had only seen them on dramas I used to watch when I still had my old and small television before. This, on the other hand, looks even better than those I had seen virtually.

There’s a circular high transcendent fountain stark at the middle with flowing water spouting out in different directions, and it was a statue of what seems like a logo. I frowned thoughtfully as I racked my mind where I had seen it or why it looks familiar, but when I couldn’t seem to tell, I just shrugged the thought off, easily getting sidetracked when I looked around my surroundings more. A line of shiny and stunning sports cars in different colors is parked and circling the flowing fountain. Just the sight of them alone doesn’t only feel foreign for me but blinding as well. I’m sure the prices are no different in being blinding too. I held back a snort at my thoughts, admiring the blooming flowers around me instead. Roses filled the driveway up to the vast front porch and I’m more than amazed by their beauty.

All in all, the enormous house looks too good to be true. I didn’t have an idea that some people are really rich enough to make things out of a fairytale in reality. The ultramodern world is truly scary.

Is this really the house I will now call my ‘home’?

From the looming gates, seemingly endless driveway, porch—they are all very pretty and extravagant already, and I’m still yet to see the inside. Mr. Kim had assured me that he has work with good pay, but when he means ‘good pay’, I didn’t expect it to this much extent.

What kind of work is it?

“Mr. Kim asked if you like the house, Miss.”

The voice that spoke beside me made me snap out of my daze. I bit my lip and craned my neck as I looked up to try to see the top of the house, but I only ended up straining my neck because I found out that it was too high to see the end of it. I would have to walk backward at least probably half of a hundred steps before I would be able to see it. It’s that huge.

This isn’t a house; this is a mansion! I thought, but I didn’t voice it out. After all, I also still couldn’t believe that Mr. Kim has a butler. I feel uncomfortable at the way he addresses me, really.

I meekly smiled and nodded my head to him. “The house is fantastic. Please send to Mr. Kim my regards, Sir. I still feel… shy around him.” I told him truthfully.

However, his response wasn’t what I expected. When I glanced up to him, the butler seemed perplexed at what I just said. My brows raised in puzzlement, wondering if I said something wrong or whether I had offended him in any way.

He cleared his throat but continued walking with me to the doors of the gigantic house. I followed cluelessly. “Young miss, please do refrain from calling me ‘sir’ from now onwards. Call me Butler Jung instead, and young miss, you don’t have to worry about anything, it’s my duty to make sure that your message will be heard by Mr. Kim.”

My face morphed into a surprised one when I finally understood what made him react like that. I cocked my head to the side, observing his stiff posture openly. He’s wearing a clean formal suit and even if they look a little tight on him—in my own opinion—he manages to still move gracefully in them, yet his body is stiffened under my gaze. He must be in his early 30’s.

I smiled, understanding that maybe it’s really a part of his job. I shouldn’t be hardheaded and just help his job be easier. “Okay, Butler Jung,” I replied and felt my smile widen when I saw him reciprocate it. “You should loosen up a bit. I’m the sudden intruder here, not you.”

He shook his head. “You are not an intruder here, miss.” he said as he opened the big doors for me.

In awe was an understatement of what I felt when I entered. A grand and shining chandelier hung just above our heads, showing everyone in the room its majestic divine and providing the huge place an immense light. On my right, a glassy staircase is in view, and by just looking at it, I do not want to step on it already, fearing that I might only dirt it with my dirty and worn shoes. The floors and walls seemed to extend endlessly, and they sparkle with cleanliness that when you glance down, you are almost able to spot your unclear reflection. Paintings in different shapes and sizes, heavy and exotic jars and modern furniture that are all no doubt costly came into my view as we walked along the long hallways, and to say that this is just the first floor. Maybe I’m only dreaming. How can a house be this… excessive?

However, as I passed by the walls with Butler Jung beside me, a crease formed between my brows when I noticed the medals and trophies that were either hung on the walls in frames and some placed inside glass cabinets. There were certificates also. My curiosity boiled within me instantly. Whose are those? I kept looking around to look for any clue about their owner, or owners, but I had a hard time doing so because there were no pictures in sight. The house doesn’t feel vacant even if it’s so huge, but the walls are too empty to show enough liveliness. I realized then that I should have asked Mr. Kim if he has people living with him.

Butler Jung suddenly coughed out loud to catch my attention. “The rooms are upstairs on the second floor and among them, yours is seventh to the last. The third floor is where you can find the swimming pool and the entertainment, or also called the game room, where the young masters are often at. Mr. Kim’s room and study are here on the first floor if ever you search for him, but unfortunately, most of the time the Master of the house isn’t at home. He’s a very busy man. There is a bathroom in each room but there is also one on each floor. Guest rooms are also on the third floor, but the Kim family hardly ever accepts visitors. I will send a maid to your room to tour you around the house later, young miss.”

He spoke many things, but one thing piqued my attention the most. Young masters?

“We have finally reached the living room where family meetings are usually held at. There is the grand kitchen with chefs of family’s choice and the dining area that connects with it on your left. Seven o’clock in the morning is the time for breakfast while seven o’clock in the evening is dinner. What I had just told you are only the most used parts of the house and I apologize for that, young miss, but if we both take the time to know all of them, I’m afraid I’ll have you late by dinner. Truthfully speaking, there are countless rooms here and I reckon that anyone is yet to explore this whole house completely to find out all of its parts and their functions. I’ll now you to your room so you could unpack your things and rest, miss.” He led me to the long flight of glassy and almost starry stairs.

“Who are the… ‘young masters’?” I asked as soon as he finished talking.

Mr. Kim’s sons?

I caught it—how Butler Jung’s stoic face morphed into an almost aghast one. His eyes widened and his step slowed for a fraction of a section. As a result, I reciprocated his emotions as well. Like some foreboding, sudden apprehension appeared to dwell at the back of my mind.

“Is there something wrong, sir?” On the spur of the moment, I had forgotten to call him with what he wanted to be called with, but the utter shock on his face was rather unsettling that it made me quite unsettled too.

“Miss… I apologize if this may seem rude, but Mr. Kim didn’t inform you?” We are now at the top of the staircase, but we aren’t walking anymore. Recovering from his shock, Butler Jung’s face now has a soft look on them, but at the same time, I felt like the abrupt change isn’t good for me. He suddenly appeared guarded and unreadable too. Now I feel like there’s really something wrong.

I swallowed, unconsciously taking a step back as I shake my head. “Butler Jung, I know I just met Mr. Kim for not even more than a week but can you please—no, will you please tell me if I’m not walking right into some, I don’t know, kidnapping scene or some shady business that Mr. Kim may have that I stupidly don’t know?” I blurted out just what my thoughts are. I mean, why did Butler Jung looked so shocked that Mr. Kim didn’t ‘inform’ me? What should I know?

It was then that Butler Jung cracked a smile, but I still didn’t relax. For a fleeting moment, I think there was amusement shining in his eyes. “Calm down, young miss. I assure you that Mr. Kim is a really good person, and he isn’t involved in any ‘kidnapping scene or some shady business’ as you assumed.” He continued walking again and I didn’t follow until he was already many steps ahead. Tentatively, I pursed my lips and caught up to him. After all, he’s the only one I know here and I don’t want to get lost. This super huge house looks very capable of making me get lost. “You now have siblings, young miss.”

I stopped. I was so silent for a long moment that Butler Jung had to halt and look back to me, calling me with that uncomfortable name again. “Siblings…?” I mused, blinking my eyes wide.

Butler Jung bobbed his head in confirmation. “Yes, miss. Brothers, specifically.”

“Um, where are they then? Are they here?” As if I expected them to pop out behind or anywhere around me, I swiveled around like a lost kid, searching for any signs of a person other than Butler Jung and me. The stoic man watched me as I fretted.

I probably look lost, but I do not care because I truly feel lost. Rather than excited, I feel overwhelmed instead. What am I supposed to feel? Think? I had never thought of having siblings in my whole life. Aside from the fact that I never knew who my parents are, I also do not have an idea if ever I have siblings from them.

A low chuckle interrupted my thoughts. “It is Sunday, young miss. The young masters are enjoying their weekend before going back to school tomorrow.”

Right, school. Even if I don’t intend to, my mind is already racing with a thousand of what-ifs, and just simply countless queries I would like to ask Mr. Kim as soon as possible. I didn’t know that I would be entering into a large family, and I don’t exactly know what I’m precisely feeling with this discovery, but at least… I at least know that it doesn’t look or feel so bad to me. Maybe this is what he meant when he said, “At home, it is livelier.”

Feeling the urge to smile, I bit my lips to refrain myself from showing it.

“We have arrived, young miss. This is your room.” We halted in front of a door but I’m too busy with my thoughts of these ‘young masters’ to realize immediately.

“Are they perhaps younger than me?” I tilted my head to the side and asked, gripping onto the strap of my worn-out satchel. I heard the eagerness in my voice and instantly closed my mouth tightly, feeling a bit embarrassed.

I had a thought. I found a resolve. Maybe… maybe with this way, I could pay back Mr. Kim for adopting me. If these ‘young masters’ are younger than me, then I could help take care of them. It might be foolish of me to plan since I don’t even have any experience with babysitting, but I could try. I could always try.

But there it was again—the appearance of Butler Jung’s ambiguous smile as if he knows something interesting. It made me feel that foreboding feeling again, and I was struck by the reminder that I really don’t like it when people know something that concerns me yet I don’t know about it. Sure, I dislike being in the spotlight and I’m a wallflower, but that anxiety appears within me because it’s rare for the opposite to happen. However, I didn’t speak of it, only watching silently as he put down my heavy suitcase on the floor.

“This is the farthest I could go, young miss,” He turned to me, and the smile in his face may have faded already but in exchange was the soft look in his wise eyes. Butler Jung seemed like a good person to turn to when you need some advice in making decisions in life. He has that particular aura—strict but approachable, and gentle at the same time. Before I even realize it, I was already softening, but after I did, I didn’t bother hiding my small smile of appreciation. I’m not good with people, but I was comfortable with him. “I could clearly see why Mr. Kim took interest in you. It seems to me that your intentions are all good and that you are a sweet and nice girl. They will like you,” His eyes shone with such rare emotions again. My fingers tightened on my satchel. It’s a they; how many are they? “Don’t worry, young miss. You will surely meet them later. Well then, I’m taking my leave now. Have a good rest, miss.” He bowed and soon left. His statement made me intrigued, and at the same time, nervous too.

Will they like me really?


I don’t exactly know what number the hands of the clock were pointed at when I went out of my room. All I know is that the room given to me feels foreign and that it’s too big for me. My room is full of purple color and the space itself is larger than my apartment before. Somehow, even though it’s larger than what I’m used to, I feel suffocated staying inside. I guess adjusting would take a long time and wouldn’t surely be easy for me.

I know I was told to wait for a maid to tour me around, but I had already unpacked my things since a while ago—since I don’t have much anyway—and my feet irked to walk around. I didn’t bother waiting because I don’t want to be another work for the maid who will come and besides, I’m perfectly fine to do it myself. I just have to rely on my luck to not get myself lost in this big house… I bitterly pushed to the back of my mind the reminder of the voice on my head that told me how I never have good luck.

My arm falling back limply to my side from grasping the doorknob, I tentatively looked to my left and right, expecting someone to get out of their room or anyone walking in the hallway. Now that I noticed, there are actually more than a dozen rooms on this floor. This house is really gigantic.

But then again, what could those rooms serve purpose for? Which ones could be the rooms of my ‘brothers’ are?

Spotting no one, I headed down the stairs carefully, still looking around. It’s all e

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The revamped Chapter 7 is finally up with 11k words! Yes, 11k, I made up for the months that I was MIA, so please tell me your thoughts! Like, once you read this now, it's BRAND NEW. I completely changed almost everything. Please stay safe! Read happily and enjoy your holidays!


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exoplanet0403 #1
Chapter 52: Hi! This has been such a great read and one of my favorites. I hope everything is well and you continue to write and update this story because I'm so excited to see how it will turn out. The chapters are full of detail and their evolving relationship is always interesting to see. Thank you! 🙏🫶🫶
Priestess #2
hello..are you doing well author? i hope you are ♥️♥️ please stay safe, healthy, and happy ok? take your time but not too much though lol i’ll be waiting for you to come back and update BroCon. this fic will always be in my favorites’ list.. thank you and i hope to see you here soon! ♥️ take care!
Chapter 52: Ahhh, I'm so happy you’re still writing this story, cuz it's so good! It's extremely well written and I love how the chapters are so much more longer^^ Can't wait to see how this story will unfold!

Also happy new year!
748 streak #4
Chapter 52: I really enjoyed the fleshed out and extended version of this chapter. We are getting more of Jung-ah’s thoughts, as well as seeing more of Jongin. Not sure what to make of him yet, but the doggies are adorable. Time will only tell of he upholds his end of the bargain, and stops singling her out,

So far, the only sincere brothers seem to be Kyungsoo, Luhan, and Xiumin. Hopefully, Jung-ah will have the strength to deal with the others when Mr. Kim is away. It looks like things are going to start getting really interesting.

Happy New Year and congratulations on preparing to apply to colleges. Thank you so much for taking the time for this update, I really enjoyed it.
Chapter 52: This chapter is a lottttt more different compared to before. I remember the old one was more simpler where this one is more details. I could see clearly the interaction between Jongin and Jungah better here. As expected from Kyungsoo who is the closest to Jungah right now, he clearly can feel it whenever one of the siblings make her feel uncomfortable. And the 2 oldest, they are like a set, always left and right haha.
Even from befere this I'm always curiousin Jungah background. I feel like there is more to it than what we know and I can't wait to figure it out.

Thank you for the awesome update! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
Chapter 52: This chapter is alot different and more thorough than before like there were so many scenes which I was like have I read this before 🤔🤔🤔
I do think Jongin is being truthful about that deal and he will do his part of the deal but he is also a mischief little thing so... 😶😶😶
About Jung-ah she has her reasons in pushing Jongin and the other brothers away, used to being alone for a while now it's hard for her to open up to others 😔😔😔
Jongin's dog are the cutest dogs ever (also include ViVi) I also want a puppy but I am not allowed to have one🥺🥺🥺
This is such a lovely Gift, thank you so much for this update I really enjoyed it alot and Happy New year to you too ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 52: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1364585/52'>Chapter 7: Poodles and Wh...</a></span>
This definitely feels much better. More detailed in descriptions and also more depth in the characters' emotions. I can understand JungAh's reluctance to open up. After living alone for most of her life, suddenly she has to share it with 12 other people. As an introvert myself, i reckon it was not easy.

I love the conversation in the petshop. I don't know why, but i got teary when JungAh said that nothing has ever been permanent in her life. I hope jongin can make her feel welcomed in the family..

Anyway, thank you for the long chapter.. and happy holidays, too <333
Chapter 52: Thanks for the update.. So I noticed the changes you made here.. This meeting of Kai and Jung Ah was the start of their friendship or closeness in the previous version.. But here it is not.. Moreover it created more problem between them.. I wonder how things will go now.. Also in old version we didn't see Mr. Kim after he talked to her but here we see him.. And which also show how except Kyungsoo Chen Xiumin and Luhan all are pretending to accept her.. Which is concerning as how they going to behave or treat her once he is gone.. Jung Ah is too much stressed and exhausted.. I won't be surprised if she collapsed.. Can't wait to see how the story progress here in this new version..
Chapter 52: Oh, so jongin was only doing that because of Mr Kim. The atmosphere is something else
Chapter 51: Hi I hope you remember me.. I took a year long break from this site and now when I am back I saw you are revamping this story.. I read it all.. And I noticed the new additions.. Specially that Dinner chapter and Favorite Brother.. Her rooftop moment with Kyungsoo or classroom moment with SeKai.. And I am liking them..

Also about the Kris.. I am glad you are not totally abandoning the character.. Since real and reel are very different.. The Kris in this story is a fiction so I don't mind.. And you don't need to totally edit him.. Like its OK to give his moments or POV.. This is the Kris of this story.. A fictional character and don't have any connection with the real life person.. I hope you understand.. Merry Christmas.. ❤