Chapter 4

Rightful Heir
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[A/N] Because I waited so long to update I figure, why not update two days in a row! Instead of rushing to the main plot, I'm going to try and show their personalities a bit more even if the chapters are a bit shorter. Hope it's alright!




Seulgi could hear her heartbeat as she stared into the eyes of her older brother who was sweating in front of her, arms up in a defensive stance.

Through peripheral vision, she could see Kai’s foot slowly begin to shift and knew he was going to make a move soon. She focused her attention back onto Kai’s hands and blocked out all external sounds until the only thing she could hear was the sound of her own heart beating so loudly it sounded as if drums were being pounded right in front of her ears.

In the blink of an eye, Kai lunged forward and attempted to kick Seulgi square in the chest, but Seulgi knew it was coming and dodged easily as she ducked below the kick and jumped in the opposite direction.

Kai turned around with a smirk, “You’re gonna surpass me at this rate.”

Seulgi released her breath and relaxed her composure a bit as she looked at her brother, both sweating.

“Realistically we both have our own separate strengths,” She replied.

Kai raised an eyebrow, “In what ways?”

“You are strong, very much so, but I think as a man you are too brash. You move and strike to kill, and sometimes it can get predictable and sloppy. Albeit you are also very fast and there is little to no chance an ordinary soldier would be able to stand a chance,” Seulgi said calmly.

“So, my strength is...strength,” Kai laughed lightly, “And yours?”

“My strength, not in a conceited way, is my ability to scan my surroundings and get the full picture. I can see your attack before you attack. I can predict every movement you’re going to make; however, I have not yet obtained the speed and agility you have.”

“I’ve obtained that through years of training and combat training with father.”

“I’m aware it will not come overnight,” Seulgi commented, “But I do believe if I keep training it will come rather quickly. I do learn rather fast compared to most people.”

“You have vastly improved, that is very true,” Kai said as he his chin, “Honestly your improvement since we began this journey has been nothing short of remarkable. I know you used to teach yourself so you already had a basic understanding, but you really would hold your ground in battle.”

Seulgi smiled, it was nice to hear that from her brother, who was undoubtedly the best warrior in their kingdom.

“Now THIS one!” Kai exasperated as he pointed towards Sehun who was sitting off to the side snacking on jerky.

“What?” He asked confused.

“When are you going to start training?” Kai asked, “You’re really ok with your sister being stronger than you?”

“A woman is no less suited for battle than a man,” Seulgi corrected her brother. “There is no shame in me being stronger than him.”

“You live in your own world sometimes,” Kai commented while looking at his sister, “Of course there is shame.”

“Why?” She asked.

“Because…” Kai started but couldn’t really find a way to properly communicate what he was thinking.

Seulgi just stood there with a raised eyebrow and Kai scowled at his younger brother who was giggling on the side.

“There is shame because a man is supposed to take care of his family. A man is supposed to fight for what he believes in,” Kai finally replied.

“So, a woman cannot take of her family? A woman cannot fight for her beliefs?” Seulgi asked.

“That’s not what I meant, Seulgi and you’re aware,” Kai rolled his eyes.

“Are you sure?” Seulgi asked walking forward until she was standing right in front of her older brother.


“That’s rather funny because you very clearly mean exactly what you said,” Seulgi started while pushing one finger into her brother’s strong chest, “Sehun is MY younger brother. I may be a woman, but I am older and is it not the duty of the older sibling to protect the younger?”

“Well-“ Kai started but was cut off my Seulgi who apparen

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jk tomorrow morning cause my eyes are closing halfway through the proofread luls


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Keep up the good work <3
Nicole121314 #2
Chapter 9: So these are the beasts...

Thanks for another update dear.
Nicole121314 #3
Chapter 8: Yes me too sad and confused... not sure what happened to them uoon reaching the cave... all have fainted and and the 3 siblings just suddenly got dreams or memories that popped out..

Shall wait for your mext update dear...
Rb2012 #4
Chapter 8: Sad and confused
Keep up the good work!
jeonghae #6
Nicole121314 #7
Chapter 7: Everything's doing fine great.. hope they find wgat they're looking for inside the cave
Keep up the good work, author-nim
Nicole121314 #9
Chapter 6: The siblings are a adorable and hope Sehun be able to find his strength soon
I still have to continue with this, but I'm getting there