Chapter 2

Rightful Heir
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“How are you feeling?” Chanyeol asked the older guy lying next to him.

“I’m feeling better, really,” Baekhyun replied while making an attempt to get up.

Chanyeol watched with an arched brow as Baekhyun struggled to lift himself off the bed and sit upright.

“See? I’m fine.”

“Baekhyun,” Chanyeol said sternly. “You’re shaking like mad. I do not believe you’re as fine as you say.”

“What do you know, you’re not a physician!” Baekhyun retorted.

Chanyeol laughed and gently laid Baekhyun back on the bed. “If you do not rest, you will not get well.”

“Whatever.” Baekhyun groaned while rolling his eyes.

Chanyeol laughed a little bit before standing up and stretching his tall and lanky limbs. Well, not necessarily lanky as he was incredibly muscular; however, become muscular did not erase his clumsiness and overall goofy look. If there was one thing Chanyeol could not stand about himself it was his ears. They were so big and were so far away from his face. Baekhyun loved his ears though and constantly reassured Chanyeol that they were one of the many reasons the smaller fell in love with him.

After stretching, Chanyeol looked around their small dingy home, but still couldn’t help but smile a bit. He’s not sure why he’s like this. Life is hard, they’re barely making enough to survive, and now that Baekhyun is sick they’ll make even less until he recovers. They will likely need a new house soon as this one is falling apart and the moths have basically devoured all of their clothing. It would be accurate to say that their lives at the moment are a new version of Hell, but still, Chanyeol couldn’t help but smile.

In his eyes, challenges were only given to you to make you become a stronger person. While he certainly didn’t see himself particularly knight-worthy, he did know he was capable of handling far worse than that of the Lords. The lords of the Polemos Kingdom were always so weak and scrawny and complained about everything. They never took the time of their day to really appreciate what they had, or at least that is how it appeared to him. Chanyeol is glad he didn’t live like that. 

The walls of their home were awfully constructed out of branches covered in a layer of mud and topped with straw. It was a weak home and provided no protection against the outside forces such as the weather. In the winter, their toes nearly froze off and during the summer, the clay would sometimes literally start morphing and melting after a bit of rain combined with the heat. Somehow, they made it work and despite being literal crap, Chanyeol still appreciated the fact that it provided shelter to him and Baekhyun for a few years now.

Granted, he did want a new home. One made at least of stone and perhaps in a better area on Lord Changmin’s land. It would cost more money, money they did not have, but what would be the point of living if not for dreams and aspirations? His dream was to buy a better house in the future. If that meant slaving away, then so be it. He would do whatever it took to make Baekhyun happy. That was his motivation.

He smiled a bit just imaging the face Baekhyun would have when he eventually surprises him with a better home. He couldn’t wait for that day until then, it was stuck in this beat down home, but he didn’t mind it too much. Baekhyun on the other hand, could not want to leave any quicker. He hated it.

Chanyeol chuckled to himself once more before walking over to the closet and looking at all his options.

Outfit #1, and then outfit- Oh, looks like he only had one outfit he could wear.

“Oh, the joys of being poor.” He whispered to himself as he changed into his work outfit. They were nothing special. Far from it in fact. His one outfit used for work was made of rough wool which honestly was that not that comfortable. To make it worse, he worked as a farmer which meant he would be sitting in the sun all day tending and picking plants and wool was not exactly great with ventilation. It wasn’t a fun job, but it certainly wasn’t the worst thing possible. He enjoyed the fact that there was no stress involved other than during droughts.

After changing, he put on his shoes made of incredibly thick leather and left the house, hoping that Baekhyun would stay in and rest all day. He left his house optimistically in hopes that today would be a good day and hopefully Baekhyun would get better. He believed that if he wished for things often enough, he’d speak them into existence. With that, he was off to work in the fields to bring home enough money to buy food.




“I’m not going it,” Seulgi stated calmly.

“Neither am I,” Kai said following.

“I’m the youngest, doesn’t that exempt me?” Sehun replied in thought.

“Realistically,” Seulgi started, “Kai, you are the oldest, so I believe you should be the one to do it.”

“You guys are a real mess.” Kyungsoo laughed under his breath. “Sure, he will be upset, but it’s not like he will kill you or something. You all need to calm down and just tell him together. It would be easier that way.”

They all looked at each other before pouting and murmuring, “Fine,” in unison.

“You guys are a bunch of children,” Kyungsoo laughed, “Well you guys get to that. I will go make sure everything is ready for our journey north.”

With that, Kyungsoo left and left the three siblings to contemplate how to tell Lord Seungri that they were leaving. He wasn’t necessarily an evil man, but he wasn’t that nice either. His sister, however, was a different story. She was a bit catty and didn’t really understand the traditions of the Kingdoms. She spent her childhood in the West for reasons unbeknownst to anyone outside of their family. As a result, she ditched her home name and kept her Western name even upon returning to her home kingdom. Kyungsoo wasn’t too versed on the Aegaeon Kingdom to consider himself an expert, but he did know one piece of advice to give anyone: avoid Jennie.


As Kyungsoo left, the siblings all dreaded the part coming next. Although they were not particularly fans of Lord Seungri, he did help them in a time of need they hope he is accepting of their leave and doesn’t attempt to make a scene out of it.

They all head to Lord Seungri’s chambers amidst strange looks from the guards and occasionally being stopped to ask their intention. Eventually, they make it to his room and knock softly in hopes that maybe he wouldn’t hear it and they could still high tail it out of there.

Unfortunately, they heard some whispers and shifting before the doors opened to reveal Lord Seungri. From their peripheral vision, all three of them could also see Jennie was seated on a chair in the back of the room with her legs crossed and an annoyed expression.

“Ah,” Lord Seungri said confused, “May…I help you?”

Kai, Seulgi, and Sehun bowed before Kai coughed and stepped forward. “Lord Seungri, we come with news that may or may not be upsetting.”

Lord Seungri arched a brow and this caused Jennie to become curious as well as she stood up and walked over.

“What news do you speak of?” Jennie asked.

“We um… we would like to become our own merchants and travel north.” Kai said awkwardly.

Jennie and Seungri both looked at each other before bursting out in laughter.

“You’re kidding right?” Jennie asked in between laughs.

“You plan to just go from peasants to merchants? What about your merchandise?” Seungri asked after calming down from his giggles.

“A kind merchant has agreed to take us up as apprentices,” Kai responded.

“Oh?” Seungri asked, “Who is this merchant?”

“His name is Kyungsoo,” Kai replied.

“Ah, I know of him, yes. He does often bring very quality products into this Kingdom. But why would he randomly want to make all three of your apprentices.” He questioned.

“Well actually,” Seulgi started, “He wanted me, however, I informed him that I and my brothers are a package deal so he agreed in hopes that they would eventually be useful to him.”

“Hmm.” Seungri hummed in thought. “You’re not a slave, you’re free to leave as you wish, however, do not expect to come back to my manor if things do not go as smoothly as you wish.”

“Of course my lord, we thank you for taking us in at a time of need and providing us with work and shelter. You have our deepest gratitude and we shall always respect you. We shall find an alternative if things do not work out. We will not bother you again.” Seulgi answered with a soft bow.

“I guess I approve of your departure with no ill-feelings then. A little unexpected, but should not really impact anything too much.” Seungri said while his small beard.

“You’re free to go.”



“Do you have everything?” Kyungsoo asked as Kai, Seulgi, and Sehun approached with their cargo.

“I believe this is it…not much,” Seulgi said.

“Well then load it up and let’s hit the road! It’s about a two week travel to reach Pagos and since this is your first time making the trip I figure we’d do a little sight-seeing.” Kyungsoo said with a devious smile.

“Does that mean-” Taeyeon asked with wide and excited eyes.

“It does,” Kyungsoo assured.

“BLESS THE GODS!” Taeyeon said while jumping in the air. “I’ve been waiting for this ever since you originally told me.”

“Told you what?” Sehun asked, wanting to know what the excitement was about.

“Have you guys heard of the Beasts of Cephalonia?” Kyungsoo asked.

“Of course, bu

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jk tomorrow morning cause my eyes are closing halfway through the proofread luls


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Keep up the good work <3
Nicole121314 #2
Chapter 9: So these are the beasts...

Thanks for another update dear.
Nicole121314 #3
Chapter 8: Yes me too sad and confused... not sure what happened to them uoon reaching the cave... all have fainted and and the 3 siblings just suddenly got dreams or memories that popped out..

Shall wait for your mext update dear...
Rb2012 #4
Chapter 8: Sad and confused
Keep up the good work!
jeonghae #6
Nicole121314 #7
Chapter 7: Everything's doing fine great.. hope they find wgat they're looking for inside the cave
Keep up the good work, author-nim
Nicole121314 #9
Chapter 6: The siblings are a adorable and hope Sehun be able to find his strength soon
I still have to continue with this, but I'm getting there