A sight of Paradise/ Sequel to A picnic in Paradise

Kaisoo Oneshot collection
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✯Oneshot/ 9,300 Words✯

This story is a Sequel to “A Picnic in Paradise”

✧✦Drama➳Romance➳slight comedy➳fluff ➳ex-Lovers.

 ❀☼☆ A Sight of Paradise  ❀☼☆





“Kim Jongin” Kyungsoo read the name for the third time. He went to the toilet, he didn’t attend his last class, he stared at the Pink card and whispered. “Jongin hates Pink.”

Taemin knocked the door. “Kyungsoo! Are you going to sleep there?”

Immediately, Kyungsoo shoved the card in his backpack and exited the toilet. He walked silently with Taemin; who asked him. “Aren’t you going to speak and tell me what’s going on in your head?”

“Nothing.” Kyungsoo gulped.

“I’m not a stupid boy! Tell me?”

“Yoona is going to marry my ex-Boyfriend; Kim Jongin.”

“What?” Taemin’s eyes widened.


Wendy said with a loud tone and a shocked face. “WHAT?”


Kyungsoo sighed. “You didn’t suppose to hear me.” 

“I—“ Wendy uttered in disbelief. “Yoona is going to marry a Gay man!?”

Kyungsoo glared at her, carrying his backpack. “Ya! Think about me and my feelings! Not Yoona’s situation!”

She cleared . “She is—“ she put her fingers on her lips as she admitted, “she is pregnant, that’s why his family forced him to marry her.”

Taemin clapped his hands as he concluded. “He doesn’t love her! This marriage is not—“

“Shut up.” Kyungsoo frowned.

“What? Aren’t you happy? He doesn’t love her!” Said Taemin.

“Are you stupid!!” Kyungsoo pouted, “he got her pregnant! He asked her to marry him, and we all received the card of her engagement party! It’s done, and guess what!” 

“What?” Wendy seemed sad.

“I don’t care! We aren’t boyfriends anymore! And he obviously moved on! And I have too.”

Taemin smirked. “You haven’t.”

“I have.” He said with a challenging tone. 

“Actually,” Wendy didn’t want to make him angry, “I believe Taemin is right.”

Kyungsoo’s mouth dropped open. “Why are you on his side!!”

“Daa!” Taemin said, “Because last month you cried when you got drunk and cursed him!”

“And because you still have the gifts he had given you!” Wendy added.

“And because you are single.” Said Taemin with a grin.

“I thought you knew me well! What kind of friends are you? Ha? You don’t know me! I moved on and I will never talk to you again if you said that again!”

Taemin shrugged. “You haven’t moved on.”

“Uggh,” Kyungsoo walked away, “you are too stupid to be my friend.”

“Actually, I think he is smart!” Wendy giggled, then she sighed, “now! What am I going to do with Yoona!”

Abruptly, Kyungsoo turned around and held her shoulders. “Don’t you ever tell her about this! He moved on and he is her fiancé!”

“Not yet.” Said Wendy.

“Let’s not ruin their happiness, okay,” he begged, “please!”

She nodded with uncertainty. “Fine.”

He sighed. “Seriously, Taemin, Wendy, let’s not make a fuss over this, okay?”

Taemin glanced at Wendy, she nodded, thus, he nodded too. 

Kyungsoo breathed out. “Thank you.”

“Well, she will come tomorrow with him and her sister.” Said Wendy.

“So!” Kyungsoo faked a smile.

“You might meet him, I’m her only cousin here in Soul.” Wendy stated.

“Huh, I’m not afraid of meeting him!” Kyungsoo crossed his arms. “It’s fine.”

“Why are she traveling to here? The wedding isn’t in Seoul.” Taemin asked.

“She wants to shop for her honeymoon, also, her wedding dress is here,” Wendy shrugged, “she ordered it online, she has to try it and talk to the designer.”

“Whatever, I’m okay, he is a past for me, and I already moved on.” Kyungsoo grinned, “let’s go home and study for the exam together.”

Taemin and Wendy were worried, however, they didn’t spell it out.




☼ . ☼ . ☼ . ☼




Jongin pulled the bag out of the car and looked over his shoulder. “I thought your cousin lives in a flat?”

“No, isn’t her house is cute! I love the garden.” Said Yoona, holding her handbag. 

Her sister; Sunny smiled. “I want to drink tea with her in the beautiful garden, maybe we can spend the night out there.”

Jongin squinted his eyes, the sunlight was bright and the summer breeze was warm, he wanted to go inside and take a shower after the long trip. 

Wendy and her parents came in to welcome them. Yoona and Sunny decided to sleep in Wendy’s room and give Jongin the other room, because Wendy’s parents wouldn’t allow her to sleep with a man since she wasn’t his wife yet, it was a traditional thing, and Yoona knew she had to follow their rules, her aunt was a religious person and she wasn’t happy when she knew that Yoona got pregnant before the wedding, that was the reason of her strange stares at Jongin and unpleasant tone whenever she talked to him, although she was respectful and treated them with generosity. They spent the day talking about what they were going to do, which mall they would go to, which restaurant and other girly things they try. Jongin seemed bored. “What about me!”

“You come with us.” Yoona held his hand.

“I will go to the mall, and the restaurants, but I won’t go to the designers, hairdresser or your friends’ meeting! And I know no one here!”

Sunny rolled her eyes. “You always complain.”

“But a week is too much for me to handle! I already feel lonely.” He pouted.

Wendy suggested. “My friend Joy works at the cinema, she can give you a special discount! Also, my two best friends Kyungsoo and Taemin—“ her eyes widened once she mentioned Kyungsoo, luckily, he didn’t focus on the names, he just drank his beer and nodded. “Fine.”

Wendy sighed in relief. 

The following morning, she went to the last exam she had, and met Taemin and Kyungsoo; they still had two exams to finish the semester. She hadn’t told them about Jongin’s arrival and the fact that he was staying at her home for a week.

Once she got home, Kyungsoo knocked her Room’s door. “Hey! Your Father let me in.”

“K-k-Kyungsoo.” She stuttered.

“What?” He explained, “you finished your exam and you have my notes!”

“Ah! Yes! Of course.” She went to her desk, he followed her and looked at the room. “Who’s bags are these?”

“My cousin, Yoona.” She said, fumbling around her books.

“She—she arrived?”

“Yes! But she went to the mall with my mother and her sister.”

“Oh,” Kyungsoo sighed, “so, Jongin isn’t here!”


“Yes, what? Is he here or not!” Kyungsoo frowned.

“He is not... I mean, how could he come with—“


“I am here.” Said Jongin with a smirk.


Kyungsoo couldn’t turn around, his eyes went wide open. He swallowed hard and closed his eyes before taking a deep breath and turning around. “H-hey—Hello!”

Jongin smiled. “What? Why are you nervous?”

“I’m not!” Kyungsoo gulped. 

They took a few seconds to look at each other. Jongin spoke first. “You still handsome.”

Kyungsoo stammered. “T-Thank you, you still handsome too.”

“Actually, you aren’t handsome anymore, but I just said it to let you say that I’m handsome.” Jongin shrugged.

“What!!!!” Kyungsoo’s mouth dropped open.

Jongin grinned. “So! How are you?” He walked around the room, his hands in his jeans pocket.

Kyungsoo looked at Wendy, she looked back at him in surprise. She asked Jongin. “You know him?”

Jongin said without looking at her, he was staring through the window. “Yes! He is my ex,” he turned around and smirked, “I’m sure that you already know that.”

Kyungsoo hissed. “You’ve changed!” 

“Of course I did!! It’s been three years, what kind of loser who doesn’t change! People grow up and get wiser.” He said with a smile, but his smile disappeared when Kyungsoo said. “Yes, but I don’t think all the people become wiser! I think you look stupider than before!” He smirked.

Jongin sulked. “You think I was stupid?”

“Yes.” Kyungsoo lifted his chin up.

“Well, I must be a stupid one for loving a boy like you.” Jongin frowned.

Kyungsoo stiffened in his place. “I—“

Jongin stepped closer and whispered. “I already knew about you, I saw your picture with Wendy, Yoona showed me the picture unaware that I know you; so, I thought that I would meet you, but I didn’t know it would be this quick,” he smirked, “unfortunately.”

Kyungsoo got angry. “So! Are you happy now! Did you want to see me!?”

“No!” Jongin shrugged, “but I believe you want to see me.”

“Ah! You are so full of yourself!” Kyungsoo rolled his eyes.

“Did you move on?” Jongin’s tone went lower.

“I did.” Kyungsoo answered with much confidence.

“Good! Then, I will be lonely here and I need some company! If you have moved on, then come and shop with me! I need a black suit and a tie and many other things.”

Kyungsoo was surprised how Jongin said it casually and nonchalantly! He cleared his throat and glanced at Wendy; who shook her head as No, don’t agree, but Kyungsoo said. “Okay! Why not!”

“Then, meet me tomorrow, here by the gate.”

“Cool.” Kyungsoo shrugged.

“See ya.” Jongin left the room. 

Instantly, Kyungsoo fell in the bed with a shocked expression. “What just happened?!!!”

“A disaster!” Wendy sat next to him, frustrated, she bit her nails, thinking, “I’m sure Yoona doesn’t know about you.”

“Of course she doesn’t know! If she knew, she would let him come here and meet me, she would ask you an endless amount of questions.”

“You are right.” Wendy bit her lower lip.

“Then, are you going to agree!”

“I just did! I have to go!” He got closer to her, “he challenged me, and I accept the challenge.”

“God, help me, I will get in so many troubles.”

“No, you won’t my dear Wendy, everything will be alright, we will go shopping and I will never see him again! You will attend the party and he will go back to his normal life, we will too! Okay!”

“I hope so.”

“I will go tomorrow with him,” he sighed, “wish me luck.”

She embraced him. “I will tell Taemin to go with you, I’m worried about you.”

“It’s a good idea, thank you.” He closed his eyes and hugged her tightly.



☼ . ☼ . ☼ . ☼




“Kyungsoo, you aren’t serious!” Said Taemin, looking at his book.

“Why? I couldn’t refuse his idea?” Said Kyungsoo through the phone.

“No, I meant we have exam tomorrow!” He chuckled, “Actually, I think it’s going to be fun! I will meet you tomorrow! I have to study.”

“Please, Taemin, don’t be late.” Kyungsoo pleaded.

“I won’t, don’t worry, I will not miss the fun and awkwardness.” He giggled.

“Thank you, see you tomorrow.” Kyungsoo threw his phone and stared at his book, he sighed, “damn! I forgot to take my notes from Wendy!” He sighed again and stared at his book unable to study. His head was full of thought about Jongin. He smiled. “He is handsome as ever.” His skin covered with goosebumps at the idea of meeting him again. He prayed. “I hope I will study, please, god, help me.” His head fell on his book.

Of course, he couldn’t study and he didn’t do well on the exam paper. He met Jongin with much frustration, however, his heart throbbed when he saw his slim body, his tall legs and wide shoulders. He always thin in a glamorous way. 

“You are late! Were you nervous to meet me!”

“No! I had a horrible exam, thanks to you!” Kyungsoo didn’t mean to say it and expose himself.

Jongin smiled. “You were thinking of me!”

“No!” Kyungsoo couldn’t bear Jongin’s arrogance, “I moved on, and I’m so happy for you! Congratulations!” He yanked Jongin’s hand and shook it. However, when their skin touched, both of them felt an electric shock running through their veins. Kyungsoo quickly pulled his hand. His cheeks and ears turned pink.

Jongin smiled fondly. “You really like me?”

“I don’t!” Kyungsoo hissed, “I actually have a bo-boyfriend.” Kyungsoo was angry and embarrassed, he didn’t know how he said that lie!

“You do?” Jongin blinked. His eyes went wide open.

“I do.” Kyungsoo cleared his throat. He saw Taemin approaching them, he lifted his hand up. “Hey, why don’t you answer your phone?”

Kyungsoo swiftly grabbed Taemin’s arm. “This is my boyfriend, Taemin.”

Jongin furrowed his brows.

Taemin looked at Kyungsoo. “I—“

“You are my boyfriend, it’s okay! He is gay too, I mean—was gay.”

Taemin distinguished Kyungsoo’s gaze, he nodded. “Y-yes. I am his boyfriend.” Taemin seemed awkward. He offered his hand to shake it. Jongin cleared his throat and slowly gave his hand. “Nice to meet you.” He said with a sharp expression. “Since when?”

“Since I came here, right after I left the town.” Kyungsoo grinned, enjoying Jongin’s unpleasant expression.

Jongin nodded. “Well, good for you,” he said with his head held high, “I dated Yoona right after your leaving.”

“Lair,” Kyungsoo smiled, “you were alone for a long time, and Yoona’s sudden pregnancy had forced you to marry here.”

“That’s a lie!” Jongin’s eyes popped out.

“It’s not!” Kyungsoo grinned.

“It is!” Jongin frowned at him.

Kyungsoo shrugged. “Whatever, I don’t care.” And he embraced Taemin’s arm and rested his head on his shoulder.

Taemin was lost and confused. He looked at both of them and wanted to stop their useless argument, but he just kept his silence.

“Are you sure that you love her! Ha.” Kyungsoo was still holding Taemin’s arm.

“I do!” Jongin sulked.

“Lair.” Kyungsoo grinned.

“You are the Lair! This is your best friend! I know.” Jongin pointed at Taemin, “I asked Yoona about you and she said you-“

“You asked her about me?” Kyungsoo seemed surprised.

Jongin stuttered. “It’s not-not what you think!”

“Ya! Stop!!” Taemin’s patience ran out, “you two are ex-lovers! So, don’t act like an old married couple! Fighting with jealousy!!”

Jongin and Kyungsoo blinked at him. “Wow! What are you saying?” Kyungsoo released Taemin’s arm.


“Hey!! Oh my god!!” Yoona came in with her sister and Wendy’s mother. “What a nice coincidence!!”


Kyungsoo, Taemin and Jongin were surprised.

She grabbed Jongin’s hand and interlocked their fingers. “How are babe?” She smiled, “did you eat lunch yet?”

“Ah, no, not yet.” Jongin murmured.

“Oh! I think I know you!” Yoona gazed at Kyungsoo and Taemin.

Wendy’s mother introduced them. “These are Wendy’s best friends, Taemin and Kyungsoo.”

Yoona and Sunny smiled at them. Kyungsoo couldn’t. He checked Yoona from her head to her toes, his heart raced and the blood boiled within him. She was pretty, her body was slim and her legs were so beautiful! She had a baby face and a cute smile. She gave Jongin the her bag and grinned. “Let’s eat together, shall we?”

“Of course..” He swallowed hard.

Kyungsoo took Wendy’s mother’s bag and she smiled at him. “You are so polite and gentle,” she grinned, shaking her head, “why don’t you find a beautiful girl to date!” She looked at Sunny, “do you want to date him?”

Sunny blushed. “Oh! I would love to, but I’m much older.”

Kyungsoo glanced at Jongin. He admitted. “I prefer older girls, how old are you?”

“I’m 24.” She said, shyly.

“Good! Come on, lunch on me.” He said.

Jongin rolled his eyes. “Sunny has a boyfriend.”

“No! I broke up with him.” She walked beside Kyungsoo and ignored Jongin. She kept talkin

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0 points #1
Chapter 86: I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed it.. PERFECT 👍🏻
Chapter 86: Magnificent 💕
kaisoolengzkie141214 #3
Chapter 86: you continuously amaze me💚💛❤️I really loved your works…
Chapter 86: I feel like I watched a movie😍Wow!!
Chapter 86: Another wonderful story ❤️
Chapter 85: Yay, I finally finished reading this story.
I kept stopping & starting & repeat.
I am happy I was able to wrap it up this morning.

I hate the fact Jongin was a total jerk to Kyungsoo to spite his father, because Jongin actually needed counseling and not to be mistreated further by his father, esp since he was still grieving his mother's death.

Kyungsoo didn't deserve to suffer from Jongin's misdirected anger at all, and truth be told, Jongin didn't deserve him either.

Okay, I didn’t care much for Jongin's father because of how he treated Jongin unfairly & terribly.
He kinda ruined the story for me.

Even at the end with Jongin's father improved behavior & acceptance of Kyungsoo & Jongin's union, it still wasn't enough for me to forgive Jongin's father.

I am glad Jongin's father finally came to his senses, though.

Thank goodness for the special individuals that supported Kyungsoo & Jongin throughout the story, because they needed a strong support system, esp when they were facing such issues.

Congratulations to the lovebirds [KaiSoo] who were able to resolve their issues, find a common ground, express their true feelings, & maintain a strong bond throughout their hardships.
I wish them a long healthy & happy life together.

❤️Author Sun-Gee, thank you for continuing to write various stories for your diverse readers, and I feel there's a story for everyone.

🙏🏼Have a great rest of the day & weekend.

P.S. Please don't ever delete my favorite stories, because I enjoy rereading them in between stories.
Chapter 86: I somehow thought that Kyungsoo is half Tyloon, half human with his eagerness to go to their land. But dear, after each time i read your wonderful stories, i always come up with a question. How does your mind work? Its incredible! The story, the plotline, characters, settings, the twists.. you are magnificently amazing dear. Thank you for sharing your talent with us. Love you dear!
Chapter 86: Just wanna say you are my favorite author 💕
Chapter 86: Such a plot twist with Soo being not only half Tyloon but also the leader's son!!! That's one of the reasons I love your creations so much, my dear friend, each & every story is so wonderfully crafted to keep you very engaged & with so many surprises in store for the reader!!! Thank you for another wonderful story!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Jinu86 #10
Chapter 86: Power of love kaisoo❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Always amazing story dese, thank you dear ❤❤❤❤❤❤