A picnic in Paradise

Kaisoo Oneshot collection
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✯Oneshot/ 9,300 Words✯


✧✦Drama➳Romance➳slight comedy➳fluff ➳high school➳teenagers.

The story begins when a boy; Kyungsoo; moved into a new town, he fell in love with a dancer; Jongin; and determined to own his heart.


“Just a short, kinda cute story.”


 ❀☼☆ A Picnic In Paradise  ❀☼☆







" Chanyeol, Where is the others ?" Asked Suho.

" Jongin and Sehun are still practicing, Baekhyun said he would come after five minutes."

Chanyeol sat on the grass next to Suho; who was staring at the sky. " Hyung, did you bring the money with you ? "

" For what ? "

" For our rented studio! "

" Oh, Damn I forgot, sorry."

Chanyeol glared at Suho. " You didn't forget, you just don't want to."

" Yeah, to be honest, the studio is such a waste of time, we can meet at ..."

" Where ? " Obviously, Chanyeol was rather upset.

" Ah, Jongin's house ?"

" You know his mother hates us, she thinks we are bad friends."

" Ah, then My house."

" Suho hyung, no offense, but no, you will keep telling us Hush, Stop, No, Dad is asleep, and it's so annoying! We don't have any place better than the studio, Sehun and Jongin can play music and dance, I can play my instrument, you and Beak could scream and argue as long as you want."

Suho sighed, he gave up. "Right, but Chanyeol, we need to pay for six months ahead, last time we were barely able to do it, we don't have time, and we have to pay at the end of this month."


" We can." Baekhyun grinned happily. They looked at him, waiting for what he had to say. " I found a good idea."


" What idea." Sehun said, sitting next to them, Jongin came too, holding his towel.


" Good, now we are all here." Baekhyun stared at their faces. " You know we will not be able to rent the studio again, because we don't have enough money right ?"

" Yes, don't mention it, my heart breaks every time I remember that." Jongin rubbed his hair.

Baekhyun giggled. " Guess what, a new rich student came today, he is in my class, his name is Kyungsoo and he is so short and tiny, we can bully him and take his money, he looks like an easy target, we can ask him to give us all the amount we need." He grinned, staring at their surprised faces. 

" Good, let's do it." Chanyeol agreed.

Jongin shrugged. " Yeah, let's do it, I bet he doesn't need the money as we do."

Sehun smiled. " I'm in."

" I guess I have no choice,” Suho sighed, “I’m in.”


Later, Baekhyun and the boys stood at the door of Baekhyun’s class. They waited for Kyungsoo to stay alone. “ He is cute!” Said Chanyeol.

Baekhyun glared at him. “Ya! I’m cute too!”

Chanyeol smiled. “Of course you are!” He kissed Baekhyun’s head and continued watching Kyungsoo with the others. “He is handsome, and obviously rich.” Suho remarked.

Sehun nodded. “Let’s hope we won’t cry and catch someone’s attention.”

Jongin pressed his lips together, then, he whispered. “Let’s go.”

Once the last boy left, they all got into the class and stood in front of Kyungsoo. He looked at them, then he nonchalantly put his pencil case in this bag, he fixed his beautiful Black hair and pushed the chair backwards.

“Ya.” Said Chanyeol.

“What?” Kyungsoo looked at them; unpleasantly.

Sehun grabbed Kyungsoo’s collar and threatened him. “Take off your wallet out and give us all the money you have.”

Kyungsoo glared at him. “Why should I do that?”

“Because we will beat the hell out of you.” Sehun grimaced.

Kyungsoo pouted. “This is my first day here, what a beautiful start.” He pushed Sehun’s hand and fixed his shirt.

All the boys were staring at Kyungsoo who calmly laid his wallet in Sehun’s hand. “Enjoy it.” He took his backpack. “Excuse me.” He said to Jongin; who moved away immediately in surprise. Kyungsoo passed him without looking back at the bully-boys. 

“That was easy!” Suho seemed surprised.

Sehun opened the wallet and grinned happily. “He is a really rich boy!”

Baekhyun cleared his throat. “Wow! I’ve never seen this amount of money before my eyes!”

“You are so poor,” Suho rolled his eyes, “still, we have,” he checked the money, “100$ to make it.”

“We can steal it from him, again.” Chanyeol shrugged, “he didn’t seem worried about his money!”

“Yes, I bet he has more.” Jongin nodded.

“Good,” Suho crossed his arms. “Now, take the money and put the wallet down.”

“Yeah, let’s go.” Chanyeol grinned, Baekhyun and the others followed him happily. 




 ☼ . ☼ . ☼ . ☼ 




“Hello! Soo, how was your first day?” Said the beautiful woman, who was sunbathing in the garden of the huge house.

“Boring.” He crossed the garden.

“Why!” She pulled her sunglasses down, “Should I go with you! I will—“

“No, thank you.” He sighed and went into the house, “I’m home.” He announced.

“How are you, Son?” His Father was carrying a box.

Kyungsoo ignored him and claimed the stairs to his room. He closed the door and stared at the new bedroom. He inhaled and smiled at the sunlight, the bedroom was too beautiful, he couldn’t deny that. It was better than his previous room. He walked towards the window and stood there with his arms folded before his chest. He frowned when he saw two of the bully-boys strolling casually around the neighborhood. “They live near my house?” He wondered and leaned forward, he couldn’t see them once they crossed the street due to the huge green tree before his window.

Later, when he was about to walk outside with his dog, he remembered that his wallet wasn’t with him, so he didn’t go to the nearby grocery to buy an ice cream as he planned to. He sighed while walking his dog, feeling down. He observed the houses of the new neighborhood and the watched some kids playing around. 

“Hello, I’ve never seen you before?” Said a little girl.

“Hello,” he smiled, “it’s because I came from Seoul three days ago.

“Oh! That’s why you are so handsome!” The girl smiled broadly, “they say Seoul’s boys are handsome.”

Kyungsoo laughed. 

“I want to marry a boy from Seoul and live there.” She grinned.

Kyungsoo caressed her soft hair. “You can find handsome boys in everywhere, Seoul’s boys aren’t special.”

The simple conversation with that little girl made him go back smiling, holding his little black dog. Indeed, his Father noticed his smile, although he pouted when their eyes met. He ate dinner with the only two whom he lived with and went back to his room. He was a lonely son, and in times like this, being new in town, he wished if he had siblings. Kyungsoo always imagined how fun and convenient to have a sister or a brother. He did his homework, watched some Anime, then went to sleep.


The following morning, he saw Baekhyun and his friends there at the school gate, he swallowed hard and walked into the school. Baekhyun was the only one who was in his class, the others were in Class B. Luckily, he found his Wallet and cards, of course there was no money at all. However, he spent the whole day writing an essay; the teacher had asked them to do. He didn’t want to leave the class; unready to meet Baekhyun and his friends, even during the lunch break, he kept writing and reading until all the boys came in again from the lunch break. At the end of the day, Kyungsoo let go of a deep breath while watching the boys around him laughing and talking, he felt lonely, and he felt worse when Baekhyun and his friends came into the classroom and stood before his desk. “Hey.” Said Sehun.

Kyungsoo crossed his arms and sulked.

“What a nice day, isn’t?” Sehun faked a smile.

Kyungsoo faked a smile too. “I thought it was a nice day until you’ve come here.”

“Ya!” Sehun growled.

Kyungsoo smirked. “Just tell me what do you want? Having some fun by bullying others! Or you want money? Food? What do you want?”

“M—money.” Baekhyun smiled, awkwardly.

Kyungsoo shook his head and shoved his hand into his pocket. He placed all the money he had that day on the desk. “Here, take it.” He stood up and smirked at them. “You could have been polite and ask nicely,” he shrugged, “I wouldn’t mind.” He walked off the classroom, leaving them at a Total surprise.

Kyungsoo peeked through the window of the classroom and chuckled once he saw them speechless. “Idiots.” He giggled and went home.

Thus, the boys were able to maintain their payment and keep the studio for another six months. Jongin was dancing before the thin small mirror when he heard Suho and Sehun talking about Kyungsoo’s house. He approached them and curiously asked. “He lives in the house of huge Garden.”

“Oh! He is rich, so.. It makes sense now.” Sehun nodded.

“He lives next door! We are practically neighbors!” Said Jongin.

“Yeah, me and you are his neighbors.” Suho pressed his lips in dismay.

“Should we apologize to him?” Asked Jongin.

“No! There is no point to do that! We already stole his money.” Chanyeol added, “and I’m sure that he hates us.”


“I don’t.”


The boys looked at Kyungsoo who got into the studio; uninvited. He grinned. “Can I join your band?”

The boys couldn’t believe that Kyungsoo was there.

“Ho-how did you—“ Baekhyun stuttered.

“I followed you, I was curious.” Kyungsoo grinned, he touched the piano and stared at the drums. “I can play guitar and I can sing.” He announced happily.

Jongin looked at the boys. “We—need to think about it.”

“Why?” Kyungsoo wondered,” I can buy a better drums and rent the studio for a year.”

Jongin frowned. “What’s your intention?”

Kyungsoo shrugged, “I just want to have friends, I can see that you are bad boys but, you are interesting.”

Sehun fixed his shirt and cleared his throat. “Yes, we are special.”

Kyungsoo chuckled. “Good! Can you count me in your band?”

“Ah—“ Jongin looked at Sehun, Sehun looked at Suho, Suho made a slight shrug, Baekhyun and Chanyeol grinned.

Chanyeol lifted his hand up to high-five Kyungsoo. “Deal! You are one of us.”

Kyungsoo jumped to reach Chanyeol’s hand, they all laughed.

Sehun leaned towards Jongin and remarked. “He is too short.”’

“He is too cute.” Jongin smiled broadly.

“Indeed.” Sehun beamed, “he is.”

“Then, see you tomorrow!” Kyungsoo stared at them; happily.

“Yes, 3 o’clock.” Baekhyun winked.

“Good.” Kyungsoo waved goodbye, and left the small studio.

The boys were silent for a few seconds, then all clapped laughing, joyfully, and talked about Kyungsoo and how he was so cute and very decent towards them; even though they were mean to him.

“I like him.” Sehun announced.

“Me too.” Jongin agreed.

Baekhyun held Chanyeol’s hand. “We like him too.”

“I think I do too.” Suho sighed in relief and ordered them to get back to practice.






 ☼ . ☼ . ☼ . ☼





Baekhyun smiled when he entered the classroom and saw Kyungsoo, he pulled the chair and sat next to the wealthy boy. He cleared his throat. “We are sorry for being mean.”

Kyungsoo smiled back. “You mean for being thieves.”

“Well, you can consider it as a hopeless situation, I’m very sorry, for real.” Baekhyun blushed.

Kyungsoo held his book and thought. “Do they feel the same?”

“Of course! We all praised you and your good manners, when you visited us yesterday, we were too ashamed,” Baekhyun rubbed his hair, “we are excited to have you.”

“I’m excited too.” Kyungsoo caressed Baekhyun’s head, “you are a good boy.”

Baekhyun’s face brightened. “You are too! No, you are amazing!” He added with a grin, “and handsome, and cute.”

Kyungsoo rolled his eyes. “I’m not cute!”

“You are very, very cute!”

Kyungsoo smiled. “Well, Father says that too.”

“And your Mother?” 

Kyungsoo shook his head. “No.”

Baekhyun noticed the sad expression on Kyungsoo’s face. “Ah, well, she is wrong.”

Kyungsoo smiled and looked down. “Perhaps.”

Baekhyun hit Kyungsoo’s back to make him smile again. “Let’s go.”

“But, it’s 2 o’clock!”

“So! Let’s escape the last class and go there, actually, they are in the studio waiting for you.”

Kyungsoo grinned. “Okay! Why not.” He grabbed his backpack and rushed out with Baekhyun, they both laughed while leaving the school.

Once they arrived, Kyungsoo saw the cake and the juices there, they wrote we are sorry on the cake.

Kyungsoo giggled and thanked them. 

“Welcome here.” Chanyeol gave him his guitar.

“You are a good boy.” Baekhyun kissed Chanyeol’s shoulder.

Kyungsoo blushed. “Ah, are you two lovers?”

Suho and Sehun were worried. 

Baekhyun was surprised. “Is it too obvious?”

“Do you mind that?” Chanyeol gulped.

Jongin stared at Kyungsoo, waiting for his reply.

“No.” Kyungsoo shrugged.

They all sighed in relief.

“Actually, I think I am gay too.” Kyungsoo grinned.

Sehun laughed. “You think?”

“Yeah!” Kyungsoo nodded.

They all laughed and started playing some music, they were happy with Kyungsoo’s beautiful voice and talent. He played guitar and watched Sehun and Jongin dancing on the melody. His heart throbbed while staring at Jongin, of course, Jongin noticed that, he blushed while dancing, and made more effort to impress Kyungsoo. He didn’t know why!

Baekhyun whispered in Kyungsoo’s ear. “He is not gay, he sent a love letter to a girl.”

“What do you mean?”

“Just don’t like him.” Baekhyun winked.

Kyungsoo swallowed hard. “I don’t, he is just a good dancer,” and, he added shyly, “y.”

“He is, everyone agrees.” Baekhyun’s chuckled.

Jongin stopped dancing when his phone rang. He answered. Then excused himself. “Mom needs me, I have to go.”

Immediately, Kyungsoo put his guitar down,”I’m coming with you.”

They all looked at Kyungsoo. He explained. “I haven’t told my father about this, I’m late, and-“ his face flushed, “we live in the same neighborhood.”

“Yes! Me too.” Said Suho.

Kyungsoo didn’t give Suho his attention, he just fixed his hair and smiled at Jongin. “Let’s go.”

Baekhyun smirked as he watched Kyungsoo leaving with Jongin; who didn’t mind the wealthy boy’s company.

Clearly, Kyungsoo was extremely happy while walking next to Jongin, he asked. “Can I hold your hand?”

Jongin blinked in surprise. “My hand?”

“Yes!” Kyungsoo smiled.

Jongin cleared his throat. “Ah—Okay!”

Instantly, Kyungsoo held Jongin’s hand tightly as they walked towards the neighborhood. Jongin blushed, he felt Kyungsoo’s fingers rubbing his. He couldn’t talk or look at Kyungsoo until they reached the neighborhood. Kyungsoo let go of Jongin’s hand. “Thank you! This is my home.” 

“It’s—it’s a beautiful house.” Jongin stuttered.

“Not quite beautiful, but thank you for walking with me,” he raised his hand, “see you tomorrow.”

Jongin gulped. “Yeah.” He watched Kyungsoo getting into the house without looking back, Jongin looked at his hand, it was shivering! He gulped and walked towards his house.


In Kyungsoo’s room, he laid himself in bed and stared at the ceiling with a wide smile, he looked at his hand and kissed it. “I like him!” He announced to himself. “I like him.” 

A few minutes later, he went downstairs to have lunch, he was in a good mood, his Father was rather surprised and happy. “How was your second day?”

“Great!” He chewed, “I like a boy, his name is Jongin.”

The Father and his woman looked at him, speechless. His Father was about to choke. “You like a—a boy?”


“It’s—it’s not a proper thing to say!” The Father frowned.

Kyungsoo frowned back at him. “Proper! Is it a proper thing to leave your wife and have an affair with another woman?” He looked at his Father’s girlfriend, “no offense Nona Bora,” then he looked at his Father, “Is it a fair thing to tell me whom I should love! Is it a fair thing for you to make me leave my hometown and my friends to live here! All alone!!” He hit the table with his palm. “Is it a proper thing for a mother to leave her son! She left me without hesitation and—“ Kyungsoo’s eyes filled with tears, “and you are the reason! So don’t tell me what is proper to feel or say!” He pushed his chair and hurried upstairs; crying.

The father left his spoon and placed his hands on his head. His girlfriend put her hand on his arm. “He is a teenager, it’s a normal thing to be confused.. And he is lonely!”

The Father was tears. “I was happy to see his smile, he didn’t smile for a long time Bora, but— this is—“

“You have to gain his love and trust! Please,” she said with a soft tone, “go and apologize, make him feel better and don’t let him cry again! Will you? He cried enough for months.”

The Father exhaled deeply and nodded. “I think you are right.”

She embraced him and sighed tiredly.

The Father went to his son’s room and didn’t say a word as he watched him crying, he only held his arm and apologized. “I’m sorry, you can love whomever you want, I’m sorry.”

Kyungsoo wiped his tears and sat in his bed. “Then, can I invite him here?”

The Father swallowed hard. He mutely nodded.

Kyungsoo smiled and sighed in relief.

He wanted to tell his Father that Jongin hadn’t known about his feelings, and he was pretty much a straight boy, but he just kept these words, he had hoped that he could win Jongin’s heart, he wanted it so bad, and he determined to own it.




☼ . ☼ . ☼ . ☼



Kyungsoo inhaled the morning breeze and brushed his hair, he wore his backpack and went to school, hoping he could meet Jongin on the road to the school, but he didn’t, however, he was happy when he saw him during the lunch break, he sat with the boys, he took his lunch-box and placed it on the table. 

“You don’t like the school lunch?” Asked Sehun.

“I like to my own lunch.” Kyungsoo grinned as he opened the box, knowing they all would be astonished by his lunch. And they did.

Sehun whistled. “Did you do this?”

“I did,” Kyungsoo asked Jongin, “do you want me to make a lunch-box for you?”

Jongin blinked. They all looked at him. He hesitated. “Y-yes!”

“Me too.” Sehun grinned.

“I asked Jongin.” Kyungsoo rolled his eyes.

Jongin swallowed hard and blushed.

Kyungsoo smiled. “Take it.” He pushed the lunch-box towards Jongin and he took his plate of school lunch.

“But—“ Jongin murmured.

“Taste it, maybe you won’t like my cocking.”

“Okay.” He tasted the egg roll and grinned, “it’s tasty!” 

“I’m glad you like it? What do you want me to for you?”

“He like chicken-wings.” Said Suho.

“Good, I’ll make it for you.” Said Kyungsoo casually. 

He noticed all the boys’ eyes fixed on his with an obvious surprise. He just ignored them, he so happy to see Jongin eating his lunch.

Once they were going to the Studio, he stopped Jongin to tie his shoes. Again, they all were surprised. Jongin smiled shyly. “Thank you!”

Kyungsoo grinned. “You are too lazy! Aren’t you?”

“He is.” Baekhyun chuckled.

They practiced some songs and danced together, Kyungsoo’s body wasn’t flexible, Jongin helped him to move, he touched Kyungsoo’s waist and arms, he stood behind him too close that Kyungsoo felt his breath on his neck, he closed his eyes and tried to focus on the steps to dance properly. It was a hard thing to do.

Later, Chanyeol and Baekhyun were drinking water. They stared at Kyungsoo who was talking about some melodies with Sehun and Jongin.

“He likes him.” Baekhyun stated.

“Obviously!” Chanyeol wondered. “Do you think Jongin knows this?” 

“He is stupid if he hasn’t noticed it yet.” Said Suho before drinking water. He tilted his head and asked. “Did you notice how Sehun is so happy whenever he is around Kyungsoo?”

“I did.” Baekhyun pouted.

“I didn’t!” Said Chanyeol.

“I think he is into Kyungsoo.” Said Baekhyun.

“Oh, do we have a love triangle right here?” Suho giggled.

“Ya! It’s not funny! Kyungsoo likes Jongin, Sehun likes Kyungsoo and Jongin likes Krystal; who probably will answer his love letter.”

Chanyeol sulked. “It’s a serious problem.”

“I just hope it’s won’t affect our band.” Said Suho.

“What a selfish young man you are!” Baekhyun frowned at Suho.

Suho shrugged. “I’m just saying the truth.”

“It may do affect our band, hmmm.” Chanyeol seemed worried as Baekhyun.

However, Kyungsoo went home with Suho and Jongin again, Kyungsoo held Jongin’s hand and smiled. “Can I?”

Jongin cleared his throat. “Su-sure.” He glanced at Suho: who smirked. He brought his hand up and grabbed Kyungsoo’s left hand. “I want to hold hands with you too.”

Kyungsoo didn’t mind. “Okay!” He walked between Suho and Jongin, holding their hands, he wanted to be alone with Jongin, but Suho was a great companion, he made them laugh all way to the neighborhood.

Just like that, a week passed by, Kyungsoo kept making lunch-boxes for Jongin, practicing with the band and walking home with Jongin, holding his hand. Kyungsoo was rather happy for being with Jongin although Jongin wasn’t a talkative one.

“Do you want to come in?” Said Kyungsoo as he stood before his house. 

“No need—“ Jongin stuttered.

“Please, come in.” Kyungsoo pulled Jongin into his house and took him to his room. He showed Jongin his dog and his Ref fish in the tank, and he gave him an orange juice to drink. Kyungsoo knew that Jongin like video-games, so he gave him all what had and told him that he don’t play anymore. “I used to play with my moth

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0 points #1
Chapter 86: I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed it.. PERFECT 👍🏻
Chapter 86: Magnificent 💕
kaisoolengzkie141214 #3
Chapter 86: you continuously amaze me💚💛❤️I really loved your works…
Chapter 86: I feel like I watched a movie😍Wow!!
Chapter 86: Another wonderful story ❤️
Chapter 85: Yay, I finally finished reading this story.
I kept stopping & starting & repeat.
I am happy I was able to wrap it up this morning.

I hate the fact Jongin was a total jerk to Kyungsoo to spite his father, because Jongin actually needed counseling and not to be mistreated further by his father, esp since he was still grieving his mother's death.

Kyungsoo didn't deserve to suffer from Jongin's misdirected anger at all, and truth be told, Jongin didn't deserve him either.

Okay, I didn’t care much for Jongin's father because of how he treated Jongin unfairly & terribly.
He kinda ruined the story for me.

Even at the end with Jongin's father improved behavior & acceptance of Kyungsoo & Jongin's union, it still wasn't enough for me to forgive Jongin's father.

I am glad Jongin's father finally came to his senses, though.

Thank goodness for the special individuals that supported Kyungsoo & Jongin throughout the story, because they needed a strong support system, esp when they were facing such issues.

Congratulations to the lovebirds [KaiSoo] who were able to resolve their issues, find a common ground, express their true feelings, & maintain a strong bond throughout their hardships.
I wish them a long healthy & happy life together.

❤️Author Sun-Gee, thank you for continuing to write various stories for your diverse readers, and I feel there's a story for everyone.

🙏🏼Have a great rest of the day & weekend.

P.S. Please don't ever delete my favorite stories, because I enjoy rereading them in between stories.
Chapter 86: I somehow thought that Kyungsoo is half Tyloon, half human with his eagerness to go to their land. But dear, after each time i read your wonderful stories, i always come up with a question. How does your mind work? Its incredible! The story, the plotline, characters, settings, the twists.. you are magnificently amazing dear. Thank you for sharing your talent with us. Love you dear!
Chapter 86: Just wanna say you are my favorite author 💕
Chapter 86: Such a plot twist with Soo being not only half Tyloon but also the leader's son!!! That's one of the reasons I love your creations so much, my dear friend, each & every story is so wonderfully crafted to keep you very engaged & with so many surprises in store for the reader!!! Thank you for another wonderful story!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Jinu86 #10
Chapter 86: Power of love kaisoo❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Always amazing story dese, thank you dear ❤❤❤❤❤❤