Chapter 4 Roommate

Unbounded Immortality






[ Seat arrangement Bella at front seat and Aerin at the back seat it's in  the cover photo of this chapter ]        

[ School bell rings the students is all on rush to get in there rooms and took there seats ]

[ Professor entered the room and student's is still being noisy ]

Professor ,


[ Students still being noisy ]

[Bella stoods up ]

Bella, Shhhhhhhh!

[ Student suddenly keep quite ]

Professor " Very well miss snow, so today is the start of class and i'm all seeing familiar faces except to this one girl .. stand up here at front please and introduce yourself to the class "

Aerin's POV

Omg this goddess is my classmate i can't believe this and the fact that she could make all the students shut up in just one ssshhhh i can't deny she's powerful! i walk in front as soon as the prof called me with my knees shaking.. i've only done this when i was little and i was so scared . This goddess keep her eye on me, how can she be so white and that pretty ? ok i can do this easy people..

Professor " Miss introduced yourself please " 

" Oh i'm sorry " 

" I'm Aerith Zoe, 17 years old from Texas " 

Prof " Is that all? "

I look at him with fierce in my eyes i hope it work so he don't ask again " Yes " 

Prof " Ok please back to your seat "

Hahahahahaha it in work! so get back to my seat and get a notebook the class starts as i listen and i suddenly feel sleepy .. so this is class... suddenly notice this white goddess lookin at me then she smiles and i just ignored it as if i didn't saw it... 

[ Break time after three classes in one go ]

i sob at my chair gosh i'm so sleepy and hungry i donno what to do first should i just die? this is just the first day but i already feel like dying here fhjksadhfisakjfgs! they were all right school feels like hell but i wanted to try it so much like other kids do i wanna feel school stress too i'm so weird, i can do this! i know i can! 

Someone " Hi can we exchanged seats ? " i heard someone talking to the person beside me she wanted to exchanged seat? and how can she have such a soft voice.. 

[ Sound of aerin's tummy ]

Oh heck why now?!

" Hey "

I'm hearing this soft voice again ... she was seating beside me now

" Sorry .. excuse me.. "  her voice is like a marshmallow that's how is it if you can touch it . "

[ Pokes aerin's arm ]

Someone poke me so i tried to check who is it? disturbing me ... 

KSHjkagdhkjwgdfwejsa! this goddess is the one that poking me and now she's smiling at me ahkjsghdfjagf is she for heaven for real?! gosh my eyes can't take it she's too godly so i tried to wink heavily and look at her again... 

Bella " Sorry! did i woke you up? sorry! sorry! "

Me " No no, it's ok.. what is it? " 

Bella " can i seat here with you if that's ok? "

Me " Yea sure no prob "

Bella " And... do you wanna have lunch with me? "

heakjwhbrwakherk! please someone saved me!!!

Me " Ahh su- "

Bella " I heard your stomach growling and i have no one to lunch with me.. "

I bit my lips for feeling so embarrass bdhjsagfhesafbvhf why do i keep doing this to my self 

Me " Y-yes suree "

Bella " Hahahaha don't be shy it's ok "

Me " Ah o-ok "

She grab my arm and pull me up and she will be dragging me to canteen for sure .. that's so terrific still feel embarrass why am i always like this? she suddenly look at me! now what?!

Bella " Aerith right? "    

" Ye-yes " 

Bella " About earlier.. "

" A-ahhhhh "

Bella " Why do you keep buffering ??? hahahah! "

" I-i'm not b-buffering "

Bella " You just did! "

" Fine... i just feel nervous "

Bella " Is that why you hurriedly get in earlier? hahaha! "

" Uhmm.. sorry that was embarrassing .." 

" It's ok! by the way.. I'm bella! school president. "

" Oooh.. that's why.. "

" What?"

" The student i mean.. "

" Oh that.. yes "

" So your pretty known person.. not just because of looks.. "

" Oh maybe.. "

" You looks so godly god goddess "

omg! did i just say that to her?! hjdasjdgajdaf cut my tongue anyone pleaseeee

" Oh! no no no! i'm not that word is so exaggerated! i'm not really.. Actually you are the one who's pretty here "

" No, your humble "

" What? " 

" I said your humble.. Godly humble"

" Oh please.. "

" Why didn't you have lunch with your friends? "

" It sounds funny but i don't really have school friends "

" Why? how did that happened your the school pres and all "

So we just entered the canteen and everyone keep staring at me! WHY ING ME?! JHASDGJAHGFDW I HAVE GODLY AT MY SIDE WHY ME?! AJSDHJASHGDBASJH i'll just keep in cool please don't embarrass yourself aerin! 

" Can we be friends? " 

We get our foods and take a seat at the corner wow the food here is heaven! it taste so good it's like the first time i'm tasting something like this..

" Ah- of course why not? i'm literally a lucky new student here who gonna be friends with a humble goddess of the campus how can i say no? and it's my first time having school friend too "

How can a godly humble president not have a friends at school? i was like bsajgdbjawdhfv that's ridiculous isn't it? what could it be? she's literally nice.. or is she?? i'll try to get to know her before jumping to conclusions but i think she's really nice.. they voted her as pre but they don't like her? i just don't understand that. 

" hahahaha! humble goddess pres? that they hate the most.. i don't even know why did they made me as pres.. it's too much hard work and they literally hates me i just don't get people "  

" You don't know why? "

" No.. do you?? "

" Of course not.. i'm just new here.. "

" Give me a first impression .. "

" I don't really like giving first impression ... "

" Come on aerith please.. " 

" Your a goddess "

" I'm not! i'm just a person.. "

" Maybe that's why? "

" That's ridiculous "

I'm so clueless right now, i don't think their's acceptable reason on hating her people were just jealous for her that's all they just envy her for being her .

[ Bell rings break time is over ]

This time i'm the one who held her hand then just walk back to the room and students where like WTF! yeah wtf look! you don't have a reason to unlike her she's so fine kids she's just a person too like us that wants to have school friends that's for sure so we take a seat.. where now seating together i give her a smile after seating and she smiled back at me.. 

Bella " thank you aerith " then she smiles

Me " Aerin.. "

Bella " Aerin?? "

Me " That's what friend called me " 

Bella " Oh a nickname you say? "

Me " Yes please "

Bella " Well then aerin thank you " then she give me a smile again then i just smiled back and focus on boring class i just wanna go home and be with my lovely bed 

[ After hours of Lecture ]

As soon as the professor come out i begun stretching and stand up and get my back.. 

Bella " Aerin... i'll go ahead first! i still got things to do take care on your way home! byeee " then she gives smiles 

Me " You too! byeeee "

I finally made a friend from school it feels really good it's the first time i've done it that's why i'm so happy i headed on my way home i won't be stopping by at sea side cause i feel so sleepy now..

[ After aerin reach home she just lay on bed without even changing her clothes ]

Bella's POV

I need to get home early after class because i need to fix my things because i'll be moving to apartment closer to school and i like it cause i will be walking on my way to school close to the sea the view is really good and it was also refreshing and so here i'm now at the apartment the owner said that i'll be staying with other girl at the room because the apartment only have one room and two beds but why the lights is still off?? she isn't at home?? so i opened the apartment with my key and started to get pulling my things one by one then i opened the lights check the every corner.. wow this place is better than i pictured it i hope my roommate and i get a long too so i get in the room and opened the light. The room is kinda big too for two people and the apartment is also big 5 people could fit in if we just got extra rooms actually we got rooms for second floor but the owner says that we need to occupied the lower floor first.. Wait someone is sleeping... i couldn't see her face because she was all covered with blanket .. ooohhh she's wearing our school uniform who could she be?? oh no i hope she's not one of those kids that hates me now i feel so worried about this. i hate this situation why? well i'll be sleeping now because i feel so tired for getting my things ready.. 

End of Bella's POV 

Aerin's POV

OOOhh who's that?! it's still early... i take a seat on my bed because the light's are already open and i'll be needing to take shower later but my eyes where still close i'm really really sleepy .. 



" Aerin! "

Someone with a familiar voice just called my nickname ...

waaaaaitttt processing... 

iuheiuwayhriwuargtfiweaukrghwa!!! i open my eyes as soon as i realized! 

OMG! it's bella the humble pres goddess!~

End of Chapter 4 Roommates 


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Hey guys! are those chapters seems so boring?? sorry.. please wait for a bit cause i'm still getting started and also thank you to those viewers that's already been in this chapter again thank you so much hope you read it until the very end . bless you! :)


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