
Second Chance

Yeri is fell asleep on her way back to her home, she just woke up when Jungkook wakes her up with a little pat on her head.

"Five more minutes.." Habit. She usually said that everytime she refused to woke up every morning when Soohyun or her mom told her to.

"I could give you a hundred minutes more, but looks like you really need to go right now."

Yeri opening her eyes slowly and she find, her dad and her mom are already standing in the front door, they're talking about something but also waiting for her. It's almost dawn right now. She came out from the car quickly with Jungkook helping her walk, because she’s still half-asleep.

"Here they are." Jungkook is right, they're actually waiting for them.

"Yerimmie, you really need to stop giving Jungkook a hard time.."

Looks like her parents is going crazy right now, ever since they learn about Jungkook and his life, they really treat him as something precious and vulnerable, like an easily broken glass shoes. Yeri doesn't like it, not because of jealousy but because she knows Jungkook is stronger than that. He doesn't need all this pity party. And she can see that Jungkook is also uncomfortable with what her parents doing. Yeri was going to say something to them regarding this matter, but Jungkook is faster than her.

"I'm sorry, but both of you really need to stop this."

That's really rude actually, talking like that to someone who is two decade older than you, looking annoyed and demanded, but well he is Jeon Jungkook, Yeri knows, he could do something even more ruthless than this.

"What happened to my family is never your fault, so please treat me properly. Don't treat me as a burden."

Yeri is no longer half asleep, she's wide awake right now. Jungkook is not in the middle of picking a fight with her dad, right? Or he is?

She stare at him closely, Jungkook is still holding her hand, so of course even though she feels a little bit scared of the the situation, she can not run away, well she doesn't actually  want to runa away because Yeri has been dying to confronting her parents about this too. She thought her dad will get mad but she find him laughing right now, her mom is doing the same too.

"I told you, he's a total copy paste of his father."

Her dad respond to her mom saying with a nod.

 "We'll try. But you need to know that it's not easy for us too.."

Jungkook is not saying anything to fight the argument from her dad. It's not easy for all of them indeed.

"First of all, you need to know how to bring my daughter back in appropriate time."

Jungkook is back to his sense after hearing that and he pushed Yeri's shoulder, making her walk to her parents’s direction.

"I'm sorry."

"That's ok." Yeri is the one who told him that and her parents looks so done with her. They just left after give Jungkook a smile. They’re not actually mad, Yeri often spending times with Jaebum till really late and they never complains so why now..

"I'm going home then. bye.." He doesn't seems in a good mood as he's leaving really quickly.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" Yeri is asking him question because she's not sure.

"I'll see you in 6 hours from now."

Yeri doesn't want to let him go, he is really makes her happy tonight, maybe being with him is not so bad after all.


Next morning, Yeri is already busy in the kitchen, she planned to makes some breakfast both for Jungkook and herself. She used to do this all the time for Jaebum, but it's actually even more excited doing this for Jungkook, because she knows he'll appreciate her effort more than Jaebum ever did.

"I can drop you off before i'm going to work."

Her mom is also ready to go. It's always a hectic morning in her house especially since Junghyun got into accident. Junghyun usually voluntarily drop Soohyun off to school if he has no classes on his academy, but since he doesn't even go there right now, her mom need to spare more times to drop Soohyun first. So of course, Jungkook's free ride is totally important right now.

"No, you'll be late that way, Jungkook oppa will pick me up, you can go first."

"Ok then. Be careful."

Yeri is getting annoyed when she's still waiting for Jungkook to come after one hour, she tried to call him but nothing get through, so she decide to call a taxi and leave without him when it's already 30 minutes before her class started. She is angry obviously, it's literally the first day of their real official relationship and this is what happened.  And thanks to the nice traffic today, so she still has 10 minutes before her class start. She walks really fast afraid if she actually late when someone is calling her name.


It’s  Kibum, one of Jungkook’s junior, he's running to her while carrying a medium size sleeping bag on his hand.

"Can you give this back to Jungkook hyunh, he gave me this morning because i want to borrow it from him, but my team already bought me one."

“Did he came here in the morning? To give you this? What time was it?”

Poor Kibum looks surprised with her reaction. But this is really annoying for Yeri.

“5 AM, he was here at 5 because i asked for his help and..”

what a jerk, Jeon Jungkook.

"Where is he right now?"

"I don't know but his car is still here, I just don’t know where he is, so that's why i give this to you.."

This is totally unacceptable.

"Give it to him by yourself."

"I can't. I really need to go right now, please."

And that's how Yeri ended up hugging a sleeping bag while entering her classroom. She is purposefully turning her phone off, because she doesn’t want to deal with Jungkook right now. He's so annoying.
Her class ended right before lunch, she's still hugging Jungkook's sleeping bag walking across the field and finally she find him, standing next to his car at the parking lot, busy staring at his phone.

There were times when Jaebum did the exact same thing to her, canceling plan without notice, forget to pick her up, put his friends first before her, making her angry and Yeri was always forgive him everytime so easily, but she can not do it with Jungkook, she’s just so annoyed and dissapointed with him right now, an apology won't fix this for sure. Yeri is not saying anything when Jungkook finally see her, she just throw the sleeping bag in front of him and turn her back right away.

Yeri is angry and she refused to deal with Jungkook on any form, but looks like he is also thinking the same way too. He's not doing anything, not contacting her at all, not a message, a phone call, or a letter. There's nothing coming from him.

And days passed just like that, of course Yeri want to see him, but her pride is blocking her for reach to him first because how could he did that to her. Yeri is at least hoping for some little efforts from him since their relationship was build in weird circumtances, but what she got is nothing. And when she's alone at home like right now the thought of Jungkook and her future with him making her feels more miserable.

Junghyun was taken to the hospital for the last check up after three weeks bed rest..all of her family is with him, only Yeri who's having a pile of assignment is left alone here. She feels a little bit scared and gloomy as a heavy rain is happening outside. And thing is becoming more thrilling when she heard a quick and rough knock on her front door. The sound is really loud and disturbing. She's hiding behind a curtain, looking at her guest through the window, and Jungkook is there.

He's drenched in rain, pale face, wet hair and clothes, he's freezing out there, his lips is trembling and his entire body is shaking because of the cold. Yeri doesn't want to open the door for him, not because she's still angry at him about today incident, but because she’s scared, she doesn't know how to act in front of this Jungkook, not the sweet, caring and warm Jungkook but the mysterious, dark, sad, messed up Jungkook. She doesn't know what to do, and it makes her feels stupid when all this time she told her parents to stop treating him as some kind of vulnerable soul because she thought he's strong enough dealing with his not so ordinary past, but then here he is..looking like a lost puppy with the saddest eyes she ever saw.

Yeri let him standing outside for almost 5 minutes, and it looks like she actually care for Jungkook more than she's thinking, because even though she's really scared, she got even more worried to let him standing alone out there so she decide to open the door for him.

A total mess. That's the most suitable description for a Jungkook in front of her eyes right now. It's not Jeon Jungkook she knows, the one who always fight her and argue with her for every little things. Him right now is in a total dark deep hole, confused, scared, empty. And when he shows a little smile right after their eyes met, Yeri feels sorry to him, so she throw herself to his arms and give his wet and drenched body a hug. Why did she do that? Yeri is note even sure.

Yeri is surprised once again when she realized that Jungkook was not even closing the door of his car in front of her house, the engine still running, lights are still on. He's being totally weird. She drag Jungkook to the living room and told him to sit, she run outside and parking his car in a proper way. When she's back, Jungkook is still sitting in silent, and it's honestly a new thing for Yeri, she confused, so she choose to ignore him and run to Junghyun's room, pick some clothes from his closet and give it to Jungkook.

"Change your clothes first, you'll get sick this way."

She's kneeling in front of him and talk to him while looking for his eye, and it's worked, he start to gain his sense back. He is taking the clothes from her hand and went into the bathroom, Yeri is doing the same thing too,  change her clothes in a speed of light, afraid if Jungkook will be done with that first. She's also started to clean up the wet floor and dryeing her mom’s favorite couch. She's busy and exhausted but more than that she's scared and feel hopeless.

Yeri is in the kitchen now after cleaning up, making a warm tea for Jungkook, she doesn't know what to say and what to do to him. She never imagine that one day she'll experienced this kind of thing.

She feels nervous when she heard Jungkook is walking to the kitchen and take a sit in one of the chair at the counter, she's taking a deep breath before she bring two cup of tea to him and faking her smile.

"I made this." Her voice came out really weak, shaking there's no confidence on it at all.

"I can give you the's easy.."

She's talking with teary eyes right now, and in the end she stopped, because tears already on her cheeks. She can't do this.

And when she lift her face to Jungkook, where he looks better than before, She sees nothing but guilts on his eyes.

"This is why i said our relationship won't work.."

She’s talking while wipe her tears quickly and looking at Jungkook as he’s caressing her face.

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm a coward."

She take a sit in front of Jungkook while looking down, she's avoiding his gaze.

"I'm getting angry at you for a cliche and petty things, meanwhile you...i don't know what kind of problem makes you so upset and ended up in such situation."

"Do you want to stop seeing me? I could leave right now."

Yeri is shaking her head, while slightly crying, a little bit annoyed with what he said.

"I'm just an ordinary person, stupid, naive and dumb as people called me. I'll solve my problems if i could and ignore it if i don't..I can't do much to help you, especially when you're still hiding so many things from me..You don't trust me."

A warm expression from Jungkook is gone when she said that, he let go of her hands and now getting up from his sit, he's entering the kitchen and take a sit on an empty chair next to her.

"You're never ordinary. I'm having the hardest time dealing with you.”

"What do you mean?"

"You heard it from Seoyeon, for how much i try to hide all my problems and my feelings even though she asked me to stop doing that, and Seoyeon was my girlfriend for a year, meanwhile with you, i already want to tell you everything, sharing my pain, and ask you about what should i do after our third meeting."

Yeri is taking her time to understand what he's saying slowly. It’s confusing.

"I saw how you deal with Jaebum and Seoyeon after what they did to us, i saw how you deal with people who making fun of you and i thought, Yeri is probably suitable as my friend because she's so kind."

"You treated me as enemy, what do you mean a friend?"

"Well that's where the hard part begin, there are times when you get on my nerves and i thought people like you is everywhere. You aren't special, a typical 20 years old who only cares about her own problem, but then i saw how you treat your family, my father, your life..."

Yeri gives Jungkook a serious look and told him to stopped talking with a little shrug on his shoulder.

"You speak so highly of me, it sounds weird."

"You want me to be honest with you, right? so this is me being honest with what i felt about you. I realized that you’re probably a person who i needed the most. As i spent more times with you, i became so attached with your existence on my life and i don't want you to dissapear."

Well, that's probably the best thing she ever had coming from her boyfriend since forever, not even Jaebum ever said this kind of things to her. He always called Yeri as cute, pretty, and nice, but he never tell her that he needs her on his life.

Yeri is feeling better now after hearing that. She never thinking so highly about herself, especially after her relationship with Jaebum ended in such a way, she thought, what she gave to him is not enough so that's why he left her. She thought the one with a mistake was her.

"Thank you for saying that, really."

She gets up from her sit and giving him a hug, he's hugging her back and kiss her cheeks lightly. She is happy, but she also knows Jungkook is not feeling the same, he came in a wrecked condition to her, and she really wants to know why.

"What happened?"

She talks to him while ruffling his damp hair, demanding, yes, but she wants to know.

"It will took me a whole night to explain everything to you, but you already know most of the story."

"What is it? something about your mother?"

"Not directly, but yeah..she's always been the problem since forever."

To be honest, Yeri never wanted a boyfriend who talks like this about his own parents. It's sounds rude and mean.

"Do you hate her?"

Jungkook seems surprised with Yeri’s direct question, but he manage to give her a simple smile.

"Yes and No."

"I hope you don't."

"Me too."

"Jungkookie opaaaa!"

It's Soohyun, her voice is loud enough for Yeri and Jungkook to heard it all the way from the kitchen. Their conversation is interrupted by Yeri's family who just got back from the hospital.

"You don't need to entertain my sister if you don't feel like it."

"It's ok."

Jungkook left Yeri and start walking really fast to the living room, she can heard her mom and Soohyun calling his name excitedly.

"Where is Yeri?"

"I'm here."

She's running to see her family, looks lke they're happy with Jungkook being here.

"We bought you dinner."

Junghyun is taking out a few packs fof simple food from a plastic bag. They bought a lot.

"How's the check up?"

Yeri is curious about that more than anything.

"I'm fine now."

Junghyun is looking so happy, looks like his check up result is great and everything is back to normal for him.


"Oh, i met with someone at the hospital. So unexpected."

 Junghyun is taking a glance to Jungkook who's suddenly interested with his conversation with Yeri.

"It's not Yoon Jaebum." He said it with eyes on Jungkook while laughing, teasing him.

Junghyun is behaving so nice to Jungkook, and it's actually makes Yeri wonder if he also knows about his life. They get along really well, so different with the way he treat Jaebum back then.

"Then who is it?"

"Lee Junsu, do you remember him?"

Of course.

Yeri remember him, he was their bestfriend at elementary school.  They spend so much times together at school, playing together, fighting the bullies who always bothering Junghyun, watching movies, biking together, She did everything together with him. It's a childhood memories she won't ever forget.

 Junsu was a quiet kid but also sweet and really kind, he's kinda mysterious too like Jungkook, for more than 2 years they're being friends, he never let Yeri and Junghyun play at his house. Then one day, right after Yeri graduated, Lee Junsu was  gone. He never called, and never told them where he was going. Junghyun and Yeri talked about him a lot, like really a lot..even though he's gone without any news and feels like imaginary friend for both of them, they’re still hoping that one day Junsu will be back and they can talk about the good old times. And looks like god hears their pray. He is back.

"Really? oh my god." Yeri is becoming so excited hearing this news, it makes her happy.

"Yeah, he told me that he's been living and studying abroad, i already told him for a meet up."

It's really good, Yeri and her relationship with Junghyun is never horrible, but it is true that they're started to growing apart from each other after Junsu left. They ended up spent less times together, busy with their own life, just a typical brother and sister relationship.

"Great.. can't believe we finally met him again, it's almost 10 years since the last time we saw him."

Looks like Yeri is too immersed with the talk about Junsu, because he is not aware that Jungkook is not here anymore.

"He went to the bathroom." That's what Junghyun said, when he realized Yeri is looking for him.

"Junghyun-ah, you better go to sleep right now."

Her mom is coming to them and told Junghyun to sleep, and he is not refusing or anything, Junghyun leave Yeri really quick, He bump into Jungkook who just get out from the bathroom.

"See you later, hyung.” He said it like Jungkook is a permanent resident on this house.

"I'll be going home too."

Jungkook talks to Yeri’s mom who's busy holding Soohyun and takes her to her room, she give him a little pat on his shoulder while saying thank you.

"I'll drop you home." Yeri talks to him after her mom gone from their sight. She knows it's ridiculous, but the sight of Jungkook from earlier still makes her worried. Jungkook is smiling hearing her suggestion. He does nothing but taking his wet clothes from earlier and walking away from Yeri.

"Call me when you arrive." She knows Jungkook doesn't like her idea, so she gave up right away for his sake.

"I'm sorry."

And when both of them is already outside, Jungkook is back to Yeri and holding her hands.


"For not keeping my promise to pick you up a few days ago."

Right, Yeri is in the middle of being angry at him for this matter.

"You're a little bit too much regarding that, but as you's a petty and cliche thing to get mad about. It's not like this is my first relationship or anything, i forgive you, but it's true that i don't feel good about what happened."

"I'll be here at 8 tomorrow."

"Alright, i'll wait."

Yeri give him a quick kiss before she's waving her hand and sending him away. It does looks like everything is back to normal, but she knows..dealing with Jungkook will be harder than before after what she saw tonight.

8 AM, Yeri is already waiting for Jungkook to pick her up, he arrived right at 8 am. On time.
Yeri can't sleep last night, there are so many things she needs to think through about her life. Jungkook and her relationship with him is taking her time the most. So she kinda feels nervous everytime she needs to see Jungkook.

"Great job for being on time." That's what she said, the first time she sees him.

A sweet morning kiss and handling him a breakfast, the usual routine she always did with Jaebum when he came to picking her up, at least for the first few months of their relationship, 2 years ago.

"What is it?"

and looks like Jungkook also has his own routine with Seoyeon because he seems used to it except for the breakfast thing.


He looks so happy and excited receiving it.

"Why?" he takes one bite of sandwich Yeri made while asking her a question.

"I told you, i'm treating the person i like really good. You better prepared for more incredible things."


"I won't tell, you just need to wait for it."

Jungkook is not responding with anything but a huge smile is appear on his face.

"This is good, thank you for making me this."

Just like her expectation, he will appreciate her for this kind of things. It feels like Yeri slowly gained her confidence back after misstreated by Jaebum recently.

They talked about lot of things on the way, but the talk about last night is never came up. Yeri doesn't want to bring it up first and Jungkook is also purposefully avoiding it. Looks like he secretly hoping Yeri would forget about what happened.

"There's a get together being held by one of my gamers hyung.."

Yeri is familiar with this kind of talk, “i'm playing with my friend, i couldn't see you after this, bye..” All of her exes  were always explaining their schedule to her before they said sorry for unable to spend times with her.

"Have fun. I'll take the bus later to go home.."

Jungkook looks confused when she said that. So does she after seeing his reaction.


"I'm asking you out. I want you to come with me."

Yeri is not saying anything, because she remembers what people said about Jungkook, she never bring a girl to a social gathering like this.

"Will people ask me about why i'm the first person you ever take to that kind of place?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Why did you never asked Seoyeon to go with you?"

Jungkook seems understand what Yeri means now, he take a quick glance at her and letting out a long sigh.

"I did, i asked her several times, but she always said no. Maybe because she's already busy with your boyfriend behind my back at that time.."

There's a tension on his words, looks like he actually tried really hard to makes things with Seoyeon works only for Jaebum to ruined it for him.

"My boyfriend is you, who are you talking about?" Yeri try to makes a joke out of it, and he seems a little bit entertained.

"Anyway, you know what i mean.."

"I can't promise you anything, i'll call you if i could go."

Jungkook looks a little bit bummed but he's nodding his head after.

At lunch time, Yeri trapped with taking her lunch together with some of her classmates who likes gossip. Jungkook is done with his class and in the middle of doing something with his friends, she doesn't want to  bother him just because she wants a comfortable lunch.

"Jaebum and Seoyeon is graduating next year, they looks good together.."

Both of them are seating in a big table together with their friends, few meters from Yeri.

"They looks so great, yeah."

Yeri talks in a loud voice in purpose, just in case her friend is not aware about her existence.

"That's why.. why did you leave him?"

And Yeri lost her smile when she realized that her friend knows exactly about her being here, hearing everything they said. She already has no will to respond to this, so she's not saying anything but left them with awkward smile.

"I don't feel any regrets for leaving him behind."

That's what she said before she dash out from there trying to call Jungkook. He picks the call after the third ring.

"What's wrong?"

"Party. I'm coming."

"It's a get together, not a party."

"Whatever. I'm coming with you."


"You're in a bad mood."

That's what Jungkook said when Yeri is coming out from her room, he’s here to picke her up for the get together with his friends.

"I was, but not anymore."

Sleep is totally helping, Yeri was in a bad mood after her meeting with her friends earlier, even though she's not sure why.


Jungkook take her by the hands and linking his arms on her shoulder as they're walking outside.

"Wait..i need to tell my parents about going out with you tonight."

"I already told them, they said it's ok even if i'm not taking you back home tonight."

Well, that’s possible coming from Yeri's parents.

"Really? I'll decide abt that later."

She laughs at him while freeing herself from his grip.

"Our team won something at the championship, i'm not participating since i really need to focus with my study, since i'm the only one who's still doing it among us."

Jungkook explaining to Yeri when he was asked about  what kind of event is this.

"I’m not expecting about you being serious with your study."

"I'm always serious.”


“I’m really good actually, I did that to makes my dad feels at ease as i live by myself away from him..”

The talk about his father makes him sounds weak to be honest.

"Right, your is he?"

It's been months since the last time she saw him.

"He is fine."

"Good. He was really nice to me."

Yeri is not hearing an answer from Jungkook for that remarks.

"My hyungs really want to see you again."

He drive the conversation into another direction and she noticed it.


"They like you."

Yeri is not saying anything after that.


"It's a club." Yeri talk to Jungkook as soon as they arrived.

"Yes it is. I'm sure you've been here before."

"Yes i have. But you said it's not a party."

He hold her hands while walking inside with a few familiar eyes staring at them. Their college friends are easy to find here.

"They told me it's not."

Well, it's actually not. Party is happening at the first floor, some girls around Yeri’s age is having a birthday blast down there, meanwile Jungkook and his friends are having a small celebratory event with a few bottles of wine.  Looks elegant and mature, maybe because the only student here is only Jungkook and Yeri, she feels a little bit unfit here.

She already met with these men few months ago, there's 7 on his group, 4 is the most active member, with Jungkook, it's 5 person who’s often joining a real game competition. It's fascinating, because Yeri thought professional gamer is already a profession but these people are not. Seokjin is running a small company with his family. Jimin, Taehyung and Joon are an ordinary employee, woeking from 8 to 5, like her parents. Hoseok and Yoongi is a duo who's running a medium scale PC room, meanwhile Jungkook is a college student.

"There won't be many woman in our get together right now, so i hope you're not feeling uncomfortable." It was Jimin who talks to her as soon as Yeri sit beside him and Jungkook.

"It's fine, I'm not good with woman, anyway."

That's a joke obviously, but also true, she doesn't have too many girl friends these days. And counting her problem with Seoyeon, that joke sounds just like a fact.

"His girlfriend will be here for sure, you met her before." Jungkook pointing his hand to Taehyun who sit in front of Yeri and busy with his phone.

Right, the pretty and tall girl, Joy or Sooyoung as she remembers it.

"Mine will be here too, but i still need to convince her first."

"Jin hyung's girlfriend is a celebrity, you'll definitely recognized her, so she's a little bit hard for a meet up like this."

"You've been know them for years. are they changing their girlfriend often so you get to see beautiful woman from time to time?"

Jungkook is laughing at her question, it's such a naive question but also important in Yeri's opinion.

"No, we're just started bringing our partner for a meet up earlier this year, we've never done it before..and they always bring the same girl everytime we're doing this. They're older than us, they probably already stopped playing with something like that."

Yeri nodding her head to him because that's totally makes sense. But something is kinda off.

"Your words is ambiguos, isn't that means you're playing with me right now?"

Yeri talk to him while chuckling and take a sip of her wine.

"Why are you thinking like that?"

"Because they're older so they're serious and we're younger so we're not..."

"That's totally not what i meant."

Jungkook start kissing her cheeks after saying that, Yeri was going to turn her face and kissing him back when the door is opened by someone, and all eyes are focusing to it, including both of them.

"She's here."

Yeri can't believe her eyes, The Irene chicks is definitely the it girl of this generation, she's everywhere these days, from cf, model, drama, movies, she's been on top of entertainment industry hirearchy for the past 3 years. Seokjin’s girlfriend is her. And Jungkook is probably right, they’re older so they probably stopped playing.

"Your group of friends is awesome"

The rest of the get together is everything about talking, story sharing, wine drinking, and playing for all of them. Jungkook looks so much happier, so different with what she sawa from him last night.

"I'm glad you're happy." She's whipering that words to Jungkook because she's genuinely felt that.

He looks a little bit taken aback with what she said but manage to give her a smile before back to his hyungs. Jungkook looked best when he smiles, everyone will agree with Yeri about this.

"I love you."

Yeri doesn't know from where she gained a courage to say that, but she did say it.

"What's wrong?"

Jungkook looks surprised hearing it, but more than that he looks totally unsure about it.

"Hyung, i'll go get a drink downstairs."

Yeri can not do anything when she's dragged outside by JK. They're walking fast to the first floor and stopped in an empty table, music is loud down here, and more people is here.

"Nothing is wrong.." Yeri feels dissapointed with the way he act.

"I don't want to hear i love you words from you  because you feels sorry after seeing me in a messy condition.."

Yeri knows what he said is not exactly wrong, but she feels too ashamed to admit it. She does feels more concerned about Jungkook after what happened last night and it's probably affecting her feeling for him. Probably.

"Are you seriously going to do this?"

"I know you, Kim're an open book, i can see through you.."

"You really need to stop acting like you know everything. If my judgment about you is changing and i'm willing to love you because of your sad life, then shouldn't you be grateful? after what i've been through all this time? After how much i suffered because you and your not-so good behaviour before all of this?"

Wow, that was rude, mean, and a really bad thing to said to Jungkook. Yeri is not serious about it, she knows. She just said it because she feels upset and embarassed that Jungkook could easily knows about her feelings and her intention.

Yeri doesn't know how Jungkook take that words, because he's not saying anything and back to his friends, leaving her behind. Yeri already has her bag and her wallet, so she decide to leave because she's so embarassed and feels wronged, her mood is already ruined since this morning and now this.

Yeri ended up spending her times alone at an ice cream shop. She's not turning off her phone just in case Jungkook will looking for her, but he's not. It's already 2 hours after their fight and Yeri left the place, so obviously Jungkook is aware Yeri is not there anymore.

"That was really a harsh words."

Yeri is already on her 4th cup of ice cream while recalling what she said to Jungkook earlier. She never went this far to all of her exes, not even to a jerk like Yoon Jaebum. She knows some part of her already has this bitter feeling to Jungkook after what she's been through. She receive some kind of bad day because of his doing, it's not like Jungkook treat her as a princess since day one.
But then she also doesn't want Jungkook to get hurt and she genuinely hoping for him to be happy, that means she also has tons of affections for him, right, that means she genuinely love him, no?

"Ugh." she lets out a groan before get up from her seat, pay for her ice cream, and leave the shop quickly.

I'm barely survived from BTS's comeback askjhdjhjhfjhd

Thanks for reading <3

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Chapter 8: Here I am again reading this story for maybe more then 10 times already. I never get tired or bored reading this one all over again, cause despite you said you went all drama for this one, you really make the story feel so real and the flow can’t be more realistic and understandable than this seriously. I always love the way you write your story cause you never rush things and make everything just perfect for me, so everytime I miss jungri I’m going nowhere but here opening your public stories all over again and Second Chance still being my favorite of all time. Hope you’ll make a comeback with another jungri story, but it’s okay not to rush thing cause you know, I can always comeback for your completed story anyway. I will never tired to tell you this one too: thanks alot for writing this story!
Chapter 20: I totally love it!!
Chapter 19: A very cute story!!
real__tcs #4
Chapter 10: Im reading this while listening to Playlist of BTS song (Piano Cover) by Smyng. Especially, this chapter with BTS Run. Gosh the feeling is so real..
Chapter 10: This is crazily wonderful. Again, I love this chapter sooooo muuuuuch. You're genius.
Chapter 6: Fascinating how someone can be so good on writing this story, esp this chapter omg this is intense. I love jungri so much.
momichi96 #8
Chapter 20: Soo frustrating but cute. ^^
Chapter 20: jungkook is sooo frustrating at times but he is sooo cute as a boyfriend
momichi96 #10
Chapter 19: Seriously the end ? omooo we need more Authornim TT Sequel pleaseeeee ~~~ Love your story so much