
Second Chance

It's been a week since the "family meeting with Jungkook and his father", things get so complicated from there..the talk about Jungkook will start at least twice a day, from their parents or Junghyun. They're curious about him when they usually never cared about any of Yeri's boyfriend before, not even Jaebum who's with her for 2 whole years. As for her relationship with him,'s getting better day by day, not remarkably acceptable but he treat her better after their family entering the picture.

People is slowly forgetting about what happened between Yeri, Jaebum, Jungkook and Seoyeon, so she can actually start having a quiet day again in her life when nobody is cursing at her or calling her a on her SNS. 

"Yeri, Seoyeon sunbae wants to see you."

Yeri is just getting ready to her morning class when one of her classmates told her about Seoyeon and she find her at the front of her class, smiling at her. Weird.

"Can i talk to you?"
Yeri glance at her watch, it's 10 minutes before her lectured begin, but she's also curious about what Seoyeon want to say to her so she said yes for a conversation.

"I only have 10 minutes."

"It won't be long."

Yeri is walking behind her, feeling nervous and also annoyed because well, this girl is stealing her man. Ruined her relationship, and her life, more or less.

"If you're going to hurts me because i took Jungkook from you, you better stop right now."

Noone is here, she takes her to an area where people don't usually here. So of course Yeri is being wary.

"I wasn't going to do that, but now you're giving me an idea."


"Not really, i already planned it."

Yeri has no time to run, when Seoyeon pushing her to a tiny room and lock the door in a quick movements. She's totally planning it before. What a child game.

"Aren't you embarassed by doing this? I'm not a kid, i don't get scared over things like this."

"I don't do it to scare you, i do it to see how my ex boyfriend react to this."


"He never cared about me..and i just want to see if he actually treat you the same way or not. I should be the one who throw him away not the other way round, it hurts my pride"

"I have nothing to do with your hates to him, he left you, get over it."

Jeon Jungkook again and again, when will he leaves her's not a secret that Jungkook is bad at relationship, he's never doing much to people around him. If he didn't care about Seoyeon, then why would he care about Yeri who practically his enemy. This is so useless, Jungkook hates her too. 

Yeri is already stopped hearing Seoyeon's voice after a few minutes. She's gone. 

Yeri left her bag and her phone at class, given how people don't usually care about her it's probably hard for her classmates to notice that she's gone.

"So she's doing this not because i stole her man, but because i made Jungkook throw her away when she's the one who wanted to do it first? then what about my relationship she ruined?"

Yeri doesn't know what Seoyeon and Jungkook had before this, but judging from their personality, it's probably a mess for them. So break up is probably better for them.  Meanwhile what Yeri had with Jaebum is a complete fairytale. They were happy, they were fine, Yeri loves Jaebum with all her heart, she pours everything to protect their relationship.. breaking up with him is never something that she wanted. At least that's what she thought.


Yeri started to get irritated when she realized that it's been 3 hours since she locked up here and noone is aware about it. She's still not eat anything since this morning, not to mention that Seoyeon is really cruel, leaving her here without at least a bottle of water.

It's almost 3PM, she thought that her family will probably notice if she's gone for too long, right? I mean, she has no friends or people who cares for her at this place, but her family will helping her, right? It's all her positive thoughts, but when she spend another hour screaming for help and noone is still here, Yeri actually thinks that she's going to die, she'll be gone and noone will notice it. And that thoughts is enough to makes her cry, she feels small and unwanted.

"Yeri-ya. Kim Yeri!" That voice is totally sounds like heaven for Yeri, someone is finally looking for her, someone is aware that she's gone.

She is getting up from her sit and hit the door with her last energy.

"I am here, here!"

Someone is right in front of the door and try to open it, she knows, this person is working so hard and sounds frustrated to while doing it because the door still won't open.

"Listen to me, you need to stay away from the door, i'll open it"

Yeri is listening to that voice really well, and when the door is finally open with force, she feels tons of relieves. She's walking very slowly, because locked up in a tiny place for hours is exhausting.

"Thank you for helping me out." She is bowing her head to the person who opened the door for her, but instead of answering , he gives her a hug instead.

"Stop leaving your things behind." A familiar nag, so Yeri lift her face to him and she find Jungkook..looks worried and tired.

It does feels weird to see him actually care for her and doing this for her, but Yeri is thankful, at least someone is still care and want her.

"I waited for hours..what took you so long?" Yeri choose to hugging him back and rest her head on his arms. She's crying now.

"I'm really sorry." He pats her back, and it's honestly feels natural for Yeri,  as his bf, this is totally his responsibility even though her misery is  but also technically his fault, but it's still nice to have him around.

"It was Seoyeon, right?"

Yeri stare at Jungkook, still with her teary eyes, judging from his expression, he definetely looks angry and he's not waiting for Yeri to answer and start walking while dragging her hands.

Yeri is actually feels surprise when Jungkook taking her to a group of her classmates who's also looking worried, one of them is holding her bag.

"Yerimie, are you ok?" Some of the crowd is leaving when they find she is finally back, but few peoples is still here.

"What happened?"

"What do you mean what happened, we're already looking for you when we noticed that you're gone after take a walk with Seoyeon."

It's a little bit overwhelming to knows people still care for her, after her reputation is a mess for one month. She thoughts that nobody wants to be her friend anymore.

"Thank you." Jungkook takes Yeri's bag from her friends and now continue to drag her outside. And when she realized that he's taking her to Jaebum and Seoyeon, Yeri stopped from her walk.

"Don't do this." He is staring at her when she holds his arms really hard.

"What she did was overboard. You could get hurt."

Yeri started to get panic when a few of Jaebum's friend notice her existence, it's only a matter of time before they told Jaebum about her and Jungkook being here.

"But i didn't get hurt, I'm fine."

"Why? are you afraid Jaebum will feel bad seeing you with me like this? you're my gf. I have a right to protect you."

See? another fight. Yeri honestly tired with this and after how much she struggles without food and water for all day, trapped,  the only thing she can do right now is crying.

"It wasn't her. It was you, you're the reason why i'm getting locked up in there, you're the reason why i'm crying right now, You're the one who's hurting me."

It's a frustration, she didn't mean to say mean things to Jungkook like this, but it's just happened.

He looks surprised with what she said because now he's letting go of Yeri's hands, his expression is unreadable, he looks confused, disspointed, angry, and sad. Yeri feels wronged because of it, so she come close to him and reach for his hand again.

"I want to go home, please."



"Kim Yerim, I'm so worried."

As soon as Yeri reach her home, everyone is coming to her, her little sister giving her a hug while crying and her mom is also talking to her while caressing her face.

"I told them that you're gone." Jungkook whispering that words to Yeri when he realized she get confused over this.


"I was looking for you, and you're nowhere to be found, you don't pick up your call either, so i asked your family, and then they told me you're not home..."

Right, Jungkook is no longer her fake boyfriend but also a family according to her parents, so yeah it's totally makes sense now.

"Change your clothes, i already made a dinner for all of us, you looks so pale. Jungkookie you stay too."

Yeir is helped by her mom to walk, her eyes is still on Jungkook, thinking about how could this happened..
She is back to the dining room after a bath. Jungkook is also still here, talk to her mom and her sister, having a same menu with her for dinner.

"What are you guys talking about, leaving me out?" Yeri takes a sit beside Jungkook, and he helps her with her dinner..this is weird.

"Jungkook oppa told me that he'll let me to play his console game at his house."

"He's older than me, don't call him oppa, call him uncle."

"Really? it doesn't looks like it, Unnie you looks older than him."

Yeri pouting her lips hearing that, looks like all of her family is already head over heels for Jungkook. She doesn't know how he did it, but looks like he's good with socializing.

"Let them eat their dinner in peace, let's go."

Yeri watch her mom leave her seat while taking her sister away from the table. Looks like they already had their dinner when she's still in the bathroom, meanwhile Jungkook is waiting for her to eat together.

"You're unusually nice to me..what happened?"

"I'm always nice, what are you talking about?"

"It's weird."

"hey..about the earlier thing." Jungkook is stoping his eat and now lift his face to Yeri, he looks serious and wronged.

"Can we talk after i'm done with my dinner? I didn't get to eat anything all day."

Yeri is afraid if their conversation will turn into a heated argument and also will turn into a fight, it'll ruining her mood and also her will to eat. So it's better to talk later.

And another weird things happened because Jungkook is actually listen to her and following her order. So weird.


"This is me and this is Junghyhun."

Yeri is now staying with Jungkook, who's doing a tour in her house with her guide, because her mom told her to do that.

"You look alike." 

"Yeah when we were a kid."

"Kim Yerim..about the earlier thing."

The earlier thing is so many things, she doesn't know what will Jungkook choose to talked about at time like this, it could be about Seoyeon, it could be about her crying, it could be about Jaebum, anything.

"yeah, why?"

He stopped from his walk and now looking straight into Yeri's eyes..this one is also weird.

"I didn't know that i'm hurting you so badly.."

Yeri feels bad after saying that, it's not what she means, well yeah she doesn't like Jungkook and all his behaviour..but she never thought him as someone who has capability to hurt her. He's annoying and get into her nerves often, yes..but Yeri never thought that he's doing it on purpose to hurting her.

"I'm' was something i said because i don't know what to do back then. I don't want you to get angry at Seoyeon and Jaebum after what happened to me, i can protect my self, i don't want to hide behind your back, at least not in front of them."

"You looks so genuine while telling me that. I'm aware that i don't do any good to you, but really i never want to hurts you. This just the way i am. I'm a mess as you can see."

Yeri doesn't know what to said to him anymore. This is the first time they actually talks in a friendly atmosphere, talking about something serious and about what they feels for each other.

"I know...i just.. people around me usually treat me well,  i have so many friends, a boyfriend, everything is perfect. It changed after i met you, it takes a toll on me and i'm taking my frustration out by hating you. You don't need to feel bad or anything...we don't obligate to be good to each other.."

Jungkook is now watching Yeri and leaning his back to his seat. He's judging her.

"Your life is a mess not because of me. But because your perfect boyfriend cheating on you. Stop blaming me for that..."

Yeah..he's right but there's no way Yeri want to blame Jaebum for that. It's easier to hates on Jungkook than to hate Jaebum. She still can not erase all the memories she had with him for the past 2 years.

"And i want to treat you better. I want to be good.."

"No, that's not necessary."

Yeri's heart is already in a weird situation every time Jungkook did something good for her or taking care for her. She's scared if she will eventually giving in about her feelings to him. And Jeon Jungkook is no good for her.
"I'm not doing it for you, my dad told me to do that."

Yeri stare at him with confusion, He is totally different, if things started to involved his dad. It looks like he's worshipping him.

"Are you having a dad complex or something?"

"No, i'm just respecting him and he's my parent, we need to listen to them well, right?"

Jungkook never talked about his mom ever since they met,  parents is only a father to him. He actually never talked about his family or his personal life to Yeri, he only talks about this now, because they have no choice when their parents turns out to be best friends long time ago. Yeri suspecting something is not right about his family situation, his life doesn't seems ordinary like hers.

"I'm really thankful to your dad for saying that, but you should know, for me you're nothing but a jerk, it's going to be hard for me to think you're acting genuine."
Jungkook is not mad with what she said, even though Yeri did it to offence him and to let him know his limit.

"You're hating me because i was the one who's forcing you to see reality, because i'm the one who show you that a perfect life you had is nothing but imagination. Grow up."
He left her after saying that, and it's honestly making her embarassed.

Yeri is walking Jungkook to the front door, when he's going home. He spent one hour to talk with her mom and play with her sister after dinner while she's watching him. He's not that bad for a fake boyfriend, who's ended up introduced to your parents. He's polite, he laughs a lot, caring, and paying attention to her family.

It's just...what Yeri feels for him is probaly less than 1% from what she had with Jaebum before all of this. Maybe Jungkook could be her best friend.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow."
Yeri is watching Jungkook wearing his jacket when he told her that.

"No, you don't need to do that."

It's burdensome.


"I'm uncomfortable. I know we're dating, but we didn't do it because we love each other, it's just weird to keep seeing you and receiving such treatment from a stranger."

Yeri knows that calling Jungkook as a stranger is a reach, so she's avoiding his eyes after saying that, and only looks at him when he stopped staring at her and busy with his phone.

"Whatever. I'll just let you know that confronting both Jaebum and Seoyeon about what happened to you is probably my first agenda tomorrow morning."

"Really? Are you threaten me with that?"

Jungkook knows her weakness, he's basically use Yeri's love for peace and her care for Jaebum as something to use against her.

"Fine. 8AM, late and i'll leave without you."

He looks so cocky after Yeri is finally giving up. And he stopped talking right away, he just takes his bag, and he left.

"He's really remind me to his father when he was young. I actually had a crush on him when we're still a student.."

Yeri's mom is talking to her after Jungkook left, and it's honestly some interesting stuffs to follow, Yeri's parents and Jungkook's dad is a high school friends, and then one day he left them for college, no contact or news. He just gone.

And they met again just recently when one of Yeri's dad business tangled with his company.

"You don't know Jungkook's mom?"

"No, it's all from the lost years, we didn't even know he got married and has a kid, since we just met again after a long time, we still don't talk about it, maybe one day i'll try to ask him, why don't you try to ask Jungkook ?"

Yeri shakes her head quickly.

"We're not in a relationship where we can talk about serious stuffs, our past, and deep thoughts...I hope you don't have high expectation for us, we're just playing with each other, i'm not dating him seriously."

Yeri expect her mom to nagging her and lecturing her about what she said, but turns out that she's patting her back while smiling.

"That's what i said on my first day as your father's gf..we got married few months later..."

"That's because you already knows him for so many years, he's your bestfriend before your boyfriend, meanwhile Jungkook, i barely know him.."

"Anyway, it's not like i ever cared about man you're dating Kim Yerim, what you have with Jungkook is your own business, we're just happy we met our friend again, and we don't want to ruin it. So there's that.."

"What does that even means?"

Yeri has no answer for her question, because her mom just left her hanging with that.

Jungkook is here, 7.30 in the morning. Yeri is definetely bothered when she just finished her bath and he is already here having breakfast with her entire family. 

"What are you doing here?"

"You can't makes a guest wait for too long, Yerim, i told him to eat because you took a long time preparing."

Yeri thinks that her mom is purposefully doing this to makes her angry, taking Jungkook's side, taking care of him, it's so annoying..

"I told you 8 am."

Jungkook stopped from his eat and now lift his face to Yeri, he's still chewing his food and when he's done with it, he start to talk again.

"Yeah? and that means you only have 15 minutes left. Late and i'll leave without you, your words not mine."

What a nightmare, Yeri ignore him and walking fast to her room while whining.



Yr came out from her room, ready to go, right at 8 am and Jungkook is already in the front door, watching her walk.

"Let's go." 

"I didn't have my breakfast yet.."

"It's already 8." He is walking away from her. Yeri can see him is already get in to his car, and of course she really needs to follow him for a free ride.

And when both of them is inside the car Yeri choose to not talking at all, she's just so annoyed by Jungkook and all his behaviour since early morning, totally ruining her mood.

"I have class at 8.30, i can't afford to late for that, i'm graduating next year."

"I don't need explanation, let's not talk with each other.."

It's hard to believe that Jungkook is someone who actually had a girlfriend before this, because the way he treat her is really something Yeri can't understand. It's weird someone could have a relationship with him. But again her last girlfriend is literally choose someone else over him, so it's a little bit makes sense.

"You can have this.." Yeri stopped playing with her phone when Jungkook giving her a paper bag, one tuna sandwich and can of coffee.

"Is this edible?"

"I bought it on my way to your home and it is edible of course."
Yeri is not sure, so she just staring at him and holding the paper bag tight.

"It's true, i still have the receipt somewhere..just eat it for your breakfast."

She's taking out the tuna sandwich and it is definetely looks edible and this is her favorite..she also likes coffee.

"Alright then, but i'm still not talking to you."


Yeri and Jungkook is finally reach their college's parking lot after a few arguments back on the road, unfortunate for them, Jaebum and Seoyeon are also here. Just like them, they're getting out from Jaebum's car, together.

Yeri can see Seoyeon is holding a pink blanket on her lap, and she knows exactly that's blanket is hers. It is always her favorite, she left it in Jaebum's car just in case. She doesn't want to be petty and talking to them over small things, but after what Seoyeon did to her yesterday, it is really making her angry.
She shoves the left over tuna sandwich to Jungkook's mouth, before she get out from his car and walk to Seoyeon's direction.

"Let's go to a party..tonight.." Jungkook is still not finished his talk when Yeri is walking passed by him with angers on her eyes.

"What a joke, she's the one who told me to stay away from this matter.." He's following her when he realized Yeri is coming for Jaebum and Seoyeon.

Both of them is aware about her existence now and Seoyeon's avoiding her gaze, looks like she knows what she did yesterday was bad.

It's the first time Yeri heard Jaebum calls her name again after a long time, and the stupid Yeri still feels a little happy hearing it.

"I'm sorry about yesterday." Seoyeon is now talking to her, she's apologizing.
"Did you know what she did to me yesterday?"
Yeri is ignoring her and ask Jaebum a question instead. He looks surprised but he can answer her with a nod.

"I heard."

These bastards, how could they act like nothing is happened all smiley and being lovey dovey knowing Yeri was suffered yesterday. 

"I was being overboard, I'm really sorry."

Yeri can see that Jungkook is now here, standing beside her, eyes are on Seoyeon.  Yeri can see affection is still there on his eyes.
It's only a few seconds stare from Jungkook to Seoyeon before he stand in front of her, he talks to her with his back facing Seoyeon and it makes her feels like a winner, somehow.

"I have class in 5 minutes, i don't have time for this." He talks close to her so anyone won't hear their conversation.

"You're not the one who's being locked up in confined space for hours."

"I was the one who's looking for you all day. Trust me, it's also not easy."

Yeri knows Jungkook has a right to dislike this behaviour coming from her, since she's the one who doesn't want to drag this incident for long but ended up here doing a different thing. And, it's also a fact Jungkook is looking for her all day and helping her out.
So, when she is looking around her surrounding and notice a few peoples is looking at their direction, listening to Jungkook and being obedient is probably her best choice for right now.

"Then go get me my blanket." Yeri is pointing her finger to her pink blanket inside Jaebum's car, Jungkook is following her hands and give her a glare. She knows he hates her request,  but she does wants her blanket back.

Jungkook let out a groan before he walks to Jaebum and grab his car keys from his hand.

"Hey..what the ..." Jaebum looks really annoyed and ready to fight Jungkook again.

But what Jungkook did was only unlock the door, take Yeri's blanket, and giving Jaebum his key back.

"My girlfriend want this."

"No, i don't want that. I'm just taking my stuffs back." 

Yeri take her blanket from Jungkook's hand and walking away from everyone after saying that.  Revenge is great.

Yeri just finished her class when a text message from Jungkook popped out on her phone. He told her about a party. She choose to ignore his messages and going straight home. It's exhausting to keep seeing him all day.

"I sent you a text."
But again...Jungkook is Jungkook, he definetely someone who can't leave her alone, just like right now, he's already waiting for her outside her class, looks like he just finished his schedule for today too.

"I'm not in the mood for a party."

"It won't be long. I just need to show my face there and i'll drop you home immediately."

Words sounds like begging but what he did more like commanding for Yeri.

"Then go. Alone. "

"Come'd be fun. You need to give me compensation after i took your blanket back from your ex"

He's linking his arms on Yeri's shoulder and dragging her while Yeri is walking with zero energy next to him.

"10 minutes" She talks to him quickly and Jungkook giving her a nod. He actually listens to her.



"The party won't start till 8PM. So let's go buy something. I'll pay, you can choose anything"

"Are you a drink supplier for that party?"

Jungkook bought a few bottle of vodka, one crat of beer, juice, soda, everything.

"Since i won't be stay there long. This will be my consolation gift for everyone."

"Then you could put some of this back, and i'll let you stay there for half an hour."
He looks surprised but thankful to Yeri when she said that.

"Half an hour. Deal." He take a few stuffs back from his trolley and put it back really quick.


"You don't like party? Jaebum host a lot of get together and party, it's weird that you hates it"

Jungkook is happy again, seems like his mood is change for a better after Yeri being lenient to him.

"I don't hate it. I joined him everytime he had one. It's know the last time i visited a party was me broke up with my boyfriend, getting called a , and watching you got hit.."

Jungkook becoming quiet after Yeri said that and their conversation ended. He start to talk again when they finally arrived at their destination, a luxurious cottage near a small lake, it's quite far away from the main road. 

From the outside, it's actually looks like a party is being held. So many people, loud music.

Yeri is waiting for Jungkook to unloaded all stuffs they bought earlier when few guys come to him and helping him with that. She give them a smile when their eyes meet, they're looking at her in such a mysterious way but it's not making her uncomfortable or anything.

"First time bringing a girl. Impressive."

One of the guy talk to Jungkook while chuckling and Yeri honestly flustered. First time?
Sounds like bull.

"Let's go" Jungkook is ignoring his friends words and now holding Yeri's hand while walking inside the cootage.

"Are you seriously never bring any of your girlfriend to a party before?"

He is not answering her with words but he nods his head. Wow. Shocking.

The party looks impressive indeed. It doesn't look cheap or anything, it's also not messy. Looks totally fun, and most important thing is nobody form college is here. Yeri doesn't recognized anyone and that's honestly relieving after being everyone's target for more than a month, it feels like she's free again to do this kind of activities.

"Jungkook-ah!" Both of them turn their face when someone calling Jungkook's name really loud. A handsome guy.

"Oh hyung..great party as usual"

"I heard you're not coming alone..."

Yeri is giving him a smile after hearing that, obviously this guy is talking about her.

"Kim Yeri, my girlfriend."

Yeri offering her hand first, it's kinda weird but she does feels some sort of pride for being introduced as Jungkook's girlfriend like this.

"Nice to meet you. Kim taehyung" The handsome guy takes her hand quickly.

"Where are the others hyung?"

"They're not here yet. Anyway enjoy the party..i'll see you around."

Yeri nodding her head to him as he leaves. He looks bummed when he heard that "the others" is still not here. He takes a glance to his watch for so many times already.

"You know...let's cancel the half an hour deal. You can finished your business first and i'll be staying here, get some drink or dance. Just call me if you're done."

"Really?" Jungkook is surprised but happy. 

"Yeah..i think"

"Well..ok then..see you later." He kiss her cheeks before he left like that's the most natural thing ever.
Of course is not a big deal if they're actually dating for real. But for Yeri, he is far from real.


Party is fun especially after an exhausting heart break she just experienced. Yeri is already on her 2nd glass of vodka, she talks with few peoples here, exchanging story and play some fun games together. She just met these people tonight, but it feels like she gained best friends already.

"You're Jungkookie's girlfriend, right?" Seems at this place news spreading fast too.

Yeri nod her head to one of the girl named Joy, as she told her, she's older than her and totally a regular at this party. She knows Jungkook obviously.

"He never bring anyone here before. So's quite an event."

"I didn't know why he did that. He had lots of girl back in college. I'm just part of his long list.."
The girl is smiling really wide hearing that.

"Are you sure about that? Ever try to ask him?"

Her words is confusing so Yeri is not answering anything and finised her drink quickly.

"Having fun?" She turn her face when Jungkook is walking to her table. Looking all smiley, warms and handsome.

"She's a total cutie" Joy is talking to him as soon as he takes a sit beside Yeri. That remarks is uncomfortable to hear. What part of Yeri is cute? 

"She is Joy noona, Sooyoung as we called her."

"I know" Yeri shift her eyes from Jungkook to the dance floor. Everyone is happy here..

"Gotta go before my man looking for me. Have fun." Joy left the table after waving her hand to both Yeri and Jungkook.

"I was going to use you as our driver back home. But looks like you can't do that now." Jungkook started talking to Yeri after he saw 2 empty glass of vodka is in front of her and she's still holding one on her hand. She is being wary after he said that and put the rest of her drink to the table. She clears before turn her body to Jungkook and talking to him.

"I heard you never bring someone here. What about Seoyeon? Or the other girls out there."
He is smiling to her and opening one can of soda for him to drink.

"I only have 2 relationship in my entire life, with Seoyeon and you, technically.."
Yeri is having even more ex than him. A total twist.

"If you pay close attention to me, everyone knows that. I have so many girl friends i admit, but i never have any relationship.."

Well. Jungkook is also popular, not as much as Jaebum, but it's honestly not hard to notice his popularity or gossips about him, if you care.

"I never pay attention to other men for the past 2 years..."

It's another reality check for Yeri..she doesn't know anyone else and never find other men attractive because she already feels satisfied and enough with Jaebum only.

"He is a trash."

"I could say the same thing for you too."

There's a tension between her and Jungkook, and she can feels it. He looks annoyed now.

"Listen, for you he's probably a trash, the one who stole your girl from you but for me...he's the man i loved...i don't know what you had with Seoyeon, but i had something precious with Jaebum"

Jungkook is not impressed by her words, at all. He just stopped looking at her and drink his soda till there's nothing left inside the can.
Yeri understand his sentiment. He's the one who always called her stupid and he definetely dislike Jaebum, so instead of dragging this talk for long Yeri choose to change the topic of their conversation.

"I think we can get a long as a friend. You're annoying and i hates you, but there's also times when i find you fun to play with..."

"But i'm not your friend..."

Yeri stopped talking right away, getting annoyed too and back to staring at the dance floor. She can feels that her eyes start to get blurry and teary. Maybe because of her drink or maybe because she just tired after what happened..but she's crying and Jungkook notice it and he gets up from his sit quickly..

"I'll take you home..let's go."
He is being indifferent now, he gets up really fast, but Yeri hold his hand.

"No..i want to stay." She talks to him while wiping her tears and it's enough to make him back to his seat.

"I know you're pissed off. And annoyed by me..but let's be good to each other tonight. I need some peace before i'm back to reality."
She change her seat closer to Jungkook and holding his hands on her lap.

"I'm already doing that...since this morning and tonight too. I'm treating you good."
Yeri is turning her face to Jungkook again. And yeah...he's been treating her good since their family meeting last week.

"Fine. It's all my fault that your mood is ruined. I'm sorry.."

If Jaebum is angry at her, Yeri usually flirt with him and talking sweet to him until he less angry and she'll told him that she loves him. He'll be fine after that. But with Jungkook...she just doesn't know how to make thing works with him.

"I already said sorry. What do you want me to do then...Jaebum oppa usually forgive me when...."

Jungkook's expression is getting darker when he heard Jaebum's name again.

"Seoyeon kissed me all night and sleep with me if i got angry because of her..will you do that too?"

He left his seat after saying that and Yeri couldn't fight him back. She just use her eyes following him who's walking to a table full with people and take a few shots of drink there. 



Yeri is carefully walk to Jungkook, staring at the floor, embarassed and feeling wronged but also a little bit annoyed with what he just said.

She's glad that she found the guy from earlier with Joy sitting next to him and both of them noticed her. She used her small hands calling for Joy and thankfully she sees it.


"What's wrong?" She sounds so sweet and nice, coming to Yeri, they both talking a few meters away from Jungkook and all his handsome friends
"You know...can i ask your help?"

"Yeah..sure..what happened?"

"Jungkook oppa and me..we were having some kind of argument earlier and now he's mad at me...can you talk to him that i want to see him at the backyard. Right now. He won't listen to me even if i go know him..."

Looks like Joy is also knows Jungkook well because she doesn't look surprised hearing this from Yeri.

"Alright..i'll talk to him. Why would you fight in the middle of party like this.." She gave Yeri a nod and talk to her while smiling. She's so pretty.

"Thank you"


"You're using my friend.."
Yeri is sitting near the swimming pool when Jungkook is take a sit beside her. This part of the cottage is empty. It's quite dark here, no music, no food, no drink, a little bit cold and scary. Of course nobody want to be here..except Yeri who needs peace.

"I wasn't using her..i was asking for help. I don't want our relationship get worst because of unnecessary fight or argument."

"It wasn't unnecessary.."

Jungkook is talking to her like a teacher. He's literally lecturing her right now.

"I understand that you probably still like Yoon Jaebum and stuffs...but you know...there's a reason why i never talk about Seoyeon in front of you.."

Yeri is tilting her head..thinking really hard about everything Jungkook ever said to her. And's true Yeri never heard a thing about Seoyeon from him. It's always other peoples who talked about her .

"I was afraid you'll get sad or angry again hearing her name. She's literally ruining your relationship..i felt the same way too about Jaebum. Yeah he's probably great and cool for you, but he's also a trash for me..let's just respect each other about that. It's super annoying if you kept talking about how great he is in front of me. Because for me he isn't and you're not supposed to think your cheating ex boyfriend is great too.."

Yeri is just sitting there, feeling sorry to Jungkook after what happened. She does talk about Seoyeon to him for so many times, not to mention that she's also comparing how they're doing as her boyfriend. It's probably enough to makes him fed up by angers. She's so stupid.

"I'm really sorry...i don't know you're so considerate about me regarding that.."

"You need to see the way you cry, everyone who's seeing that will try to think twice before making you sad. It's pitiful."
He talks to her while ruffling her hair and wiping her tears who's suddenly filled her eyes again when he finished his talk.

Well..not an affection but a pity..that's fine, at least Jungkook is still part of human and not a robot who has no heart.

Yeri is giving him a smile because she's thankful. He is literally the only one who keep staying close with her after her life takes a drastic turn. Of course lots of time she's bothered by him, but there's a reason why she still needs him.

"I didn't kiss Jaebum to stop him for being angry...i gave him a hug. Can i do that for you? I..was just..." Yeri still not finished her words when Jungkook is taking her to his embrace, she's just like a kid burried her whole face on his shoulder and linking her arms on his waist.

"I just feel wronged. I'm really sorry..i'll try my best to not do that i forgiven now?" Yeri can feels a little nod from Jungkook and when he finally lets her go. He looks so much better with a smile..she probaly see it for the first time since forever.

"Come on..i'll let you meet my friends."



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Chapter 8: Here I am again reading this story for maybe more then 10 times already. I never get tired or bored reading this one all over again, cause despite you said you went all drama for this one, you really make the story feel so real and the flow can’t be more realistic and understandable than this seriously. I always love the way you write your story cause you never rush things and make everything just perfect for me, so everytime I miss jungri I’m going nowhere but here opening your public stories all over again and Second Chance still being my favorite of all time. Hope you’ll make a comeback with another jungri story, but it’s okay not to rush thing cause you know, I can always comeback for your completed story anyway. I will never tired to tell you this one too: thanks alot for writing this story!
Chapter 20: I totally love it!!
Chapter 19: A very cute story!!
real__tcs #4
Chapter 10: Im reading this while listening to Playlist of BTS song (Piano Cover) by Smyng. Especially, this chapter with BTS Run. Gosh the feeling is so real..
Chapter 10: This is crazily wonderful. Again, I love this chapter sooooo muuuuuch. You're genius.
Chapter 6: Fascinating how someone can be so good on writing this story, esp this chapter omg this is intense. I love jungri so much.
momichi96 #8
Chapter 20: Soo frustrating but cute. ^^
Chapter 20: jungkook is sooo frustrating at times but he is sooo cute as a boyfriend
momichi96 #10
Chapter 19: Seriously the end ? omooo we need more Authornim TT Sequel pleaseeeee ~~~ Love your story so much