Can I Borrow This?

Cuddles (SaTzu Collection)
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Sana and Tzuyu spend the free day together in Tzuyu's room where Sana keeps wanting to borrow things (well, not really, but basically). Kaya & Butter are there too!

Fluff without a plot (which is basically this whole collection hehe).

The girls had a free day and instead of barging into Momo's room like she owned it, Sana had decided to spend some time with her girlfriend.

The two were in Tzuyu's room with Sana going through the younger woman's closet - a habit she had with the members to see what new clothing style they had - while Tzuyu was on her phone, alternating between playing a game Mina and Dahyun had introduced her to and texting her friendship group chat from back home.

"Baby can I borrow this please?" came Sana's sweet voice.

Tzuyu lifted her head from her phone screen to look up to Sana, who was holding up a shirt from her closet.

Tzuyu was never stingy in letting the girls borrow her things and Tzuyu noticed that Sana often took advantage of that particular fact.

At first, the youngest member thought it to be a cute 'girlfriend-habit' of Sana's only to find that half of her closet and Jeongyeon's (and sometimes Mina's) closet had been raided by the Japanese beauty.

She had since re-evaluated her stance but didn't mind it too much still because regardless, it was still cute.

Tzuyu smirked playfully, "When do you ever ask for permission to borrow my things?"

At her girlfriend's response, Sana pouted and scrunched up her nose, displeased. "Always!!"

Tzuyu giggled and put her phone on her bedroom desk, giving Sana her full attention.

"Also, on that note..." Tzuyu smirked again, resting her chin on her left hand where her elbow was propped up on the table, "Where are all my things?"

"Aahhhh ~" Sana whined at Tzuyu's teasing, "I told you I have them in my room. You said to keep them there ~ Stop being mean!"

"Arasso, arasso." Tzuyu nodded in between giggles, "You're such a whiny baby."

"You're a meany!" Sana pouted only to have Tzuyu laugh at her. She approached Tzuyu and slapped her lightly with the sleeves of the shirt she wanted, "So? I'll borrow this okay? It's cute!"

Although Sana has a reputation in the group for not returning other people's things, she was never really one take things without permission... She just never mentions about the return policy.

Tzuyu nodded, "You can have it."

"Really?!" Sana exclaimed excitedly.

"Yeah" Tzuyu shrugged before smirking, "I'm never gonna get it back anyway."

"You're teasing again." Sana whined before stomping her feet when Tzuyu threw her head back as she laughed, "Whatever - I'm out of here."

Sana turned hastily to leave Tzuyu's room but was stopped by her girlfriend even before her first step. It was always like that - the two of them loved it though.

"I'm kidding." Tzuyu let out her remaining giggles as she softly held Sana's arm, "Come here."

Allowing herself to be pulled by the Taiwanese beauty, Sana idly threw the shirt which caught her interest onto Tzuyu's bed. Tzuyu guided Sana to sit on her lap to which Sana wrapped her arms securely around Tzuyu's neck while both her legs dangled off the right side of Tzuyu's chair.

"Hello~" Sana breathed once she registered their distance.

"Hi." Tzuyu smiled, one hand gently rubbing Sana's back soothingly where she had secured the older in her embrace.

"You okay?" Sana's head tilted to one side, looking adorable as anything.

"Mhmm." Tzuyu hummed, leaning forward to kiss Sana's pointed nose, "Perfect."

Sana took in Tzuyu's loving gaze and the faint blush on the younger one's cheeks before she started leaning in closer. Sana couldn't help but get excited as she anticipated a kiss. She closed her eyes and braced herself only to be started out of her trance by a force nudging her legs.

Bark, bark!

Sana and Tzuyu looked down to see an overly excited Butter jumping and nudging at Sana's legs before going around to Sana's hip and trying to jump onto the couple.

"Butter-ya yahhh!!" Sana exclaimed when Butter excitedly kept jumping up to her, "Butter-ya, mommy's going to fall."

With the fear that Sana might actually fall, Tzuyu held Sana securely whilst helping Sana slide down from her lap and onto the floor to entertain the hyper pup.

Once Sana settled on the floor, Butter almost immediately nuzzled into her embrace, melting all hearts present before pulling away and excitedly nudging Sana's arm.

"Butter-ya ~ you interrupted mama and mommy's moment." Sana cooed in a playful tone as gave the dog her caresses only to have Butter become even more restless, "Hmm, wae, what is it?"

Butter escaped Sana's hold only to begin to alternately go from Sana to Tzuyu.

"What is it, Butter ya?" Sana tried again, eyes attentive.

Upon no response from the hyper Butter who started rolling around on the floor, Sana giggled. Then she noticed soft, almost timid footsteps approaching too from Tzuyu's opened door.

"Oh? Kaya's here too?" Sana greeted as she reached out her arm to beckon the dog to her. But Kaya had only stood looking at her a few feet away.

Sana found Kaya so cute. It reminded her of how adorably shy and awkward Tzuyu was too when they first met, "Did you miss mommy Sana? Is that what it is, Kaya? Hmm?"

Sana's features lit up when the dog started taking a few steps towards her before it completely avoided her and headed straight to Tzuyu's legs.

Sana clicked her tongue, "Apparently not."

Tzuyu laughed as she patted Kaya's head before glancing over to the restless Butter.

"I think they're hungry." Tzuyu deduced as she got up on her feet, alerting the two dogs who went running out of the room, "Come on you two, let's go."

"Need some help?" Sana offered, getting up as well.

Tzuyu shook her head appreciatively by the door, "Aniya ~ you can stay here. I'll be one second."

"Okay baby."

Once Tzuyu disappeared from her sight, Sana grabbed the shirt from earlier and sat where Tzuyu previously sat at the desk. She spun around on the chair before she begun to fold the shirt neatly.

Once done, she inspected the various pictures and items Tzuyu had arranged on her desk. Sana's eyes caught sight of Tzuyu's jewellery box on her desk and started to entertain herself with the neatly kept earrings, rings and bracelets Tzuyu had.

Sana's interest sparked when she saw a pretty pair of earrings and she took them out to admire them when Tzuyu returned.

"I'm back." Tzuyu announced, long strides reaching Sana. "Sorry about that."

Tzuyu's apology came a bit muffled as she nuzzled her face into Sana's neck before planting a kiss there.

Sana smiled as she caressed Tzuyu's head lovingly as she shook her head lightly. Sana didn't mind the wait at all.

Sana then excitedly called out, "BaeTzu ~ can I borrow these too?"

Tzuyu pulled away from Sana's neck to see what item of hers would be borrowed (read: abducted) by Sana next and saw that it was a pair of earrings she got with Mina during one of their trips to Europe.

Tzuyu nodded, "Mmm, sure."

The Taiwan native gave Sana a kiss on her cheek before retreating backwards to plop on her bed. Tzuyu made herself comfortable as she leant on the headboard with her long legs stretched out as she eyed her girlfriend briefly before checking her phone.

Sana did a mini happy

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11 Chapters, 111 upvotes
Thank you so, so much everyone! I'll work harder and find more time and inspiration (lol, pray that SaTzu sails more please!) to provide more content here and also in my other stories too! You all are the very best, thank you, a million thank you! <333


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bluefart101 #1
spending my free time to read your wonderful ff author<333
Chapter 3: This was lovely 💖
Chapter 11: Every chapters are worth to read ❤️
BangTwice233 #4
Continued please
Chapter 11: Now I want someone to write about this issue and I am going to read again your stories and I saw your update gonna read this tommorow I am so excited to see some SaTzu actions here! Thank you author nim stay safe hwaiting!
Chapter 11: I find it funny that Sana’s initial reaction was to get to the translation 😂😂
Chapter 11: No divorce will happen if they were never married in the first place.

Now I hurt myself with that statement :(
gayartthou #8
why can't i find MIA? (个_个)
1197 streak #9
Chapter 11: Aww that's just cute but I lost count of how many kisses were given 😂
lola222 #10
Chapter 11: #SaTzuDivorceParty xD it's fun. Of course, it was weird that Sana didn't post, but maybe it's her way of telling us that I'm with Tzu.