A Little Bit Not Alright

Cuddles (SaTzu Collection)
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This is my first time actually posting something on SaTzu day! Haha, just noticed that. Happy SaTzu Day everyone!

A/N: This is a bit longer than the previous ones since it's also more OT9/SaTzu. Hope you like it!

The nine angels were waving goodbye to ONCEs after another successful fansigning session. Tzuyu was the first one off the stage and Sana’s conscious was eating at her. She wasn’t sure if Tzuyu was upset at her for all the SaiDa moments that had happened. Whenever Sana caught a glimpse of Tzuyu, something just seemed off. So, that’s why with a final wave to their beautiful, dedicated fans, Sana ran to catch up with her long-legged girlfriend.

However, when Sana finally caught up to Tzuyu, Twice’s managers had started rushing them to prepare to head back to the dorm. Sana could only pout as she watched as one of their managers had assigned the two of them to separate vans. Tzuyu sent her an apologetic smile before giving her arm a gentle squeeze and heading off to the vans.

Once they had reached their dorm, Sana was the last one out of the van she had shared with Dahyun, Momo, Jeongyeon and Chaeyoung and almost tripped as she exited in a hurry. The managers had ordered the group to get some rest following their tight schedule for the rest of the week while they left as they were summoned to JYPE headquarters for a meeting.

“Tzu!” Sana called out as she spotted the tallest yet youngest member of Twice making her way to their front door. “Tzuyu!”

“Babe, wait up!” Sana called out again. This time, she had managed to grab hold of Tzuyu’s elbow, causing the younger girl to stop in her tracks.

Sana swears she heard Tzuyu sighed before the younger girl turned to face her. Jihyo raised her eyebrows at them, holding the door open for them to enter. Tzuyu smiled softly to Jihyo before gesturing to her and Sana.

“We’ll just talk out here for a bit.” Tzuyu explained, insisting Jihyo to go on in first.

“Okay then.” The girl group leader said, “Don’t come in too late.”

Once Jihyo had entered and closed the door behind her, the locking tone was heard and Sana and Tzuyu stood before each other in silence outside the dorm.

“Tzuyu.” Sana called out to get Tzuyu’s attention again.

“Hmm?” Tzuyu responded with a hum that only made Sana worry even more.

“What’s going on?” Sana asked, concerned.

Tzuyu’s eyebrows furrowed very slightly before she blinked it off, “Nothing.”

“I’m sorry.” Sana apologised, her voice muffled as she threw herself at Tzuyu, hugging her tightly.

Tzuyu blinked a few times, registering the hug. She was confused and pushed Sana gently off of her. Tzuyu let her hand rest on Sana’s shoulder in a comforting manner as she met the older girl’s eyes.

“Hey, why are you sorry?” Tzuyu asked with a soft voice.

“Well, aren’t you upset with me for being too flirty with Dahyun?” Sana replied, fidgeting with her fingers. “Isn’t that why you were avoiding me earlier?”

Upon hearing Tzuyu chuckle, Sana looked up to her again and raised her eyebrows. Tzuyu shook her head in a teasing manner- although pain flashed through her eyes as soon as she did. She slid her hand that was on Sana’s shoulder down her arm until it reached her hand. Tzuyu intertwined their fingers before giving Sana’s hand a gentle squeeze.

“I wasn’t avoiding you.” Tzuyu said causing Sana’s eyebrows to shoot even higher.

“Sana, we’ve talked about this.” Tzuyu sighed light-heartedly before reaching up and tucking a loose strand behind Sana’s ear using her free hand, “I love you.”

“I fell in love with you for who you are. You’re a person who shows their emotions well and all you want to do is share happiness and love with the world.”

“If that means that I have to live with you being a bit touchy feely with our members, so be it. As long as your special kisses are just for me, I’m good.” Tzuyu said so sweetly that Sana felt bad for two reasons. One, she was such a flirt and two, for thinking Tzuyu would be as petty as she thought.

As if reading the older girl’s mind, Tzuyu sighed.

“Okay, okay! So I might have been a bit jealous–” Tzuyu confessed as a smirk made its way to her lips, “But trust me, I’m not upset with you. If anything, I love you even more right now.”

Tzuyu hoped that her words were enough for her Japanese girlfriend to feel assured that she hadn’t done anything wrong. Tzuyu hates it when Sana feels bad. Upon seeing Sana’s guilty eyes light up a bit, Tzuyu smiled before leaning in and pecking Sana’s cheek.

Sana smiled a little at the younger girl’s action before tilting her head sideways, “Then, what is it?”

So Tzuyu wasn’t jealous or upset at Sana- but Sana knew something was still off. Her suspicion was confirmed when Tzuyu’s eyes flashed with guilt and hesitation. Tzuyu wasn’t a good liar and even the girl herself knew it.

“I…” Tzuyu paused as she bit her inner cheek.

The reason as to why the younger girl was hesitating was because she had never liked putting her feelings and problems ahead of anyone else’s. She feels like if she were to tell Sana what was happening, she would just cause problems and she didn’t want that.

However, when she glanced at Sana and saw the worry and concern shining through her eyes, the maknae of Twice couldn’t deny her of her wish. Swallowing her ego, Tzuyu the shifted her gaze to her shoes.

“I’m feeling a little bit not alright.” Came Tzuyu’s answer in such a soft voice laced with a dose of shyness and hesitation.

Sana blinked a few times before she finally truly understood what Tzuyu was implying. It wasn’t a usual phrase but knowing her girlfriend, she knew that Tzuyu wanted to be as neutral (on the positive side) as possible and it seemed like it was the only thing the younger girl could think of phrasing.

“You’re not feeling well, are you?” Sana asked as her eyes widened in realisation.

“No.” Tzuyu answered reluctantly as she let her shoulders slump forward.

Since Sana now knew, Tzuyu didn’t feel the need to keep hiding from her. Tzuyu shut her eyes tightly as if in pain and Sana stepped closer and placed her hand on Tzuyu’s forehead to check her temperature. Sana’s lips pursed for a moment before she bit her lips.

“You don’t have a temperature.” She observed.

The next moment, Tzuyu had bent down low enough to rest her head on Sana’s shoulder and Sana flinched at the ticklish sensation that had happened when Tzuyu’s warm breath hit her neck.

“My head hurts a lot.” Tzuyu mumbled.

Sana could tell from the way Tzuyu’s body was so tensed and from the way she had grinded her teeth that the younger girl was in fact in pain.

“How long has this been going on for?” Sana asked as her hand found it’s was to Tzuyu’s back, rubbing it soothingly.

“A few hours now.” Tzuyu confessed.

Sana’s heart soared and sunk at the same time if possible at the younger girl’s confession. Tzuyu was so thoughtful that she didn’t want to worry their fans or do anything that would prevent her from having the best time with them. Sana was proud of Tzuyu’s kind heart but it was at the expense of her health.

“Did you tell any of the managers?” Sana asked again.

Tzuyu let out a sigh, once again tickling Sana’s neck. This time Sana didn’t flinch as she didn’t want to make sudden movements which could further discomfort the younger girl. Sana’s eyes narrowed when she felt Tzuyu shaking her head on her shoulder as an answer to her question.

“I really want to nag at you.” Sana clicked her tongue before gently removing Tzuyu’s head from her shoulder. “But right now, you need medicine and rest.”

Sana looks at Tzuyu again, taking her in. Her body was slouched forward a bit probably due to the pain and dizziness she felt- Tzuyu almost never slouches. She also saw how Tzuyu shut her eyes really tightly for a brief moment before opening them again and looking ahead. Sana felt her heart break seeing her girlfriend’s tired eyes and wanted nothing more than to get her inside and have her rest as much as she could.

Holding Tzuyu’s hand firmly, Sana approached the front door and was about to punch in the security code before the younger girl tugged her arm – causing her to be pulled back to Tzuyu.

“Can we throw in hugs and kisses to the list too?” Tzuyu teased.

Sana knew that Tzuyu hadn’t really meant it. Sure, the younger girl could be a flirt when she wanted but this time, Sana was sure it was because Tzuyu didn’t want to worry her. Therefore, instead of showing how badly her head was hurting- which was a lot since it had taken so much for her to even stand up straight, she hid behind her flirty façade in hope to lighten the mood. Sana appreciated it- being thoughtful, selfless and caring were a few of Tzuyu’s admirable traits but Sana didn’t want that Tzuyu right now.

“I’m okay, Tzuyu. Don’t need to worry too much about me okay. You’re my priority right now.”

Tzuyu was taken aback by the reply she got from Twice’s Japanese aegyo master but nodded regardless. She understood what her girlfriend was saying and she understood what her girlfriend had understood based on her own actions as well. Sana punched in the access code before pushing the door open and entering the dorm. Tzuyu followed as Sana carefully guided her through the hallways leading to the bedrooms.

“Go wash up quickly and change to warm clothes, okay? I’ll go get the medicine from Mina.” Sana instructed once they arrived to the maknae’s room she had shared with the other two maknae line members. Before Sana could leave to head to Mina for medicine, Tzuyu pulled her back and hugged her tightly.

Sana mentally groaned. Tzuyu needs to rest. She’s wasting precious time by playing her role as the sweet, clingy girlfriend she was. The sooner she goes and washes up, the sooner she’ll get to rest and that was Sana’s priority right then.

“Tzu-” Sana whined only to be cut off by Tzuyu’s soft voice.

“I just… I love you.” Tzuyu confessed, bearing her heart for Sana.

Upon hearing those three words from her one and only, Sana relaxed in Tzuyu’s embrace before hugging her back. They’ve been dating for a while now and a lot of ‘I love you’s were exchanged between them but Sana still felt butterflies in her stomach and intense emotions every time Tzuyu says it to her.

“I love you too.” Sana replied just as sincerely. She kissed the side of the Taiwanese’s head before detaching herself from the girl’s embrace.

“Go. I know your head’s killing you right now.” Sana said as softly as she could, not wanting to add on any more discomfort to the younger girl’s condition.

“Okay, okay.” Tzuyu complied as she headed into her room and begun to start her end of the day routine- leaving o

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11 Chapters, 111 upvotes
Thank you so, so much everyone! I'll work harder and find more time and inspiration (lol, pray that SaTzu sails more please!) to provide more content here and also in my other stories too! You all are the very best, thank you, a million thank you! <333


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bluefart101 #1
spending my free time to read your wonderful ff author<333
Chapter 3: This was lovely 💖
Chapter 11: Every chapters are worth to read ❤️
BangTwice233 #4
Continued please
Chapter 11: Now I want someone to write about this issue and I am going to read again your stories and I saw your update gonna read this tommorow I am so excited to see some SaTzu actions here! Thank you author nim stay safe hwaiting!
Chapter 11: I find it funny that Sana’s initial reaction was to get to the translation 😂😂
Chapter 11: No divorce will happen if they were never married in the first place.

Now I hurt myself with that statement :(
gayartthou #8
why can't i find MIA? (个_个)
1198 streak #9
Chapter 11: Aww that's just cute but I lost count of how many kisses were given 😂
lola222 #10
Chapter 11: #SaTzuDivorceParty xD it's fun. Of course, it was weird that Sana didn't post, but maybe it's her way of telling us that I'm with Tzu.