you know i'm such a fool for you

show me your world
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It didn't take long for Wendy and Sooyoung to become close. 


If Wendy wasn't hanging out with Seulgi, she was almost always with Sooyoung. She wasn't sure if it were the same for Sooyoung-- considering the amount of friends she had-- but they undeniably spent a lot of time together. 


They quickly learned that they didn't have much in common, whether it be their lifestyles or even their food choices. 


"You willingly eat plain oatmeal every single morning?" Wendy grimaced. It was a Tuesday night and Sooyoung was over at her house to work on "homework." 


Sooyoung made a defensive face and hugged Wendy's white heart-shaped pillow. "It's healthy and tastes pretty good! What's not to like?!" 


"That," Wendy said, pretending to gag, "Is disgusting." Sooyoung giggled at her exaggerated action and threw the pillow at Wendy's face. 

Their hangouts usually went like this. Whether it be a school day or not, Sooyoung came over to her house almost every single day. They didn't do much; they usually did homework together (or at least tried to) until they got distracted, and spent most of the night talking while listening to music on Wendy's beloved record player. 


It wasn't much-- but to Wendy, it was perfect.


Sometimes, she wondered if Sooyoung ever got bored of their hangouts. They usually did the same thing every time, and Sooyoung seemed to be an active person. She didn't want to seem boring. She knew she wasn't the most exciting person. 


"Hey," Wendy said. Sooyoung looked up from her notebook with a raised eyebrow: a habit of hers that Wendy noticed.


"Do you ever get bored when we hangout?" Wendy asked. She finally plucked up the courage to ask the question that has been on her mind for a while. Sooyoung rolled her eyes playfully and got up from Wendy's wooden chair to lie down on her bed. Wendy gulped; she could feel the girl's warmth next to her, and the way the girl looked into her eyes didn't make things any easier. 


"Why would I willingly come over to your house nearly every day if I was bored?" Sooyoung said, as if she were stating the obvious. She lightly poked Wendy's nose before giving her a smile and lying down to continue working on her history homework. 


Wendy felt her cheeks warm and she bit down on her lips in attempt to conceal her smile. 


She was happy, relieved even. She still didn't understand why Sooyoung decided to spend time with her out of all people instead of her countless friends and boyfriend, but she was too happy to question it. 


She glanced at the girl next to her and watched Sooyoung's concentrated face as she tried to work. She thought about how comfortable they were with each other, and how if someone had told her that Park Sooyoung would be lying down in her bed with her just a few weeks ago, she would've called them crazy. 


She must've stared for a bit too long, because Sooyoung ended up noticing. A mischievous grin formed on her lips and she quickly pinched Wendy's cheek (a bit harder than she had expected). 


"Hey!" Wendy said, palming her now pink cheek. Sooyoung laughed and rubbed her thumb against Wendy's cheek apologetically.


"What, am I just that pretty?" Sooyoung asked, giving Wendy a smile. God, she could stare at that smile all day long if she let her. 


"You wish," Wendy lied. She turned away from Sooyoung to hide her blushing cheeks, but it didn't take long for the girl to aggresively tickle her until she begged her to stop. 




They had a routine. Every Thursday during lunch, they would eat together in the art room. Just the two of them. 


Their school didn't have a lot of art students to begin with, so the art room was usually completely empty during lunch. When Seulgi hung out with Joohyun, Wendy usually spent her time there anyway, so it was the perfect choice. 


They didn't exactly talk at school. It wasn't necessarily because they were a secret or anything; they simply had their own friend groups. 


They greeted each other in the hallways, but to anyone else, it would just seem like they were acquaintances. Plus, Sooyoung knew everyone, so it wasn't suspicious either.


Based on their interactions at school, no one would know how deep their relationship was, or how whipped Wendy was for Sooyoung. 


"Sorry I'm late, Mr. Kim kept us back because Mark was being stupid again," Sooyoung said, shrugging her duffel bag off her shoulder and taking a seat next to Wendy. 


"God, he's is so annoying," Wendy said, memories of him taunting her in junior high flashing before her eyes.


She was working on an art assignment while she waited for Sooyoung. Ms. Kwon wanted her to step out of her comfort zone and work with oil pastels, which she was not exactly the best at. She started off with some sketches, but she still had no idea what to do. 


"Working on something new?" Sooyoung asked, analyzing Wendy's paper. If it were anyone else, Wendy would've probably hid her paper. But it was Sooyoung, she knew she wouldn't judge her. 


"Yeah, but I don't know what to do yet." Wendy said, sighing and shoving her folders into her backpack.


She cleaned up her materials and took out her blue lunch pail. It was probably a sandwich with fruit again, which she was starting to get tired of. The two quietly started to eat their lunch in a comfortable silence. Wendy liked how they could sit with each other comfortably without feeling pressured to talk about something to fill the silence.  


"Can you paint me something sometime?" Sooyoung asked suddenly. Wendy turned to look at her, and was met with big, expectant eyes.


"I mean, yeah sure. What do you want me to paint?" Wendy asked, admittedly thrown off the request. A lot of people asked her if she could draw them something, to which she always declined. But it was Sooyoung. How could she say no to her?


"Just, anything that reminds you of me," Sooyoung said, plopping a grape into . 


There were a lot of things that reminded Wendy of Sooyoung. When she saw her mom eatin

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Chapter 4: please we need an update 😔😔
Chapter 4: Oh no, I read this too fast and now I want more
Chapter 4: I read all chapters in one go and i'm so so addicted to this
Wazzup_wanduhhh94 #4
Chapter 4: Wenjoy :) thank you for the update
162 streak #5
Chapter 4: I was wondering when you were going to come back and you did omg!! I really love wenjoy’s chemistry they’re so good together, thank you for the update and can’t wait to see what happens next!
Justheretoreadd0309 #6
Chapter 4: You back, ahhhhh an amazing update our wendy is so in love with sooyoung☹ i really love this fic, so happy you didnt forget about it!!!
mlcyf0 #7
Chapter 4: Sooo glad you're back! Made my night and I hope you're here to stay! Story was one I was hoping would make a comeback.
come back to meee :’(
Jisoooppa97 #9
Chapter 3: This is soo good.I like your writing a lot, pls don't let this fic die:( there aren't many wenjoy fics🥺
Chapter 3: This is so good omg I was so disappointed to see the previous chapter button xD