you've got me wrapped around your finger

show me your world
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 "Seulgi, what the do I do?"


Five hours had already passed, and Wendy was still in disbelief about what had happened at the park. After Sooyoung had left, Wendy sat under the tree for a while and tried to process everything that had happened. She was confused about how the girl had just randomly talked to her about her Swaddled Babies drawing, happy that she finally got to see her beautiful smile up close, but she was also disappointed that she had a boyfriend. 


(Who is she kidding, why wouldn't she have a boyfriend?) 


To be frank, Sooyoung didn't seem queer to Wendy. She didn't want to base her gay-dar off of stereotypes, but she seemed like a straight girl to her-- although she didn't want to admit it. It would only serve as more of a reason as to why Sooyoung was completely unattainable, and how her crush would just be left as unrequited and eventually end as unrequited. 


She'd been on the phone for the past half-hour now, rambling to Seulgi about what had happened. Don't miss out any details, Seulgi had said. Wendy has always been an observant person, so she made sure she didn't. Though, she decided to not mention the fact that she'd never felt this way around anyone before. Just her. Just Sooyoung. 


"Just call her! It's not that big of deal," Seulgi said nonchalantly. How could she be so nonchalant? This was her crush she was talking about. Sure, they had a pretty good conversation earlier, but she's awkward whenever she's on the phone with her grandma. How would she be normal over the phone with the prettiest girl in the world?


"Plus, she's literally offering to give you the answers to the test. You need to ace this test, you sure as hell aren't going to study tonight, and you'll get to talk to Sooyoung more. There's literally no reason why you should not call her." 


"You're right," Wendy said, flopping onto her queen-sized bed. She's always been a worrisome person. Whether it be as simple as ordering something new at her favorite smoothie shop, or debating whether or not she should cut her hair, she had a tendency to worry about everything. Have some confidence! her family always says. It seems to come so naturally to others, but she can't even wear new shoes without worrying that others might judge her. 


"I just don't want to say something weird during our call and make her think I'm lame, I guess." 


Seulgi laughed. "You don't have to worry about that. You're already lame." 


"Hey!" Wendy retorted. "She doesn't need to know what." 


"It's one of the things I love about you. Don't worry, okay? It's gonna be great. You're going to woo her over, and next thing you know, you're going to be making out with those luscious lips of hers and you'll brag to me until I have to yell at you to stop," Seulgi snickered. Wendy rolled her eyes. She could only wish that were the case.


"Too bad she's straight and has a boyfriend."


"You don't know that. He could be a beard. I honestly think she might be biual," Seulgi said. 


"I doubt it. And they seemed pretty happy," Wendy mumbled, playing with her light green flower-patterned sheets.


"Well, you never know. And it's 9 pm, you should probably call Sooyoung before she thinks you bailed on her," Seulgi said. 


"Alright.. wish me luck," Wendy said in a fake cheerful voice. Seulgi bids her goodbye and a soft Good Luck! before hanging up. She scrolled through her contacts until she found her contact.


Park Sooyoung it read. 


She hovered her finger over the call button, and before she pressed down, she let out a few, Hey there's, Hi Sooyoung how do you do's, Hello. It's Wendy's for practice, but they all sounded awkward as hell. 


She sighed and pressed the screen, watching as the 0:00 started to count. She felt her heartbeat pick up as she listened to the phone ring and waited for Sooyoung to hopefully pick up the phone. 


"Hey!" An eager voice responded shortly after. Wendy felt her cheeks heat up; she was definitely pink. "What took so long?" 


"Sorry, I was.." Wendy thought of an excuse. She couldn't just tell her that she was pacing in her room for the past few hours worrying about their phonecall for a test because she was nervous. But she also didn't want to make it seem like she was avoiding her or that she didn't have any consideration for Sooyoung's nice. 


"I was.. I was baby-sitting my dog." Wendy concluded.  she thinks. Baby-sitting her dog? That didn't even sound belivable in the slightest. 


"Oh.. well that's valid," Sooyoung said, surprising Wendy. "Dogs are too precious to be left alone. What's your dog's name?" 


Wendy didn't even have a dog. Her parents hate how cats and dogs shed, so they vowed to never have furred animals in their household. She did have a pet hamster, though. Wannie. 


"It's.. Wannie," Wendy said, her voice uneasy as if she was asking a question. 


"Aww, that's a cute name. Why'd you name it that?" Sooyoung asked. 


Wendy reddens. She didn't name her hamster. Her parents actually did. They didn't approve of the names she suggested: Dumpling, Marshy.. Ratatouille.. So they decided to go with Wannie. It was a childhood nickname for her since her Korean name is Seungwan. But people don't know that unless she explains the story, so they just assume she's narcissitic and named it after herself. 


"Well.. funny story," Wendy said, laughing in embarrassment. "Maybe I'll tell you when we have time.. can we work on the exam first?" 


Sooyoung giggled, "Okay. Fair enough. Just know that I have a fantastic memory so I will definitely ask you what the story is later."










"And for the last problem, you have to determine the velocity of the object at any time using that same equation and explain whether the object would ever stop changing," Sooyoung  explained. Wendy's pen hadn't stopped moving since the beginning of their call, and her hand was cramping after two hours of continuous writing. 


"Jesus christ," Wendy said. "If I didn't ditch class I would've failed for sure."


The sound of Sooyoung's laugh echoed in her ear. "What would you do without me?" 


Wendy smiled. This was probably the first and only time Wendy had fun while working on Calculus. Sooyoung was a great tutor, and to her surprise, she had remembered every single problem on the test. If it were Wendy, she would've forgotten every single aspect of the test as soon as she walked out of the door.


Plus, they would occasionally go off topic and talk about random things like when Sooyoung accidentally dropped Joohyun while they were practicing stunts. 


"Listen, I was really sore that day because we did a ton of physical training the day before. You can't blame me!"


"Sooyoung, you dropped your best friend and she fell and sprained her wrist."


"She was fine after a few days! I'm only human okay."


"Now I'm gonna hold my breath whenever you do stunts at games." 


"Yeah, yeah. Whatever."


Needless to say, 80% of their phonecall consisted of laughter, and 20% of it was actual Calculus. But, it was still the most productive Wendy had been in a long time. 


Considering their conversation earlier, she knew Sooyoung was smart. She wouldn't be in one of the hardest classes in school if she wasn't smart. But the way she articulated the problems and perfectly explained the concepts, she concluded that this girl was probably one of the smartest people she's ever met. 


"Well, thank you, Sooyoung," Wendy said. "I really appreciate your help." She really did appreciate her help. No one had ever gone out of their way to help her like this. Not that she really liked accepting help, though. But, she couldn't help but wonder by Sooyoung was so eager to help her in the first place. 


"Well I'm not doing this for free," Sooyoung said, her voice playful. 


"What?" Wendy asked. Was she going to make her pay for the test answers?


"Send me your address. I skipped dinner waiting for your phonecall, and I think I deserve some kimbap. Don't you think?"


Wendy's lips curved into a big smile. 


"Yeah, I think you do." 


"Good, I'll be there soon." 








Ten minutes after Wendy had sent Sooyoung her address, the girl sent her a simple I'm here and it finally hit her that she was going to get kimbap with ing Park Sooyoung at 11 pm. She should be getting ready for bed at this hour. But this was Sooyoung. She would probably run to her home at four in the morning if the girl had told her to. 


The rest of her family slept early too, so she managed to sneak out of the house with ease. Thankfully they were all deep-sleepers, because if her parents had found out she had left without telling them, they would never let her see light again. She was always embarrassed at how her overprotective her parents were. Seulgi's parents let her go out at two in the morning if she wants, but Wendy's would call the police for a missing persons report if she wasn't in the house at twelve am. 


She quietly closed her front door and saw a black convertible parked in front of her house. It was the latest Mercedes Benz model, on top of that. So this girl's perfect and rich, too?  She thought to herself.


She walks towards the car and stuffs her hands in her hoodie pocket. She suddenly felt insecure at the sight of the expensive car. Her house wasn't big at all. It wasn't exactly small either, but it was probably tiny compared to Sooyoung's. Plus, not a lot of people have been to her house in the first place. 


The windows are heavliy tinted, so she can barely see Sooyoung's face. Just a black figure. She opened the door and was instantly met with a strong smell of perfume. Sooyoung's perfume. 


"Hey!" Sooyoung greeted her, giving her a big smile. She smiled back at her and quickly took a seat in her car before closing the door. 


Sooyoung looked beautiful. Her makeup was done perfectly, and she was dressed as if she were ready to go to a party. She was wearing a black off the shoulder top, and it took everything in her to not stare at her porcelain shoulders.


Suddenly, Wendy felt insecure. She was wearing sweatpants and a sweater, while Sooyoung looked like she belonged on the front cover of a magazine. It just further reminded her about how out of her league she was. 


"There's this really good kimbap place nearby here. We should go there," Sooyoung said, starting her engine. Wendy nodded and looked out the window, too shy and embarrassed to look anywhere else. She didn't want to go on her phone because that would seem rude. She didn't want to look like a robot and look straight. And she definitely didn't want to stare at Sooyoung (although she really really wanted to) because she didn't know if she would be able to stop if she started. So, she decided to look out the window as if it were the most entertaining thing ever. 


After a few moments of awkward silence, Wendy clears and musters the courage to ask her a question. "So.. how was your day?" 


How was your day? Really Wendy? She thinks to herself. 


"It was alright. I went bowling with Doyoung and it was pretty fun." Sooyoung replied, her eyes on the road. 


Doyoung must be her boyfriend, Wendy thought. It was definitely her least favorite name in the world now. 


Wendy hummed in response and turned her head to look at the window again. The streets were completely empty and she thinks she's only seen one person walking so far, which was strange since it was a Friday night. 


"Why is it so awkward all of a sudden?" Sooyoung asked, stopping at a red light and turning to face Wendy. "I feel like we were fine over the phone."


People asked Wendy this question all the time. Why are you so awkward? Why is it so awkward?  She was just never great at making conversations. Plus, in all honesty, she felt insecure. Not only was she insecure about her entire existence in general, but she was insecure because she wasn't even sure why Sooyoung wanted to hang out with her in the first place. The girl had a coun

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Chapter 4: please we need an update 😔😔
Chapter 4: Oh no, I read this too fast and now I want more
Chapter 4: I read all chapters in one go and i'm so so addicted to this
Wazzup_wanduhhh94 #4
Chapter 4: Wenjoy :) thank you for the update
162 streak #5
Chapter 4: I was wondering when you were going to come back and you did omg!! I really love wenjoy’s chemistry they’re so good together, thank you for the update and can’t wait to see what happens next!
Justheretoreadd0309 #6
Chapter 4: You back, ahhhhh an amazing update our wendy is so in love with sooyoung☹ i really love this fic, so happy you didnt forget about it!!!
mlcyf0 #7
Chapter 4: Sooo glad you're back! Made my night and I hope you're here to stay! Story was one I was hoping would make a comeback.
come back to meee :’(
Jisoooppa97 #9
Chapter 3: This is soo good.I like your writing a lot, pls don't let this fic die:( there aren't many wenjoy fics🥺
Chapter 3: This is so good omg I was so disappointed to see the previous chapter button xD