Sudden changes

Match Making Alpha
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Kris paced back and forth in front of his and Tao’s tent.  He was wringing his hands together nervously. Baekhyun and Luhan were huddled closed together, their faces showed the worry that they were feeling for their cousin.  Chanyeol stood closely behind the two omegas, his senses were on high alert. He could feel that something was amiss. He could see his father approach to his left. Eric was wearing a very concerned look on his face.  He took a place next to Chanyeol and stood very still, he was going to wait until the timing was right before he spoke and voiced his worries.


The flap of the tent opened and Junmyeon stepped out.  Kris rushed up to him.

“How is he?  How is the baby?”  Kris asked quickly which caused the healer to smile a little.


“Your mate and ….babies are fine, “ he put his hand on Kris’s shoulder, “he was just in shock and keeps mumbling about scents and they are not supposed to be there.  Do you have any idea what he could be talking about?”


Kris frowned a bit as he tried to recall what Tao was saying before he fainted, he scratched the back of his neck, “ he….”. He snapped his fingers, “he was saying something about Luhan’s and Baekhyun’s former clan.”


“Oh thank you, “ Junmyeon, “Go ahead you can go in and see your mate now, he has been asking for you.”


Kris nodded and started to walked into the tent.  He stopped and turned his head to look at the healer, “Wait….you said babies….as in more than one?”  


Junmyeon laughed and pushed Kris inside the tent, “Yes that is exactly what I said.”  Both men disappeared as the flap closed behind them.


Eric heard that exchange and turned to Chanyeol,  “I caught a scent earlier, one that does not belong smelled rotten.  We need to secure the camp now, we have to make sure that everyone is safe, I will gather a team to check the perimeters...I reached out to a couple of guards but have not heard back yet.  I sent a distress signal to Junjin and Hyesung, the will be at the main camp as soon as possible.”


Chanyeol looked at his father fear showing in his eyes, ‘ A scent?  Who are the guards that you tried to contact. Don’t tell me….”


As if on queue one of the guards named Dongwan stumbled out of the woods carrying his mate Andy.  Both were covered in blood. They were also very close friends of his fathers.


“Eric……..ambushed….we were attacked.”  Dongwan choked out before he fell to his knees, he was careful not to drop Andy and laid him down gently right before he lost his consciences and fell to his side.  Both Alphas ran over to him,


“We need a”  Eric yelled out as Chanyeol got on his knees next to the fallen men.  “Like as in yesterday!!!”


“Uncle Wan...Uncle Andy….please be ok.”  Chanyeol gently placed a hand on each of the men, they were still breathing but they were badly hurt.  Chanyeol could not tell if all the blood was theirs or others as well, but he could smell something sour.


Yixing quickly came out of Kris’s tent and rushed over to the men,  he called out to some helpers for assistance in moving the men to a tent, “We need to get these wounds cleaned and bandaged.”


“You can take them to our tent, “ Baekhyun said softly as he approached slowly to Chanyeol’s side, “That is ok right Lulu?....Lulu?”


Baekhyun started to panic and turned in circles looking for Luhan, his voice raised higher each time he called his brother’s name.  Chanyeol stood up and put his arms around the small man as he tried to calm him down.


“Where is your brother?” He asked gently.  Baekhyun’s body went stiff as he looked up into Chanyeol’s eyes.


“I don’t know, “ he screeched, “. I don’t know, he was just here…...and now he is not...he said...he..he. Baekhyun’s arms started to flail around as he tried to get away so he could look for Luhan.


Chanyeol put his arms on Baekhyun’s shoulders, “He what Baek?”


Baekhyun did not seem to hear him as he struggled to get away, “I have to find him….Lulu is all that I have.”


Chanyeol ignored the twing of pain that his heart felt at hearing those words, he used his alpha voice to calm the younger down, “ You have me too, finish saying what you started to say.”  


Immediately Baekhyun stopped struggling and put his head down.  Chanyeol hated to resort to using that voice, but time was of essence and he needed to hear what Baekhyun was going to say.


“He said that this was because of us and we should leave.”  Baekhyun whispered, his body trembled.


Chanyeol pulled the terrified boy into his arms, “ it is not, we will find him….he can’t have gotten very far.”


Eric walked up to the couple after he made sure that Dongwan and Andy were taken to a safe place to

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I promise that I will do my best to update this fic this weekend


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Chapter 20: Safe rooms sound so much more interesting than most things to prevent unplanned mating lol
Beau1996 1371 streak #2
Chapter 20: What a good idea - safe rooms - a new twist to a/b/o universe!!
Lena3192 #3
Chapter 19: Hmm I wonder if baek has caught a whiff of Taeyong’s true mate??
Beau1996 1371 streak #4
Chapter 19: What will the proper greeting be??
Beau1996 1371 streak #5
Chapter 14: Yep thinking about parents doing it is gross 🤢
Beau1996 1371 streak #6
Chapter 11: That was cute - hickey 💋
springmiya #7
Chapter 19: i liked the chapter
Beau1996 1371 streak #8
Chapter 7: Thruple - Joy will definitely be a power bottom!!
Beau1996 1371 streak #9
Chapter 5: I'm re-reading to get caught up for new update - I loved the reference to smelling like a Bath & Bodyworks!!
ReadRealize #10
Chapter 19: Its funny because i have a 5k word essay due too