Time To Pay Up

Match Making Alpha
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Chanyeol sat on a couch in a dark room, just waiting.  He got more impatient with each minute that passed.  He tapped his fingers on his right knee,  his were crossed.  He looked every bit of the CEO that he was.  With his other hand he reached up to loosen his tie.  The time had come for his little omega and his beta friend to pay up for this little game that they have been playing.


As a head Alpha he needs to be shown respect by everyone, especially in Seoul, even here in Busan.  He took off  work early to just drive down andsurprise this pink haired duo.  The security guard let him in the room when he told him he was there for his Omega and also flashed his card as the head alpha of his clan.  The showing of that type of clout never hurt.  He had walked around and sniffed out the dorm.  He smelled each room, Baek's smelt like fresh strawberries with some vanilla thrown in.  The vanilla was soft as if it was only there on occasion.  He could not smell any pheromones that would lead him to  believe that any hanky panky occured in that room.


He moved across the dorm and could smell the vanilla stronger in the other bedroom, it was mixed with an heavy oak and a mandarin scent.  A beta and an alpha. And lots of hanky panky.  He could not smell any strawberries so he knew that Baekhyun was never in this room.

As he sat there and thought about these facts he knew that his parents were right, that these two were just playing a game to make him jealous.

At first that made him angry, but then that anger turned to a need to be just as mischievious.  If they can play, so can he.  

He almost jumped when he heard the sound of a code being entered into the doorlock.  A smirk formed on his face as he thought to himself, "Let the games begin."

"Tae...that economics professor is such an ,"  Baekhyun said as he opened the door to let Taeyong in first.  Taeyong kicked his sneakers off as he dropped his back pack to the floor.

"Yeah how could he assign a 5,000 word essay on how important it is to balance a check book right before a holiday.....can you say boring?"

Baekhyun shut the door behind him as he stepped in, he slipped of his shoes too as his nose caught a whiff of something that he was missing so desperately, "Do you smell that?"

"Smell what?" as Taeyong lifted his face and sniffed the air.

Baekhyun's hand shook as he reached out to flip on the light switch that lit up the living room area, " Oh Chan..."

The older Alpha stood up and stolled over to the two and stood still with arms crossed over his chest, "Hello Omega...are you surprised to see me?"

Baekhyun smiled and started to walk towards Chanyeol.  His smile almost made Chanyeol forget why he was there, "Stop right there, don't come any closer, you have some explaining to do."  

Taeyong's eyes opened so large that his eyebrows disappear into the fringe of his pink hair, " I guess I should go somewhere while you two talk."  he bent down to pick up his shoes to put them back on.

Chanyeol used his alpha voice, "No one is going any where.." He pointed to Taeyong, "You.." then he pointed to Baekhyun, "and you.  Take a seat on the couch, while I try to make this as painless as possible."

Both Baekhyun and Taeyong were trembling as they scampered to the couch.  They quickly sat down trying to make themselves as small as possible.

Chanyeol had to bite his lip to keep from laughing out loud, he hoped the expression on his face made him look meaner. He grabbed a stool from the breakfast bar and sat it in front of them.  He looked at them with their heads hanging down.

"Look at me while I talk to you."  he commanded, "if you have enough balls to do what you did, then you should have enough balls to look at me."

Both of the smaller men sheepishly lifted there heads to look at him in the face.  Only Baekhyun was brave enough to speak.

"What exactly did we do?"  he asked with a bit of defiance in his voice.  Taeyong nudged him in the side, "Shhhh Baek...don't piss him off even more."

Chanyeol scoffed, "Are you going to play innocent with me right now, Baekhyun? do you really need to play around behind my back?"

Baehyun lifted his chin a bit higher, "What do you mean play around behind your back?"

"Do you lack the knowledge of basic language to understand what I just asked."  Chanyeol asked sharply.

Taeyong whimpered and jumped at Baekhyun's side.

"Are you

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I promise that I will do my best to update this fic this weekend


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Chapter 20: Safe rooms sound so much more interesting than most things to prevent unplanned mating lol
Beau1996 1379 streak #2
Chapter 20: What a good idea - safe rooms - a new twist to a/b/o universe!!
Lena3192 #3
Chapter 19: Hmm I wonder if baek has caught a whiff of Taeyong’s true mate??
Beau1996 1379 streak #4
Chapter 19: What will the proper greeting be??
Beau1996 1379 streak #5
Chapter 14: Yep thinking about parents doing it is gross 🤢
Beau1996 1379 streak #6
Chapter 11: That was cute - hickey 💋
springmiya #7
Chapter 19: i liked the chapter
Beau1996 1379 streak #8
Chapter 7: Thruple - Joy will definitely be a power bottom!!
Beau1996 1379 streak #9
Chapter 5: I'm re-reading to get caught up for new update - I loved the reference to smelling like a Bath & Bodyworks!!
ReadRealize #10
Chapter 19: Its funny because i have a 5k word essay due too