
i'll fix you up (maybe you can fix me too)


"seulgi? what are you doing here?" you question when you walk up to your apartment's door, seeing her leaning her back against your door, resting. 

"i'm eating an apple." she answers as she bites into a red delicious apple, trying to sound nonchalant, you think.

"why are you eating an apple at my front door?" you try not to chuckle, but you find this situation just a tiny bit ridiculous.

"an apple a day keeps the doctor away."

"hmm..." you hum, low in volume, processing her words. "is there a reason why you're trying to keep me away from my own house?"

she sighs dejectedly. "why are you home so early today?"

"i worked a full shift, actually? now is around when it usually ends. i would more often than not lengthen it further by working overtime, but i told you i would be doing less of those."

"right, you did say that."

you shrug. "so i'm trying to stay true to my promise."

"i really, really appreciate that," she says, before ducking a little to plant a gentle kiss on your cheek. "it's just that... well, you're ruining the surprise. i haven't even finished half of the decorations."

you feel your blood rushing to your face from the kiss, as you are still not quite used to her affection. "decorations? surprise?"

"yep!" she pops the 'p' excitedly. she then pulls you inside, relieving you of your baggage and dumping them somewhere before the two of you reach the living room. "i think it's much easier for you to just see it."

you gasp, looking around your apartment's living room. there are candles placed everywhere, still unlit. in the middle of the living room, where there used to be a coffee table and your favourite couch, is now covered by a red carpet, as your couch is already pushed to the corner along with your coffee table. there is also a multimedia speaker system set up beside your television. "what...?"

you feel arms wrap around your back, and then her smiling face pops into your sight. "surprise."

"what's going on here?" you question, though you can't help but smile widely back at her.

"well, as far as i know, someone here has never really danced in her whole life? so i thought it's a good idea to show her the ropes, have her master some moves before the gala. there will be some dancing then, correct?"


"then obviously i want to show off my lover to everyone there." she grins triumphantly.

"so... we're dancing?"

she gives you a small nod, taking your hand and holding your waist loosely with the other free hand. "we're dancing."

first, she rushes around the living room to light some of the candles before she switches on the speaker and play a slow, chill music, one that will be easy to dance to. she then demonstrates some steps for you, and then gently guides you after, counting the steps and laughing whenever you accidentally steps on her foot and steadies you when you stumble against your own clumsy legs.

eventually the two of you are cruising around the living room smoothly, your feet no longer busy chasing hers as you have finally managed to get the rhythm down.

"oooh, you're doing so well." she chirps happily after another turn.

"are you sure about that? i stepped on your feet and kicked your shins for god knows how many times."

she chuckles softly. "well, yes, that should be expected, i think. you're just a beginner in this. you sure caught on quick though! makes me think that you got a knack in this dancing business."

she still has one of her arm on your waist and another holding your own hand, guiding you to take turns and make stops in time to the music.

"this is really romantic." you comment, a little out of nowhere if you are being honest.

her reaction is only to laugh heartily. even if she is laughing at you, you do not mind it one bit. "yes, yes, of course. that's what's the candles are for."

"have you eaten?" you ask as the two of you make another turn around the small living room.

"not yet, i was hoping i could take you out somewhere after this?"

"okay, that sounds good, actually," you agree quickly, a bit famished yourself. "so it's a date?"

"it's a date." she grins, excited at the thought.

the two of you spend another twenty minutes polishing your moves. once she is satisfied with your progress, she lifts you up so suddenly that you could not help but shriek out of surprise. she explains that it is a proper ending move to the dance, though you are not quite confident with it. you think she is just making up an excuse to carry you like a baby or something.

she does not deny your accusation and just goes around your living room to extinguish the candles.


you end up going to a barbeque restaurant. you fiddle with the grilling equipments, unsure on how to work with them, as this is the first time you have stepped into such a restaurant. it is not exactly the best place to eat alone, so you have never visited one.

however, she quickly catches on to your trouble, proceeding to show you the proper way to grill the meat and how to eat the meat with some rice, all wrapped in salad.

once you are a bit more efficient with working the grill, she focuses on her own meal. you watch her inhale the grilled meat, smiling softly as you always do. you think you will never get tired of watching her eat.

"ish ift dhelishious?" she mumbles with full.


"sorry," she chuckles, gulping down what is in before asking again. "is it delicious?"

"yes," you give her an enthusiastic nod. "i was really hungry... and any meal eaten with you is delicious, seulgi-ah."

"aww~" she drawls happily before pausing. "wait, do you really mean that?"

"of course. seulgi, you make me so happy. i hope you know that."

"well, no, you never told me."

you clench your fist a bit, a little shy about sharing your feelings with her still. "i know. i'll definitely tell you that i enjoy your company more often."

"please do!" she urges with a wide grin. "and just so you know, you make me feel really happy too, juhyun-ah."

"i sure hope so." you laugh softly, making another wrap. you then eye her lips, thinking on whether it is okay to do it.

she munches happily either way, unaware of your predicament.

you muster up some courage, lifting your hand closer to her, offering her the wrap. "seulgi-ah, open up."

she stops eating, eyeing the wrap in your hand with her eyes bulged out in surprise. "for me?"

"yes, come on."

she bites onto the wrap rather shyly, not leaving her eyes from you all the while.

"delicious?" you ask.

"the best!" she almost yells after she finished chewing. "wow, how did that turn out so yummy? my girlfriend is the best."

you fluster red as a ripened tomato after hearing her words, still not quite used to being referred affectionately as that.

she seems to love the wrap you made though, so you end up making more for her, and she wholly enjoys every last bit of them when you feed her.

the two of you clears up the whole portion, satisfied beyond belief with the meal. 

and as usual, she takes you on a leisurely stroll after the dinner.

"my boss said that walking after eating is good for digestion!" she would tell you enthusiastically, and tonight is no different.

you do not mind, obviously. there is truth in those words, and you cannot lie that you absolutely loved walking with her, linking your arm with hers and staying close all the while.

"i'll be wearing my suit during the gala," she sighs, not quite looking forward to it as much anymore. "i really wanted to wear a dress, but i'll be there for work, so i can't get all dolled up."

"what's wrong with your suits? you always look so good in them."

she abruptly stops on her steps, looking at you strange. "you really think so?"

"of course," you nod easily. "it's a very handsome look."

"o-oh," she says, blushing slightly. "thanks, i guess."

"besides," you continue with a grin. "it will be easier for me to dance with you if you're wearing pants."

"oh, so that's why you want me to wear my suit. i should've known better that you would have an ulterior motive."

you giggle good naturedly. "i'm kidding, of course. i've always thought that you look dashing in your suits."

she seems to blush even deeper red. "so you only love me for my suits? what am i? iron man?"

"seulgi-ah, you know full well pepper doesn't love tony for his suits."

"huh. guess i should just be happy you actually know what i'm blabbering about."

with a chuckle, you say, "i'm pretty sure everyone knows who iron man is."

"eh." she replies with a shrug.

"but seriously, you should wear the suit proudly."

"okay," she says in finalisation. "i can do that."

you give her what you think is your warmest smile. "i look forward to it."

"what are you doing?" she asks suddenly, eyebrows raised. 

your face falls. "what do you mean what i'm doing?" 

"uh, that, just now, right before you revert back to your normal poker face," she continues, sounding a lot like an accusation, though she is still polite as she has her thumb pointed at you instead of her index finger. "hold on. were you... were you smiling?"

your hands fly to your face from grasping her arms, stunned. "what do you mean 'was i smiling?'? of course i was!"

she explodes into loud, unrestrained laughter. it is only dissolved because she ends up running out of breath. once she is all settled down, she squeaks, still catching some breath in between her words. "oh my... i'm so sorry, juhyun-ah. you... you were not smiling... pfft... it was more of a grimace..."

"i was trying to reassure you!" you gasp, rather offended by it all. you do mind her laughing at you now.

"i'm sure you were!" now that she has gotten some oxygen back into her lungs, she guffaws again. "i know you meant well, but, oh, you're hilarious, even if you're being funny unintentionally."

you think you are pouting now. or, well... you hope it actually looks like a pout.

"what is this now, are you pouting?" she has the gall to even question it, so you slap her upper arm, which you think is thoroughly deserved. "ow! okay, i'm sorry! it's just that... you're so expressive... even if it's sometimes the wrong expression... it's fascinating to see."

"i'm not..." you let out a deep sigh. "i'm sorry, i'm not used to it either."

you end up getting pulled into her arms, your face resting on her shoulder in a tight embrace. "i figured. i'm sorry i teased you for it. don't worry though, you're really cute."

you wrap your own arms around her waist, getting warm and snug. "really?"

"really really! it just hasn't come naturally to you yet. you don't really have to act cute or anything around me, you know."

once again, there is another sigh leaving you. "i admit i did read some magazine's tips for romance... there is a few bullet points about being cuter for your lover and the like..."

and yet again, there is that beautiful, airy laughter as she releases you from her hold. if one of your sigh equals to her laughter, you think your career as a serial sigher will take off real soon. "ok, who gave you such a thing? i'm sure you don't buy those trashy things. the books and journals in your apartment are all medicine related, and i couldn't understand a word when i read them, so you're amazing! anyways, it was one of the nurses, wasn't it? was it seungwan?"

you nod. "it was seungwan."

"i knew it! she must've read it all to you with stars in her eyes," she says, reenacting seungwan's excitable body language, and it is impossible not to laugh due to how exaggerated but also awfully similar it is. "in the distance, sooyoung eavesdrops and actually takes down some notes for their date later on."

"huh? how did you know?"

"know what?"

"that those two are dating? i don't... i don't think i've told you?"

she scratches the back of her neck, a habit she does often when she is thinking. "you didn't, but, uh, i don't think they are exactly subtle?"

"i never knew until seungwan told me," you mutter slowly. "and i have been working with them for years now!"

"well, i don't think you'd have as much time as i did people watching when you're working," she grins, holding your hands and swinging it lightly, like she is playing with you, calming you down. "i had so much free time when i was warded, remember?"

"yes, free time that should've been spent on your bed, resting and getting better." you spit, still upset over her stubbornness.

"you know," she grins, the one which shows pearl white teeth that never fails to irritate you further. "one of these days you'd realise i actually like it when you're mad at me."

"shut up, seulgi."

she laughs. "of course i like it better when you smile, even the grimacing one."

you hum, walking back to her car, ready to leave and end your day.

"wait!" she gasps, running after you. "i meant it. it is still you. and i love it. i love you."

you turn away from her to hide your blush but she still catches it.


"oooh, someone's embarrassed."

you hit her again, and of course she just laughs at you in return.

you are definitely going to that pilates workshop sooyoung introduced you to if it could make you stronger so your hits could actually hurt your annoying girlfriend.

or you could hit her on her stomach, where the wound was located.

you curse silently at the thought. it is one thing to harm yourself, but you would never intentionally hurt anyone else. especially not her.

when you think about it, it rarely comes to you now. you do not wallow in self pity that much, and you have never attempted to end your life again after she stopped you that one time. and you are doing infinitely better at the hospital than ever before.

all because you met her.

you are still angry though, that is for sure.

unfortunately for you, when it comes to her, your anger dissipates quickly, because she is way too good in making you feel better.

"mark my words, juhyun. i'll make you smile so often you'll forget how to even glare at me or do that grimace ever again. i just want to make sure you're happy."

you do not actually know how to reply to that, or how to say your gratitude and return the favour, but your fingers are interlocked with hers throughout the drive back, all the way until she escorts you to your door.

she leaves you after saying a brief goodbye.

or at least, that is what she is planning to. before she could actually leave though, you hold her back, planting a swift kiss on her cheek. you then yell at her to have a good rest because you are far too embarrassed to see her after that kiss, pretty much closing your door to her face. 

and maybe... maybe that is enough for now.





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Chapter 20: this was beautiful... thank you for sharing it
433 streak #2
Chapter 20: I absolutely adore 2nd person fics but they're hard to get right and this was so well written so good job. The first half of this was so adorable and fluffy omg +£-#&#&_@!;: And then the action kicked in and was like 😖, but then the ending was 😍
Jensoo4everlove #3
Chapter 20: Really not a fan of stories written in first person but read this for seulrene and definitely loved it ❤
Chapter 20: My heart ugh. I absolutely despise first person but that’s because I haven’t read many first POV’s that are good, but this one is exceptionally divine :)) such a nice read, thank you for your efforts and talents <3
Chapter 20: This is such a cute story 🥺 Thank you so much!
Chapter 7: 🥹🥹🥹
Chapter 20: The comic verse tho <3
Fukurei #9
Chapter 20: No worries Author, thank you for the last few drawn panels.
Take care and thank you for writing this story ♡
sagingnirene #10
Chapter 20: cuteee