
i'll fix you up (maybe you can fix me too)


"oh my god," seungwan gasps when you close your locker door, revealing yourself for her to see. her eyes fly from the top to the bottom of your body, and then again, blinking repeatedly in pure shock. "oh my god."

"what?" you chuckle as you question, a little nervous under the nurse's close and intense once-over.

"you look-" seungwan pauses, unsure as she glances twice at her own lover, who is humming happily, wrapped in a white towel, still a bit wet from the shower. seungwan closes in, whispering to you. "sooyoung will give me an uppercut if she hears this. but wow, juhyun. you look amazing."

"thank you," you say, blushing. "do you think she will like it?"

"seulgi? yes. she would love it. the only thing that i think is wrong here is that you're changing to this dress in this..." seungwan scoffs as she looks around the staff changing room. "filthy... locker room..."

"i don't have much of a choice. the reservation is in an hour. we won't make it in time to the restaurant if i were to get ready at my house, and she's uh, she's okay with it."

"this is so nice. she's picking you up from the hospital? why won't sooyoung ever do the same for me?"

sooyoung overhears your conversation easily now that seungwan is no longer whispering under her breath. she pops in just in time, giving you a hapless, but fond smile. and now you truly understand how deeply in love she is with seungwan. "baby, we literally work and live at the same place."

"yeah, but you could, like, i don't know, hire a driver?" seungwan throws a suggestion that she thinks is guileless enough.

sooyoung squints her eyes a bit, closing their distance and towering over seungwan, though her menace is fatuous, given that she is still wrapped in a towel. "is that supposed to be a jab to my driving skill?"

"no," seungwan shakes her head. "i'm jabbing on the fact that you're too cheap."

"well, that... that i cannot deny."

"go and put something on, idiot."

you giggle as seungwan shoos sooyoung to action. the taller woman sashays away, hips shaking sensually as she heads to her locker at the end of the line.

"that is so unnecessary." seungwan comments drily.

in return, sooyoung gives one last jiggle of her . "don't i look amazing as well?"

"yes," seungwan reddens at actually being caught, burying her face in her palm. "yes, you do, just go change already!"

you can't quite help but laugh. "if this is how you two normally act and talk at home, i imagine it would be very lively."

"i can't really say it's the best, but it's warm." seungwan answers with a sincere tone, grinning.

"that's more than enough, isn't it?"

"yes," seungwan nods, her voice dreamy. "yes it is."

you take another look at the two women again. you have never thought these two were dating before. true to what seungwan said and from what you yourself have seen, they are quite careful in their interactions at work, keeping it professional and at most, subtle with their touches when they think no one is watching. if seungwan had never told you, you would most probably be kept in the dark forever about the true nature of their relationship.

"i'm so happy for you." you say, fondness evident in your tone.

seungwan chuckles, though the slight red tint in her cheeks has yet to leave. "i'm so happy for you too, i hope your dinner date will turn out to be the best you've ever had."

"it's making me really nervous, that's for sure." you confess, really feeling the bout of jitters now.

"i don't think i've talked with seulgi that much when she was warded here, but i have seen her enough to know she's a great woman. she cares so much for you," seungwan pauses, waiting for your response. you only lift a questioning eyebrow, silently urging the nurse to continue. "she roams around the hospital a lot until she could find you. i think she likes watching you work."

"she really did that?"

"yes, seems like she was pretty good at it since you never noticed," seungwan laughs heartily when you could only gape. "it wasn't all that stalker-ish or anything, of course. she always have this gentle, teethy grin on her face when she watches you for like, a minute or two, then she would leave with the most satisfied look on her face. she was not causing trouble or disturbing any work, so no one wanted to say anything."

"this is not helping in the slightest." you laugh, still just as nervous.

"come on," seungwan urges, pulling you gently by your upper arm, leaving the changing room. "let's get you to your woman."

"she's not my woman nor am i hers-" you try to explain to seungwan as she rushes you to the elevator, and then out to the main entrance of the hospital. "seungwan, please, you have to hear me out-"

"ssh, shh," seungwan silences you quickly with her index finger rested on her lips, then pointing it towards the main entrance with a wide grin. "there she is. so, you're really sure she's not yours?"

you turn to where she is pointing, falling to small steps as seungwan gives you one last push before shuffling away, leaving the two of you be. 

she sees you, pauses on her turn, her fox eyes scanning wildly as you walk closer to her. she barely managed to stammer out a single syllable when you are right in front of her. "uh-"

you shyly pat the tiny creases away from your fine purple tea length dress, brushing the little bit of mesh overlay draped over your upper torso when you try to cover your exposed collarbones, then your fingers fumble together when she continues to silently stare, and then stare.

you study her closely too, as she is not in her usual combination of tailored suit and tie, instead she was wearing a simple pale yellow a-line dress, her curves accentuated perfectly by the slim fitting of the dress.

"you look great." you say, complimenting her sincerely, trying to start the conversation first because she is still at a loss for words.

"um, yeah, thanks," she chuckles lightly, looking down her outfit as if she is just noticing what she is wearing. with a quick shake of her head, she chuckles again. "but i have absolutely nothing on you. you look so beautiful."

you brush your raven locks behind your ear, revealing the lustrous lobe earring you have on, a heirloom of your mother, its pearl still unblemished thanks to your great care. "do you really think so?"

"oh, definitely. that earring? it's just perfect. as for your dress... it seams right to me," she grins proudly even if she ends up getting slapped gently by you. she has your hand in hers in a matter of seconds, stopping you from your continuous slaps, suavely intertwining her fingers with yours and leading you out of the hospital. "come on, our car should be arriving shortly."

"you really didn't have to do this, you know. even hiring a car."

"i wanted to." she manoeuvres you around the crowd waiting around for their ride before stopping at a corner of the main entrance's drop off area, scanning the incoming vehicles.

"could you at least tell me where we are going?"

"hmm," she hums dramatically as she thinks. "nope! you'll see eventually."

"what's with the secrecy, kang seulgi?"

"ooh," she shudders. "that's my full name. i'm being threatened."

you roll your eyes, rather unsubtle with your action. she catches it and laughs. "i can assure that you'll love it. i've already told you the plan before."

"so... steak and wine?"

"the absolute best steak and wine." she finishes, and then she is too busy flagging down a car to notice your slight blush after her hand brushes with yours when she raises her arm.

she leads you to the luxury car she hired, opening its door with a grin before offering you her hand. the two of you stick out like a sore thumb among the crowd with your soft, flowing dresses. strangely, you don't mind it one bit. "you first, my lady."

"thank you," you say, holding her hand as you enter the car, settling in the backseat carefully, folding your dress so it will not get bunched up. she comes in right after you with that excited grin still spread widely on her face. "are you just as nervous as me?"

"maybe even more so," she answers, laughing. she then gingerly takes your hand back in hers once she is seated comfortably, and the car starts to drive away. "i don't know what to do with my face."

you take a quick look at your tightly intertwined fingers. "you seem to know what to do with your hands though."

"if someone were to take this conversation out of context, i have the strangest feeling that i should probably flee for my life."

you chuckle lightly at her words. "no one would chase after you."

"no? no crazy ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend or anything?"

"no," you shake your head. "i've never been in a romantic relationship."

"oh." she mutters, leaning fully against the lush leather seat, looking to the front and far away.

"are you dissapointed that i have no dating experience whatsoever?"

"no!" she yelps, turning her attention back to you and doing everything to deny your thoughts. "i'm just surprised no one took an interest in you."

"there were a lot of people interested in me, especially during my medical school years."

"oh." she mutters again, this time rather sadly.

"but i didn't feel anything for them, so... i didn't take any of their offers for a date."

she scrunches her eyebrows as she puts it all together. you find it absolutely adorable. her finger moves to pint towards you and then herself, trying to make a sense of it all, you think. "okay... what you're saying is that... you... feel something for me?"

"would i be sitting here if i don't?"

"...that's fair," she mutters again, and you noticed that she got a little sweaty. when you produce a handkerchief out of your purse and help her wipe her neck, she chuckles nervously. "sorry, this is just going so much better than i expected. and we haven't even gotten to the restaurant."

once you are satisfied with your work, you retreat your hand away from her neck with a soft laugh. "how did you expect the night is going to be?"

"at best, i'll get to take you out on a second date. worst would be your crazy ex breaking my nose with a deadly punch when they found me tugging you around."

"there's... a drastic difference between those two outcomes."

"eh. you never know," she shrugs nonchalantly before looking outside. you sit in a comfortable silence until she breaks it. "we should be arriving soon."

true to her words, the car soon stops in front of an established restaurant located in the heart of the city, and you could only stare at the magnificent entrance as she helps you out of the car. 

"is this really okay?" you question, whispering in worry at how grand the restaurant is once you are escorted to your table. "this place looks incredibly expensive."

"like i said, the absolute best steak and wine," she grins at you proudly. "i'll take care of all the expenses, so i hope you'll enjoy it."

your eyes fly subtly around the restaurant, not keen on making a scene but still feeling a little out of place. "can i place a limit for the expenses on our next meeting?"

she hums happily. "so we are going on a second date?"

"only if we don't come here again," you try to negotiate, glancing about other patrons and noting their elegant outfits. "seriously, seulgi, i'm not even wearing a proper dress for this kind of place."

"what do you mean? you're literally the most beautiful person here."

you are feeling warmer now, perhaps the massive chandelier right above you adds up to the warmth, but the true culprit here is just grinning stupidly.

"relax, juhyun, i promise that it will be worth it." she says, holding your hand on the table and caressing it gently.

you listen to her well, keeping your nerves in check and conversing idly as you wait for your food to arrive. you were just as nervous about ordering your meal, but it turns out she has everything planned out, including the menu.

soon enough, you no longer quite feel like an alien in the opulent restaurant. she seems to be happy to see you calmer too, but she does not let go of your hand.

there is rarely a moment of silence when you talk with her, and today is just the same. she starts out with the usual 'how are you?'s and it quickly becomes deep conversations about space and whether pluto should really be considered a planet or not, because that is just how the two of you roll.

the wine and appetiser arrive first, and after you take a few sips of the smooth red wine, you do not feel so nervous anymore.

she has also let go of your hand so she could concentrate on her appetiser, and you do not mind losing her now familiar touch and warmth, because you love watching her eat.

it brings you back to the first time you watch her eat, back when she carried you home after you got black out drunk. it feels like it was such a long time ago.

how are you ever going to be able to return all her favours?

"seulgi." you call.


"thank you for doing this."

"wait, wait," she sputters clumsily, wiping her lips right after with a napkin. "why are you thanking me?"

"i just feel like i owe you a lot."

"no such thing! we're friends!" she almost yells, careful not to bother other diners.

"so we're not going to be more than that at the end of this date?"

she sighs. "this is not how i planned it..."

"i'm sorry," you chuckle. "i told you i don't have any experience in this."

"we haven't even gotten to the main dish..." she moans, berating your lack of sense. you could only chuckle.

"it's just a preview of what you'll get should you have me as your lover."

"trust me, there is no better end to this date than that, but maybe you could wait until i really ask you?"

"okay, i look forward to it."

the steak arrives, but still she looks like you've just put the weight of the whole world on her shoulders up until the moment you finish dessert.

you smile, eyeing the words imprinted at the bottom of the plate, visible now that you have finished the delightful chocolate mousse.

will you be my girlfriend?

"yes, seulgi, i will."

she gets completely red as you reach for her hand, holding onto them tightly.

you guess you could say the dinner date is a complete success.

but it is the long walk that she takes you after the meal that truly seals the deal.

she prepares you a coat in advance, and now you have your arms linked with hers as the two of you enjoy the chilly night breeze, walking down the river again. 

"you planned a lot, didn't you?" you give her a warm smile as you hold her closer.

"my boss owns the restaurant so i have some perks."

"please don't bring me there again even if you have a thousand benefits. the food was the best i've ever had, but i was so stressed out." you grumble, never used to such luxurious formality.

"aw," she grumbles as well, pouting. "how else am i going to see you in such a lovely dress like this again?"

you blush deep red. you hope you will get used to these sort of things soon. "there will be a fundraising gala coming up soon. i'll see what i can do to get you an invitation. i'll be all dolled up then too."

"a fund raiser? alright... is this the one held in like... next week?"


"oh, my boss, or, well... my boss' daughter is attending on behalf of him, so i'll definitely be there with her."

"you will?"

"yes, i won't miss it for the world."

you free an arm to bring your pinky up. "bring it in."

her smile completely envelopes her face as she seals her pinky with yours. "i promise."

there is not a lot of people along the river this time around, but still you walk like the two of you are just one. "it feels like nothing has really changed."

"that's because you've always been so clingy."

"only to you, seulgi-ah."

she sobs softly. "i'm the luckiest woman in the world."

"no you're not. i'm the luckiest woman in the world to have you."

"i don't want to fight you for this, juhyun," she laughs, pausing on her steps and making you stop as well. you give her a playful glare but it only makes her lower her head to plant a gentle kiss on your cheek. "but i rest my case."

you do not try to refute, staying glued to her side until she excuses herself at your apartment's front door, but not before you get to kiss her on her cheek as well.

the next day, seungwan almost bursts your eardrums, shrieking loudly once you told her that you now belong to her, and she is yours. 





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Chapter 20: this was beautiful... thank you for sharing it
433 streak #2
Chapter 20: I absolutely adore 2nd person fics but they're hard to get right and this was so well written so good job. The first half of this was so adorable and fluffy omg +£-#&#&_@!;: And then the action kicked in and was like 😖, but then the ending was 😍
Jensoo4everlove #3
Chapter 20: Really not a fan of stories written in first person but read this for seulrene and definitely loved it ❤
Chapter 20: My heart ugh. I absolutely despise first person but that’s because I haven’t read many first POV’s that are good, but this one is exceptionally divine :)) such a nice read, thank you for your efforts and talents <3
Chapter 20: This is such a cute story 🥺 Thank you so much!
Chapter 7: 🥹🥹🥹
Chapter 20: The comic verse tho <3
Fukurei #9
Chapter 20: No worries Author, thank you for the last few drawn panels.
Take care and thank you for writing this story ♡
sagingnirene #10
Chapter 20: cuteee