
High Hopes

Krystal sat in bed looking at Amber's latest instagram update. Her mind and heart were in a whirl. 

Who is she? Krystal wondered, looking at the cute girl laughing in Amber's lap. 

They'd begun messaging each other again a few weeks ago, mostly light things; Krystal keeping up with Amber's burgeoning carreer, Amber teasing Krystal about her classes and upcomming internship. No relationship talk. No heavy confession of feelings though Krystal couldn't count how many times she wanted to ask Amber where she was so she could find her and stand face to face with her again. 

Krystal chewed the tip of her finger and clicked the photo to see if Amber had tagged the girl, feeling like one of those girls in a romantic comedy she always made fun of, though she didn't really watch many romantic comedies. When a tag popped up on the girl's smile, Krystal couldn't say if that made her happier or more upset. At least now she could find out who the girl was. Emotion topping reason, she clicked on the name and was brought to the profile page of what turned out to be a singer from America. Every image showed off how gorgeous and bubbly the girl was in pant suits, dresses, bikinis. 

Scoffing, Krystal turned off her phone and chucked it to the end of her bed, flopping down to lay her head under her hand. 


She squeezed her eyes shut, hoping she really hadn't heard herself being called for downstairs. 

"Jung Soo Jung!" 

She groaned and hurried downstairs at the angry sound of her mother's voice. She never let herself get in such a temper, so it must be something serious. Krystal hoped her mother hadn't found out she'd cancelled another arranged date. 

"Wh-" She pulled up short when she saw her sister standing there with a suitcase, her newborn held carefully in carrier. "Jess?" 

"Did you know that your sister had gotten a divorce and has been tossed penniless out of her husband's house?!" 

Krystal's eyes went round and she looked her sister over again for any signs of distress. Jesssica looked oddly proud and a little nervous. "Why didn't you tell me?" Krystal asked.

"You've been occupied the past few months. You barely talk to me anymore. So I decided to give you your space." 

Krystal hung her head guiltily. She had been caught up in her funk over Amber. It was no excuse for completely ignoring her sister. "I'm sorry. Next time just shout it until I listen?" 

Jessica smiled a bit and nodded, but Mrs. Jung was having none of it. 

"You will go back there and-" 

"She wasn't happy!" 

Krystal's brows rose when she realized another person was in the room. Jessica's old friend Yuri sat on the sofa holding her sleeping nephew against her chest. He seemed familiar with her, so Krystal was sure this wasn't the first time he'd slept in Yuri's arms. Krystal couldn't help wondering when Yuri and Jessica had made up and become such good friends again. And it seemed Yuri was much more aware of Jessica's situation than Jess's own sister. 

"Be quiet!" Mrs. Jung snapped. "I thought I asked you to leave." 

Yuri cocked an arrogant brow but decided to hold her tongue and let her girlfriend speak. Jessica had been working hard for this moment. She wished Jess had been able to walk away with a little bit of cash, but her husband had threatened a lengthy custody battle for the children, so the only thing Jess had asked for a swift divorce was the children. Her husband hadn't even wanted shared custody. The bastard. She settled back on the sofa, holding the little boy who would one day officially be her son in her arms. 

"Krystal, please talk some sense into your sister. She's talking about living here until she can get a job and land on her feet. Have you ever heard of such a thing? She's talking like an American bum." 

Pride swelled in Krystal's heart. "He really wasn't making you happy, was he?" 

Jessica shook her head. "And he never took time for the children and didn't want me to either. I was tired of living there like just one more painting he had hanging on the wall. And..." she bit her lip. "There's something else I want to tell you too." She glanced at their mother. "A bit later?" 

Krystal nodded and Mrs. Jung threw her hands up in the air and grabbed the back of her neck. "Children only exist to break you heart. First Krystal wants to be a working woman, now you Jessica?! No wonder your husband left you! Now you're a single mother who has to raise her children with no money and no father. What will become of your son without his father to teach him how to be a man?!" 

Jessica's lip curled in distate. "If my son grew up to be like his father, I'd be more than disappointed." She looked over at Yuri. "Can you help me get all of this stuff to my old room? There's enough space in there for the baby's crib. We can put Kyung Soo's toddler bed in the guest room right next to mine." She turned her attention again to her mother who was still muttering and grabbing various imaginary aches all over her body. "I won't be here long. I promise." 

Krystal rushed to help her sister and Yuri get situated, trying not to pay attention to her mother. It must feel so good to be free of someone you don't love, Krystal marveled. But her heart was quick to reminded how much it hurt to be free of someone you actually wanted to be with. 

They were nearly finished moved in and arranged when the loud slam of a door allerted them there was one person still unaware of Jessica's new, single state. Krystal's nerves stood on edge, but Jessica seemed fairly calm as Yuri reached out to hold her hand. 

Really, when did they become such good friends again? I wonder what made them fall out in the first place...

They all looked at each other, then started making their way downstairs, knowing the sooner Mr. Jung knew Jessica's situation, the more quickly they could soothe his temper and move on. 

They made it to the bottom of the stairs just as Mr. Jung finished crossing the living room to stand next to his wife. 


"I saw the moving van outside and Kim Corp has pulled their account with us. I want you out." 

"But Dad-" 

He looked to her side where Yuri stood and suddenly looked deflated. 

"This is what you chose?" 

Jessica looked from her girlfriend to her father, terrified, but nodded, radiating certainty. 

He strode across the room and Krystal flinched back, a memory coming suddenly and she understood everything. 

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unknown_kx #1
Chapter 44: Update pls
Itsob_session #2
Chapter 44: Hi! I just wanted to tell you that this is my first ever fic and since then been here reading all the stuffs, I would love it if you could continue with this fic ....I love it so much 😍
Chapter 44: OK!!! We need more it's time to back... Pleaseee
Hades_LisaandJY #4
Chapter 44: When will you update author~nim? 🥺
Chapter 44: I love this so much. They're so cute
shumaixd #6
Chapter 44: Rereading this again 😊, will wait for your next update author-nim. 😁😁
Chapter 44: dear author-nim, i'm so lately find this interesting storyline, it's was great!
i really appreciate your hard work, please stay healthy and don't stress out
1149 streak #8
Chapter 44: 🥰🥰🥰
2078 streak #9
Chapter 44: I’m surprised they start again just like that
2078 streak #10
Chapter 44: I’m surprised Amber be able to kept her composure. Krystal left her at a really bad place and seeing Amber so nice to her after all of that is surprising