
High Hopes

Amber couldn’t explain why she felt so giddy. Maybe because it was her first day again. The book shop hadn’t needed an extra worker over the college break, so the manager had taken care of everything while she’d been left to find another job to fill the income gap she suddenly had. She’d bussed a few tables at local restaurants, and was extremely glad to be back in the cool, quiet bookshop. 

The bell over the door twinkled and Amber jolted out of her stupor. She felt slightly let down when she saw that it was a man in a brown suit. He was handsome and she could tell he was quite a few years older than her somehow, despite his unlined face. His neatly styled hair and rounded glasses added to his air of knowledge. 

She straighten and tugged on her shoulder, hoping it was crisp enough and tucked in all around like it had been when she’d left home that morning. 

“Hello,” the man said, approaching the counter. “This is where the college students come to pick up their course books?” 

Amber nodded. “Yes, sir.” 

“Ah.” He looked around the shop as if judging whether it were a worthy place to gather knowledge. 

“How long have you worked here?” 

She wondered if he were questioning her capabilities. “Umm, this is my second semester.” 


She scratched at her eyebrow, wondering what he wanted. 

“Must be pretty boring,” he said, surprising Amber a bit. “People don’t tend to come to bookstores to buy books anymore.” 

“Ha ha,” she laughed weakly. “Yeah.” 

“I like to go into stores myself so I know exactly what I’m getting,” he continued. “I once ordered what I thought was a nice case for my guitar, but someone sent me a suitcase instead. I couldn’t get a refund and the person completely disappeared. I learned my lesson.” 

“Oh?” Amber perked up. “You play guitar?” 

He glanced down at her hands, then picked one up and flipped it over, caressing the tips of her roughened fingers. She blushed at the intimate contact, people didn’t go around just grabbing other people’s fingers. “Hmm, you play too?” 

“Not well,” she said, pulling her hand back with a shy smile. “I’m still learning.” 

“I could give you lessons,” he offered. “I teach music at the college.” 

Her heart sank and she shook her head, lowering her eyes. “I don’t attend the college. I just sell books here. I had a friend who was teaching me, but he went on a tour with his band two years ago and I haven’t seen him since.” 

“I’m sure there are some places around here offering some cheap lessons,” he encouraged. He hated to see someone want something and not be able to get it. His brother had wanted to be a pianist, but a childhood accident had made that an impossible dream for him. 

“I-I don’t have the money for it,” she said, her cheeks red. She hated telling strangers her business. She hated when well-off people couldn’t understand just what it was like to be poor and just not be able to go after the things you wanted when you wanted. 

“Listen, what’s your name?” He asked softly, seeing that he’d embarrassed the cashier. 

“Yoo Embo,” she murmured. 

“Embo,” he smiled. “That’s a cute name.” 

She frowned at him which only made him smile harder. 

“And a cute face. Like a little disgruntled cat.” 

It wasn’t the first time she’d heard that. Because of the deep valley above her Cupid’s bow and her pouty lower lip, she’d often been compared to a number of animals. 

He reached into his pocket. “I stopped by here to drop off some guitar picks and strings for my class. They’re out in the car. Will you help me carry them in?” 

She looked at him suspiciously. “I’m not supposed to leave the desk for long.” 

“I’m parked right out front,” he said with an inviting grin. He finally managed to fish his Keys and a business card out of his pocket. “I’m new to Korea and haven’t really made many friends yet. My number is on there. If you ever need any help with some tricky chords, just call me.” 

She frowned up at him as she followed him out to his car. There were two large boxes of strings, picks, waterproof cases, etc. She grabbed a few. 

“I don’t have a phone.” 

“Not even a home phone?” He asked, shocked. 

She glared up at him and he held up his hands defensively before grabbing a box and bringing it into the shop behind her angry steps. 

“Sorry,” he said. He helped her organize things and watched her put the information into the computer. “I’m just not used to meeting people without phones.” He glanced around then reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. He laid it on the desk in front of her. “Here. You can have mine.” 

Her brows lowered and she looked even more suspicious and angry than she had before. “One, why would I accept that, and two, even if I did, how would I pay the bill for it?” 

He smiled, apparently thinking he looked charming when he did. “Why not? It’s free. Plus, phones are convenient. What if you get lost or are in danger outside of the store? And to answer your second question, I can just buy another one and add that one’s plan to this one,” he said, tapping the back of the phone. 

“I don’t even know you.” 

“I’m not so bad,” he said. “Come on, I’m not a weirdo or anything. Just take it.” 


Amber looked up and a nervous smile broke over her face. She touched her hair self-consciously and waved shyly at Krystal springing through the entrance. Italy had certainly agreed with the younger woman, she looked more vivacious and stylish than ever. She was parting her hair in a new way and had even added a bit of curl to it. Amber vaguely wondered what it felt like to have hair so long it tangled around your neck when the wind blew. 

“Hi,” she said softly. Having completely forgotten about the man at the counter. 

“I almost want to hug you,” Krystal said, a mock glare on her face. “Traveling felt completely different when looking at the sites in a way to explain them to someone who’d never been there before.” 

“I- loved your letters,” Amber uttered. “And the photos. My mom especially loved the photos. They were beautiful. You’re pretty good at taking pictures.” 

“Thank you.” 

They lapsed into an awkward silence. “Oh, Umm, I have new books I need for this semester,” Krystal said, reaching into her bag to pull out her list. 

“Okay, I’ll get those for you,” Amber said, glad for something to do. 

“I think that man left his phone,” Krystal said, waving the blue object in her hands. 

Amber glanced up to find that both the man and his car were gone. She huffed in frustration and put the phone in the lost and found box behind her counter. 

She quickly found Krystal’s books while the girl watched her. 

He doesn’t look any different, Krystal noted. The hair is a little longer, but that’s about it. She pinched her lips together and ran her fingers over the counter as he walked back, ringing up her books for her. 

“What did you do over break?” Krystal wondered. “Did you have to work here?” 

“Not here,” Amber answered. “But I did work. A lot. It’s a relief to be back here.” 

“With your favorite customer?” Krystal asked with a flirty smile. 

Amber rolled her eyes, bagging the books up for the sassy girl. 

“You’re not my favorite customer.” 

“If I weren’t, you wouldn’t already have my room reserved for me,” Krystal said confidently. 

“It’s not. You need to sign up again,” Amber laughed, opening the folder and passing it to Krystal. 

Krystal clicked her tongue in mock disappointment. “I’ve never been treated so badly in my life. I may never come back here again,” she said, writing her name down and the times she would like the study room. 

“That would be a relief,” Amber said. “I can finally stare off into space for a full six-hour shift. No bratty girls demanding my attention and my math skills.” 

Krystal gasped at being called bratty, but couldn’t help laughing along as she pushed Amber’s shoulder playfully. “I’m not the only brat in this bookstore.”

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unknown_kx #1
Chapter 44: Update pls
Itsob_session #2
Chapter 44: Hi! I just wanted to tell you that this is my first ever fic and since then been here reading all the stuffs, I would love it if you could continue with this fic ....I love it so much 😍
Chapter 44: OK!!! We need more it's time to back... Pleaseee
Hades_LisaandJY #4
Chapter 44: When will you update author~nim? 🥺
Chapter 44: I love this so much. They're so cute
shumaixd #6
Chapter 44: Rereading this again 😊, will wait for your next update author-nim. 😁😁
Chapter 44: dear author-nim, i'm so lately find this interesting storyline, it's was great!
i really appreciate your hard work, please stay healthy and don't stress out
1148 streak #8
Chapter 44: 🥰🥰🥰
2078 streak #9
Chapter 44: I’m surprised they start again just like that
2078 streak #10
Chapter 44: I’m surprised Amber be able to kept her composure. Krystal left her at a really bad place and seeing Amber so nice to her after all of that is surprising