
Stage and Rhythm

[ Congratulations! …]

Jongin quickly sits upon his bed, squinting his eyes to focus better on the beaming device. 

Congratulations Mr.Kim Kai,

You’re chosen to be a model for Privé by BBH….
Oh my god. Jongin literally jumps around his bedroom, after he’s a little calm, he continues reading.

…We ask if you could come by our studio today for the shoot, the address is attached below. If you cannot make it today, then we need to apologize, but we need to cast a new model since we’re in a hurry to wrap up this campaign for the approaching release date. Thank you for your understanding.”

Fortunately, Jongin’s schedule is free that day.

Wow, I’m jobless, Jongin thought to himself.

But that’s about to change today. Jongin hops into the shower, shave and spray his favorite cologne. He spends 15 minutes trying to find an outfit, but at the end, he decides on a simple white v neck and jeans, because simplicity is the key. He didn’t do his hair because hair and makeup will be done by the artist at the studio. He takes one look at himself in the mirror before grabbing his car keys and heads out his loft. 

The studio is not too far from his place, so he reaches there 45 minutes prior. Jongin walks into the empty studio, nobody is anywhere in sight. The wall has Prive by BBH campaign poster pasted all over with different sizes. The studio feels like home, decorated with small plants and glass roof, embracing the natural lights. It’s nowhere near intimidating like most studio he worked at. Just as he’s taking in the surrounding he feels a tap on his shoulder that made him jumps.

“ Hey.” 

Jongin turns around and his eyes meet with a shorter male, caramel eyes staring back at him, so soft he could melt in them. He’s Byun Baekhyun.

“ Hello,” Jongin replies.

“ I guess you’re Kim Kai? I’m Byun Baekhyun.” Baekhyun holds out his hand to shake.

“ You can call me Jongin.” He laughs as he shakes Baekhyun’s soft slender hand.

“ Thank you so much for doing this, I’m still new to this whole fashion industry, so please spare me in some parts.” Baekhyun slightly blushes. 

“ I’m nowhere near professional too, I only started modeling last year,” Jongin assures.

Baekhyun smile. “ With your look and body proportions, I’m sure you’ll make it big in this industry.” 

“ Hopefully.” 

“ This shoot is small, there’ll be me, Sehun the photographer, the brand director, and a makeup artist,” Baekhyun says as they walk through the long hallway.

“ That’s great! A big crowd of people intimidates me sometimes.” Jongin laughs.

“There are 30 minutes left until Sehun arrives, do you want to get changed now or chill for a bit?” 

“ I can change now.” 

They turn the corner to what seems like a dressing room.

The room has mirrors around it, but no curtain or anything to change it. But Jongin is fine with that since he’s confident in his body after all.

“ Um..here’s your clothing, there’s going to be a total of three outfits.” Baekhyun hands the fabrics to him.

Jongin starts to take off his shirt but Baekhyun quickly stops him.

“ I’ll give you some privacy—“

“ I don’t mind really, I’m a model, this is normal.” Jongin laughs, hiding his nervousness inside. Jongin feels a sense of familiarity from Baekhyun, he’s someone he can trust even though they’ve only talked for no more than 20 minutes. 

“ Sure..” Baekhyun is fidgeting with the sleeve of his shirt nervously, biting down on his bottom lips and is just standing there awkwardly. 

Jongin strips down his jeans, grabbing his new outfit from the couch and starts to put them on one by one. Baekhyun watches the movement of Jongin’s muscle, his veiny arms and toned legs, his gaze moves down and down…and he quickly snaps up and cough. 

“ You Okay?” Jongin asks as he’s folding his clothes. 
“ Um yeah, I’m just telling you as a heads up I'm usually not this shy and awkward with normal people.” Baekhyun clear his throat

“ Are you..saying that I’m not normal?”

“ No no I didn’t mean it like that, just…I’m usually intimidated by attractive people.” Shades of red creeps onto Baekhyun’s mochi cheeks. 

But now it’s Jongin’s turn to blush. “Um.Thank you.” 

Awkward silence takes over and both of them is just standing there blushing and fidgeting. Then Baekhyun finally speaks up.

“ Sehun should be here by now, the makeup artist will probably arrive soon, see you at 11?” 

“ Sure.” Jongin nods. 

At that Baekhyun leaves and shut the door, leaving Jongin alone in the changing room. He’s not alone for too long, because then he hears a knock on the door.

Before he can even answer, a girl pops her head in.

“ Are you Kim Kai? I’m Krystal, your makeup artist.” 

The girl has long brown hair, she’s quite tall and has a model quality figure. 

“ It’s me.” 

“ Great, let me do your makeup real quick.” 

10 minutes passed by and they’re almost done, Krystal takes a look at his face before asking.

“ Would you mind if I thread your brows?” 

“ Go ahead.” 

At that, Krystal leans forward and place her palm lightly on Jongin’s right cheeks, the other brushing across his brows, taking too long lightly brushing it. 

“Um. Are you done?” 

“ Oh, sorry, let me start.” Krystal quickly apologizes and grabs some tools.

Jongin can see a light blush creeping across her thin cheeks. And that’s when he realized he’s ed. All of the sudden the tension in the room increases by a 100 percent, Jongin needs to get it out there before Krystal tries any more move on him. But before he can open his mouth, Krystal quickly chase him to it.

“ Do you have a girlfriend?” She asks straightforwardly.

Jongin is stunned by the gesture and quickly recovers. “ No, I don’t—“

But before he can clear himself any further, Krystal leans forward and press her lips on his, her lips move but his stays still, not accepting the kiss.

The one-sided kiss only last for about 3 seconds because someone suddenly emerges in the room.

“ Oh my god, sorry for interrupting.” 

Jongin hears Baekhyun’s surprised voice and he quickly peels himself off of Krystal, but when he looks over to the door, it's already shut.

He’s standing up now and grab his clothes. But before he leaves, he makes sure to tell Krystal what he meant to say before she cut him off.

“ For your information, I’m not interested in girls.” Jongin smiles sweetly at her and shut the door, leaving a loud bang. 


Baekhyun runs back into the main shooting area, where Sehun is setting up his camera and props. 

Oh, my god, he’s straight, Baekhyun thought, panicking. He thought that the encounter they had earlier means something or sparks some chemistry, he can feel it, or at least to him only. 

Baekhyun shakes his head and walks up to Sehun. 

“ Hey, newbie.” 

“ Hey!” Sehun beams at him and quickly adds with an apologetic smile: “ I’m having some problem with my set up right now, but it should be good to go by the next 5 minutes, please tell the model for me that I’m so sorry for the inconvenience.” 

“ Its fine, he’s still…busy in the dressing room, take your time.” Baekhyun smiles kindly at the younger.
Sehun is a newbie, an amateur photographer. But he needs this for his resume to get jobs in the future, he just recently graduated from college. Baekhyun, being a kind person and a newbie himself to the fashion industry, understands what’s Sehun’s going through and decides to hire him. However though, Sehun’s photography skills are top notch, maybe with a slight improvement, he can be a professional photographer. 

Just then Jongin burst into the shooting area, apologizing for taking some time.

“ It’s okay, I was just done getting everything set up anyways,” Sehun says.


The shooting lasts for about 6 hours, including pictures for the websites, poster, short campaign videos, and more. It’s almost 6 pm when everything is wrapped up and organized again. It’s just the two of them left, Sehun left about 10 minutes earlier because his mom expects him to be home that day for dinner. 

Jongin decides to initiate a conversation first. 

“ I know the shooting is done and everything, but…will I be seeing you again?” Jongin looks at Baekhyun expectedly.

Baekhun pause in his track then looks at Jongin. “ I don’t know, do you want to?” 

“ Yes, yes I do.” Jongin tries not to sound so eager. 

“ I didn’t know you knew Krystal.” Baekhyun tries not to sound too convinced. 

Jongin eyes go wide, knowing what Baekhyun is thinking, walking on them locking lips.

“ Oh no, no, I don’t know her, she practically threw herself on me.” 

“ It’s not like I’m interested in girls anyway,” Jongin mutters under his breath, but it’s not too quiet that Baekhyun can’t catch.

There’s a bright glint in Baekhyun’s eyes. “ You…prefer men?”

Jongin just nods. 

Baekhyun smiles so brightly at this, and this is the smile that Jongin loves, that Jongin wants to wake up to. “ Me too.” 

Baekhyun feels like a weight has been lifted from his chest. “ Hand me your phone.” 

Jongin quickly hands his phone to Baekhyun, the screen already at the number book page.

Baekhyun types his number in, carefully, don’t want to mess up accidentally giving Jongin a wrong number.

“ Here.” Baekhyun hands the device back.

“ I guess I’ll see you around soon?”

“ You will if you text me.” Baekhyun winks.

And Jongin feels like his heart explodes right there at the spot. 



Ayee chapter 2 is uppp, I was literally writing all day at school lmao, anything for daily updates fam. Please comment ur thoughts and give this an upvote (it'll means alot to me hehe).



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Chapter 2: pls pls pls finish this!!!! i love it!
KeepBeef #2
Chapter 2: Awww this is so cute i love this aaa my heart
kathiamarel #3
Chapter 2: Heeyyy. Sorry, it took me a long time to read this. But i just wanna say that i like it so far! Please continue.. I can sense that i will love the upcoming chapters. And I also like the not so shy baekhyun and the not so subtle jongin! Keep it up.
Saw this on twitter, hehehe