Preview 3

The Manor - *Apply Closed*

Preview 3

Numb. That's how Minjung wanted to feel at this moment. But instead she had pain. The increasing pain in her stomach and chest was nothing compared to the anguish behind the locked door. She would prefer happy and bright, smiling and laughing, pretending this whole game was just that: a game. Something silly for her and her friends to pass their last days before university with. It was supposed to be fun. This whole experience was supposed to be fun. And if they actually got some sort of prize at the end? All the better. Jaehwan could get his new car and travel the country while shouting “FREEDOM!”. Minjung could move out and live away from her overbearing family, far away from their prying eyes. And Soojin could...well, it didn't matter if Soojin had wanted money or fame or anything like that. Soojin just wanted to be with her, so she came along...Soojin was always just wanting them to be happy and healthy. So simple…

Enjoying hot summers at a beach, playing in the water.

Daring each other to eat the spiciest pork cutlet, and laughing with poor Jaehwan nearly choked to death.

Debating whether or not in the event of a zombie apocalypse they'd manage to survive, and if they did, who was the most likely to just die in a silly way.

A simple text of “GOOD MORNING!!” waiting for her when she woke up…

Minjung tried to suppress the cough welling up in her chest.

“Minjung, we have to move,” Jaehwan urged the other teenager in the room. And at his words, the reality of this moment came crashing back. Minjung sat crosslegged in front of the now shut door, her hand placed upon it with her fingers spread, and choked sobs once again wracked her body, mixed with the painful constrictions in her body as coughs joined. Red flecks dotted the door with every heave. Jaehwan sighed, kneeling next to her, shaking her shoulder gently, “Minjung...”

“She pushed me away,” her voice rasped, “she wouldn't let me help her...” Her quiet sobs resumed when Jaehwan placed her arm around her shoulders, “I could have helped her...”

What room were they on? Room eleven? Hours upon hours, maybe even a whole day, and Minjung couldn't recall. Walking into the manor that evening with twelve other people, none of them had any idea what was waiting for them. It was all fun until the first person was gone. Soojin had grabbed her hand tight after the incident, whispering to her they were going to be fine, she'd make sure they would be fine.

Nothing would ever be fine again. This Minjung was certain.

“Come on, we can still make it!” Jaehwan, bless him, tried to urge her again. Laughing a little bitterly, Minjung shrugged off her arm, and waved for him to proceed without her, “Minjung no-”

“Make it Jaehwannie. I'm staying here.” She surprised even herself with how even her voice came out despite the tears continuing to roll off her cheeks.

“Don't be dumb!” He exclaimed, grabbing her arm and forcefully yanking her up, “We're going to make it to the end! Together!”

“Not together...”

“Listen to me,” Jaehwan spun her around to face him, his face set in determination, “we can get to the end. I know it. We're smart, right? You're the smartest. Top marks in class, yeah? Going to the best university, right?” She didn't respond.

Soojin was going to a smaller, less prestigious school, but promised she'd only be an hour away at most…

“You promised me study dates, remember? We're going to graduate together and be doctors, right?” Jaehwan's tone took on something akin to pleading, the usually deep sound of his voice going up an octave, “we can still do all that. Just come with me and-”

“It doesn't matter if Soojin isn't here!” Minjung shoved him away harshly, anger replacing her anguish for a moment, “Nothing matters if it's not with her!” The sobs were back, angry frustrated sounds that would eat up her very soul, “I was going to whisk her away from everything: give her EVERYTHING. Why didn't she let me? Tell me why Jaehwan!”

“I...I don't...Minjung...”

“You pulled me away!” How quickly her anger him, “She pushed me and then you pulled! I could have brought her with us! You've always hated Soojin!”

“That's not-!”

“I saw you two fighting! Did you think we would go to school and get married and live happily ever after? That I'd let you sweep me off my feet and go live in Seoul as your housewife after you knocked me up?!” She wasn't blind. She'd seen the glances he'd given her. Jaehwan hung his head, finally stepping back from Minjung, “Answer me!”

“...not with you,” was his quiet response, his gaze lingering on the door that had locked out the one person Minjung wanted more than anything. A sudden moment of clarity, and Minjung bowed her head in shame.

All three of them really were foolish.

“Just...come with me. Please?” He reached out to take her hand in his, “lets beat this. You can yell and scream and kick my after all you want. If we get to the end, we can just wish for this all to be better. I'll wish for it all to be better. That's good right?” His pleading tone was back. She felt her response die in as it was constricted, her body jerking with harsh coughs. It was beginning to hurt to even breathe.

Minjung really wanted to skip off with Jaehwan into the sunset. But no. There was no happy ending in all of this. Gently as possible, Minjung pried Jaehwan's hand off hers, smiling up at him sadly. He looked so panicked. He didn't deserve to look that way. Patting his cheek lightly, Minjung turned back to the door.

“Minjung, don't-”

“Do you remember the room with the bottles? Where we had to drink one in order to open the door?” The instructions had said to pick wisely. Minjung knew the moment she drank the contents of the bottle Soojin had deduced was the right one that she was doomed. Soojin didn't need to know that though...Soojin just needed to get to the end. That's all Minjung wanted...even if she wasn't going to make it, Soojin had to make it. Then her beautiful heroine decided to save Minjung...when there was no point...

So what was the point anymore?

“Go make a wish Jaehwan,” Minjung slumped down so her back was against the door, trying to not go into another hacking fit, “my legs are starting to hurt.”

Jaehwan once again knelt in front of her, whispering a series of rapid “no's” and “why's” and Minjung let him pull her into a tight hug. Her arms were too numb to embrace him back, but she sorely wanted to. It wasn't fair. Not to him, not to Soojin, hell, not even to her. Minjung closed her eyes. If she let her mind drift enough, she swore she felt a hand reach from behind her and take hers, fingers interlacing.

Holding hands.

Stealing kisses behind bathroom stalls.

Sharing ice cream.

One day not being afraid of what their families would think. That one day would never come.

For now, letting her mind drift away, Minjung let herself believe that Jaehwan, her poor sweet Jaehwan, was Soojin holding her after a nightmare, and that she'd wake up to a good morning text, and the bright sunlight from the window annoying her.

That would be a good day.

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Manor | Reminder for those who have not sent me their choices yet: tomorrow is deadline. And some may not like me making decisions for you :>


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Chapter 12: :'00000 man i made hana a complete but now im sad holyy tttt??? whelp, its been a fun ride lmao nice job (as always) I'm still gonna keep reading tho lmao
Chapter 12: Is there a reason why there's no ground plan of the manor included this time?
Chapter 12: Omg I can’t believe all the things happebeibg???? Sunhee killed Hana and ppl are trapped again?? Per usual I suppose lol but hhfhejrjejrnf I feel bad for junhee rip but to be fair it WAS sort of obvious if it was chess.... and the Egyptian puzzle sounds hella hard i’m Lowkey glad I don’t have to do anything :”))
Chapter 12: Eyyyyyy it's been a long time but I am still on for this!!!

Let's see. I believe that going back to the main hall would be the obvious choice but Jiwoo might notice something about those voices and sense something sinister in the main hall so she chooses to go through the Bookcase.
Chapter 12: Heyy welcome back! I loved this update!

Well, I'm very sorry towards Junhee, but Jihyun puts himself first in situations like this. He'd definitely go for option A, get the outta there and leave Junhee to die. Like he said, the puzzle was obvious, she should've known.
Chapter 12: LOL WHOOPS there goes my junhee, it was nice knowing her :')
Chapter 11: Not sure what date it is in your place but I've got a couple hours left before the deadline (pun intended). This is hella clutch af so I skimmed through the update for now, focusing mainly on my group, but I'll be writing out a proper comment in a while. Ngl the riddle is hard. I know I wrote Eunwoo to be extremely smart (AND a smartass oof), but quite unfortunately- I, her creator, am not LMAO. Eunwoo is in bad hands with me oof. I've only figured out so little. Hoping for the best... Eunwoo will situate herself at the Knight Table.
Chapter 11: An update!! Another one that I love :') there's so much suspense and you write it so well, so I'm always so invested in every sentence. I love when Junhee narrates since I can see her thoughts ahaha. It's true that Yong is mad sus though, and does calling him 'knightly' have anything to do with the riddle?? (insert thinking emoji)

Junhee will choose to put her hand in the priest's table in the left corner slot, closest to the knight.
Chapter 11: Ooh nice! So that's what happens when you open that book. Wow well they did manage to open the door but they had to go through something major before it even happened. Ok someone else died in this chapter oohhh dayyuummmm. It is super scary to make a decision right now hahahhha but I am making one anyways.

Jiwoo will choose to go straight. Hopefully she isn't the only one who does so.
Chapter 11: Wow... This was a ride. Im so glad you're back! But I can't help getting confused, I thought Tanya was with the group with Jihyun but suddenly she's at a place totally different. Anyway, I found some interesting stuff in the letter code. Now I hope I figured it out well

Jihyun will stand at the corner of the knight table. I just hope he won't be alone.