Chapter Two

The Manor - *Apply Closed*
Chapter Two: First Rooms



Rumbles of chatter erupted the moment the lights came back on. Eunwoo watched the others around her react in a range from being silently stunned to being mouth agape. The “youngsters” as she'd assumed they were definitely had the most expressive looks. One girl essentially “MEEP”ed before latching onto another, taller girl's arm. Even that smug bastard from earlier looked pale and Eunwoo swore he was shaking just ever so slightly. Excellent.

“That had to be effects right?” The one she remembered named Yonghyun asked repeatedly to another girl (if she recalled, Jiwoo was her name).

“Well,” she started to respond but it fizzled out as she was unable to respond with anything intelligent.

To the credit of whoever set up this game of sorts, their supposed host was a fantastic feat. This is a big mansion. There are bound to be many little secrets such as these all around them. She'd be damned if something trite like this would impress her much.

“So. Do we go up…or right?” Someone sang near her. The girl with the pink hair, who's name honestly Eunwoo had no care about remembering at that moment, had sidled up next to her. Looking down at her, Eunwoo scoffs mentally. The girl looked like she was going on some first date with a university student. Compared to her own business casual attire, the girl looked a little ridiculously extravagant and overdone. While Eunwoo's own heels were suitable for a business meeting and two inches was no joke, this girl's practically platform heels looked like an ankle injury waiting to happen.

“Our host gave us very little to go on,” It was another woman who responds, Kang Junhee if she recalled correctly. Next to them both, Junhee also stood out with her black shorts, knee highs, and shirt. What an odd trio the three of them must look next to each other.

“Maybe we just choose and go then? Onwards!”

“Myungok,” Junhee chided, “you don't know the house well enough to just go sauntering off,” she's humming while looking around the room in wonder, “our host didn't give us much except confirm we are indeed playing a game. What kind of game? The host mentioned puzzles after all. It doesn't appear that we are competing against one another.”

“Be that as it may,” Myungok huffed, flicking her pink hair over her shoulders a little dramatically if Eunwoo could say so, “standing here is getting boring. How else am I going to usher in my impending death if we just look at the pretty decorations?”

Ignoring the statement (if rather odd), Eunwoo regards the remainder of the group. The youngsters are already debating amongst themselves and it appears a decision has been reached afterall. The pretty one, Hana if she remembered, already strode to the right room with one of the girls following right up behind her. And then the other two came along shortly thereafter. Eunwoo can hear one of the girls laughing as they went along, saying something about this being an adventure. Foolish.

Assuming this whole game was legit, there is far too much on the line to be so flippant about their tasks. She can already tell none of their wishes surely had severe ramifications. One probably wanted money or a new car. Maybe one just wanted love from someone they could not have. Whatever the case, they acted too foolish to know what dark desires some of these people surely had. Herself included.

Eunwoo looks across the room to where that fool Youngchul is trying to engage one of the other men. This one the pretty one. Thus far, out of everyone sans maybe the rather meek looking girl eying the upper room, seems fine with just observing all of them. Eunwoo didn't even know his name. He's a tall, very tall, wisp of a man with a face she knows would make the women in her office swoon. Some of the men too if she was correct in her guestimation on some of them. Right now, he smiles ever so indulgently at Youngchul, nodding as he sputters more complete asshatery. He says something to Youngchul, and the idiot laughs so loudly that Eunwoo feels like her ears will bleed at the horrid noise.

“Hey. Hey! Did you hear me?” Myungok says fairly loudly to Eunwoo. She really felt she was surrounded by morons.

“What is it?”

“I asked if you've decided which way you'll be going? It might make some sense for us to do this quickly-”

“So, I'm just saying,” the two brothers walk past them, heading towards the right room where the youngsters went, “if you look at this narratively, doesn't the right room just feel like the obvious choice? Right? The RIGHT room? I mean, it seems way too obvious the more interesting things would happen there?”

“Can we just hurry up and get this over with?”

“Well! Can't argue with that logic! Noh twins! Wait for me!” Myungok left them then to follow after the two young men. One of them grumbled about not being 'twins' and for her to leave them alone.

“But really,” the one sibling's voice faded as he left with the others for the right room, “that would be too easy if you think about it. If we're supposed to entertain people, then death traps would make for better entertainment.”

“Beomho, not now,” the other brother muttered, Eunwoo barely able to catch those last words.

Now that was a novel idea.

“Excuse me?” Eunwoo said to the shabby looking man Jumin. He'd tentatively stood next to them while they were observing the two brothers. He jumped a little when she spoke. Perfect.


“We were just discussing how, if this is a game,” she starts, pretending not to notice Junhee peering at them curiously, “making the first move would be really important. Yes?”

“I...I suppose so...”

“Seeing as how those good people,” she motions to where the Noh siblings and Myungok left to the right, “have already taken their chances with that room, we should consider moving quickly to the next, no?” Jumin still seemed hesitant, “hey, I can see it in your eyes. Your wish,” she gently takes his arm in her, smiling at how he immediately tenses, “is so important to you. Nothing so arbitrary as money or fame. You look so desperate for it,” his eyes downcast. Ha, she nailed it, “please, take the first step. You have my blessing that if what awaits in the room gets you closer to your wish. I will not feel the least bit put off by you having it first.”

The shabby man seems to consider this. With the utmost perfect timing, Youngchul, the fool, proclaims he is heading on ahead. Jumin perks up at this and is swiftly making his way to the doorway that is opened to the northern room. Next to her, Junhee is pursing her red lips, giving Eunwoo a side eye for a brief moment. Eunwoo returns it placidly until there is a shout of surprise ahead of them.

“Oh god! What is happening?!” Jumin is screaming.

“Pull yourself together man!”

Junhee heads ahead of her toward the room, a few of the others following. Before Eunwoo can follow, she catches eyes with the beautiful waif of a main from before. They both look the other up and down first before he inclines his head to her, a smirk slowly spreading on his face that was nearly imperceptible.


Ignoring the man, Eunwoo strode leisurely to join her fellow competitors. She is very interested in what the room has waiting for her.





“Oh, Taehee! Come, come!” Myungok urges as Taehee enters the right room after the others. Being the last one to arrive, Taehee takes some time to regard the others. Recalling their names: Hana, Sunhee, Jiwoo, Yonghyun, Sangho, and Beomho. While Taehee didn't really care to know any of them personally, there was something to be said about being in their presence. They were all beautiful honestly, seemingly comfortable in their skins. In particular, Hana flows around the room with an air of confidence Taehee remotely envies.

“So what are we supposed to be doing exactly?” Speaking of the girl, she is looking rather unimpressed at the moment.

The room is what Taehee might consider a sitting room. Two long couches and one love seat centered around a wooden coffee table with books scattered about it. The walls are lined with bookshelves, of course filled to the brim with dust free tomes, that lead up to a fireplace against one of the north most wall. If Taehee continues going straight, huge wooden door panels are shut, cl osing off the room aside from the door they entered in. Not waiting for the others, Taehee tries the far sliding door only to find it tightly locked. A few shakes of the door show it is definitely not flimsy or budging.

“So tell me something,” Yonghyun asks, lounging in one of the couches near the coffee table, “what was everyone promised to come here?” Taehee stares at him, taking in the nearly chiseled, rather handsome way his jaw moved as he spoke and smiled at the others expectantly. His hair was also well kept, short, and very attractive. Taehee wanted to run a hand through it honestly to feel how he managed to keep those short tendrils in such a flattering look; maybe even ruffle it a little to see the effect. He caught Taehee staring just a little too long, and shot her a wide grin, “hey, take a picture if you're going to be staring that long. It'll last longer.”

“Oh, excuse me,” Taehee mumbled, head bowing demurely.

“So! Wishes? Anyone?”

“None of your damn business,” Sangho muttered while walking past him, Beomho behind him.

“Sangho,” he said while shaking his head, “a novel! I want my first novel to be ready to go with a written offer against it. You?”

“This might sound cheesy, but to be a normal guy?”

“You're right,” Hana scoffs while pausing her perusing of the books, “it is cheesy.” Taehee refrained from frowning at the modelesque girl. She regards them a moment before plants her hands on her hips, tilting her head to one side to eye them, “well? Aren't you going to ask what my wish is?”

“Pretty sure no one cares at this point,” Myungok rolls her eyes, sending Taehee a knowing smirk, “but indulge us princess.”

“Eternal youth and beauty,” flipping some of her hair over her shoulder in such a cliché manner, Hana waves them off and resumes looking at the books, “I'd advise some of you to consider such a wish too. You could use it,” Taehee could practically feel the shots fired at Myungok, “or a new wardrobe.”

“Ahahaha, she has bite. That's cute,” Myungok fires back before joining Yonghyun on the couch, “but contrary to you, I'd like to die,” Hana's face actually shows something akin to horror a moment, “no no no, not like that. It's complicated. Social media death or something or another. Details details. You!” Jiwoo literally spun around, dropping a book she'd picked up from the shelf, “Wish?”

“Just financial security for my family,” she mutters quietly, choosing to now sit across from Myungok on the couch opposite. Taehee also joins them, sitting next to Jiwoo. Jiwoo is also a pretty girl: long dark hair, pretty eyes, legs not as long as Hana's but still slender and-

“Commendable!” Myungok's voice interrupts the wandering thoughts, and Taehee has to look away with realization Yonghyun is looking to them curiously. Taehee's face feels warm under the scrutiny.

“That reminds me,” Hana sits next to Taehee, crossing her legs and lounging back comfortably, “Sunhee dear, why are you here?”

Taehee notices how startled Sunhee looks at the question. The smaller girl's face turns an adorable shade of pink while she stammers out something about getting through school with high marks or something that sounds like complete and utter bull to Taehee. Sunhee has a secret, Taehee knows it. Secrets know secrets. This Taehee knows all too well…

Suddenly, screams resound from the room the others not in their group. Yonghyun, Myungok, and Sangho are already up and rushing to the door. Not to be outdone, Taehee jumps up to follow, running to make it to the door.

But the door slams shut just as Myungok reaches it. Sangho skids to a stop just before running into Myungok, Yonghyun also stops, but Taehee is not so graceful. Slamming right into Yonghyun, they both tumble down with Taehee on top of Yonghyun on the floor. Taehee pushes up, hands on Yonghyun's chest for leverage. It feels firm, and solid, and Taehee can't help looking down at it longingly a moment before realization hits.

“How did the door slam shut?”

“Has to be automation,” Sangho is already trying to open it and shakes his head, “locked tight.” The screams ceased from the other room, or were at least muffled enough by the closed door to not be noticeable. Yonghyun helped Taehee back up before going back to Jiwoo and the others on the couch.

For a moment, forgetting the situation at hand, Taehee can only think how much he really wants his body to be like Yonghyun's.





Sangho tries the door again, then tries the sliding doors at the other end of the room, and then huffs irritably. He can hear him grumbling about just KNOWING this was going to be a bad idea. Beomho slips a hand on his brother's neck, squeezing it lightly in comfort like they used to do as children. Part of him did feel bad for dragging Sangho with him to the mansion (even if Sangho is the one who chose to come along), but that little voice is drowned out by the stronger desire to explore the room.

To say he didn't expect this would be a lie. The host implicitly said doors would be locked. While it wasn't apparent that the doors would lock behind them once they left the main entry, it could be inferred that just waltzing into the rooms would be too easy. While he can hear the others talking amongst themselves, he leaves Sangho's side to really have a solid look around the room.

The books are way too apparent. Ceiling high bookshelves with so many books: clearly they needed to do something with them. Though a red herring could be thrown in, he didn't think the creator of this mansion would make the first room too harrowing. It'd be too easy to trap or otherwise fail the players in this game and end it too prematurely. Where was the “fun” in that he supposes. Beomho can see Sangho just watching him, ignoring the others who too have split off to investigate the room.

“How the hell are we supposed to get out of here?” Taehee exclaims, before her face reddens and she pardons her use of the 'hell'.

“The host said there would be puzzles. So look for a puzzle,” Beomho answers her very quickly, already leaving the one book shelf to investigate the opposing wall. Books. Books are important.

“ we put together?”

“Sunhee, sweetie, no,” Hana chides, “just follow me. We'll get out of here.”

“At least things aren't boring?” The younger male in the room offers cheerfully, “we can't say we came out here for nothing now,” he pauses before adding, “unless this is some large death trap. Then that's a hell of a story to tell later.”

“Not helping,” Jiwoo too chides.

Beomho stills a moment. Something about what Yonghyun says bothers him just a little. If there is an actual death trap, it would probably follow the same logic as any other trap. Death too soon would be boring to an audience. Even so…

“Hey, Sangho,” Beomho calls to his brother who is peering curiously at a mirror on the wall in the farthest corner from the main door, “stay close yeah?”

“...sure,” he answers slowly, “I'll be over here.”

“Okay,” Beomho orients his body so he could lean back against the sliding doors and keep everyone in sight, Sangho included. Hana and Sunhee have taken a seat at the couches again, Sunhee chatting up Hana quietly while Hana feigns attention. He can see the slight nervousness in the way Hana is looking around the room. Yonghyun is with Taehee and Myungok, all three at one of the bookshelves trying to tip it over. No such luck. The shelve must be bolted to the wall. On the opposite wall, Jiwoo is carefully pulling on books, pausing to read the titles before slipping them back in. Smart girl.

It's not a big room. Books. Mirror. Couches. Table...TABLE. Beomho is about to go to it when Jiwoo exclaims in surprise.

One of the books she pulled remained attached to the shelf, tilting instead. The shelf at eye level with her dropped down into some hidden recess behind the rest of the case. It appeared that a chute is there. Beomho is by it instantly, peering inside. It really resembled an air vent like you'd see a spy crawl through in the movies. One could probably climb up and crawl through it. But its dark, and he can't see a light at the end. That didn't feel foreboding at all. But if there is a room on the other side of the wall, this seemed like a legitimate way of getting there. Besides, why hide this chute if it wasn't important?

“Hey,” Sangho calls over to Beomho. Both he and Jiwoo give him attention as the others begin to crowd around the chute, “this isn't a normal mirror.” Sangho has his fingers pressed against the glass, “finger tips touch the reflection. This is a two way mirror.”

“As in,” Beomho finishes for him, “there might be a room behind it.”

Another possibility! Beomho is quick to practically bound over to the table. None of the books move when he tries to lift them. AHA! There, so effortlessly left, is a piece of paper:

Four books lay here. One does not belong in the light, but that is the key to opening the doors.

Notable, there is four books each with a different colored cover: red, blue, green, yellow. Beomho makes to lift the cover of one, but stops himself when he feels it not give all too easily. There is probably something keeping them closed, like a clasp. Logic dictates picking the wrong one might not end so well. But since this is the room's puzzle, picking the right one is clearly the choice they will want to make.

“Room puzzle is here. Read the instructions carefully, but don't touch any of the books until we all confer,” he requests before going to the door that locked behind them. Just for giggles, Beomho tries the door himself.

Unlike the sliding doors, the door does give a little. It's probably just locked like normal. Sangho and Yonghyun, both looking strong enough, could probably break it down if they hit it hard enough. That being said, why go backwards? Surely nothing good would come from backtracking. That would be a very boring, easy choice. The creator of this mansion might find it a little too boring...and that might not end well if there are any additional traps waiting for them.



Beomho, Sangho, Hana, Sunhee, Yonghyun, Jiwoo, Myungok, Taehee– choose one of the following. The two choices with the highest votes will influence the next chapter, and the fates of your characters.


A. Go through the chute

B. Try to solve the puzzle (if picking this, indicate the color book you try)

C. Investigate the mirror

D. Try to break the door down





Jumin finally calms down once the noise fades. The moment he entered the room, the sound of grinding and something like metal bending had erupted in the room. The poor man was terrified and cowered on the floor. Miyeon felt a little pity for him, though the others, and she meant Youngchul, seemed less sympathetic. It wasn't until Eunwoo and the man she overheard Youngchul call Yong entered the room that he calmed down enough to stand up straight with some form of dignity.

“Get off your and man up!” Youngchul spat, shoving Jumin out of the way. When Jumin tried to say something to him, Youngchul immediately raised a hand as if to hit him.

“Stop!” It was the foreigner Tanya who stood between Youngchul and Jumin, “Don't lay a hand on him. He's scared like the rest of us.”

“Who's scared? Ha,” Youngchul scoffed and continued on into the room.

“Th-Thank you,” Jumin is already bowing deeply to Tanya.

“Are you okay?”

“I'm fine! Perfectly good to go!” The man tried to sound chipper, but Miyeon could hear the tremble in his voice. Before Tanya could inquire further, he was off to follow the others. Quite a few of them had chosen to enter this room afterall. None of the people Miyeon came in with had, but that was of little consequence she supposes.

The room is big, with big windows on the wall showing them a beautiful garden lit up by outdoor lighting. Miyeon ponders if she should try a window when there is a soft creaking near her. She glances over her shoulder, and the doors they entered in are slowly shutting. She tries to say something, but before she can they abruptly slam shut, sneding a loud BANG though the room. Everyone seemed to jump a little at the sudden noise.

The one she recalls is Jihyun is already at the door, trying the door handle and shaking the door itself.

“Locked,” he growls, giving the door a good kick when it still doesn't budge, “damnit!”

“Well, it's a game afterall,” Junhee shrugs, “he, she, the host, whatever they are, said doors would be locked. They never said it would just be the ones we want to go through.”

Jihyun doesn't seemed pleased by the answer but grumbles something akin to understanding. Miyeon chooses that moment to fall back until she is standing in the corner, away from the others. No one in the rooms seems too terribly panicked about the locked doors, except Jumin who is hanging around the businesswoman Eunwoo. Eunwoo looked remotely disgusted with him, but every time he looks to her she just has an indulgent, soft smile for him. The other girl, she believes she's Thai, is moving around the room on her own. (Was her name Acha? Maybe…) Miyeon watches her a moment longer and follows her to where she is headed.

Center of the room is a round table with ten black rucksacks lined up on it. Acha is already grabbing one and digging through it, her face blank and emotionless.

“Excellent!” Youngchul is digging through one as well, “Ha! Food, some water, and what do we have here?” He smiles as he holds up a rolled up piece of blue paper, “I think it's a map!”

“Useful if it is,” Jihyun comments while also grabbing a bag, “Well we're locked in here. I suppose there's probably a puzzle.”

“Hey there,” Tanya is next to Miyeon, joining her in the corner. Miyeon nods her head in a slight greeting before continuing to watch the group as they all choose bags for themselves. Aside from Youngchul and Jihyun's last statements, everyone is quiet. She supposes they're all thinking the same thing: how to proceed out of this room.

There are two exits she surmises. One that goes left, the other right. The one of the left is closed by a door, flanked by two decorative knight armors: one holding a sword while the other an axe. The doorway on the right is open, though the room appears to be dark in that direction. On either side of the door are some rather majestic looking lions cast in bronze. Or what she assumes is bronze. Miyeon isn't a metalurgist.

“Ladies,” someone says to the pair. Yong offers them a rucksack each, his own slung over his shoulder.

“Thanks,” Tanya accepts it, as does Miyeon. While Tanya begins rifling through hers, Miyeon simply drops the item to her side by her feet. Whatever is in it, she doesn't care. She won't be around hopefully long enough to worry over it.

“Windows are locked too,” Jihyun comments just loud enough for others to hear.

“Tell me, what brings you to the mansion?” Yong casually asks after taking a place next to Miyeon, joining the two women in people watching. At the moment, aside from Jihyun, Junhee is the only one really taking time to investigate the room.

“Nothing of importance. Just promises of something better. Yourself?” Tanya answers evenly.

“Same. The chance of making something better for myself,” he smiles at Miyeon next kindly, “you?”

“...the same...” she answers so quietly, she's sure they barely hear it. Tanya regards her a moment before also giving her a small smile. Yong, however, regards her even longer, his smile fading into something that seemed...sad?

“Did you lose someone? Is that why you're here?” Miyeon feels like her body goes numb, “That's it isn't it? I'm so sorry for your loss,” he places a hand on her shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. Miyeon is a little...stunned to say the least. But the hand feels warm, and for a moment she feels a little bit happier.

“There's a clue here,” Junhee announces. The others begin crowding around where Junhee is crouched on the floor, dead center between the two doorways. Yong motions for Miyeon to follow him...and she does. T oher own surprise, she is okay with following after him if just for a moment. Behind her, she hears Tanya coming up as well.

“Choose your path wisely. The first to take a hasty leap with faith in the knights will surely ascend to the next plane and open the path for others; while those who place faith in lions may find themselves in darkness only to find a new path,” Eunwoo is the one who speaks out loud and scoffs, “not much of a puzzle is it?”

“More like a hint if I say so.” Junhee taps her chin thoughtfully, looking between the two doorways, “Basically we can do either, but outcomes might be a little different. In either case, we get a path. Interesting.”

“I say the dark room feels less threatening,” Tanya gives her input easily, “it's open.”

“Yeah, real safe place the dark is,” Youngchul state mockingly, “for all you know you go in there and fall into some pit.”

“Like you have a better plan?” The gamer rolls his eyes, “clearly it says the darkness may lead to a new path. Not certain death or the unknown.”

“Then throw the scaredy cat,” he elbows Jumin roughly, pushing him into both Tanya and Jihyun. They both glare at Youngchul but he ignores them. Miyeon really shouldn't be surprised by his actions at this point, “into the dark room and let's see what happens.”

“What? No!” the so called cat protests, actually shoving Youngchul back. Youngchul is quick to lash out before anyone reacts, knocking Jumin back into Tanya with a solid punch to his jaw. Jihyun is quick to make a move towards Youngchul, but Junhee takes his arm and stops him.

“Fine,” she speaks firmly, “what would you like to do Youngchul?”

“Watch and learn. The hint clearly says the first one can open the path for the others,” he's already going to the door where the knights are, “I'll do you all a solid and 'take one for the team',” he makes air quotes in with his fingers as he continues to go to the door.

Something...isn't right. That's too easy Miyeon thinks to herself. Could it be that easy? Next plane...and then it hits Miyeon. She remembers during the eulogy at the funereal someone saying they can all meet once more on the next plane of existance…!

“Wait!” Miyeon shouts, running to Youngchul in an attempt to stop him. Too late, Youngchul is at the door and opens it effortlessly. Miyeon skids to a stop a few feet from him when he spins around to greet her, bowing over with a flourish like some butler ushering his masters in.

“After you swine-”

The axe in the knight's hand comes down so quickly that Miyeon isn't even sure she's seen this correctly. But come down it does.

Right down and through Youngchul's neck.

It feels like it moves so slowly, the moment of shock and horror crossing his features. Behind her she hears the others exclaiming though she can't make out their actual words. He stumbles forward one step before his head slides neatly off his neck, hitting the floor before his body does. The impact sends a splatter of blood up, splashing across Miyeon's face before she can stumble back. But stumble back she does. Someone, she believes it's Tanya, is asking her urgently if she is okay.

Miyeon can only stare in horror at the lifeless body of Youngchul in front of the open doorway, the puddle of blood spreading slowly out towards them.


Junhee, Miyeon, Acha, Tanya, Jihyun, Yong, Eunwoo, Jumin – choose one of the following;

A. Go into the dark room

B. Go past Yougnchul's body into the other room




Author Notes //
This feels rushed, and I'm sorry! Please let me know your character's choices by Next Friday! That's Nov 23rd! 
Like this story? Give it an Upvote!
Thank you!
Manor | Reminder for those who have not sent me their choices yet: tomorrow is deadline. And some may not like me making decisions for you :>


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Chapter 12: :'00000 man i made hana a complete but now im sad holyy tttt??? whelp, its been a fun ride lmao nice job (as always) I'm still gonna keep reading tho lmao
Chapter 12: Is there a reason why there's no ground plan of the manor included this time?
Chapter 12: Omg I can’t believe all the things happebeibg???? Sunhee killed Hana and ppl are trapped again?? Per usual I suppose lol but hhfhejrjejrnf I feel bad for junhee rip but to be fair it WAS sort of obvious if it was chess.... and the Egyptian puzzle sounds hella hard i’m Lowkey glad I don’t have to do anything :”))
Chapter 12: Eyyyyyy it's been a long time but I am still on for this!!!

Let's see. I believe that going back to the main hall would be the obvious choice but Jiwoo might notice something about those voices and sense something sinister in the main hall so she chooses to go through the Bookcase.
Chapter 12: Heyy welcome back! I loved this update!

Well, I'm very sorry towards Junhee, but Jihyun puts himself first in situations like this. He'd definitely go for option A, get the outta there and leave Junhee to die. Like he said, the puzzle was obvious, she should've known.
Chapter 12: LOL WHOOPS there goes my junhee, it was nice knowing her :')
Chapter 11: Not sure what date it is in your place but I've got a couple hours left before the deadline (pun intended). This is hella clutch af so I skimmed through the update for now, focusing mainly on my group, but I'll be writing out a proper comment in a while. Ngl the riddle is hard. I know I wrote Eunwoo to be extremely smart (AND a smartass oof), but quite unfortunately- I, her creator, am not LMAO. Eunwoo is in bad hands with me oof. I've only figured out so little. Hoping for the best... Eunwoo will situate herself at the Knight Table.
Chapter 11: An update!! Another one that I love :') there's so much suspense and you write it so well, so I'm always so invested in every sentence. I love when Junhee narrates since I can see her thoughts ahaha. It's true that Yong is mad sus though, and does calling him 'knightly' have anything to do with the riddle?? (insert thinking emoji)

Junhee will choose to put her hand in the priest's table in the left corner slot, closest to the knight.
Chapter 11: Ooh nice! So that's what happens when you open that book. Wow well they did manage to open the door but they had to go through something major before it even happened. Ok someone else died in this chapter oohhh dayyuummmm. It is super scary to make a decision right now hahahhha but I am making one anyways.

Jiwoo will choose to go straight. Hopefully she isn't the only one who does so.
Chapter 11: Wow... This was a ride. Im so glad you're back! But I can't help getting confused, I thought Tanya was with the group with Jihyun but suddenly she's at a place totally different. Anyway, I found some interesting stuff in the letter code. Now I hope I figured it out well

Jihyun will stand at the corner of the knight table. I just hope he won't be alone.