IV - Ice Cold

A God's Will
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I remember last night so clearly. It had to be one of the best nights of my life. For one night I could feel all of the emotions I had missed out for such a long time and only within the space of 4 hours with Suho. Something about him was clearly off, but I didn't care, if someone could make my life feel this much better in such a short space of time then I guess it doesn't really matter. 

I woke up in the same bed as I did yesterday but somehow I don't remember falling asleep in it. Most of the stuff that happened after Suho and I is completely forgotten to me. I don't mind that much though. I got out of the sheets and walked out of the bedroom into the main area of the house that contained the kitchen and the living room. One of the first things I noticed was a pile of shopping bags and boxes lay on the floor next to the sofa. The peeked inside to see that each one was filled with women's clothes and there was a whole lot of bags. I thought a moment but decided to deal with the pile of clothing in the room after I had eaten.

Walking over to the fridge I noticed a sheet of paper held on the outside by a magnet. I pull it off and read it.


 Hey Freya,

You might have noticed the clothes in the room, just so you know they are yours and I'm not planning on taking them back. Whatever you don't like I guess I can return but please do keep the stuff you do want. Also, my roommate/ friend will probaby be getting back some time in the day. I haven't told him about you staying with us yet so he might seem a bit odd towards you at first, but I think you'll get along with him just fine. Anyway, if you have any problems this is my number:


I'm at work so I couldn't be there when you woke up so I cooked some food and left it in the fridge. Heat it up before you eat it. I probably won't be back till really late so I left my credit card with you. There's no limit so buy whatever you feel like.

P.s. I had a nice time yesterday


I smiled at the last sentence before placing the note down on the island counter and pulling the metal fridge door open and looking inside. I saw a sealed tub of what seemed like a soup of the red variety with a sticky note attached with my name written on it, and so I pulled it out and placed it on the side. I quite liked the flavors of Korean food, even if many people from western countries hated different tastes and so I was quite happy with the food that Suho had prepared for breakfast. I chucked the soup into a pan and placed it on the stove and let it warm up for a couple of minutes before placing it into a bowl and finishing it up quite quickly. I then cleaned up quickly washing the dishes and placing them back to their respective places in the kitchen.

I pulled myself a few feet from the kitchen and threw myself on the sofa before reaching over and grabbing the TV remote to turn the TV on. Flicking through the channels I hadn't even noticed that I had managed to entertain myself with said box for around about hour and a half before noticing the time that had passed. The lock of the door could be heard clicking as a keycard was presented onto the outer panel. The familiar sound of the door being pushed open was followed by a person taking their shoes off and placing them down on the marble flooring.

I turned a

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41 streak #1
Chapter 20: So far really enjoyed reading this story.. plot and plot twist was so interesting and mysterious.. felt bad and sad for her.. but was happy when suho saved and took care of her warmly.. but things really started to change when xiumin came in the picture..but it already took turn when suho saved her at first.. kai was one the marked her first .. something is really interesting about oc's character.. according to their theory maybe.. so far she met suho, xiumin, kai, sehun and chen.. but among all of them, really loved sehun and suho's character..loved the way they treated her and wanted to protect her from any unknown problems.. so excited for other members to show up and how things will turn up to her with them.. so curious about it.🤗❤️
Aaratrika2006 #2
This book is so good like seriously... I haven't read a better greek god fanfic than this one. Although this is a teeny tiny small wish on my part of this book being an ot12 since I 'm having moments of missing those 3 especially with all the boys going to military service still no pressure.
No matter what this book will be one of the best I have ever read. Waiting for your update:) ♡
Macire #3
Chapter 20: Hmmm I wonder who is the bad guy in all of this
Chapter 6: ahhh this is so good, im really enjoying this. i feel like this is moving super fast but i guess it just has to do with the nature of her having to meet a plethora of men. oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
staceygwen #5
Chapter 20: Chen is whipped, and them arguing about something makes me question exactly who is this ‘enemy’. Trouble are brewing and looking forward to the chaos that will ensue.

P.S Thanks for the update and Stay Safe
Chapter 20: Oooffff! Hot gods arguing over you...
Kyoya_kumo #7
Chapter 20: Chen just ... being perfect and throwing at Suho’s face that it was his choice to save her and indirectly (or not) this whole marking thingy happen because she’s alive... my bias wrecker everyone the (now) proud daddy of a beautiful baby daughter
Chapter 20: Can't wait to meet the other
Chapter 20: thanks for updating! ❤️
Kyoya_kumo #10
Chapter 19: I think it’s so funny that both Kai and Suho after marking her are like “oh no I screw up... welp let’s wait for it to disappear and endure this torture/lust” and Chen just appear, mark her and is totally enjoying it like who gives a d**n ??