III - Stay

A God's Will
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"Here. Stay here. With me..."

I just sat and blinked at the man in front of me who stared back at my face with a smirk of confidence and all sorts nervousness were completely vacant from him as he stared deeply at me. I moved the plate away from me and coughed looking down away from his gaze.

"What?" I questioned not really knowing how to respond to something like that. I refused to meet his eyes or even look above his shoulders in fear of an even more embarrassing situation or response.

"If you want you can stay here. I took you in here yesterday because it might have seemed to others a bit strange that I was carrying an unconscious girl who was soaking wet. Also if you feel like you'd be intruding on my life, don't. I don't think having no plan when you go back home is the best idea, At least here is a fresh start almost " He said crossing his arms over the table and moving his face downwards in an attempt to make eye contact with me.

"I couldn't do that, It's not that I don't trust you but, I don't have any money. I don't have a job over here - or back home anymore - and I don't even have any sort of way to stay in this country, I'm on a visitors visa I can't just immigrate on a whim," I said again looking to my side to avoid looking at him. He breathed out heavily in what seemed to me like frustration.

"Who said anything about you needing money. Look I just think it is better for you to stay here than do something stupid like yesterday--" He said before stopping himself realizing his own words. I looked down somehow ashamed of what it was I attempted yesterday from which I guess he literally saved me from and I don't know whether I'm meant to feel regret for it because I feel guilty to him for having to put in all that effort just to save me. He sighed again "I just think that I should do something to accommodate you. Only me and my friend live here and he is really understanding and so I could talk to him about this - If you want to stay - Just so you can spend a little more time here to enjoy Korea," 

I nodded and gave a small smile towards him and he reached over to pat my shoulder. "If you want we could go out now, I have a lot of time off work at the moment. I could buy you a few things if you'd want to stay with us a little bit longer, which I'd really enjoy if you did. It's around 6 pm so we could spend a couple of hours outside this house." I quirked my head at his voice. He seemed to be genuinely interested in having me stay longer than just a couple of nights before I was to go back home. The thought of having a stress free day with a stranger was oddly appealing to me for a reason unknown.

"Yeah sure, I guess we could go out if you wanted. But I don't really want to take any of your money" I realized now how much I was trusting almost a complete stranger, something about him made me feel like I knew him whether it was the way his eyes curved or the way he held himself. I questioned again why I was trusting this guy, but for now, at this moment, I guess I don't really care.

"Don't worry about me spending money, I've got a whole lot of it so why not spend a little,"


We left the mansion like apartment and were walking on the streets for some time before he stopped and moved his body to stand in front of me. "I've just realized, I haven't even told you my name yet. It's Joonmyeon but most people call me Suho." I hadn't even noticed that his name had been missing and the one he had just given me seemed to fit his kind personality so well. I remember it having the meaning of something like 'Guardian' and he managed to save my life once so he definitely lives up to his name. I smiled in return and he looked to his left smiling a bit more and grabbing a hold of my hand dragging me into a store.

The store was huge and every piece of clothing looked as expensive as my entire wardrobe combined. They all were labeled with expensive brands. Everything was way more expensive than anything I could afford in my lifetime but his eyes continued to scan along the racks of clothes eyeing each and every garment closely before passing onto the next. His hands flitted over a few items every now and again, before he pulled them off of the racks and placing them into the arms of one of the shop assistants following the two of us. He said a few things to the woman before I was instructed by another to move into a dressing room. The room was the size of my whole apartment and had three huge mirrors o

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41 streak #1
Chapter 20: So far really enjoyed reading this story.. plot and plot twist was so interesting and mysterious.. felt bad and sad for her.. but was happy when suho saved and took care of her warmly.. but things really started to change when xiumin came in the picture..but it already took turn when suho saved her at first.. kai was one the marked her first .. something is really interesting about oc's character.. according to their theory maybe.. so far she met suho, xiumin, kai, sehun and chen.. but among all of them, really loved sehun and suho's character..loved the way they treated her and wanted to protect her from any unknown problems.. so excited for other members to show up and how things will turn up to her with them.. so curious about it.🤗❤️
Aaratrika2006 #2
This book is so good like seriously... I haven't read a better greek god fanfic than this one. Although this is a teeny tiny small wish on my part of this book being an ot12 since I 'm having moments of missing those 3 especially with all the boys going to military service still no pressure.
No matter what this book will be one of the best I have ever read. Waiting for your update:) ♡
Macire #3
Chapter 20: Hmmm I wonder who is the bad guy in all of this
Chapter 6: ahhh this is so good, im really enjoying this. i feel like this is moving super fast but i guess it just has to do with the nature of her having to meet a plethora of men. oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
staceygwen #5
Chapter 20: Chen is whipped, and them arguing about something makes me question exactly who is this ‘enemy’. Trouble are brewing and looking forward to the chaos that will ensue.

P.S Thanks for the update and Stay Safe
Chapter 20: Oooffff! Hot gods arguing over you...
Kyoya_kumo #7
Chapter 20: Chen just ... being perfect and throwing at Suho’s face that it was his choice to save her and indirectly (or not) this whole marking thingy happen because she’s alive... my bias wrecker everyone the (now) proud daddy of a beautiful baby daughter
Chapter 20: Can't wait to meet the other
Chapter 20: thanks for updating! ❤️
Kyoya_kumo #10
Chapter 19: I think it’s so funny that both Kai and Suho after marking her are like “oh no I screw up... welp let’s wait for it to disappear and endure this torture/lust” and Chen just appear, mark her and is totally enjoying it like who gives a d**n ??