Kangs can't be tamed

Always, Only Yours
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A/N: Hi so I know last chapter was intense and probably a lot of you wanted to come for me, but I’m a little disappointed lol I figured my regular readers know me by now and know that nothing is ever as straightforward as I write it, but alas no worries. I just wanted to say a couple of things as far as pregnancy, as I know omegas getting pregnant happen when they’re in heat. And yes in some universes scents are identifiers and I am using scents here for a lot of things, and yeah please enjoy chapter 9. Again, there will be some intense scenes.


The food was delicious, Joohyun thinks to herself as she bites into the grilled salmon. This dinner is also without a doubt one of the fancier affairs she has ever been to. There are servants coming back and forth with dishes and switching plates out for new ones. They were refilling wine glasses or sparkling water for those who didn’t drink or were choosing not to, and then a chicken course came. Joohyun frowns in disappointment at the grilled chicken and side of vegetables placed in front of her. Chanyeol notices from the side of his eye.


“Is there something wrong, Joohyun?”


Seulgi springs into action right away and takes the plate. “She is unable to eat chicken, dad. It’s nothing to worry about. You usually have other dishes in case, right?”


Seulgi signals for one of the servants and then asks Joohyun what she would rather eat instead. The omega thanks her for remembering she doesn’t like chicken and tells the servant what she would like instead. Sooyoung looks over at Joohyun like she’s a madwoman.


“What is wrong with you? How can you not like chicken?”


“Soo.” Jinri shakes her head. “Don’t be rude.”


“I’m just saying.” The dark-haired alpha shrugs in disbelief.


“She just doesn’t like it.” Seulgi explains and hopes it’s the end of the conversation. Chanyeol says no more and looks to where Seungwan is doing everything to avoid his gaze. The blonde has her eyes trained on her plate like it’s the most interesting meal around.


“How is your business?” He questions like normal.


“It’s going well, Sir.”


“That’s good, your parents will be glad to know that you’re still running a successful place.” He then turns to everyone else.


“I know everyone’s wondering why I called this family dinner.”


“Yeah, no .” Sooyoung mumbles while sipping on her second glass of wine. Chanyeol looks to see it’s the same exact Chardonnay he’s drinking, but then of course it is. For years the older alpha noticed that he and Sooyoung were similar. They were very similar, as in he had little in common with Seulgi and more with Sooyoung. He isn’t the only one who noticed this. Jinri was actually the first to tell him that Sooyoung shared traits with him, that he laughed off at the time for it being ridiculous. Yet, as time passed he could see Jinri was right. Sooyoung was very much like him indeed, and he didn’t know how to feel about such information.


“Sooyoung.” Chanyeol frowns.


“What, you don’t know. We might have to do, and you’re wasting our time.”


“Soo.” Seulgi shakes her head from where she’s sitting. “Not right now.”


“Fine.” Sooyoung sighs. “Well, what the hell are we here for?”


“I want to know that too.” Dara agrees with Sooyoung. He doesn’t usually host these dinners unless it’s for a reason. The last dinner she could remember was when he announced taking Seulgi under his wing and letting her learn more about the business. She can’t imagine what tonight will be about.


“I’ve made some adjustments to my will, and some other things. Of course, none of you will get to know about the will until I die, but there’s no reason why we can’t discuss other important matters.”


Everyone waits for him to keep talking, but another course is being brought out. Joohyun is relieved to see it’s not chicken and food she can actually eat. The raven decides now would be a good time to show Mr. Kang that she’s getting along with Seulgi. She turns to the brunette with a small smile.


“Seulgi, would you like some of the grilled shrimp.” She offers the appetizer plate to her wife, and Seulgi accepts.


“Thank you.” She takes a few of the skewers and Joohyun puts it back on the table. Chanyeol knows it’s an act but he isn’t about to really get into that right now. He has other important matters to deal with. He places his hand to Seungwan’s leg from under the table and it makes the blonde flinch. He enjoys messing with people, and even his own family members aren’t off limits.


“Are you okay?” Sooyoung asks because she felt Seungwan flinch from beside her.


“I’m fine, baby.” Seungwan promises with a smile. Mr. Kang removes his hand as if nothing happened. It’s too soon now, but he will talk with Sooyoung before the end of the evening.


“Can I get another drink?” Sooyoung asks.


“Soo, you’re driving.” Her mother reminds her.


“I can hold my liquor.”


“I know you can.” Chanyeol tells her. “More Chardonnay, Sooyoung or maybe Vodka on the rocks.” He mentions another drink they have in common. Sooyoung turns to him with a frown and decides she will not take another drink. Seulgi is saddened by what she’s seeing. She has had conversations with her sister about this very thing, and it had broken her heart to see Sooyoung in such a state.




No one could find Sooyoung. It was as if she had disappeared entirely, and both Seungwan and Jinri were especially worried. Her phone was off and every call was sent straight to voicemail. Jinri had pleaded with Seulgi to find her sister. It’s not the first time Sooyoung went off, and Jinri was right to be concerned. Seulgi promised she would find her sister and had people out there looking too. Chanyeol hadn’t been as concerned. All he told Seulgi was that after she’s done having her meltdown she’ll come back. Seulgi didn’t spend too much time in trying to convince her dad to join the search. He didn’t seem particularly invested in it. Seulgi managed to track her sister down a week after she left Seoul. Sooyoung was in a condo she was renting all the way in China. Seulgi didn’t even know she had one out here. The state she found her sister in was terrible. The dark-haired alpha was in the bathtub passed out.


“Soo, oh my god.”


Seulgi shut off the water as fast as she could. It wasn’t yet at the point of drowning, but Seulgi doesn’t want to even think about that. She lifts her sister out of the tub and starts compressions to her chest.


“Soo, wake up. Your mom will kill you if you’re not already dead.”


Sooyoung does open her eyes and looks very out of it, as if going on some sort of drinking binge.




“Yes.” The older alpha nods. “What the hell were you trying to do? Your mom and Seungwan have been worried sick about you. I was scared too because…” Seulgi stops because Sooyoung is looking at her with lost eyes.




“Why, what?” The monolid woman blinks.


“Why am I his daughter.” Sooyoung admits with tearful eyes. “I don’t want to be like him.”





Seulgi could not deny that her sister and dad are similar. It’s something that became more clear with time, and she knows it bothers Sooyoung. She isn’t sure how her dad feels about it. Seulgi stands up then. She has to try to get them to hash it out somewhere alone.


“Dad, Soo. Can we please go talk somewhere first?”


“What for, sweetheart?” Chanyeol asks.


“Yeah, what for. I still have food left.” Sooyoung gestures to her plate that indeed has food on it.


“We just need to talk.” Seulgi tells them and leads the way out to one of the balconies. Moments later Chanyeol does excuse himself and Sooyoung reluctantly follows too. The two join her out there.


“What’s wrong?” Her dad wonders.


“If my food gets cold!”


“No, stop. I’m tired of this cold war between you two. Whether you like it or not we’re a family. It can be messed up at times, but we’re a family. I want you both to try to figure this thing out with you.”


Chanyeol should have seen this coming. Seulgi is always looking for a peaceful option if she can achieve it. Many times he would watch her try to be a peacemaker in conflicts during business disagreements. It’s an admirable but often foolish quality. He wishes she could be a bit more ruthless sometimes, as things aren’t always able to end peacefully. Sooyoung isn’t surprised by this either. Seulgi has always tried to bring her and their dad together. It’s admirable if not a bit pointless. Inside, Joohyun and Seungwan are both looking towards where the three went to talk. The two younger omegas we both anxious for similar and different reasons. Joohyun is still new to this family and has heard some scary things about Chanyeol, but he wouldn’t hurt either Seulgi or Sooyoung, right?  Seungwan is always worried when it comes to her mate and her father. It never ends well, and she is concerned about how Sooyoung will be after, especially if she’s pushed too much.


“Seulgi, this is very sweet, but there’s no need for any of this right now.” Chanyeol says.


“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I agree with Dad. There’s no need for something like this now, can we please go back inside.”


“No, this is what I mean. You’re both always pushing the other away, and not ever trying to fix your relationship. The two of you…”


“He’s my father.” Sooyoung cuts Seulgi off. “He’s my father, what else do you expect. I don’t feel like talking about it. I’m going inside.” The younger alpha walks off and leaves Seulgi alone with Chanyeol. He hugs Seulgi then, as if nothing even happened.


“Seul, you’re always trying to bring peace. I respect that about you. I just need you to be a bit more ruthless, sweetie. Our business will require it of you sometimes, more times than you will like. You’re also going to have to stop trying to force Sooyoung and I to have a relationship. She isn’t wrong though, I’m her father and she knows that better than anyone.”




“Come on, let’s go back inside.”


Dinner continues without anyone interrupting anymore. Chanyeol tells them they will move to the living room area for him to share his news. Everyone makes way to do this, but Seungwan offers to stay behind and help clean up. She doesn’t mind, but it’s more to delay from having to be around her father-in-law so much.


“Would you like some help?” Joohyun offers kindly, because even though there are already plenty of servants walking around. The raven doesn’t mind to help.


“Oh, no thank you, Joohyun. I can do it.”


“Are you sure?”


“I’m sure, thank you.”


Joohyun nods and then follows Seulgi to where everyone else is going. The omega has no intention of really being separated from the alpha, and is sticking close to Seulgi as suggested. Something tells Joohyun the night is far from over. They make it to the living room to find everyone is there but Chanyeol himself, and Sooyoung isn’t here either.


“Where’s Dad and Soo?” Seulgi questions while sitting on one of the couches. Joohyun sits with her too.


“Sooyoung wanted some air and she went out to take some time for herself.” Soojung explains to Seulgi who nods.


“Your father.” Dara begins. “I have no idea where he walked off to, but he’s up to something sweetie.”


“I know.” Seulgi agrees. He is usually always up to something. She just doesn’t know what it is yet, or how bad it might be. Seungwan is in the kitchens putting away items and cleaning. The omega freezes when she senses someone, and the scent of the other alpha is in the air.


“Mr. Kang.” She lets out a squeak. He closes the door behind him, so they can be alone. Seungwan backs up to where she’s against the refrigerator door. He stops just in front of her.


“Don’t be scared. I’m not going to do anything to you.”


“Mr. Kang, I…”


He proceeds to place his hand to her waist and brings her closer.


“Let me go.”


“You need to calm down, and listen to what I’m about to say.”


She closes her eyes and hopes he isn’t about to touch her more when there’s an interruption.


“What the hell are you doing, Chanyeol?” Jinri has been observing Seungwan in particular all through dinner and she knew that she wasn’t okay. Something seemed off with her daughter-in-law and now she knows why.


“Mom?” Seungwan calls her mother-in-law. The blonde is relieved to see her, and Chanyeol backs up.


“You’re interrupting a conversation, Jinri.”


“Since when did we need to put our hands on others to have a conversation with them. Seungwan come here, okay.”


The younger omega hurries to Jinri who right away takes her into her arms. She whispers to her everything is going to be okay, and tells her to leave now so she can handle Chanyeol.


“Thank you.” Seungwan whispers gratefully, because she couldn’t be here another minute longer with him. When they are alone Jinri goes over and smacks him across the face. It’s not all for what she witnessed, as it’s been a very long time coming for him to be smacked. Chanyeol laughs after and grabs her hand from hitting him again.


“You’re always the iest thing when you’re angry.”


“Shut up, what the hell were you thinking. How dare you put your hands on Sooyoung’s wife that way.”


“It was for a point, don’t worry so much. I want for you to go back and wait for me. I’ll have things to say later.”


“You’re disgusting, and I won’t let you get away with this.” Jinri leaves because she knows there will be a huge scene if Sooyoung learns of this, and she needs to be with her daughter. Seungwan runs from the house and outside. She doesn’t think she can stay here another moment. She runs into Sooyoung who catches her.


“Hey, what’s…” Sooyoung pauses when she notices Seungwan and the accompanying smell that is mixed with her own honey-vanilla scent. She growls low and menacingly. Why the hell does Seungwan smell of her dad in a way.


“Soo..” Seungwan whispers.


“Why the do you smell like him?” She demands to know.


“Soo, it’s not what you think.”


“Did he ing do something to you?” The alpha knows her dad. She knows him very well, and he’s not above doing something inappropriate, but she is in a way surprised by this.


“He…” The blonde stops.


“Tell me what the he did. I want you to tell me right now, is this why you’ve been crying so much, and acting all weird. Did you sleep with him?” Sooyoung wonders, because she knows her dad. She knows him as well as she knows herself, after all they are very similar, but this would be too much.


“I didn’t.” Seungwan promises. “I didn’t sleep with him, but he grabbed me just now.”


That’s all Sooyoung needs to know and she takes off fast. Seungwan hurries after her mate calling her name, but it falls on deaf ears. Sooyoung is like a woman possessed and she wants answers.


“Dad!” She shouts when she’s inside the house. She shouts for him again, but receives no answer. She runs through the house in search of her dad.


“Kang Chanyeol!” She screams his name.


“Soo?” Seulgi hears her first and wonders why she is upset, and then she sees how absolutely murderous her sister looks. It’s like her dad, or a female version of him staring at her.


“Where the is he?”


The way she asks makes everyone come out from the living room area to see what’s going on. Jinri takes one look at her daughter and knows she must have found out about what happened. God, does Sooyoung look absolutely furious, and it’s been too long since Jinri has seen her daughter this way.


“Soo, listen to me.” Seungwan tries to touch her, but Sooyoung pulls away fast.


“Don’t touch me right now. I just want to know what the is going on?”


Joohyun backs away from the scene some because it’s just too much. Sooyoung is angry and her scent is all over the place. She feels lightheaded but Dara takes her by the arm gently.


“I have you, Joohyun.”


“Thank you.” She nods to her mother-in-law.


“Soo, baby you need to try and calm down.” Jinri says.


“No, calming down. I want to know why the hell she smells like my dad.”


The way she announces it causes everyone to look at Seungwan, but with different looks. They look mostly saddened because of how fearful the younger blonde looks, and it’s clear something isn’t right.


“Sooyoung!” Chanyeol shouts at her from the top of the stairs. “You will calm down, or you’ll get the hell out of here.”


“ing, son of a !” Sooyoung runs up the stairs and doesn’t bother to stop for anyone calling her name down below. She wants to kill him, and especially if he did worse to Seungwan. She has her fist ready for his face, but the taller alpha grabs her arm in one swift motion.


“You stop this.” He tells her. “If you’re not going to talk to me like a rational adult. I swear to god.”


“I want to ing kill you, you son of a .”


“Soo, please stop.” Seungwan practically begs of her. Jinri has moved to her daughter-in-law and is hugging the blonde.


“Sooyoung, I know you’re angry, but please don’t do anything you will regret.” She hears the sound of her mom’s voice and it calms her. It calms her just as it always has. Sooyoung tells her dad she won’t do anything, and so he lets her go. They stand at the top of the stairs staring one another down. Chanyeol thinks it’s time he spoke to his daughter, alone.


“Everyone leave us. I need to talk to my daughter alone.”


That’s really about the last thing anyone wants to do. No one wants to leave Chanyeol with Sooyoung, or her with him. The protesting is about to start, but Chanyeol stops them.


“I won’t do anything but talk.”


“Yeah, don’t worry. If he wanted me dead he would have killed me before I was born, right dad.”


Seulgi knows without a doubt she can’t leave the two of them alone. They don’t wait for anyone to say anything, and leave for his study. Seulgi takes control of the situation and tells everyone to go.


“Seul, please don’t leave your sister alone with him.” Jinri pleads with her. She doesn’t know what’s going to happen, but they don’t need to be alone in the same room together.


“Honey, you shouldn’t be alone here either.” Dara mentions, and really doesn’t want to go anywhere to leave Seulgi and Sooyoung both. Seulgi puts on the bravest smile she can. She has dealt with highly stressful situations before, and so she will handle this as best as she can.


“I need to stay here. I can’t let them hurt one another, somehow. Everyone please just trust me.”


“We trust you, Seul.” Seungwan nods with tears. “Please don’t let anything happen to Soo, you know how she gets when she’s hurt.”


“I know. I promise if there’s anything out of line I’ll stop it.”


Seulgi sees them out and they tell her if they don’t hear anything within an hour. They will most certainly call the police, and she gets a hug from her mom and stepmom. As much as they would like to stay. They know that they can’t. Joohyun has been observing Seulgi too. She thinks that the alpha is not only kind. She is selfless, and just a daughter that’s trying to somehow fix things for her sister and dad. She stands there alone with Seulgi for a little while when everyone goes outside.


“My mom will drive you home, Joohyun. You can stay with her and Mama Chae if you wish.”


Joohyun still hasn’t said anything, and that’s because she has had this awful feeling for so long. She is worried about what could happen here, and she is also worried about Seulgi. The alpha is staring at her with concerned eyes, as if more worried about her than the situation unfolding here.




“Be careful.” The omega tells her. “I don’t have a good feeling about this evening, and you have to try to be careful.”


Seulgi knows that must have taken a lot for Joohyun to say. She appreciates this as she and Joohyun are still getting to know one another. The brunette assures her that she will be careful.


“I will. I just can’t leave them alone, not if I hear things getting out of control.” The monolid woman has decided she will give her father and sister space at first. They need to hash things out alone. If she hears anything that sounds suspect then she will intervene. Seulgi tells her she will walk her out to her Mom’s car, but before they do this. Joohyun hugs her again, similarly to when she hugged her before, but with a bit more anxiety.


“Your father scares me, Seulgi, but I hope things will be fine.”


“I understand, Joohyun. Everything will be fine, I promise.”


Sooyoung follows her dad to his study. It’s taking everything in her to not lose control, or rather the little bit of control she has. She needs to know what her dad did to her wife, although she has ideas and they are making her want to vomit. Chanyeol opens the door and tells her to sit. The first thing he does is make two glasses of drinks. He makes two of the same exact drinks. Two Vodkas on the rocks, and he pushes Sooyoung’s glass over to her.


“We like our drinks the same.”


Sooyoung snatches the glass and sips it. She feels like she will need it before the night is over.


“I don’t want to talk about that. You just need to tell me if you’ve ed my wife or not, because she’s been a mess for a while.”


The younger alpha thinks everything makes sense now. It’s no wonder why Seungwan has been acting weird, sad, worried, and off. She might have slept with her dad, although Sooyoung has no idea why. Chanyeol sighs deeply and sips his drink too.


“Sooyoung, be serious. Do you think I would really go to bed with Seungwan?” He says in such a way that can be taken as offensive.




“Soo, that girl is not our type.” It’s the way that her dad says our that makes Sooyoung’s skin crawl. Again, it comes down to the fact they are similar and have a lot in common. This is also really the first time her dad has spoken to her about their shared similarities.


“What the hell does that even mean?”


“Do not play stupid, Soo. You know what I mean. She isn’t our type. You and I, we like challenging women, exciting woman. We like to be thrilled and we also love very beautiful things. It’s okay. I know it hurts you that you’re my daughter, but you are. I assure you I didn’t have with her. I wanted to prove a point, and find out information, and so I did.” Chanyeol then goes on to tell her what happened.




Chanyeol isn’t surprised that Seungwan is here in his bedroom with him. She looks apprehensive and still thinking about his offer. In reality, he has no intentions on going to bed with Seungwan. He is trying to prove a point and learn something. The blonde looks over to where he’s sitting.


“I don’t believe you mean this deal.”


“You won’t know that unless you find out. I know how much you love my daughter, and you know what this means to her. She wants to be a part of my business, and you will make sure she is.”


Chanyeol moves closer and puts his hand to her thigh. “Are we doing this or not, because I have other things to do.”


“I…” Seungwan starts. What is she to do? She can’t really go to bed with this man who is her father-in-law. She wants for Sooyoung to have all the things she wants, and she does love her wife more than anything. She reluctantly nods that she will do this for her, and braces herself when she feels those hands starting to her shirt buttons. They feel different from Sooyoung’s delicate ones, and she misses her wife’s touch all over again. Chanyeol stops ing her buttons and looks at her with a softer look.


“You’re uncomfortable.” He says what is an obvious fact. Seungwan doesn’t know what to say and so she says nothing. Chanyeol wants to see just how far this will go. He takes her hand and tells her to lay down with him. They lay there next to each other and he’s still holding her hand. She isn’t sure how long they’re lying here in this way before she hear him speaks again.


“We can’t do this unless you’re comfortable, so you’re going to have to relax.”


“Mr. Kang, I…”


“Relax.” He whispers and touches her thigh with his free hand. She feels uncomfortable just by the fact that he’s touching her. Is she really going to do this? Seungwan does love her wife very much, but if she does this. It will hurt Sooyoung who has many issues with her dad. She freezes when she feels his hand slowly working it’s way up to her chest to finish undoing her buttons. Her skin crawls from his touches and she can only think of Sooyoung right now.


“Will it help you if I the same way Sooyoung does? I’m pretty sure she must love to bend you over. She likes that control.”


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Andeulea_rv25 #1
Rereading for the nth timeee. Hoping to have a new upd soon :))
73 streak #2
Chapter 13: Damn!!!
73 streak #3
simply-bae #4
Chapter 28: This chapter was definitely loaded, but necessary! I’m looking forward to reading the next chapter :)
Chapter 5: Rereading for the nth time ❤️
Rereading 😁
73 streak #7
Chapter 23: aww the i love you's are so cute😣😔😣😔😣😔😣
73 streak #8
Chapter 17: ridiculous child ijbol
73 streak #9
Hello?? We miss this story.