She's my daughter

Always, Only Yours
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A/N: Hi everyone, thank you to all who reviewed the previous chapter. This will be a intense chapter at parts and so I hope you all enjoy the read. Seulgi will be flashing back a lot so you’ll see italics indicating her moments.


Little Seulgi was being escorted to a room by the hand of a nice woman she met before. The woman told her that she wasn’t in trouble, but she did need to follow her. The 7-year-old doesn’t know why she’s following the woman, and when she tries to ask all she hears is that she’s not in any trouble. When they come to a room there’s a man dressed in dark robes sitting at a desk. She also spots her mom sitting in one chair dressed in a simple dark turtleneck and grey slacks. Her father is there too in another chair looking as if he has just gotten out of work in a beige suit and matching shoes.


“Mommy, Daddy?”


“Seulgi, sweetie.” Her mom begins. “Don’t be scared.”


“Princess.” Chanyeol tells her. “You’re not in trouble. We just need you to talk to the Judge. He has a few questions.”


Seulgi doesn’t miss the cold look her father gives her mom, or the look of disgust that flashes across her mom’s features. Seulgi is escorted to a chair and the man in robes smiles.


“Hello, Seulgi. It’s nice to meet you.”


“It’s nice to meet you too.”


“Don’t be scared, dear. I just want to ask about your parents.”


“Mommy and Daddy?”


Seulgi has been told that they’re currently separated and in the process of something called a divorce. Whatever divorce was didn’t sound good because everytime they’re together she hears fighting. Her mom says mean things to her dad, and he says equally mean things to her in return. Seulgi doesn’t like being transported from her dad’s house to her mom’s new house. She doesn’t like that each week she’s sleeping in a new bed, and her parents aren’t happy.


“Yes, dear.” The judge nods. “We just want to hear in your own words who would you rather live with?”


“Um…” The child nervously bites down on her bottom lip. She can feel both her parents gazes on her.


“Honey,” Dara speaks. “You just tell us how you feel.”


“Seulgi, it’s fine if you want to live with just me.” Chanyeol assures. “All of your favorite toys and things are at home. I would never wish to pull you away from everything you’ve ever known, and make you uncomfortable. I want you to live with me.”


Dara looks over and has to stop from rolling her eyes, but it’s a well crafted response. Chanyeol no doubt has his best lawyers all over this case. Dara doesn’t care who he has she will never give up fighting for Seulgi no matter how long it takes.


“You’re not taking my daughter.” She assures him.


“She’s my daughter too.”


Seulgi backs away from the sounds of what is no doubt going to be more fighting. The judge intervenes and says her parents need to control themselves.


“Seulgi.” The nice woman who brought her says. “Who would you rather live with? We just want to know your thoughts about it.”


“I..” she tries to speak but with the way her parents are looking at her. She has no voice, and Seulgi doesn’t want to end up saying the wrong thing. Everyone is patiently waiting for an answer from the child, as it could very well determine custody and who might end up with full custody over her.


“Can’t I just live with both of them, like before?”


“Seulgi-yah…” Dara sounds saddened by the way her daughter asks that question. She doesn’t think Seulgi fully understands that she and Chanyeol are divorcing. Dara knows Seulgi doesn’t understand that things are going to continue to change, and that saddens her. When Seulgi starts crying it makes both parents rush to her side. They knew the divorce would be difficult on their daughter, but couldn’t have anticipated just how.




Seulgi wakes up from her dream with a slight jolt. The brunette hadn’t thought back to such events in a long time. She looks over to her alarm clock and realizes she has overslept.


“.” Seulgi jumps up out of bed. She never usually oversleeps and knows she’ll be late getting to the office. Seulgi hurries for the shower and gets herself together. The alpha can’t believe she’s overslept.


“Really, Seul?” She sighs. Once out of the shower Seulgi dresses for the day in black suit, red tie and matching red ankle boots. She combs her hair and grabs her bag. There’s no time for breakfast, so she’ll eat at the office.


“Seulgi?” Joohyun calls from the living room. The raven noticed a blur run pass.


“Yes?” The taller woman answers.


“I made breakfast. Are you not going to have some?”


Seulgi look towards the dining area to see that Joohyun has indeed made breakfast. There’s enough for more than two people if Seulgi were being honest. The truth is everything does look and smell delicious. Seulgi just doesn’t have the time. She’s really running late.


“I’m sorry, it looks really good. I just have to go.”


“Wait a minute.” Joohyun tells her. Seulgi stands there and watches as the raven puts together her plate and places the food into a container, and using some of the carry bags she purchased. Joohyun places the still warm breakfast into the bag for her.


“You shouldn’t go into work without eating at all.”


“Oh?” Seulgi can’t hide her surprise. “Thanks.” She smiles with eyes forming crescents. Joohyun gives a small smile back. Seulgi tells her she’ll see her later, and Joohyun wishes her to have a good day at work. The raven thinks today she’ll see what she can do around the house. The omega doesn’t mind to clean, and if it keeps the horrible cleaning woman away more, that’s just an added bonus. For some reason Seulgi’s cleaning lady doesn’t like her and Joohyun has no idea why.




A few days ago Joohyun answered the door to what was the cleaning lady. The slightly older woman looked absolutely displeased to see Joohyun, as if hoping to see Seulgi instead.


“Oh, it’s you.”


Joohyun doesn’t allow herself to look upset in anyway. The woman is very rude to her, even when Joohyun herself has been nothing but respectful towards her.


“Hi, good morning.” The raven says politely and lets the cleaning woman in.


“I’m surprised you’re still here.”


“Where else would I go? I live here.”


“Very well, anyway I’m paid to do a job, so let me go on and do that.”


“No one's stopping you.” Joohyun mutters under her breath. If nothing else she is effective at her job, and does leave the house completely spotless. Joohyun just notices that the woman is only rude to her. When Seulgi is around for some reason, like if she’s giving her a check or just happens to be home. The woman is like a real angel and sickeningly sweet to Seulgi. The raven decides she will ask, because if she doesn’t ask she will never know why this woman seems to have it out for her.


“Okay, I’ll be leaving now.” The cleaning woman announces when she’s finished with her work for the day.


“Hold on a second.” Joohyun stops her before she leaves. The woman turns to her with an impatient look.


“What is it?”


Joohyun ignores the snappy tone. She will continue to be polite and not stoop to this woman’s level. Although, the omega is quite tempted to be just as rude as she is.


“Do you have some sort of personal problem with me?”


The cleaning lady frowns. She doesn’t have any particular problem with Seulgi’s wife. It was more the shock of seeing her employer married. For as long as she’s been working for Seulgi. Her boss has never shown any interest in settling down, and especially hadn’t brought any women to her home.


“I just find it hard to believe that Seulgi would marry anyone, let alone you.”


“Let alone me?” Now Joohyun is offended. The omega is the least conceited person, and doesn’t put emphasis on her looks or the looks of others. At the same time Joohyun knows she isn’t an unattractive woman, as there have been alphas interested in her.


“You just don’t seem a good match for her. There’s just something about you, Miss…”


“It’s Joohyun, and you may get the hell out of my house.”




Joohyun felt bad after and did try to apologize to her. She also didn’t want to cause any big scene by involving Seulgi, at least for now she won’t. The raven decides she will start by cleaning up the kitchen area, and move around to certain areas in the house. There’s not a lot of work to be done because the house is honestly in pristine condition. Before she can get started there’s gentle knocking at the front door, and that lets Joohyun know that whoever it is on the other side isn’t the mean cleaning woman. The raven opens the door to see it’s Sooyoung’s mate Seungwan. The blonde is carrying a basket that smells of freshly baked goods.


“Hi, good morning.” Seungwan smiles kindly. “I’m sorry to just drop by unannounced, but I brought you and Seul some pastries and breads.”


“Thank you. Would you like to come in?” Joohyun offers. Seungwan does follow her inside the house and goes to put the basket into the kitchen. It’s clear to Joohyun that Seungwan has been here before, which shouldn’t be surprising because she is Seulgi’s sister-in-law.


“How have you been doing?” The other omega decides to ask.


“I’ve been adjusting. It’s not an easy situation, but Seulgi is…” Joohyun stops to think of an appropriate word. “Seulgi is kind.”


Seungwan nods in agreement. Seulgi is one of the kindest people she has ever known. Seungwan wants for Seulgi to be happy with someone, and not just have work for the rest of her life. As a close friend to the young heiress it’s her fear that Seulgi will just settle into the role of CEO, and spend her years working and not enjoying life. The blonde hopes that somehow this marriage will end up working out, and Seulgi will be happy with Joohyun. Perhaps, Joohyun will also be happy with Seulgi too.


“Would you like some tea?” The raven offers as she makes her way into the kitchen. Seungwan has a bit of time before she does have to go. She takes Joohyun up on her offer and does sit down to tea.


“She’s my best friend.” Seungwan speaks a little while after the tea is served. “Seulgi is my best friend, and she’s a really good person. I know you have every right to be anxious and worried about the situation, but you don’t have to worry about Seulgi.”


Joohyun quietly thanks her. This is also a good opportunity to get to know Seungwan as she is Sooyoung’s wife, and Sooyoung is indeed her sister-in-law.


“Have you been married long?”


“For about 3 years.” Seungwan admits. “We were both kind of young I guess when we started dating, but we can’t help who we fall in love with.”


Joohyun gets the feeling there’s probably more to the story than that. She just doesn’t want to pry too much. There are times where too much information is shared, and then there are things that aren’t any of her business.


“I hope things work out for you both, Joohyun. I really do mean that sincerely, oh but I have to get going. Please take care.”


“Thank you, Seungwan. Take care of yourself too.”


Joohyun sees the blonde to the door and tells her to have a good day. Yet, Joohyun is left with the feeling that something was bothering the other omega. She just couldn’t say what, or even bring herself to ask. The raven simply closes the door and goes about her day as she planned. Meanwhile, Seulgi has gotten to the office in one piece and ate the breakfast that Joohyun gave to her. It’s been a week since her father left and it’s only increased her workload. Seulgi doesn’t mind the work. She’s been working side by side with her father for a while, and even as a teenager he has taken her personally under his wing. The issue is that no one knows where her dad is, not even she. Everyone is coming to her with double the concerns and the issues. Seulgi has so many emails to respond to that her head feels like it’s spinning. Seulgi looks up when she sees a mug of coffee being placed in front of her.


“Here, drink up.” Yeri smiles.


“Thanks, Yeri. There’s a lot going on right now.”


“Yeah, it’s weird how your dad just skipped town without really telling anyone. The other board members have their in a twist over it.”


“I know.” Seulgi nods, as she has had to sit in on a few of those meetings, answer questions she really didn’t have answers to, among other things. The young alpha is a bit worried because this isn’t like her dad, not really. He would tell her where he was, and more importantly why he had to go there.


“Hey, boss.” The younger woman speaks. “I know you’re swamped here, but you have me and other assistants. You’re not alone, okay. Don’t overwork yourself. If you need to take a power nap even I’ll stall.”


Seulgi thanks her and proceeds to go about her day. Yeri leaves to head back out to her desk. The young alpha takes out her personal cell and decides to text her father one more time. She needs to know what’s going on.


“This isn’t like you dad.” Seulgi frowns in concern while looking at the message she just sent. Hopefully he will answer her before the day is over. The truth is Kang Chanyeol is one busy man. He left Seoul for China to handle a situation that was very important, so important that only he could handle it. The dark-haired man is standing over the body of a young man whom is in his early twenties. Chanyeol removes his bloodied gloves and throws them into a garbage bag one of his bodyguards has open. The young man on the ground has bruises on his neck and bleeding from his head. Chanyeol had to make sure he was dead, and didn’t stop choking him until he saw the life fade from those bright brown eyes.




“You know what to do. Dispose of this boy.”


“Yes, Sir. It’s just you didn’t want to wait and find out if he was really your son?”


Chanyeol turns to look at the bodyguard and smacks his face so hard that the other alpha almost falls to the ground. Chanyeol has no time to find out if this grown boy was his child. The only thing he knew was that the boy was making threats to his family, Seulgi in particular. He could not have anything upsetting his daughter’s future. When Chanyeol got word that there was some boy claiming to be one of his children. He took care of it himself, just as he always had. There is but one exception and that’s Sooyoung. She is the only proof of any illegitimate child.


“Do not ing question me. I told you to get rid of this boy. I have already wasted enough time here.”


Chanyeol nods to the other man in the room and then leaves the abandoned warehouse. This isn’t the first time he has taken a life, but it’s not often he’s had to deal with grown children. He didn’t believe that boy’s story entirely, because even when he mentioned his mother. The woman’s name didn’t ring any bells, and Kang Chanyeol only beds memorable women. He takes out his phone and sees the notification from Seulgi, and texts her back.


“Princess, I’m sorry. I’ve been out of touch. I will be home soon, and then we can talk more, probably in the office. I love you.”


As much as he does want to board his private jet and go back home right now. There is a matter of some other business he has to take care of. Chanyeol heads back to the hotel where he’s been staying and enters the penthouse suite. There is one thing he doesn’t do and that’s sleep alone. He usually has something to keep his bed warm, in some cases there are multiple something’s to keep him busy. The woman who’s been in his bed for the better part of a few days is still asleep inside.


“Wake up.” The alpha tells her and shakes her.


The beta turns around and looks up. “Oh, were you back for another round?” She winks seductively.


“You’ve served your purpose, and I no longer have any use for you. Get your stuff and be gone from here very soon.”


The tone in his voice is not lost on her. She quickly gets up from the bed and scrambles to get her clothes. Chanyeol is not one to leave anyone empty handed, and so he places a stack of bills on the nightstand table.


“I’m not a hooker you know!”


“You provided a service, and I pay for any services used. Goodbye, and don’t you find yourself in Seoul looking for me either. We have nothing further to say to one another, am I understood.”


“Yes, Sir.” She nods, but does take the offered money, as it’s a lot of money. Chanyeol says nothing and leaves. He is already packed, the jet is ready, and there is nothing left for him to do here. He will see Seulgi soon and go over some details, but not before handling an issue with someone else in his family.


Little Seulgi was sleeping peacefully in bed at her mom’s house. This weekend it’s her time to be with her mom. The nice judge told her that nothing would be decided as of yet, but for now she would spend one full week each with either her mom or dad. Seulgi felt badly because it seemed like her dad didn’t want her to leave, and promised they would be together soon. She just didn’t know how soon exactly because she was being awoken gently by a familiar hand.




“Hm?” Seulgi yawns and sits up in bed. She rubs her hands over her eyes, and looks to see it’s her dad. The child looks startled because he’s not supposed to be here. This week she’s staying with her mommy, and his week will be after.




“Hi, Princess. Don’t be scared.”


“It’s my week with mommy.” She reminds him. Chanyeol nods, as he knows that this is Dara’s week. He knows what he’s about to do might cause an issue. Chanyeol is just determined not to lose his daughter. If Dara wins full custody there is no way she will allow him to see his child, and that’s one thing he will never allow to happen.


“I know, but I came to get you. We’re going on a little trip, sweetie.”


“A trip?”


“Yes, don’t worry. I packed you a bag and the jet is ready for us. Come, let me put on your jacket for you?”


“Daddy, won’t mommy be mad if we go without telling her?”


Chanyeol leans over and kisses the top of her forehead. He will be gone before his estranged wife even knows he’s here. There will be nothing to keep his daughter away from him, and he will make sure they’re never separated.


“Don’t worry about your mom. You’re my precious baby girl right?”


Seulgi gives a tearful nod. She doesn’t know what to do here. Her mommy has tucked her in and read her a bedtime story. She kissed her goodnight and told her that they would have a really good breakfast in the morning, just the two of them. Seulgi thinks her mommy will be sad to find that she’s gone in the morning. Then she looks at her father who is smiling and looks sad at the same time. She doesn’t want to make him sad too.


“Okay, daddy.”


“That’s my girl. We can fly anywhere you want, sweetie. Let’s go before your mom wakes back up.”


Again, Seulgi is startled awake from her dream. It’s really been such a long time since she has thought back to those times. The brunette doesn’t even realize there are tears streaming down her cheeks until she feels her wet face. Why is she now thinking so much about her parents divorce? Seulgi didn’t understand it then, but at the time she was essentially being kidnapped by her dad. They made it out of the country too for what her dad said would be a trip. Her mom was in between being terrified he had taken their 7-year-old child, and absolutely livid that he had taken Seulgi. Naturally, he did bring her back and faced no punishments because he spinned a few tales, paid the right people off, and of course he is Kang Chanyeol that was all anyone ever needed to know. Seulgi realizes that she has fallen asleep on the couch in her office. Her cell phone is buzzing and it’s her mom.


“Mom?” She answers and hopes her voice doesn’t sound too strange.


“Honey, what’s wrong?” Dara right away questions, because Seulgi doesn’t sound okay to her.


“Nothing, I just woke up. What’s going on?”


“I was just calling to see if you and Joohyun would like to join Chae and I for a late lunch today? We haven’t really spent much time with either of you since you’ve been married. We could even make it dinner if you would prefer?”


“I’ll call her and ask, but Mom you should know that Dad’s planning a family dinner soon. I don’t know when but…”


“Oh, I know.” Dara sighs. “Your father has already sent me a personal invitation. He’s sent one to Jinri as well, and I’m not looking forward to this, but I’m going in support of you, Joohyun, and Sooyoung too.”


“Thanks, Mom. These dinners don’t usually go well.”


“No.” The older omega agrees. “They usually don’t.”


Joohyun feels completely embarrassed as she sits on the laptop Seulgi purchased for her and is googling the heiress. Instead of just talking to her wife about herself. Joohyun is here doing pre-research about her. There is plenty of accessible information that it should be scary. Joohyun finds out her birthday is Feb 10th. She finds out how much of the day to day business Seulgi is actually responsible for. Joohyun finds out that she is responsible for some takeovers of small companies on her own without help from her dad. Joohyun sees that there was a high profile relationship with a popular female idol, although that information seems more a rumor than truth. Then there are the images. The press certainly loves to takes photos of Seulgi, and in reality the raven understands why. Seulgi is very pretty, and the camera loves her. The raven clicks on a photo and what she sees makes her face turn red.


Seulgi is on a beach somewhere and the omega sees abs, because the brunette is in a tank top that shows off her body, and Joohyun can’t believe she’s sitting her staring at such images. She quickly shuts off the laptop and goes to do anything else. It’s an invasion of privacy in a way, isn’t it? Joohyun takes a few breaths. She just doesn’t t

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Andeulea_rv25 #1
Rereading for the nth timeee. Hoping to have a new upd soon :))
73 streak #2
Chapter 13: Damn!!!
73 streak #3
simply-bae #4
Chapter 28: This chapter was definitely loaded, but necessary! I’m looking forward to reading the next chapter :)
Chapter 5: Rereading for the nth time ❤️
Rereading 😁
73 streak #7
Chapter 23: aww the i love you's are so cute😣😔😣😔😣😔😣
73 streak #8
Chapter 17: ridiculous child ijbol
73 streak #9
Hello?? We miss this story.