Kang Royals

Always, Only Yours
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A/N: Thanks everyone who reviewed the previous chapter. I know many of you want for their dad to die, and if you read the oneshot to this fic he will die, but in due time. There has also been a timeskip of a month, but I will flashback to important things as I need, okay enjoy


It’s been the most difficult month for Seungwan. She hasn’t heard much from Sooyoung, outside of the occasional phone call her wife gives to her. After Sooyoung left from her mom’s house no one could reach her, including Seulgi. Seungwan had been so lost for awhile she went home to be with her family. It was a much needed break away from problems, and be among other people she loved. They welcomed her with open arms, and she felt like was truly home with her mom, dad, and older sister. The young omega didn’t dare to tell her parents the entire extent of her situation with Sooyoung, but only said they were on a break. It’s been about two weeks since she returned home to an empty house, and unable to stay in it alone too much. Seungwan is with Seulgi having tea. Her best friend came over before going to the office, so they could really talk.


“Wan, you’re my best friend, right?”


“Yes, of course.”


“If this is the case, why didn’t you tell me about what my father was doing? I get how you couldn’t tell Soo, but you should have been able to come to me with this.”


“I know.” The blonde sighs. “I wanted to tell you. I just thought I could handle it on my own. He didn’t intend to sleep with me, but he played me well.”


“There is no excuse for what he did to you and Soo, but this is who he is. He plays with people and thinks he’s our god to dictate our lives. I’ve not spoken to him yet. I will soon, and hopefully he will at the very least try to make amends.”


Seungwan has always understood that Seulgi has an entirely different relationship with her father than the one her wife has. She knows Seulgi is very upset with her dad, as she should be. At the same time the likelihood of Seulgi ultimately forgiving her father is very high. Seungwan can’t entirely fault Seulgi for this. She grew up with a father that showed her nothing but love, warmth, and kindness. It’s who she remembers, even if she also knows the kind of person he is.


“He won’t do that.” The omega tells her. “He doesn't care about hurting anyone, unless he’s hurt you. Seul, you know you’re the only one he cares about.”




“Anyway, I don’t want to talk about him anymore. I’m wondering if you heard from Soo at all. She’s called me a few times. She just refuses to tell me where she is.”


Seulgi has spoken with Sooyoung, a few times in the last month. Her sister wouldn’t tell her where she was either, which was worrying. Sooyoung could be anywhere with her money and resources. If the younger alpha doesn’t want to be found, she will make it difficult to be reached.


“She hasn’t told me where she is, Wan. I’m sorry, but I don’t think she’s anywhere in the country. I know Soo and most likely she’s out of town.”


“Yeah.” The blonde nods. “That worries me so much.”


“Me too.” Seulgi agrees. She hopes wherever her sister is. She is somewhere safe, and not getting herself into any trouble.


It had been as Jinri knew it would turn out. The young alpha didn’t go home as she promised she would. The place Sooyoung ended up in was Europe, specifically in France. She honestly couldn’t think of anyone better to spend time with than her aunt, whom she was named after. Their first meeting went as expected.


Sooyoung showed up at her Aunt’s house unexpected without a phone call or text, but the alpha knew her Aunt would certainly welcome her regardless. Her mom named her after her older sister, and that counts, right?


“Little Soo!” The tall woman with her brown hair in a bob haircut shouts and runs out to hug her. Sooyoung smiles back.




They hug and embrace, as it’s been years since the dark-haired woman has seen her aunt, but they do at the least keep in touch. The older Sooyoung breaks away from their hug to look at her niece.


“Okay, now what the hell are you doing here? Does your mom know you’re here!”


Sooyoung looks to her Aunt with a smile. “Nope, she doesn’t. Now, we aren’t going to tell my mom where I am, right Auntie. I am only your favorite niece.”


The older woman looks at her like she could just smack her into the street.


“You are my only niece! Fine, you can stay here with Yul and I for a little while, but you have to tell me what’s going on.”


“Deal. I’m super hungry, and I hope you have food.”


“What the hell question is that? You know I have food, come in little Soo.”




As expected her Aunt welcomed her with open arms and her wife Yuri as well. Sooyoung enjoys being around the older pair as they are a hilarious couple indeed. It’s been a month now since coming to stay and today it looks like Sooyoung has worn out her welcome.


“Okay, little Soo. You know I love you, and you’re always welcome here.”


“But?” Sooyoung looks up from her latte, as she is sure there is one coming. The older woman looks down with a too bright smile.


“I think it’s just about time…” The brunette pauses. “It’s just about damn time you got the hell out of my house! I can’t even properly have with Yul, and don’t you have a wife! Your mother as well has been FaceTiming me left and right, do you think I have nothing better to do than talk to your mom all day!”


“Wow, is that all.” The young alpha laughs. “I thought it was something serious.”


“You are ridiculous, child.” Her aunt sighs. She then carefully takes her cheeks in her hands.


“Your mom is very worried about you. She wants you to come home, and you have a track record of disappearing, kiddo. Is that fair to your family at home who care about you?”


Sooyoung supposes it's not exactly fair. She should have been in contact more with her mom, Seungwan, and Seulgi. She just needed her time away, and now it seems that time is about to run out.


“Okay, I understand. I’ll see what flight I can get back, and I’ll go home. Thanks for letting me stay, Auntie.”


“Aw, come here. You know I love you, little Soo. I want you to be okay, sweetie. It’s obvious that you’re not. I want you to talk to someone. You have to let go of all those painful feelings, kiddo. It certainly won’t help you or your marriage.”


“I understand, Auntie. I’m going to go home. I’ll probably be gone before Auntie Yul comes back, but tell her it was good seeing her.”


The older Sooyoung looks on worriedly. She hugs her niece once more and tells her to not hesitate in calling her if she needs.


“It’ll be okay. You better call me, or I’ll fly to Seoul so damn fast!”


The young alpha laughs and holds back any tears she can feel coming down her eyes. She is grateful to have her family, even if she’s not always the best at expressing it. When Sooyoung leaves to make flight arrangements this is where her aunt calls her mom.


“Jinri, hi baby sis. Yes, she’s getting her on that plane. I’ll have someone follow and make sure she comes home.”


The younger woman sighs on the other end. “I wish it didn’t have to come to having my daughter followed.”


“We’re Choi's, baby sis. We have the resources to do anything we want. Plus, I’m a Kwon too, and you know Yul has her own private investigators. I’ll get someone to make sure she’s getting on her flight.”


“Thank you, I’m glad she was with you.”


“Of course, I watched her like a hawk too, so she wasn’t doing anything suspect. We’ll talk soon, sis. Bye for now.”


The older Sooyoung really hopes that her niece is going straight home, more than that she really hopes that her niece will be okay, or at the least she will start to.


Seulgi has been avoiding her father as much as possible. It hasn’t been easy to do this when they work so closely together, and he has also been working overtime to gain her forgiveness. The car he bought for her was only the beginning of a list of luxurious items. He knows she likes art and purchased her a new set of expensive cameras. Her father also knows of her gaming habits, and sent over a lot of gaming equipment, consoles, and expensive gaming laptop included. Seulgi tried to send many of these items back, but they would be delivered back to her house anyway. It’s why she just left them in storage for now. The young alpha knew her time of avoiding her dad would be up. There’s only so much she can ignore the person she works for on top of the fact that he is her dad.


Before she even gets to her office. Yerim greets her at the elevator with what she thought was coffee, but in reality it was something else.


“It’s Vodka!” The younger omega says cheerfully.


“Vodka? Why are you giving me Vodka? It’s barely 10 am.”


“I figured you needed it. The boss is in your office waiting for you, and I couldn’t actually say no. He’s my boss too.”


“Thanks, Yerim. I’ll handle it.”


Seulgi is about to head to her office when the brunette calls her once more. She looks worried about something, and that makes Seulgi walk back over.


“Yeri, are you okay?”


“Yes, I’m fine. I was wondering if you heard from Sooyoung at all? Is she okay?”


Seulgi is aware that her sister and Yerim have some sort of friendship. She can’t say when exactly this friendship started, but there have been times Sooyoung has come to the office to really just talk to the younger omega. Seulgi sees that no matter how much Yerim will complain about her sister and her flirting, or other behaviors. She does care about what happens to her.


“She hasn’t gotten in touch a lot, why have you spoken to her?”


“She called me about a week ago, and she sounded strange.”


“Strange?” The alpha repeats. “Strange as in…”


“Strange as in, like she was drunk or... something else.”


“Drunk I guess, I wasn’t sure. I hope that you find her, boss. She’s not okay.”


Seulgi thanks her for the concern toward her sister. She also lets the younger omega know that she’ll let her know when she hears from Sooyoung. Yerim nods and goes back to her desk. Seulgi braces herself for getting ready to talk to her father. The brunette enters to see him sitting on one of the leather couches. He’s typing away on his phone and looks up when he notices her.


“Princess, please do not avoid me now. We have to talk, it’s unlike us to go this long without properly talking.”


He’s not wrong. This isn’t like them, or their relationship. She has always been close to her dad, and does love him. Seulgi fully understands why no one else would, and she could never fault anyone else for their hatred toward her father. The truth is this man is her father, and has always been the best father to her. Sure, there have been some instances where he didn’t put her best interest in heart, like taking her from her mom’s house when she was a child. At the same time, how can she truly hate her father. He’s overall been good to her, but that doesn’t mean she can’t dislike the things he does.


“Okay.” Seulgi nods and goes to sit.


“No, not here. I was thinking we’d go out to talk, maybe go for a drive and have a late breakfast or early lunch. It’s your choice, sweetheart.”


“Alright, dad. Let’s go talk.”


“Thank you, Seul. I promise you that I will make everything right with us. I don’t care how long it takes me. We’re going to be fine.”


She doesn’t say anything as she follows him out of the building. He is her father at the end of the day, and there is never any escaping from that. Joohyun was out shopping and as she has gotten used to. All the store owners treat her as absolute royalty. They greet her warmly, offering her things she doesn’t need, and gives her discounts when they know already she can most certainly afford it. Really, all Joohyun was trying to do was purchase groceries in peace.


“Good morning, Mrs. Kang, Ma’am.” The butcher smiles to her. “Is there anything you would like today, Mrs. Kang.”


Joohyun has also gotten more used to being called Mrs. Kang. Before she would be startled or unable to properly respond to this title. However, things have changed some in the sense that being married to Seulgi is far from being the worst thing that could have happened. Joohyun tells the butcher kindly to just call her by her name. He still calls her Mrs. Kang anyway as she orders some beef and sliced pork. She is hoping to have dinner with Seulgi later on, as they have both been making more of an effort to eat all their meals together. There are times this isn’t possible, like if Seulgi is working late for example.


“Thank you, Mrs. Kang.” The butcher nods as she is handing him a tip, but he doesn’t accept it. Joohyun simply insists he take the money for the good job he’s done.


“Oh, um thank you, Ma’am. Have a nice day.”


“You too, thank you.”


It’s here Joohyun runs into Seungwan in the supermarket. The blonde has mostly baking ingredients in her shopping cart. There are also some other items some seafood, chicken, and vegetables.


“Seungwan, hi, how are you?” The raven says politely. She has had the time to get to know the other omega some too, as she has spent a few dinners with herself and Seulgi. Joohyun knew that Seulgi was trying to help the blonde as she could, since Sooyoung is somewhere right now, and hasn’t told anyone where she is.


“Hi, Joohyun. I’m doing okay, how are you?”


“I’m well.” The raven nods. She thinks she should invite Seungwan over for dinner too. Although, the original plan was for it to be she and Seulgi. The omega knows Seungwan is going through problems herself, and it would be better if she didn’t have to spend so much time alone.


“Would you like to join Seulgi and I for dinner?”


“Oh, thank you, Joohyun. I actually heard from my mother-in-law a little while ago, and she told me that Soo is on her way back home. I was just getting some things to make us dinner later, some of her favorites.” She gestures to the ingredients in the cart.


“That’s good, I’m glad you heard something. Seulgi has been worried too, and I know you have to talk to Sooyoung.”


“I do.” The blonde sighs. She has to talk to her wife. It has been a month now, without any real conversation. Seungwan is hopeful that later they can finally talk, and get things back on track.


“Hey, I am grateful to you and Seul for spending time with me. It’s been difficult this past month, so thank you.”


Joohyun nods and tells her it’s no problem. She also tells her that she hopes Sooyoung will talk to her when she does arrive later. They two split up to pay for their groceries and Joohyun meets Jongin who has been waiting patiently for her. She wonders if Seulgi knows that her sister is coming back. The raven sends her a quick text in case she doesn’t know. Joohyun has seen first hand how worried Seulgi was about her sister. If anyone should also know what’s going on with Sooyoung, it should be Seulgi. Joohyun arrives home to put away the groceries and decides she will go see Jennie and her goddaughter. It’s been a while as she wanted to give the couple that time with their newborn. She gets ready to go and do that, but also wonders how Seulgi is doing at work. They spoke about what she might say when finally talking to her dad.




Seulgi had asked her if she wanted to take a walk around the gardens. They were not as endless as the ones at her father’s estate, but it was spacious enough. The brunette explained that she had spent so much time with her mother in the gardens at home when she was a child, that she always wanted some of her own one day. They sit down underneath the gazebo. It’s a nice night, and Joohyun can see why Seulgi would find peace here. It’s quiet and serene, all the flowers are beautiful.


“Are you okay?” Joohyun decides to ask. She knows Seulgi has a lot on her mind. Not just with her sister, but with work and her father.


“Not really. I know I can’t avoid him forever.”


“He doesn’t seem the type to be ignored.”


“He’s not, so I’m surprised he hasn’t pushed me more to talk.” Seulgi closes her eyes. “I just wish he hadn’t done what he did. I never thought he would truly be this way to the people in his family.”


Seulgi sounds so lost right now. Joohyun actually moves closer and gently takes her hand. She has been spending more time with Seulgi and that has helped with her level of comfortability. They also had a nice time in Jeju, so nice that Seulgi was making it a habit to take them there once a week, and Joohyun can’t deny that if feels incredible getting to fly in that helicopter with Seulgi. The alpha is also just very focused while flying, that Joohyun finds it really attractive, not that she didn’t already find Seulgi attractive. It’s been nice getting to see more of Kang Seulgi, and Joohyun in turn hopes that she will be able to show more of herself to her wife.


“I think that everyone is more focused on Sooyoung and her issues with your dad, that they overlook you, Seulgi. You have issues with him too, but in different ways.”


The omega stops talking because Seulgi is simply staring at her for a while. Joohyun hopes that she hasn’t overstepped in anyway. She is still new to the Kang family, and perhaps she shouldn’t be saying too many things. Seulgi nods in agreement.


“You’re not wrong. It’s complicated at best. I just don’t know what I’m going to say to him when we do talk. I know eventually we'll have to.”


“I think you’ll handle it as best as you can, considering everything.” Joohyun touches her cheek then that has healed completely. She just hopes that nothing like that will happen again, because Seulgi is the kindest person, and Joohyun hopes to not see her physically hurt in that way again.


“Be careful when you do.”


Seulgi understands why Joohyun is saying this. She might not have to be as careful around him as her sister, that doesn’t mean her mother hasn’t always warned her to be careful. Although, Seulgi is sure her father would never physically hurt her on purpose.


“Thank you, I will.”




There is no immediate response from Seulgi, not that Joohyun was expecting one anyway. She’s at work right now. Joohyun just hopes that she’s going to be fine, and she will probably hear about what happens later. For now, the omega texts Jennie to let her know that she will be on her way soon.


Sooyoung got on the plane as she said she would, that didn’t mean she necessarily wanted to be going home. It’s been a month since she’s seen Seungwan, and any talks they’ve shared have been basic at best. The dark-haired woman isn’t looking forward to this talk, although she knows she must do it. It’s an 11 hr flight back home which means she won’t reach until this evening.


“I’m so not looking forward to this.” Sooyoung sighs as she puts in her headphones. Each time she had spoken with her wife the blonde seemed sadder, and that made Sooyoung want to talk to her less. A part of the alpha understands in reality that her father is the main person to blame for this situation. It doesn’t mean a part of her isn’t upset with Seungwan too, for the simple fact that she considered. It’s boggles her mind that Seungwan would even consider such a thing. It’s something they’ll have to certainly discuss when she gets home, but maybe not tonight since she will be tired and not up for an intense discussion. The alpha also feels terrible for dodging her mom. Her mom has always been her closest and most important person.


Sooyoung hates to know she’s disappointed or hurt her mom in anyway. The few times that they have spoken. Her mother didn’t sound disappointed. She just sounded worried about her, and pleaded a few times with her daughter to just tell her where she was. Sooyoung is positive that her Aunt had to have told her mom where she was. The alpha knows she’ll of course talk to her mom too. She feels like she owes her explanations as well. Then there is always Seulgi. Her sister has been there for her through thick and thin. Seulgi deserves an apology as well and Sooyoung knows she’ll give one to her. For a moment she wonders how things are going between Seulgi and their dad.


“If I know dad. He’s working overtime to get Seul to forgive him.”


It never fails to amaze the alpha the lengths he will go for Seulgi and she alone. There are times where Sooyoung has thought her sister to be very lucky. She not only has their father’s unconditional love. She has the golden child status, heir to the throne, and princess to the Kingdom. At best Sooyoung was a royal bastard with no hopes of ever having a shot at their father’s love, but then there are times Sooyoung thinks of something else. How truly lucky is her sister? Yes, she has their father’s love but at what costs to her own self. Sooyoung knows Seulgi has her own types of scars. She just hides them well as they are not visible.


“Neither one of is very lucky.”


Seulgi went for the drive with her dad. It was in one of his cars and he drove them out of Seoul. A couple of times she wanted to ask to where they’re going, but decided against it. The brunette saw the message from Joohyun saying her sister would be returning. Seulgi is glad that Sooyoung is heading home and hopefully that means she will talk with Seungwan as soon as she can.


“You probably won’t remember this place in Busan. We used to come here when you were younger. You, me, and your mom.” Chanyeol speaks soon.


“Dad, Soo is coming home. Perhaps, you want to talk to her?”


“I do not. I have nothing to say to her at this time.”




“I will talk to her when the time is right. This is about us. We are going to have lunch and talk. I am hoping you will understand, sweetie.”


She doesn’t think she will ever understand why her father felt that need to prove points to Sooyoung. They get out the car and arrive at the cozy little noodle shop. Seulgi thinks she does remember this place. They make really good noodles and she is sure they had patbingsu here too. Chanyeol greets the owners and asks for one of the tables outside. They can be alone here and talk.


“I remember coming here.”


“Do you?” The older alpha smiles. “When your mom was pregnant with you. She would get cravings for the noodles here, and so I would drive here to get all the food she wanted.”


“Did you love my mom?” Seulgi asks after they place their orders. Chanyeol requests for some tea as well, and then he looks at Seulgi with a serious expression.


“I love your mom, Seul. I have never stopped loving your mom, and I never will. She is the love of my life.”


“If you loved her so much, then why did you cheat on her all the time?”


It’s a question that Seulgi has never actually asked her dad. They’ve not had the conversation about his affairs. Seulgi just knew that when she married she would never betray her partner in the same way she had seen her dad constantly betraying her mom.


“It’s not something I’m proud of, sweetie. I just could not escape my true nature, no matter how much I loved her. Which brings me to what happened with Sooyoung.”


Their meals come and the they take the time to eat. Seulgi can’t deny that the food is bringing back some good memories. She does recall sitting inside with her mom and dad. They would share two large orders of pan fried noodles, lemonade, and some of the best barbecue wings Seulgi thinks she has ever had. Those were good times. She did have a sense of a family once, before it was burned to the ground in ashes. When they are halfway through their meals her dad speaks.


“First let me ask you a question. When the Son’s and I first suggested you marry Seungwan. Why did you refuse?”


Seulgi doesn’t know why this is coming up again. She thought she explained to her dad that she didn’t love Seungwan in that manner. They have always been good friends.


“I didn’t love her. I wanted to marry for love but…” She pauses and he looks at her.


“Marrying you to the Bae girl was honestly a good investment. I needed to handle a situation and you deserve a beautiful partner. You don’t have to love the girl for her to give you children one day, Seul. However, that is not the bigger issue right now. The thing that matters is this. Why do you think your sister married Seungwan, and please don’t tell me for love. She doesn’t love that girl, not truly.”


Seulgi looks at her father in slight shock. She has never heard him talk about Seungwan in this way. He has never really voiced his opinion about her sister’s marriage before either. Seulgi didn’t know he had such a strong opinion about their relationship.


“She loves Seungwan.”


“Not like that girl loves her. Listen to me, princess. You and I we don’t have a lot in common personality wise. I respect that and it doesn’t change how much I love you. Now, your sister on the other hand. She has a lot of my habits, and I don’t mean the good ones. She can’t love anyone, not truly. Perhaps she has it in her head that she loves Seungwan because they ed each other first. This is all well and good for people who believe in their first time being sacred, of course this is all bull. She hopes that being married will settle her, make her tame, so that she can escape her actual nature. It’s why I showed her what she knows deep down. She is like me and will only continue to keep showing this to everyone.”


Seulgi is at a loss for words momentarily. She sees he was trying to prove a lesson of some sort, but he didn’t have to do it in this manner. It was just cruel and deliberate.


“You didn’t have to do this to them. They’re having a hard time now, and you just didn’t have to do what you did to them. I want you to try to make it right if you can.”


Chanyeol sighs. He won’t be doing anything like that. He doesn’t feel he’s done anything wrong. The older alpha tries something else.


“Baby, look at me.” He says in a soft tone, similarly to how he would speak to her when she was a child. Seulgi can’t help to look at her dad.


“Remember this if you don’t remember anything else. I know you are close to your sister. I understand that you might even feel sorry for her on some level, but trust me when I say she will screw up. I mean in a very big way she will screw up, and even you won’t be able to protect her. You will understand it all one day, maybe not today, sweetie. I know you’ll see what I’m saying, and realize why I will never have her handle anything to do with our business.”


“Do you hate her!” Seulgi loses her temper for a moment. She just can’t take all the bashing of her sister. Sooyoung didn’t ask to be born. If her father never had the affair in the first place then she wouldn’t even be here, not that Seulgi regrets knowing her sister. She could never regret having a best friend in her younger sister. At the same time it’s not her fault she was conceived, or adopted their dad’s undesirable traits. Chanyeol puts his tea down and looks serious.


“If I hated your sister she would be dead. I do not hate her. It’s complicated, and I have said all I will say about that situation. I came here to fix us and get us back on track. I never meant to hurt you, and it haunts me everytime I think of you on the floor. Seul, sweetie you’re all I have, so please don’t throw me away too.”


Seulgi feels trapped. He is looking at her like he did once when he took her before. What can she do, but forgive her father? He is her father and she loves him. Seulgi nods reluctantly just as she had when she was a child and unsure of why he was taking her. Chanyeol smiles in relief and he thanks her.


“Thank you, princess. You will not regret this. I have another surprise for you, but I’ll give it to you later. Let’s get back to the office.”


“Yeah, sure dad.” The monolid woman sighs. She is Kang Chanyeol’s daughter and there is no chance of escaping that.


Joohyun was having the best time with Jennie’s daughter. The adorable child is looking at her with those bright eyes and Joohyun is honestly taking so well to holding her.


“She likes you, Hyun. She will start screaming when she isn’t held by someone she likes.”


“I should hope so, she is my goddaughter.”


“Yes, and your goddaughter needs to get her nap in. Come on baby, let’s get you that nap, so mama can sleep later on.”


Jennie goes to do exactly that and returns a short while later. Now that they are alone. She wants to talk to Joohyun who has been married for a few months, and she wants to know how her best friend is doing.


“Hey, so how are things going?” The younger omega wonders.


“Oh, it’s better. Seul is really nice and…”


“Seul, is it?” Jennie smiles and Joohyun feels her face heating up in embarrassment. She hadn’t meant to let that slip.


“Yeah, she told me I could call her Seul, if I wanted. A lot of other people do.”


“I see, now I have some interesting news to share. I was just minding my own business scrolling through some pages, when I saw a very adorable photo of a very beautiful couple. They walked with linked arms too, oh and guess who it was. They looked to be…” Jennie pauses as she shows Joohyun her phone. “They looked to be heading to Jeju?”


The raven sees what is a photo photographers snapped of her walking with Seulgi. They were hiding well and Seulgi didn’t notice until it was too late, although she did try to block Joohyu

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Andeulea_rv25 #1
Rereading for the nth timeee. Hoping to have a new upd soon :))
73 streak #2
Chapter 13: Damn!!!
73 streak #3
simply-bae #4
Chapter 28: This chapter was definitely loaded, but necessary! I’m looking forward to reading the next chapter :)
Chapter 5: Rereading for the nth time ❤️
Rereading 😁
73 streak #7
Chapter 23: aww the i love you's are so cute😣😔😣😔😣😔😣
73 streak #8
Chapter 17: ridiculous child ijbol
73 streak #9
Hello?? We miss this story.