
Always, Only Yours
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A/N: Hi all, and welcome to chapter 16. It’s almost unreal saying that, but here we are. I want to thank all of you for the comments last chapter and just letting you know there will be a small time skip of about a month, and I will also reveal Chanyeol’s killer in this chapter, and definitely will have some Kang sisters coming back together for the moment, as well as Seulgi reaching out to mama Dara, so please enjoy 

Sponsor mentions: As always, thank you very much to my sponsors. I appreciate all of you so much: fabricsoftener, AvryGeist171,royalshipper2122, DTHDHR, Bernkaset, Casti1004, jasonds,  ZombieJuhyun, Rita_1211, Karasxo, falsuki, wittyadie95, Fantasiii, Km62201n, Eris78, captainsnsd, User_name1200, Androsssss, TwFishy, hiraiim-trash, theRequiem78, jyrus_21, Mmm2392, Seosunny, cwright01, kingdomcomes, sleepyhead, Jewster88, hailqueens, InformedPuppy, love45, Noorii26, iamforeverlame, Dibidibidibi, Fladoodlem8, ericakate, RedAce, dga214, pinkpinkypin, and taengayer. Thank you so much for being sponsors. ^^


Today was the first day that Joohyun ever stepped foot into the main Kang company location, and the one where her wife spends the majority of her time. Seulgi had asked her a while back if she would like to come and see where she works, and Joohyun agreed. Mostly, because Chanyeol was no longer around, and she could finally see her mate in her work element. Joohyun remembers standing just outside the corporate building that looked like the sort of elegant skyscrapers she would see in television or magazines. She found herself fascinated by the fountains, glass elevators, and expensive wall to wall carpeting. The whole atmosphere was very clean, classy, and not to mention the friendliness of the staff as well. As soon as she walked into the ground floor many of the staff were greeting her with warm and pleasant smiles.


“Good afternoon, Mrs. Kang.” Joohyun continued to hear this greeting from the time she arrived and up until going to meet Seulgi. It was Yerim who greeted her with a bright smile.


“Hello, Mrs. Kang, the boss is expecting you. Would you like some tea or anything?” The younger omega asks politely. Joohyun has heard about Yerim from her wife, and how she is one of the best assistants Seulgi has ever had. 


“You can call me Joohyun.” The raven tells her. “I would love some tea.”


“I’ll make you a cup. Please sit, alright?” Yerim gestures to the small waiting area that has comfortable leather couches. Joohyun sits and waits for her tea. The view of the outside city is distracting and beautiful. Joohyun imagines the view would be spectacular sunset or night. Yerim returns with a mug of jasmine tea.


“Thank you,” Joohyun thanks her. “Do you know if Seulgi is at lunch right now, I could wait until she’s done.”


Yerim gives a look that concerns the older omega. “The boss barely takes lunch.” Yerim admits. “She’s mostly working or forgets to eat. Her father dying has been hard on her, but I’m sure you know that.”


Joohyun sighs worriedly. She was afraid of something like this because Joohyun only sees her wife at home. She isn’t here to see what goes on at work, and it’s true that Seulgi is still struggling with her father’s passing. It has only been about a month since he was murdered. Seulgi spends much of her time at work and in contact with police about her father’s murder. Joohyun can see the toll that stress is taking on her wife, and she wishes to be able to do more for Seulgi.


“Thank you for telling me that, Yerim. Is she free now, I was supposed to get a tour.”


“I’ll go announce you, Joohyun.”


“Thank you.” 


Joohyun doesn’t have to wait long because Yerim comes back soon to bring her over to Seulgi’s office. 


“Your wife, boss.” Yerim announces. 


Seulgi looks up from the documents she’s been reading and gives Joohyun a small, but tired smile. The alpha’s sleeping habits haven’t been much better and Joohyun knows she’s exhausted. Joohyun takes a look around the office that once belonged to her father, and most traces of his personal tastes are gone, and replaced with more things Seulgi likes. There are things like art works and small sculptures on the tables. The omega remembers Seulgi telling her she did make some changes, because she wanted to feel like this was her fresh start so to speak, and have more of her own mark on things now.


“Hyunnie,” Seulgi speaks. “Please sit,” She points to the area in the room with leather chairs that looks like it’s set up for small business meetings. 


“Did Yerim bring you anything to drink?”


The blonde rolls her eyes. “Yes, Yerim did bring your wife tea, thanks.” She speaks in a sarcastic tone of voice. “Anyway, enjoy your visit. I have work to do, see you boss. Have a good rest of your day, Joohyun.”


“Thank you, Yerim. Have a good day.”


Seulgi gets up the moment Yerim leaves and closes her office door. She leads Joohyun over to one of the chairs.


“I’m sorry, I sort of forgot you were coming today. Were you here long?”


Joohyun isn’t upset that Seulgi forgot. The alpha has a lot of her mind and she understands. Joohyun simply leans over and kisses the side of her face.


“I just got here and I was admiring the building. Everything here is so…”


“Expensive.” Seulgi tries to help find the word she’s looking for.


“Yes, that too. But I meant, the artistic design as well. Was that all your father?”


The brunette nods. “It’s his initial design. I suggested a few things, and we made some renovations together. The fountains in the lobby were my idea.”


The raven finds she isn’t surprised to hear that at all, there were quite a few things that seemed to say Seulgi had influence over. 


“I figured that, and I’m still amazed you have a restaurant up here too.” She noticed the restaurant and that the entire floor of this top level seemed to belong to her wife.


“It’s my dad’s, it was my dad’s. The chef is one of the best, so I left it. I’m glad to see you.” Seulgi tells her and reaches for Joohyun’s hands. Even though, a few hours ago she had just seen her wife. Seulgi is glad to have Joohyun here at her place of work, so that she may get a tour of the company building, and see Seulgi in a different environment.


“I’m not so glad to see you.” Joohyun says in a serious tone that catches the monolid woman off-guard.




“You haven’t had lunch yet. I want to know why you haven’t ate your lunch, especially when I so thoughtfully prepared your lunch for you.”


Joohyun has this sort of teasing tone in her voice, but the alpha knows that she is genuinely concerned about her. 


“I’m usually busy with work and meetings, so sometimes I forget, or I eat late. I’m sorry, Hyun. I’m not purposely starving myself.” Seulgi promises and Joohyun gets up and retrieves the lunch bag that is currently on the desk. 


“I’m here now, and I would like it if you eat your lunch. I don’t want you to feel weak or sick, because you’re not eating properly.”


Seulgi doesn’t like that Joohyun looks and sounds worried about her. The brunette opens up the lunch bag and tells her she’ll eat everything that her mate made.


“You should eat too, you can order anything you want from the restaurant.”


“I ate before I came here, but I won’t say no to sharing a dessert with you. I’m still going to have a tour of your company, right?”


Seulgi nods with a small but warm smile. “You’re here, and I would love to give you a tour, Hyunnie. Thank you,” Seulgi says quietly and Joohyun doesn’t need for her to elaborate in order to understand why she’s saying thank you.


“You’re welcome.” The omega whispers back in an equally quiet voice. Joohyun knows that things have been hard for her wife, but she is proud of Seulgi for how she’s doing her best to handle things, and even more glad that Seulgi has been receptive to help from her. Joohyun thinks back to a recent time when her wife didn’t push her away.




Sometimes, Seulgi has nightmares, and it’s something Joohyun took immediate notice to because her mate will wake up screaming, or crying. It’s not something that happens often, but when it does it only worries the omega. Tonight, must be a bad nightmare because the alpha is crying in her sleep. Joohyun has always been a light sleeper, and it seems that when it comes to her mate, the moment she senses anything wrong she becomes alerted. The raven wakes up and sees the sight of Seulgi crying in her sleep and it breaks her heart. Seulgi looks so young and it hurts Joohyun to see her pain. Her mate must feel like she has the entire world on her shoulders since taking over her father’s company at her age, and dealing with his sudden absence from her life. All things about the man aside, it was very clear he loved his daughter.


“Seul…” Joohyun gently shakes her. The monolid woman doesn’t wake up right away and Joohyun grows more concerned with time. 


“Seul, baby…” She shakes her harder. “Wake up, please.” Joohyun gently wipes away her tears and whispers to her that she is here, it takes a few good minutes to wake the alpha up, but when Seulgi’s beautiful, warm, bright eyes open and Joohyun sees those tears in them. She hurts all over again for her wife.


“Hyun…” Seulgi speaks in a voice that sounds way too small then. “I’m sorry, did I wake you.”


Like usual, Seulgi is considerate and concerned about waking her up. Joohyun touches her cheeks and kisses away her tears. The last thing Seulgi should be worried about is waking her up, especially when all the omega wants to do is help.


“Don’t worry about waking me up, I am here for you. Please, don’t push me away right now, alright.”


Seulgi stares at her for a few moments as if thinking over what Joohyun just said to her. Seulgi gives a nod and leans into her embrace. It’s not good dealing with all her feelings and pain alone, and she appreciates more than ever that Joohyun doesn’t make her feel alone.


“I won’t push you away, Hyunnie. Thank you for being here.”




Seulgi will talk to her as much as she can about her feelings, and it’s all Joohyun can truly ask for. The raven notices that she has some sauce stain on her bottom lip, and gently reaches over with her thumb to remove the stain, and the soft touch of her thumb to Seulgi’s lips has the alpha looking up at her. Joohyun can feel a quiet intensity in those monolid eyes that is quite honestly, a turn on. She can’t help if she’s attracted to her wife. Kang Seulgi is attractive in every way to her from her beautiful and striking features, to her warm heart, and aura. As much as she hated Seulgi’s father, Joohyun has to be grateful too because had it not been for him. She wouldn’t have met the most wonderful person.


“Is there something else on my lips.” Seulgi whispers, and it brings Joohyun back to reality.




“You’re still touching my lips. I must have had a lot of sauce there.” The alpha speaks and it’s in a familiar joking manner that warms the raven’s heart to hear. It feels like she hasn’t heard Seulgi joking back with her in too long. Joohyun laughs and leans forward to kiss her lips.


“Well, maybe I just wanted to kiss you.”


Seulgi smiles softly and leaned into kiss her again, this time more deeply, and Joohyun can’t help her moan in response to those soft lips against her own. 


“You’re cute, Joohyun.” Seulgi tells her when they break away for air.


“I think you’re the cute one.”


Seulgi leaves another kiss to her lips before asking her if she’s ready to go on the company tour.


“Do you want to go on the company tour now? I have some time before my meeting.”


Joohyun nods and reaches for her hand. “You’re allowed to hold hands with your wife, right?” She smiles in a teasing way.


“I’m the boss.” Seulgi smiles back. “No one’s going to complain if I hold my wife’s hand as I show her my company. They’ll probably be too distracted with how beautiful my mate is.” 


Joohyun stands stunned with red cheeks for a moment to which Seulgi sneaks another kiss to her lips.


“Let me show you around, Hyunnie.”


“Show me around, Mrs. Kang.” 


Seulgi gives her hand a squeeze and they leave the office to begin their tour, had Seulgi stayed a few minutes later, she would have seen a phone call from Sooyoung. The younger Kang sat in her home office trying to call her sister. They haven’t spoken in too long, and Sooyoung wishes to reach out and apologize. She’s not been having an easy time lately, but Seulgi is still her sister, and best friend.


“I’ll try again later.” Sooyoung sighs and leans her head down on the desk. The dark-haired alpha is exhausted but can’t sleep. Her mind is too full of thoughts for her to sleep, but she’s going to try anyway. Sooyoung gets up and heads for the bedroom and on her way she hears what sounds like vomiting. 


“Wan?” She calls out and walks toward the master bathroom to see her wife is throwing up and looking completely out of it. She hasn’t noticed any obvious signs of morning sickness until now. 


“Hey, are you okay?” Sooyoung questions and pulls back some of her blonde locks. Seungwan looks up with a tired smile.


“Yeah, just morning sickness, even though it’s afternoon, but I just need…”


“Hang on, let me help you.” 


Sooyoung isn’t some monster or anything. The news about Seungwan being pregnant wasn’t exactly news she wanted to deal with, but the alpha isn’t going to simply leave her here in this state. Sooyoung waits until she’s finished throwing up and helped her up. Seungwan is surprised by the action because it’s been a long time since Sooyoung acted in concern for anything, and when she feels those soft hands against her skin, it brings back good memories before things had become consistently stressful.


“Wait here.” The dark-haired woman tells her and helps her sit on the bed. Sooyoung first cleans up the mess and goes to make her tea. She returns with a mug of warm tea and toast to help with the nausea.


“Here, eat this for now, Wan.”


“Thank you, Soo.” She nods in thanks. It’s not to say everything will be perfect, but Seungwan is grateful for even this small change. 


“Don’t you need to see a doctor or something?” The alpha wonders. They should probably see a doctor at some point.


“I do,” the omega agrees. “I just didn’t want to make an appointment to where you might not show. I want you to be there with me, Soo.”


Sooyoung understands. She is the child’s sire and it’s only right she be apart of the process.


“Make the appointment and I’ll go.” Sooyoung tells her. 


“I’ll call today and make an appointment. I know you’re still having a hard time because of your father’s death, and you’re not alright. But, you will see that us having a baby is only going to be a good thing. I just want you to try and open up to me more, Soo.” She touches the taller woman’s cheek. Sooyoung looks so empty and it hurts Seungwan to see that look in her eyes. Her wife has always been hurt and in pain for many things, but this time it’s different. 


“I just want to be able to help you.” Seungwan whispers while pressing her forehead to her mate’s. Sooyoung is still to the touch and backs away after a few moments. She understands that Seungwan wants to help her. Every time, Sooyoung looks around someone is trying to help her. But maybe there is no such thing as helping her. Perhaps, she is a lost cause, and it’s them who needs to realize that.


“You’re the one who’s pregnant, Seungwan. Let’s worry about things we can deal with, and not things that are broken.”


Seungwan doesn’t agree that her wife is so broken that she can’t be healed. The omega reaches for her hands and gives them a gentle squeeze.


“You’re not so broken we can’t heal you, baby.”


“Wan…” Sooyoung closes her eyes tiredly. “Why do you think my father left me his house, and please be honest with me.”


Seungwan said she wants for her to open up more, and so Sooyoung hopes she can handle some of what that means. The younger Kang knows exactly why she was given his house, and it wasn’t out of love or care. 


“You don’t have to listen to what he was saying, Soo. You know your father enjoyed hurting people. I don’t want you to let him still hurt you, even in his death.”


Sooyoung shakes her head as Seungwan seems to not want to admit why. Sooyoung also doesn’t want to bring more stress to her during this time, and so the alpha does want she does best, and changes the subject.


“Fine, I’m not going to talk about it anymore. Do you want to go out for lunch. Are you hungry?”


Seungwan is honestly starving and it would be nice to go out with her wife, since it has been a while since they’ve done so. At the same time she doesn’t like that Sooyoung won’t talk to her, and changes the subject. Well, not this time, because Seungwan will continue to gently get her to talk more, and not change the subject.


“I am hungry, but I don’t want you to shut me down now. I know how sensitive a topic it is to talk about your father. It’s not like I didn’t have issues with him too, but your pain runs much deeper, and him being gone hasn’t changed that. He doesn’t have to  control your life anymore, Soo.”


Her words sound all well and good. In a perfect world, perhaps Sooyoung wouldn’t be controlled by her father and those complicated feelings she has for him. This is not a perfect world, and no matter what at this point the younger Kang is very much still affected by her father, even if he’s no longer physically here. Seungwan can’t possibly understand what she deals with because she has loving parents.


“I am his daughter.” Sooyoung speaks in a dry tone that matches the dull look in her eyes. “I am his daughter, and it’s time everyone accepted it. I don’t think there’s any fixing me, Seungwan. Let’s focus on you and the fact that you’re pregnant, it’s more important we think about that. You said you’re hungry, so I think we should do something about that.”


Seungwan gazes sadly at the dark-haired woman who seems more lost as time goes by. All she can do is hug her wife and tell her that she’s here for her. Sooyoung nods in acknowledgment that she has heard her, but says nothing more.


“Let’s go to lunch.” Seungwan speaks and that seems to be what her wife wants to hear. 


“I’ll wait for you downstairs.” 


The dark-haired woman leaves the room and Seungwan can only hold back tears. She feels like Sooyoung is slipping further away, and that there’s very little she can do to stop it. It’s overwhelming to think about losing the only person she has ever loved, and feels helpless. How can she begin to heal someone who doesn’t want to be healed? For the time being she’ll get dressed and ready to go to lunch, and perhaps call Seulgi later. The two of them are sisters and it’s been awhile since they have spoken. Seungwan hopes if anyone can try and talk to Sooyoung it would be her. 


“Let’s go have lunch with mommy, baby.” Seungwan speaks to her unborn child and heads downstairs to meet Sooyoung. She supposes she has to take the small victories wherever she can get them.


Meanwhile, Seulgi has been showing Joohyun around. It’s nice to walk around with her wife and showing her the building. Seulgi shows her the company gym and swimming pool. She shows her what was once her former office that now Yerim has. Joohyun liked the downstairs cafe where most employees get their drinks and food, and she especially enjoyed hearing Seulgi talk about the company with pride as she pointed out places of various interests. The pair end the tour with two slices of chocolate cake at the restaurant on the top floor.


“This is so good.” Joohyun eagerly eats her cake. The omega looks adorable to her as she eats bite after bite of the cake. 


“I’m glad you like the cake. Thank you for coming today.”


“Thank you for inviting me.” The shorter woman smiles back. “I enjoyed seeing where you work, and it’s good to see you talk so proudly about what you do. But you have a meeting soon, right?”


“I do, I wish you could stay longer to save me from a boring meeting.”


“Ms. CEO, are you trying to avoid work.” The omega teases lightly. 


“Well, for you I would. You coming today reminds me that we haven’t had a date out in a while. Would you like to go out to dinner tonight?”


Things haven’t been as hectic and intense with the press since it’s been a month now since Chanyeol died. The press surrounding Seulgi and Sooyoung both have died down, but Joohyun knows once they found out who actually killed Mr. Kang the media storm will begin again.


“Are you asking me on a date, Mrs. Kang?”


Seulgi smiles and nods that is exactly what she’s asking for. She reaches for her hand and leaves a kiss against her skin.


“Would you go out on a date with me?”


“Always.” The raven nods warmly. Joohyun doesn’t stay much longer because Seulgi does have a business meeting. She gets a hug and kiss goodbye before heading downstairs to where Jongin is waiting for her. Joohyun is now looking forward to being able to go out on a date with her wife. They haven’t really had the time to do their usual date nights, so Joohyun feels excited, and perhaps a nice evening out will do her mate some good. For the most part Seulgi is so busy with work that there is very little time for other things.


“At least, we can have a date night out. It could do us both some good.” She thinks while getting on the elevator, and as she’s getting on she notices one of the familiar people who came to their house on the evening that Chanyeol was killed. It’s clear because they stand out in the dark suit and shades. Joohyun looks as the woman is heading for Seulgi’s office and knows it’s business related to the questions she shouldn’t ask Seulgi. It’s not ideal that there are parts of Seulgi’s business that she can’t share with her, but at the same time Joohyun has to respect that. Her wife tells her most of everything else and is honest.


“I wonder what that was about.” 


The truth of the matter was that Seulgi does indeed have a work meeting, but it’s being delayed so that she can talk to one of the Agents from Division X. The police are doing their jobs and keeping her informed with any information, however the truth of the matter is Division X is a highly qualified organization, whom are not afraid to get their hands dirty. It wouldn’t be Seulgi’s first go to under normal circumstances, but this isn’t normal circumstances. She is a daughter who wants answers as to her father’s murder.


“Boss.” The female agent gives a salute. “Permission to enter, ma’am.”


“Yes, please come in.” Seulgi nods and gestures to the seats across from her desk. The agent sits down and waits for permission to speak. Seulgi is sure that her father was probably more strict and firm in his delivery. It’s an adjustment all around as Seulgi isn’t the type to raise her voice, unless necessary. 


“We might have a lead, ma’am.”


“Do you?” Seulgi tries not to look or sound too hopeful. She doesn’t want to get her hopes up in case it turns out to be a dead end.


“Yes, ma’am. We were able to obtain better video footage quality from the lobby as the killer made their way out of the building, as well as from the cameras outside in the lobby. The killer was quite sloppy in regards to parking so close to the company, here.” The agent shows her the camera recordings and Seulgi honestly still can’t be sure if the person is a male or female because of how well hidden the face is, and not to mention the rain from that evening. 


“We just have to locate the owner of this car, Boss. I want you to have a little more patience with us, ma’am. Something like failure is not an option to our organization, and your father was important to us too. I promise you that we will find the person responsible.”


Seulgi nods in thanks. It does her heart good to hear that no one has given up on finding the person who murdered her dad. She won’t be able to rest easy until she knows the identity of the person. Seulgi thanks the agent who soon quietly excuses herself. The brunette sighs and prepares herself for the actual business meeting that she has. At least, Seulgi has dinner with Joohyun to look forward to later. Seulgi looks down at her personal phone when she hears a notification and it’s from Joohyun.


“Have a good rest of your day, Seul. Please don’t overwork yourself.”


The brunette smiles at the thoughtful message her mate sent. Joohyun really is the sweetest and most thoughtful person, and Seulgi knows how lucky she is to have her. They have really come a long way from the earlier days of their marriage, and everything has been like one pleasant surprise. Seulgi never would have imagined an arranged marriage for herself, but at the same time, she doesn’t think she can imagine her life without Joohyun either. Seulgi is about to shut off her phone when she notices Sooyoung called today.


“Sooyoung called?” Seulgi whispers in surprise. She hasn’t spoken to her sister since before their father died. It is awkward for them to go this long without talking, and have been close since they were kids. The older alpha doesn’t like the distance that has been formed between them. Perhaps, she needs to try and reach back out again. Seulgi knows her sister has never had the easiest time when it came to their dad, and at a time like this, they need one another. Seulgi reminds herself to give her sister a call soon. 


Meanwhile, the younger Kang had gone out to lunch with her wife, and although it was an overall nice lunch. Sooyoung couldn’t help it if her mind was elsewhere the whole time. Seungwan tried to engage her in talk about the baby, and she was too distracted to really give detailed responses. Seungwan kept talking about getting around to buy items for the baby, and how nervous she was about the doctor’s appointment coming soon.


“Soo?” Seungwan had to gently touch her shoulder to get her attention. 


“Yes?” The taller woman does acknowledge her. They have just finished lunch and are heading back home.


“Are you alright? Did you hear anything I said to you?”


Sooyoung has heard bits and pieces of what Seungwan said to her. Her mind is too preoccupied with other thoughts that she honestly isn’t focused well. 


“I heard a little, Wan. I’m sorry, I have things on my mind. I’ve been thinking about Seul.”


The blonde is glad to hear Sooyoung opening up. She seems to be trying and that’s all the omega can really ask for. 


“You haven’t really been in touch with Seul since everything has happened. I don’t think it would hurt for you to try and reach out again. You two are so close, Soo.”


She is close to Seulgi. Her sister is her best friend and it is odd to be this disconnected from her best friend. 


“I know, I’m going to see her soon. I hope I haven’t screwed up so badly that I don’t have my sister anymore.”


“That won’t happen, Soo. You and Seul will be fine, I know it.”


Sooyoung wishes she could be as confident about things. The only thing the dark-haired woman knows is that she has to try to make things right. She misses her sister and wants them to be back on normal terms. 


“Thank you, Wan.”


She’ll talk to her sister soon, and make things right. Sooyoung has been keeping up with Seulgi through the media, and all things considered the older alpha seems to be handling her new job and role well. But Sooyoung knows her sister and some of that has to be an act. 


“I’ll give her a call later.”


Seulgi finishes her work day a little earlier than usual, because she first goes to buy Joohyun a bouquet of flowers. Joohyun has been truly like her rock during these difficult times, and Seulgi hopes to show her some appreciation. She purchases some candy as well for her wife, and heads home. Seulgi feels excited to get home, because that means she will see Joohyun. There really is nothing like coming home from a hectic and busy work day to someone there waiting for you. Seulgi has been living on her own for years, and was even used to coming home to a big and empty house. She also assumed that one day she would settle down and start a family with someone, but of course never in the arranged way her father set up.


Even still, it is because of her father that she has met someone so incredibly wonderful that Seulgi finds herself grateful. The moment the alpha steps through the door she doesn’t see any immediate sign of Joohyun, that is until seeing the raven out in the backyard from the kitchen windows. Seulgi pauses and stares at how breathtaking her mate is and the way the warm sunlight hits her soft and delicate features, Joohyun almost looks like a painting. Seulgi takes in the way her dark hair is framed against pale skin and smiles. Joohyun looks beautiful simply standing in her garden area. Seulgi briefly thinks back to when Joohyun had asked to start one.




It was a rare day off for the monolid alpha and she was spending it with Joohyun for an impromptu date out for a picnic at the park. The nice thing about their date was how Joohyun was the one who suggested it, she thought it would be a good idea to use Seulgi’s day off to be out together. Seulgi had honestly felt excited to be out with Joohyun, and they held hands toward the perfect secluded spot in the park.


“I’m really glad that we’re out right now.” Seulgi admits when they are both seated on the big blanket with basket in between them. Joohyun looks up with a smile and agrees. The omega was glad that Seulgi took her up on the suggestion to go out for a picnic. Seulgi works hard and Joohyun feels like she could really use the break, and what better way than to be out together. 


“I’m glad you’re here with me.” Joohyun tells her before handing her one of the sandwiches she made personally. The pair sit and enjoy their lunch and the beautiful views around them. Seulgi notices that Joohyun seems to really like being arou

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Andeulea_rv25 #1
Rereading for the nth timeee. Hoping to have a new upd soon :))
73 streak #2
Chapter 13: Damn!!!
73 streak #3
simply-bae #4
Chapter 28: This chapter was definitely loaded, but necessary! I’m looking forward to reading the next chapter :)
Chapter 5: Rereading for the nth time ❤️
Rereading 😁
73 streak #7
Chapter 23: aww the i love you's are so cute😣😔😣😔😣😔😣
73 streak #8
Chapter 17: ridiculous child ijbol
73 streak #9
Hello?? We miss this story.