Kang's don't cry

Always, Only Yours
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A/N: Thank you everyone who read the last chapter. It was meant to be a bit of a break so to speak Since this chapter will be way more intense with the funeral/will reading and Seulgi and Sooyoung both fully reacting in the ways they need to. Please enjoy

Thank you very much to my sponsors: fabricsoftener, AvryGeist171, crwight01,royalshipper2122, DTHDHR, Bernkaset, Casti1004, jasonds, Megankind, ZombieJuhyun, Rita_1211, sleepyRu, Karasxo, falsuki, wittyadie95, wellwell0258, Fantasii, and Km62201n. Thank you so much for being sponsors. :)


Kim Yerim was having a bit of deja vu. The blonde omega stood in the kitchen of her apartment making coffee. The coffee is not for her. Yerim takes a look at her unexpected guest laid out on her couch with dark locks sprawled over her face and halfway off the couch. She shakes her head and sighs sadly before walking over to the sleeping woman.


“Hey,” She gently shakes Sooyoung.


There’s no immediate response except for the taller woman turning over some. Yerim shakes her again this time harder. She will not forget the state that Kang Sooyoung appeared in last night in all of her years.




Yerim was in the middle of catching up on some last minute work related matters when she heard the loud banging at her front door. The omega was so startled by the interruption that she almost didn’t want to answer the door. It’s not like she was expecting anyone. She hasn’t ordered any takeout, there’s not any packages to be delivered, and none of her friends would ever dare knock that loud at her door because there’s just no need. Yerim walks out toward her living room and that’s when she hears the unmistakable voice of Sooyoung.




God, does the alpha sound awful. She sounds like she is wasted and as if she has been crying. She and Sooyoung have actually struck up a friendship over the years that is their own and Yerim wouldn’t feel right simply leaving her out there. She knows how hard a time Sooyoung is having now because her father is dead. It’s why the blonde opens the door. Sooyoung smiles in thanks and nearly collapses into her arms.


“Oh, , I’m sorry. I had one too many this time. Can I crash here for tonight I really don’t want to go home now.”


“Come on, Soo. Let me help you.” Yerim told her and even though she could have easily told the alpha how much of a drunk mess she was. It would have served no purpose to kick the woman when she’s already down.




“Sooyoung?” She calls her name again. “Wake up.”


“I’m up, I’m up.” Sooyoung repeats and sits up fully. She blinks a few times and steadies her vision onto the omega. She barely remembers how she even got here last night all she knew was she didn’t want to go home. She didn’t want to bother her mother with more of her issues and she certainly didn’t want to go talk to her sister who no doubt has a lot on her plate.


“Here.” Yerim hands her the coffee. “You need this.”


“I’m not even hungover.” Sooyoung complains but still takes the offered coffee. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have barged in on you like that yesterday. Thank you for letting me stay.”


Yerim nods and sits down across from her in the armchair. She wouldn’t have just let Sooyoung go in the condition she was in.




“Yeah?” The dark-haired alpha looks over to her because she can tell Yerim has something she wants to say. She gives the younger woman a chance to speak.


“Why don’t you speak to the boss? I know she’s worried about you and well you’re both going through a lot right now.”


Sooyoung takes a sip of her coffee. She hasn’t spoken to Seulgi since before their father died. Seulgi has been leaving her messages and trying to reach her but Sooyoung has not been in touch. There is a private funeral being held this coming Saturday but Sooyoung is unsure if she will attend. There is no good reason why she should. Why should she attend the funeral of the man who she had no real relationship with? She owes him nothing and she isn’t sorry he’s dead.


“I don’t want to bother her right now. She’s busy with a lot of . I saw the press conference isn’t she the new boss now?”


Yerim frowns. “She would never ignore you if you needed her. You’re her sister, Sooyoung. You two should be supporting one another right now. Don’t shut her out too.”


Sooyoung puts the coffee down. She’s finished and maybe it’s time she gets ready to go. The alpha appreciates that Yerim is only trying to help. But why doesn’t anyone understand that she is fine.


“I’m fine, Yerimie. I’m not all broken up about my father being dead like you all think I am. Thank you for letting me crash here last night and for the coffee. I should be going.”


Sooyoung stands to go and walks passed the shorter woman but not before Yerim touches her arm. The touch forces Sooyoung to look back at her. The blonde is looking at her with a determined but sad look.


“You’re not fine. You can tell me that you’re fine a million times but you’re just lying. You need to deal with your feelings, Kang Sooyoung. You’re hurting yourself and I don’t want to see you hurt.”


Sooyoung moves closer and whispers her thanks. She truly does appreciate Yerim and her help. She tells Yerim again she has to go.


“I need to go, Yerimie. Please don’t worry about me, alright?” She even gives her one of the best smiles she can give. Yerim doesn’t buy it for one second, only what can she do. Sooyoung leaves and Yerim is all the more worried. The first chance she’s able she will tell Seulgi that she has been in contact with Sooyoung as she knows her boss is worried too.


Between stepping in as the new CEO, planning her father’s funeral, keeping in touch with not only the police, but Division X as well about her father’s murder. Kang Seulgi is one busy woman and so much so she has no time to grieve. At least not in the a proper way which is Joohyun’s concern. She watches as her wife seems to be in such control over the situation and almost robotic in ways that it’s scary. It worries the omega because she knows her wife isn’t okay. Her father has been murdered and Seulgi was close to her father, unlike anyone else Seulgi loved her father. But Joohyun does her best to be supportive to Seulgi during this time.


If being supportive meant helping out with the funeral arrangements then that’s what Joohyun did. She finished all the things on Seulgi’s list for her because it eased up a lot of stress and she knew Seulgi was grateful for the assistance. Joohyun knew Seulgi insisted on being at work and it’s why she made sure the alpha had food to eat. She made sure she had breakfast, lunch, and dinner too. Just being able to do small things like make meals for her mate made her feel like she was doing something. The public funeral was held already and Joohyun attended that one with her wife. It was a large affair with people flying in from all over the world to pay their respects to Mr. Kang. Joohyun was by her side holding her hand as she was also introduced to many of Mr. Kang’s business associates some of whom would be Seulgi’s now.


Joohyun saw how well Seulgi handled herself in front of everyone there. The raven just knew she was holding too much in. She remembers after they arrived home and trying to get Seulgi to talk.




The funeral service itself was handled in a respectful manner and a lot of people who knew Chanyeol personal stood up to speak about him. If Joohyun didn’t know him personally one would think he was truly nothing but a well to do, well-liked, pillar of the community. But knowing what she knows about him it was hard to listen to a lot of their stories. There was also a luncheon afterward and Joohyun couldn’t help to notice her wife hadn’t ate much if anything. Seulgi is currently getting out of her suit jacket and taking off the navy dress shirt. Joohyun turns to her and asks her if she’s hungry.


“Are you hungry at all, Seul?”


“I’m not really.”


“You didn’t eat at all at the lunch. Are you sure I can’t make you a little something to eat. You didn’t really eat much at breakfast either.”


The monolid woman turns to her and looks drained. Joohyun knows she’s also not getting much sleep at night either. Between the alpha’s increasingly poor appetite and lack of good sleep Joohyun is very concerned to say the least.


“Okay, Hyun.” Seulgi nods.


“Come with me.” She reaches for her mate’s hand and leads the way down to the kitchen. Seulgi sits down at the table nearby and it’s clear she’s trying her best to stay up. Joohyun hopes she gets some rest soon.


“I’ll make some sandwiches and soup too. Does that sound good?”


“Sounds good.” The brunette agrees. As Joohyun starts to do this she decides to try and let her wife know she is here should she need or want to talk.


“Hey, Seul. I’m here if you feel up to talking. You don’t have to deal with everything alone.”


Seulgi gives a nod that she has heard her. “Thank you, Hyun.”




Seulgi hadn’t really expressed much to her. She kept herself busy with work and now the private funeral is coming up. Neither of them have any idea who will show although everyone has been made aware of the funeral and the will reading that is to be held directly after. Dara has been in contact with her because Seulgi isn’t talking much with her mother if at all. The monolid woman told her at least why she doesn’t wish to talk to her mom right now.


“She hated my father, Hyunnie.” Those were Seulgi’s exact words. “I understand why she hated him and I don’t blame her at all for why. But I don’t want her to force herself to reach out when she hated him.”


Joohyun had been able to convince Seulgi to work from home today instead of going into the office. She spent most of her time working too from her home office only stopping for a very quick lunch break. The raven is just moments away from entering the home office to check on her wife to see the poor thing sitting up with phone to her ear and eyes closed as she tries to talk to whoever it is on the phone.


“Hello, Kang Seulgi.” She sounds exhausted. Joohyun frowns in concern.


“I apologize but there’s going to be a slight delay with that third office location. I just recently took over as head of the company and…” Seulgi had to cover from yawning and that’s when Joohyun intervenes by gently taking the phone out of the alpha’s hand.


“Hello, yes. I’m sorry but Seulgi will have to return your call when she’s functioning better.” Joohyun says to the man on the line. She hears how agitated he sounds and well that tone of voice simply won’t do.


“Well, I’m sorry, Mr. Lee, was it? But Seulgi is currently in the middle of dealing with a lot of things all at once and she will call you back. Who am I to say this?” Joohyun laughs some at his tone. “Her wife says so. You have a good rest of your day.” The omega ends the call and Seulgi is looking more awake in the moment but can’t help the small chuckle at what she has just witnessed.


“Thank you, Hyunnie.”


“You’re welcome. Now, I’m going to need you to come with me. Because you’re going to take a nap before we have dinner later.”


“Oh, but…” there’s really a lot of work to be done and rest is the last thing Seulgi should be doing. However, the raven is already taking a hold of her hand and leading her toward the bedroom. Seulgi supposes she is going to be laying down for a nap. The alpha can’t deny she is tired. She really is exhausted for more than one reason. Her wife checks her over to see she is already in comfortable clothing of a sweatshirt and pants before guiding her over to the bed. Seulgi will get some rest one way or another.


“Lay down, please.” Joohyun speaks.


Seulgi does and that’s when she feels the smaller woman also get into bed with her. Joohyun wraps her arms around her to essentially cuddle her. At this moment the comforting way her wife’s arms feel around her plus the release of her lavender scent is acting as a calming agent on the alpha and it’s working. Seulgi settles against her completely and melts into the embrace. The taller woman gets what she is trying to do.


“I know you’re worried about me, Hyun. I have to wake back up in a few hours though, because I have a lot to do, so please don’t let me sleep too long no matter how comfortable I look.”


Joohyun absentmindedly takes to running her fingers through brown locks in that moment. A part of Joohyun wants to do no such thing and allow for Seulgi to get some sleep especially if she is actually sleeping well. But she’ll respect what her wife is asking of her.


“I’m waking you up for dinner, baby. But anything before that I already turned off your phones, so you’re going to sleep.”


Seulgi looks at her wife and then she laughs. She laughs in a way that is similar to how she used to before the murder of her father and stress set in. It feels good to hear that sort of laughter from her wife. Joohyun feels especially good to know she’s helped make her laugh.


“I’m not even surprised that you did, Hyun. Okay, I guess I’ll be taking a nap then.”


“I guess that you will.” She agrees and leaves a soft kiss against the alpha’s forehead. Joohyun watches until Seulgi falls asleep too. Once she is sure that the brunette had fallen asleep she herself gets up so that she can go ahead and make dinner for them. It’s a relief to see Seulgi asleep and resting. With the private funeral happening in a few short days there’s no telling what will happening. All the omega can do is be there for her mate as she has been.


“Just let me be there for you, Seul.” Joohyun thinks to herself as she carefully places her hand to the alpha’s shoulder. She’ll let Seulgi rest as much as she can for now. Meanwhile, Sooyoung went to her apartment to further sober up. She couldn’t exactly go home looking as ty as she currently did at the moment. One look at her and you could tell she had been drinking. The dark-haired alpha took a shower, changed her clothes, washed her hair, drank more coffee, and made herself a sure fire hangover cure of the greasiest breakfast. Funnily, it was her father who once told her this sure fire method to beating any hangover.


“Old bastard was good for something.” She thinks. After she did all that and checked in the mirror to make sure she looked fine, or at least presentable she told herself she would go home. Seungwan has been leaving her message after message and it’s not right to worry her not now of all times because she is pregnant. Sooyoung sighs and rubs her forehead. She sends her wife a quick text to tell her that she’s on the way and not to worry anymore. If anything that only makes Seungwan worry more and sends her even more texts. The alpha simply shuts off her phone then and gets into her car. She will deal with it when she gets home because there’s only so much she can actually take right now.


Sooyoung goes home and finds Seungwan waiting for her. She looks worried about her and it’s a look the alpha is used to seeing. She’s seeing it from everyone these days and she is quite sick of it to say the least.


“Hey, where did you go last night?” The omega wonders with a worried tone.


“I went to my apartment. I needed some space.” She tells half the truth because in this case it makes no sense to tell all of it. Especially not the binge drinking part.


“We’re all just worried about you, Soo. You won’t talk to anyone about what you’re feeling and you have to be feeling something.”


“Let’s not have this talk again, Wan. I’ve heard it enough times already.”


Seungwan sighs a little. She is truly worried about Sooyoung and isn’t the only one who is. At a time like this is where her wife should be relying on her family and the people who love her. Seungwan had hoped Sooyoung would at least talk to Seulgi. But even that hasn’t happened as she has chosen to not reach out to her sister, which is quite possibly the worst thing Sooyoung could be doing right about now.


“Why haven’t you returned any of Seul’s calls?” The blonde wonders. “She’s been trying her best to reach you, Soo. I don’t think it’s fair if you shut her out too.”


“My sister is dealing with enough at the moment. The last thing she needs is more added to it.”


“That doesn’t even make sense.”


“Then please don’t keep asking me about it anymore, Seungwan. I’m tired of talking about the same things.”


“Fine,” the shorter woman whispers. But there is one more thing she has to ask again and then she will leave it alone. “Will you go to the funeral this Saturday? Seulgi has already told me about it and I know she’s not going to hold it against us if we don’t go. But, I think for your sake you should. If for no reason but to say goodbye because he was your father, Soo.”


Sooyoung says nothing and instead walks off and away. She already said she was tired of talking and gave more than enough warning that she was fed up and done with certain conversations. The only thing that can be heard after that is the slamming of the home office door behind her. Seungwan flinches at the loud sound of the door. The last thing she wanted was to further upset Sooyoung. All she was hoping for was to somehow get through to her mate and help her see that pushing away everyone is only hurting her most of all. Seungwan also believes that going to the funeral will help Sooyoung even if right now she can’t see that. Maybe later she can try again to convince her to attend.



Later that evening Joohyun had a small but very sweet suggestion of the two of them having dinner outside in the garden area under the gazebo. It was a nice evening and in turn it was also somewhat like a date night. It’s been a while since they were able to have a date night out and this still counted as such. Seulgi thanked her for the thought and also apologized.


“I’m sorry, Hyunnie. I know we usually have an actual date night out. I’m sorry things have been a bit hectic at the moment.”


Joohyun takes a hold of her hand and gently caresses her knuckles. As much as she does miss their date nights out Joohyun is in no way blaming Seulgi for the fact that things are hectic right now. As if that’s her fault that she is currently CEO and dealing with a lot.


“Hey, it’s not your fault that there’s a lot going on right now. I think what matters the most is that we make time to spend together and this counts to me. Just having dinner together like this counts to me.” She smiles and Seulgi smiles too. She is grateful to have Joohyun in this difficult time. The brunette thanks her in a soft whisper.


“Thank you.”


The raven leans over and places a kiss against her cheek. “You don’t need to thank me. But you could eat more of your dinner if you really wanted to thank me.”


Seulgi smiles a little more and eats enough to appease her wife. She’s not even but so hungry these days but she knows that Joohyun is worried about her. The alpha doesn’t want to cause Joohyun more worry than necessary, so if seeing her eat more helps Joohyun feel at ease then that’s what Seulgi will do. Honestly, Seulgi has all sorts of thoughts on her mind at once. She thinks of the private funeral service that is to be held soon and how she still doesn’t know who it is that murdered her father. The police and Division X are both on the job but so far there are no leads. It worries her that the killer is still out there because what if there is a possibility of the killer wanting revenge on the Kang family in general and wanting her or even Sooyoung next? Seulgi tries not to dwell too much on that possibility because truly whoever killed her father seemed after him and him alone. She must be thinking too much because she can feel two soft hands against her cheeks and Joohyun urging her to look at her.


“Where are you right now, Seul?” The omega wonders.


“I’m sorry. I was just thinking about Saturday.” Seulgi does admit that much at least. She is thinking about Saturday because this is her father. This will be the private funeral service and the final goodbye. Afterwards, he will be buried and she will have to say goodbye to him. It will become more real than ever that the man who raised her, loved her, and took care of her for her entire life is gone and not coming back. There are the feelings of confliction too because on the one hand Seulgi does respect and understand everyone else in her life hating her father and not wanting to be in attendance at his funeral. At the same time she can’t help if she loved him and for the most part he had shown her the best parts of him. She knew a father who was kind, loving, and not a monster like everyone else knew. Although, at the same time Seulgi was aware of the monster too. It’s a difficult time all around. She wants to be mindful and respectful of everyone else but she also wants to be left alone to grieve her father because no one else loved him as she did.


“I know you’re worried about everyone else not showing up.”


Seulgi knows most likely it will be herself, Joohyun, and Yerim to show. She’s fine with that if that ends up being the case. In all honesty Seulgi wouldn’t feel right having her mom and Sulli there in particular knowing how much they both hated her father. It wouldn’t be genuine and she already told them both that she would not hold it against them for choosing not to attend the service. It doesn’t make sense for them to show anyway. But if they wish to attend the will reading they can because knowing Chanyeol as they all do there are bound to be surprises of some kind in there.


“Can I tell you something?” Seulgi asks and Joohyun nods. She wants for her mate to be able to tell her anything at this point. Whatever, Seulgi feels comfortable in telling her she wants to hear.


“I don’t want for anyone to come because there is no one else who loved my father but me. It would not be genuine for them to show. I understand why you are coming because you are supporting me, Hyun. But I do understand how he scared you and why even you hated him too. He changed your life by forcing you to marry me.”


He did indeed change her life by arranging this marriage. Joohyun can’t pretend to be saddened by his passing. But she is in no way regretful of what this marriage has become. It may have not been something she would have wanted in the beginning, being married to a stranger. However, Kang Seulgi ended up being a pleasant surprise and Joohyun can say that her life has been change for the better with this kind and wonderful alpha in it.


“Hey, look at me.” Joohyun softly speaks and touches her face. Seulgi does look and waits for Joohyun to continue speaking.


“You are just about the last thing I could regret about how our marriage may have started. Let’s not think about that anymore because we have come a long way from that beginning and you’re right that I am here to support you no matter what, Seulgi.”


Seulgi nods and doesn’t say anything. The omega takes it as her wife understanding what she has said to her. At least it was what she hoped for. The days before the funeral told a different story. If Joohyun thought the alpha had shut down before then she had seen nothing like those few days before the funeral. Seulgi was more quiet than ever as she seemed to be working more than what was necessary. Joohyun could barely get her to eat and found her sleeping in her home office or study at all sorts of random times of hours. The omega finally had her questions answered on the evening before Saturday.


“Hey,” Joohyun looked up from her reading when she heard footsteps coming from outside. Seulgi looked dressed like she had just come back from the office and looked quite good in the dark grey pinstripe suit she had personally ironed for her. Seulgi also didn’t look like herself and if Joohyun were being honest she looked to be conflicted about something.


“What’s wrong?” The raven questions. “Did something happen when you went into the office?”


“No, not exactly. I need to talk to you.” Seulgi gently takes one of her hands and leads her toward the living room area for them to sit on one of the couches. The alpha has been giving a lot of thought to what she is about to say. She doesn’t want to be saying it but she has given a lot of thought to it and it could be for the best. Joohyun notices the briefcase by the brunette’s side.


“What is it, Seul. Why do you look so serious?” Joohyun gives one of her hands a squeeze since she can tell that whatever her mate has to say it’s troubling her.


“I’ve been thinking about this since my father died, Hyun. I want what’s best for you no matter what that’s going to be.”


The shorter woman looks at her with a concerned look because why does this sound like the beginning of when people break up.


“Why do you sound like you’re trying to end our marriage?”


Seulgi says nothing and the fact she says nothing tells Joohyun so much.


“Seulgi?” She presses. “Why does it sound like you’re trying to end our marriage?” Joohyun repeats.


“My father is dead now, Hyun. He is dead and you’re not obligated to stay in this marriage with me because he will no longer be watching. I just wanted you to have your choice back that was taken from you in the first place. You don’t have to stay here because the reason you’re here is no longer…” Seulgi pauses as the tears look like they will come down her eyes. Joohyun is in between feeling stunned and anger. She is stunned because she doesn’t know from where this is coming from so suddenly. Hadn’t they been in a really good place? Didn’t Joohyun just tell her that she doesn’t regret where they are now? Shouldn’t that tell Seulgi all she needs to know? Joohyun is also angry because how can Seulgi simply make this choice for her. How can she say this to her after all they have gone through? At the same time the omega also understands her wife is in pain. She is in pain and thinks she is doing the right thing. Joohyun must simply get her to realize a  divorce isn’t what’s right here.


“Is that what you have in the briefcase? Divorce papers, then?”


“I don’t have them filed. I just had them written up in case you wanted out.”


“Give them to me!” Joohyun demands and Seulgi takes them out to hand over. The alpha watches as Joohyun simply rips them up and Seulgi sits back and is about to apologize to her. She was only doing what she thought was best.




“Please don’t give me divorce papers again.” Joohyun tells her as she hugs the brunette. “I understand why because you feel like you’re correcting some wrong your father made when he forced us to get married. But did I not already explain to you that I don’t regret what we have become?”


Seulgi nods against her. “I’m sorry, Hyunnie.” She whispers.


Joohyun rubs her back. She understands truly where it came from even if it did hurt some. “I understand, baby. I do, believe me. But are we not mates? I don’t want a divorce from you. This is my decision not your father’s anymore, alright?”


“Alright, I understand. It won’t ever happen again, Joohyun.”


“Good, that’s good to hear.” The dark-haired woman caresses her cheeks before leaving a kiss to her forehead. “Now, we have a busy day tomorrow to be prepared for. I’m here with you. Please try and remember that, alright?”


Seulgi carefully touches her arm in thanks and leans up to kiss her wife’s lips. Joohyun immediately leans down into her lips as now it has felt like too long since she has felt the monolid woman’s lips against her own. She has missed being able to kiss Seulgi and have her kiss back. She knows Seulgi is grieving and in pain so things are hard for her right now. It means that she has pulled back a little. Perhaps not on purpose but even something as simple as a kiss means a lot.


“I’m sorry.” The alpha whispers again. “Let’s go to bed. Tomorrow will be hard.”


“I know, Seul. I know tomorrow won’t be easy for you. Let’s get ready for bed.” She helps her up from the couch and the couple head up to get themselves showered and ready for bed. Joohyun knows tomorrow will not be easy on her mate and so she too will prepare herself to be there to offer any support that she can. She hopes again Seulgi will allow for that to happen. One such person who isn’t allowing for anyone to help them is the younger Kang. She who refuses to talk to her mom, sister, or wife. Things had gotten so bad at home that Seungwan decided to stay the last few days with Jinri and Soojung who welcomed her. It was a much needed break too from the stress at home. Jinri hands her daughter-in-law a mug of warm tea.


“Thank you, mom.” The blonde nods with a smile.


“You’re welcome. Are you having really bad morning sickness yet? I had the some of the worst morning sickness with Soo when I was pregnant with her.” The older omega chuckles in remembrance as she thinks back to her own pregnancy with her daughter.


“No, it’s not been too terrible yet, thankfully. I appreciate you letting me stay here for…”


“Hey,” Jinri gently cuts her off. “You don’t need to thank me for that. You’re family and I can’t imagine things have been easy for you either with my daughter refusing help.”


“It’s not. But I’m honestly so worried about her. She just stays locked up in her home office for hours and hours at a time. She won’t eat, sleep, and she’s not talking to anyone. Before I left I told her I decided I would attend the funeral tomorrow and I hoped that she would come.”


“I left her a voicemail that I would be attending as well. My feelings for Chanyeol aside he is the reason I have my daughter in the first place and I was hoping if she knew we were attending it would help her decided to come too. She needs to have some sort of closure and begin to heal. It’s not the same as actually having had that with him if he were alive still but she must try.” Jinri sighs. “I just wish she wasn’t allowing herself to be so alone right now.”


“Me too.” Seungwan agrees. “She’s not even talking to Seul and I really hoped she would talk to her sister if she didn’t talk to anyone else. I’m going to try and call her one more time before I go to bed.”


“Okay, Seungwan. Please don’t cause yourself more stress either. It’s not good for you or the pup this early in your pregnancy, alright. Let me know if you need anything else before you go to bed.”


“Thank you, I will.”


Seungwan makes sure she is settled and comfortable in the guest bedroom before she takes her phone to try and call her wife. Sooyoung has not returned any calls. In fact, she hasn’t answered any calls and the only reason the omega isn’t taking it personally is because Sooyoung isn’t taking anyone’s calls. She lets everyone’s calls go straight to voicemail including her mother’s which is the oddest of all since she is closer to her mother than anyone else. The next person would be Seulgi but at this point the older Kang sibling hasn’t been calling anymore and Seungwan isn’t blaming Seulgi for that since she knows her best friend has so much on her plate. From taking over the company at her young age and preparing to say goodbye to a father she loved very much. The blonde takes a deep breath and dials. The phone rings and rings for a while before finally the voicemail. But this time it’s a completely different voicemail and that hurts Seungwan to hear what it says.


“Hey, you reached Sooyoung. Not the golden child heir but the Kang bastard, yeah the Kang bastard. Emphasis on the, leave a message and maybe I’ll decide to call you back.”


“Oh, Soo…” Seungwan thinks sadly. Sooyoung might sound like she’s joking. However, there is so much pain laced in her voice that it makes Seungwan hurt for her to hear. She wishes she could be there for her wife in the way that she wants.


“Hey, baby. I wish you would answer the phone I would really feel a lot better if I could hear your voice. Your mom and I are going to the funeral tomorrow and we would like to see you there too. We could help you, Soo. If only you would start to let us. Please change your voicemail, Sooyoung. I know you’re trying to make fun of your pain but it’s not funny. I love you.” She leaves the message and ends the call. She hopes to see her wife tomorrow at the funeral service as she does have all the details. Hopefully, Sooyoung will decide to show. Kang Sooyoung is in no current condition to be thinking of anything let alone attending a funeral tomorrow.


The dark-haired alpha is on the floor of her home office surrounded by various bottles of alcohol drained down to the very end. Sooyoung can’t remember the last time she has even drank this much. She reaches for a nearby vodka bottle but it’s empty.


“Whoops, all gone.” She laughs while looking at the empty bottle. Sooyoung sits up some but only ends up falling back down on the floor. This time she might have overdone it as far as the drinking goes. It’s just been too easy to drown herself in liquor these days. She hasn’t felt like talking to anyone and has been shut off from her family. Tomorrow is the private funeral service and both her mother and Seungwan have both left messages letting her know they will go. Sooyoung isn’t too sure what that was supposed to make her feel. They’re hoping she will go and the alpha isn’t sure if she wants to. Earlier when Seulgi was in touch with her she had also expressed her hopes that she would attend but Sooyoung knows her sister would not hold anything against her should she choose not to.


“I don’t know what to do.” Sooyoung sighs and closes her eyes. She is so tired too since not sleeping well. The dark-haired woman also drank so much in hopes it would put her right to sleep. But her alcohol tolerance has always been high and so she lays here on the floor looking up into the ceiling. Perhaps by morning when all the alcohol has worn off and she’s thinking a bit clearer she will decide on what to do. For now she turns over on her side and away from the many bottles of liquor. Tomorrow is going to be another day.


One of the worst things about this entire ordeal for Dara was the fact that she could not truly be there for her daughter as she wanted. Seulgi would not talk to her at this time, not truly. Since Chanyeol’s murder Dara might have spoken to Seulgi twice because her daughter has been keeping busy and away from her. The omega understood completely why this was the case and in truth she did sort of expect the possibility of this happening. The relationship she had with her ex-husband had become quite toxic and no doubt took its toll on their daughter. She knows her daughter is in pain over his loss and doesn’t want her help. At the same time she is a mother and wishes more than anything to help her child. It’s why she already made the decision long ago that she would attend the funeral. Chaerin knew too that her wife would be going and in support of Dara and her stepdaughter she too would be there. It wasn’t easy knowing Seulgi was in such a difficult place at the moment and not allowing either her mother or herself to help her. The two of them have always been there for her ever since she was a small kid.


The thing that gave both of them any peace was the fact that Joohyun was there for Seulgi and she wasn’t alone. Joohyun would also give them updates too and that was helpful. The alpha entered the room to see her wife in the middle of deciding on what to wear. The funeral is in a matter of hours and she hopes to offer any extra support she can.


“Hey, are you alright?” The blonde wonders and hugs her wife. Dara nods with a small smile but she isn’t truly alright not while knowing her daughter is going through so much.


“I’m worried about Seul. Joohyun has been letting us know how she is. But…”


“It’s not the same.” Chaerin softly interrupts. “I know. I’m worried how she’s doing too. But we’re going to the funeral today and even if she probably doesn’t want us there I know she will appreciate it once this all settles.”


Dara knows that Chaerin is right. For now the feelings are too raw and Seulgi is going through too much internally but when things are a bit better she will be thankful that they both came to the funeral service.


“I am going to support her most of all. I just want her to feel that on some level.”


Her wife nods and tells her that they will both be there to support Seulgi even if she can’t see or possibly accept it fully now.


“At least, Joohyun is with her.”


“I know.” Dara agrees. “Despite, Chanyeol originally forcing their marriage. She has been very good for my daughter and Seulgi has for her too. Okay…” the omega takes a breath. She’ll need all the strength she can muster in order to get through the funeral service of her ex-husband.


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Andeulea_rv25 #1
Rereading for the nth timeee. Hoping to have a new upd soon :))
72 streak #2
Chapter 13: Damn!!!
72 streak #3
simply-bae #4
Chapter 28: This chapter was definitely loaded, but necessary! I’m looking forward to reading the next chapter :)
Chapter 5: Rereading for the nth time ❤️
Rereading 😁
72 streak #7
Chapter 23: aww the i love you's are so cute😣😔😣😔😣😔😣
72 streak #8
Chapter 17: ridiculous child ijbol
72 streak #9
Hello?? We miss this story.