Bombs dropping left and right

Always, Only Yours
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A/N: I wanted to thank everyone for their opinions, mostly everyone would like to see Jinri continue on in this fic, and I personally would not be able to take her out anyway, she means a great deal to me, she always will, and she is a crucial character here that could not be replaced as she could not be replaced in real life either, but I am not insensitive to those who can’t continue reading the fic, I do understand that as well. I changed the name to her actual name though, I’ve always liked it, so that’s one change at least, here’s the next chapter everyone. We left off with Seulgi finding out who killed her dad, so let’s pick up where we left off.


Sponsor mentions: As always, thank you very much to my sponsors. I appreciate all of you so much: fabricsoftener, AvryGeist171, royalshipper2122, DTHDHR, Bernkaset, Casti1004, jasonds,  ZombieJuhyun, Rita_1211, 112714, Karasxo, falsuki, wittyadie95, Fantasiii, Km62201n, Eris78, captainsnsd, User_name1200, Androsssss, hiraiim-trash, theRequiem78, jyrus_21, Seosunny, cwright01, kingdomcomes, sleepyhead, Jewster88, InformedPuppy, Fladoodlem8, ericakate, Ody1204, dga214, pinkpinkypin, Moonstunt, SleepyRu, Cheorrybat, Sarcasaticree, pokjl-123, Shouto818, PandaExpress69, j33200, shinneay, dmac20, Chan_94, Tashphobic, NoJamDubu, kiyomamoo, justsomeanimelover, iamforeverlame, Mmm2392, Sapphicblink, CheezeeMyoui,  aya_ah98, bangton, blazeaf, Supergirl, Lorna123, Revelsone, madam_mac, aya_ah98, Nyssa21, Icantstandtofly, Lelouch99, Kasey_1432, tay_84, Mooncrush22, and tinybean. Thank you so much for being sponsors. ^


Seulgi feels like the air has been out of her chest and the room is suddenly spinning after the male omega tells her this information. It’s shocking information to take in for a number of reasons, because giving what she has always known about her father, him being attracted to men wasn’t something on the list, not that she cares, something like that wouldn’t have mattered. The younger alpha is really surprised because why would her father keep such a thing like this from her all these years? Was he somehow ashamed that he had an attraction to a man, did it bother him so greatly that he kept this man secret? Was it so painful that it ended up costing her father his life in the end? Seulgi finds she has more questions than ever now.


“Boss?” One of the agents holds onto her. “Ma’am, are you alright?”


“I’m fine,” Seulgi nods. “I’m fine.” She repeats.


“You’re my dad’s lover?”


“Was.” Baekhyun nods. “One of them, he ed around a lot, but you knew that already. He really couldn’t keep it in his pants, but I guess I should be proud of the fact that I was the only male lover.”


Maybe, her father was ashamed then of his attraction to this man. It makes sense if her father hid him as a secret, but then again her father hid all of his affairs as secret. She is sure even her mother never knew of how many people he had slept with during their marriage alone, and the only publicly acknowledged affair was the one with Jinri because of Sooyoung, when word got out about her.


“How long?” Seulgi is able to ask.


“Off and on for about 20 years or so, he promised me he’d eventually claim me, but then things became clear that wasn’t going to happen. I nearly lost my mind when he claimed that bastard sister of yours, and wouldn’t stop ing around, but then I also knew how he was from the beginning.”


“So that’s why you killed him because he wouldn’t claim you?”


“It was more than that, Seulgi. I just grew so tired of being kept as some dirty secret for so long, he was fine with keeping me as some pretty toy he liked to , but he was never serious about making things official between us. He told me a lot of pretty lies too, how we would be mates one day, all that bull, I was just stupid enough to fall for it. I wouldn’t have killed him, had he not kept ering me and bringing me back into his world. I really loved your father, Seulgi. He just never loved me, not really.”


The young alpha finds that she can almost feel sympathy for this man. She understands because her father was charming, a people person, a lot of people adored him at first. He could really walk into a room and any omega or beta would fall to their knees for him with a smile or word. 


“I don’t know what to say?”


The monolid woman doesn’t know what to say. This is still her father’s killer at the end of the day. She can feel some sympathy but he still killed her dad, and that doesn’t just go away either.


“I don’t want you to say anything, I mean, I did kill your father. He loved you very much, Seulgi. He talked about you with so much pride, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him light up that much when talking about anyone.”


Seulgi isn’t sure she wants to hear this, not from her father’s killer. At the same time, this man knew her father for years, and has personal insight too. She feels conflicted and doesn’t know what to do.


“You need to pay for what you did, please don’t talk to me about him, not after you killed him.”

“Fair enough, I am ready to answer for my crimes, your people made sure that I will turn myself in if that’s what you choose.”


“Everything will be as you say, Boss.” Another of the agents tell her, and Seulgi knows that’s the right thing to do. It’ll be too easy to have this man killed, and the young alpha doesn’t want a legacy exactly like her father’s. She is starting a new and different with her own path.


“You’ll spend the rest of your life in prison, Mr. Byun.” The alpha speaks. She is tired, exhausted, and it’s late. All she wants to do is get back home before Joohyun wakes up, although she’ll need to be honest with her and tell her everything when she has the chance. Seulgi starts to walk away but Baekhyun calls out to her.


“Wait, Seulgi.”




“If you find yourself curious, I mean, I know right now it might be too much for you finding out all this information. But, there are letters and things your father sent to me over the years. You could understand another side of him, the parts he kept from you.”


Seulgi is being handed a box from one of her agents, something Baekhyun put aside for this occasion, and her first instinct is to throw it away. Not because she isn’t curious to know more about her father, but because she can’t deal with this right now, it is too much. She takes it anyway and before she leaves she turns to one of the agents.


“Make sure he is in prison by daylight.”


“Right away, Ma’am, and Ma’am?”




“We’re sorry about all of this, and for your father’s death, at least you now have your answers.”


Does she, though? Seulgi is sure she has more questions than complete answers. But she does know who took his life, and that’s better than not knowing. The brunette heads home as quickly as she can, it’s late and she needs to get back there before her wife wakes up, at least that is still the plan. She of course nearly forgets that Joohyun is a light sleeper and when she returns she spots the omega sitting downstairs in her robe, looking to be worried, and waiting for her. It was exactly what she had hoped to avoid, and they look at each other in silence for a moment until Seulgi speaks first.


“I’m sorry.”


“Where did you go?” Joohyun asks and goes to her right away. She didn’t notice Seulgi was gone until she reached over and felt her side of the bed was cold, meaning that her mate had been gone awhile. It’s almost 5 am now, so wherever Seulgi had to go must have been important, and probably had something to do with those people in the black suits, the ones who came to their house on the evening of Chaneyol’s death. The dark-haired woman sees Seulgi is holding a storage box of some kind and wonders if this is something else Seulgi can’t tell her.


“Hey, give me a moment to put this away, and I’ll tell you what just happened, I promise, Hyunnie.” She leaves a kiss on top of the omega’s forehead and it calms Joohyun down. Joohyun nods as she trusts her wife and waits for her to return. Seulgi is always as honest as she can be. The brunette returns soon dressed back in her pajamas and sits with her on the couch. She grabs one of Joohyun’s hands and prepares to be honest.


“This stays between us, alright?”


Now, Joohyun is feeling very nervous again, because she knows all about the rumors that the Kang family business not being as clean as the public image might appear to be, and with so many secrets around the family itself, Joohyun can see why that may be. She still trusts in Seulgi. She trusts in her mate and believes in her, whatever she’s going to tell her, she will be here for her.


“I found out who killed my dad, and I had to go confront him.”


“Him,” Joohyun repeats. “You found out who killed your dad, baby. Why didn’t you tell me, I would have gone with you?”


The monolid woman shakes her head in the negative. “No, I couldn’t bring you there, it was late, and I just couldn’t, Hyunnie. It was anything personal, please understand.”


Joohyun would have preferred to be able to go with Seulgi, no matter how late it was. At the same time, the raven does understand why Seulgi couldn’t bring her along, especially if it has anything to do with those people in the all black suits that work for her now.


“I understand, so what happened. Are you alright?” She touches Seulgi’s face and wonders how her wife is doing really. She honestly seems fine for someone who has just found the person who killed her father, and that worries the omega.


“I don’t know, I don’t know what I feel right now. The man was some jilted lover of his who wanted revenge for never being openly acknowledged, so now I’m just left with more questions, I guess. He’s not dead, though. He’ll turn himself in and it’ll probably be on the news by morning.”


Joohyun doesn’t even have to ask how she knows all this, because her wife is after all the new Kang CEO. Seulgi always had her own power and resources but now that she is in charge of everything she has unlimited power that comes with that title. She can probably just make a phone call and it’s handled, it’s a little scary thinking about all that power, and how it could possibly change someone. However, Joohyun isn’t worried about Seulgi being changed since she knows the kind of wonderful and kind person her wife is.


“Do you want to talk about it now or do you want to go to bed, it’s late?” Joohyun runs her fingers over tanned knuckles.


“Yeah, let’s go to bed, Hyun. We can talk about this at a better time, I promise.”


“That’s fine, I’m sorry you had to deal with finding your father’s killer by yourself.” 


Seulgi simply takes her offered hand and gives it a squeeze. “You’re here now, right?” She gives a small smile. Joohyun touches the side of her face and leaves a soft kiss there.


“I’m here, Seul. Let’s go to bed, we can deal with what happens next together.”


Seulgi wanted to at least tell Sooyoung first, and before she goes to bed again, she is able to send a text to her sister and the response is immediate.


Soo: I knew you wouldn’t have thanked them, sis. I’ll be able to see this person for myself, right, in jail? Never mind, I’ll go visit them as soon as I can.


Seulgi is too tired and finds she has no words to respond anyway. She simply shuts her phone off and turns to Joohyun who is looking at her with a concerned gaze.


“I had to let her know, I promised I would tell her when I found out and I didn’t want her to see it from the news first.”


Joohyun moves closer to her and hugs the slightly taller woman. It doesn’t take a genius to know that the sisters would have differing opinions on how they would feel about their father’s killer and how best to approach the person. 


“She doesn’t agree with how you handled it, I take it?”


“No.” Seulgi answers, “she didn’t agree.”


Later on when Kang Sooyoung woke up, the first thing she saw was the news, and every station was covering her father’s killer, and how he had suddenly came forward. The young alpha wasn’t surprised in the least to see how quickly this came out once her sister told her what happened about finding out who it was. She was however surprised that it was some pretty looking male, who from his build alone would have to be a beta or omega, since nothing about him screams alpha to her, but she would have to be actually near him to tell for sure.


“That’s the guy.” Sooyoung can’t believe what she’s looking at. “The guy looks too pretty to be some killer.” She can hardly believe it, that this is the person who killed her dad, and the person she must thank. Seungwan walks into the living room and sees that she’s watching the news.


“They’ve found your dad’s murderer?”

“No, Seul did. You know she’s the boss now, and she’s got people all over to handle things. The cops didn’t do this, I’m just surprised at this guy, you know.” The alpha leans back against the couch and knows there must be more to the story. Seulgi must know what’s going on, since she personally spoke to this person, and she wants to know too.


“Hey, I’m going to go out, I need to talk to Seul because she definitely spoke to this guy already, are you going to be alright?”


The omega looks at her with a bit of an unreadable expression on her face, and that makes Sooyoung look at her with one of her own.


“Um?” Sooyoung blinks. “Are you okay?”

“I made my doctors appointment today, Soo, for the baby?” She reminds her wife, and Sooyoung’s face says it all. She completely forgot all about that, and apologizes. 


“Oh, yeah, I’m sorry, Wan. What time was it again?”


Seungwan tries not to sigh or look in anyway disappointed by the fact that her mate didn’t remember. Instead, she tries to think positive, at least Sooyoung doesn’t appear to be upset or trying to get out of going.


“It’s at 1 this afternoon, you will still go, right?”

“Yeah, I’ll still go. I mean we need to know how far along you are, and you probably should have already gone, but I know things have been crazy lately. I need to make a stop after to the police station, though. I need to talk to this guy, I’ll bring you home first if you want.”


Seungwan isn’t surprised that she would want to talk to the person who killed her father, but she doesn’t think Sooyoung should do that alone, not with her emotions and feelings all over the place. Sooyoung may say one thing, but it doesn’t mean she’s fine inside.


“Soo, you shouldn’t go down there alone. I’m fine to go with you, okay?” 


“Well,” Sooyoung starts but doesn’t get to finish because her phone rings. “Hang on, Wan, I’ll be right back. I think this is about my new business investors, finally I might have something going here.”


“Yeah, sure, Soo.”


Seungwan says no more and figures more than likely that is probably the end of that conversation, even though she hopes Sooyoung doesn’t go down to the police station alone. That would be the worst thing she could do. She sends a text to Seulgi first before sending one to her mother-in-law to let them both know to be aware of Sooyoung’s plan to go confront Chanyeol’s killer later, and that one of them should go with her, or be there in case she’s not able.



Seulgi hear’s the text notification but doesn’t get up to look at it right away because she’s in the middle of having breakfast with Joohyun. They watched the news earlier, and it happened exactly as Seulgi said it would with her father’s killer turning himself in. Joohyun didn’t have them watch for too long, since she insisted on Seulgi eating breakfast with her.


“I know you can’t take the whole day off, but at least you can go in late today.” Joohyun tells her. She would have preferred if Seulgi stayed home today, given how she had to go out so early that morning to talk with the person who killed her father, and hadn’t slept much. At least, Seulgi compromised and said she would go in a bit later rather than rushing to get to the office. If anything, there might be a bit of media frenzy again, now that it has been revealed to the public who murdered Mr. Kang.


“It might be crazy today, the press will probably want to talk to me, Sooyoung, or even my Mom, and Ms. Jinri too, now that they know who killed him. Mr. Byun might even talk about it, and why? Especially if and when he’s granted interviews.”


Seulgi was able to tell Joohyun a bit more about this man and what she knows about the reasons why he murdered her father. Joohyun thinks she wouldn’t want to be known as someone’s dirty secret either, but she also doesn’t think she would murder the person either, so the omega wonders if there is even more to Baekhyun’s story than even what he told Seulgi.


“I can’t imagine he was so embarrassed about being attracted to men also, though.” Joohyun admits. “It’s really not that big of a deal, Seul.”


In truth, it’s not that big of a deal since uality is typically so fluid and it’s really a matter of personal preference. What should it have mattered if Mr. Kang was also attracted to male omega’s, unless he just couldn’t deal with it himself? 


“Maybe it was to him?” Seulgi sighs. “I don’t know, I mean, as far as I’ve ever known he only showed interest in female omega’s and beta’s, so maybe this bothered him and he had to keep it secret. I don’t know why, but I guess this man felt so wronged by him the only way he could feel better was to take his life.”


Joohyun wishes she could say something, anything to help make Seulgi feel somewhat better about this, only there’s very little she can say. She can only be supportive to her mate during this difficult time, and let her know she’s here for her.


“He’ll have to live with what he’s done, Seul. There’s no way anyone would let him out of jail.”


“No, he’ll have to sit and think about that for the rest of his life. I hope he makes some sort of peace with himself. I’m going to get a shower and dress for work, alright. Thank you for breakfast.” She leans over to kiss the raven’s cheek.


“Thank you for actually eating.”


It shouldn’t sound as funny as it does, since Seulgi has a mostly poor appetite for the most part, but it does sound kind of funny. Seulgi laughs lightly and properly hugs her.


“Thank you, Hyunnie.


“You’re always welcome.”


As Seulgi goes to shower and change for work, Joohyun takes the time to clear the dishes from the table. The raven also takes time to make lunch for her wife, since it makes her feel better to help in any small way she can. In the middle of packing up Seulgi’s lunch bag she hears her own phone and sees it’s her mother-in-law, no doubt Dara has heard the news too and is checking on things. She and Seulgi have seen each other in person, but the younger omega can understand if Dara is still unsure of how to approach in some cases, especially with how much distance had been between the mother and daughter. Joohyun doesn’t mind being of help if she can answer questions that her mate can’t at the moment.


“Hi, mom,” Joohyun answers the phone. “You’ve seen the news?” She wonders knowingly.


“I have, hello, Joohyun. How are you, and Seul? Is she going in to work today, I’m sure she is, I probably shouldn’t have asked. I wanted to ask if you two were busy this weekend.”


“This weekend?”


The younger omega doesn’t believe there’s anything happening this weekend. She sees Seulgi heading down the stairs dressed for work and giving her a curious gaze. Joohyun excuses herself to ask Seulgi if they’re doing anything.


“Hey, your mom wants to know if we’re free this weekend?”


“Did she say why?”


“Well, I’m sure she was about to, but I didn’t want to make it seem like we have plans if we actually don’t, you know?” Joohyun nudges her to then say something, since it’s her mother in the first place. Seulgi takes the phone and listens to her mother.




“Seul, honey. We don’t have to talk about this over the phone, it’s why I wanted to see if you and Joohyun were free this weekend, I was hoping to have a family meeting. We should all be able to sit down and talk, everyone,” she says and Seulgi knows what a family meeting usually means, only this time it’s not her father calling for one, and it won’t ever be him asking for one to be had again. 


“Hyun and I already have plans, mom. I’m sorry,” Joohyun hears Seulgi say and that surprises the raven to hear. She wasn’t aware of any plans, and now she wonders if Seulgi is making it up, but she also doesn’t think the brunette would lie to her mother about this either.


“Seul…” Dara sighs. “This is important, Jinri and I were talking and it would be helpful if we all sat down to talk with you and Sooyoung in particular, with everything that’s going on. Your plans can’t wait a bit?”


“Yeah, alright mom, what day did you want to have this meeting. I’ll postpone my plans for the following day.”


“Thank you, honey. We can meet on Saturday, alright, come around noon. Tell Joohyun goodbye for me, and I’ll see you two soon, take care.”


Seulgi ends the call and barely hands the phone back to her wife when Joohyun wants to know what that was all about.


“Since when did we have plans, hm?” 


“We do, it’s not my fault my mom randomly dropped a bomb like this, all I wanted to do was nicely surprise my wife this weekend.” Seulgi smiles and leans in for a kiss. 




It tells her nothing and now Joohyun is curious. She wants to ask Seulgi what surprise, but the alpha only gets a kiss, sneaks passed her to grab her lunch bag, and starts heading to the front door.


“Kang Seulgi!”


“Kang Joohyun!” 


“You’re just going to walk away without saying anything?”


“It won’t be much of a surprise if I tell you it, I’ll see you later, Hyunnie.”


“Yeah, yeah, I’ll see you later.” She laughs and shakes her head. It feels good to see Seulgi smiling and laughing. Joohyun wants to see that smile and hear that laugh more, and will do anything to make sure her smile stays. She watches from the doorway as Seulgi gets into her car and waves goodbye to her mate while she heads to work. The omega realizes that she’s still smiling even when her wife is gone, and it dawns on her. It’s more than just the normal closeness she as an omega has felt drawn to her mate because they had become mates, no it’s much more than that. Joohyun really cares very deeply for Seulgi. But, Joohyun supposes she has felt this for some time now. She wants to be of comfort to her spouse because she wants to be, Joohyun likes to hear Seulgi smile and laugh because it makes her smile too. Joohyun likes to hear about her day, sit down to their meals, and feel and act like a married couple in the beginning didn’t feel possible. She didn’t accept the divorce papers when Seulgi had given her the way out, because Joohyun didn’t want one. She turns on the television downstairs again and sees there are reporters waiting around the main Kang company location, of course there would be. Joohyun sighs sadly, now she wishes Seulgi wouldn’t have gone into work today. All she can hope is that the press don’t bother her wife too much, although she has seen how well Seulgi handles herself around them. Still, Joohyun takes her phone and gives her an encouraging messaging anyway.


“You’ll be okay today, Seul. I hope they don’t bother you too much. Just ignore them and walk away, baby.”


Meanwhile, Sooyoung was preparing herself to leave for something important too. Not for a business related matter, but for taking Seungwan to the doctors. She is excited about the business call she did handle though, as that’s looking up. She has investors not related to her father in anyway, and they love her designs. She is glad to finally be looking to put that empty building of hers to use, after so long. The raven is getting ready when her phone rings and she sees it’s her mom, and hurries to answer it, because she can’t wait to share the good news. She has always wanted to be able to tell her mom something positive like this, that she is going to be starting her own business with something she loves, that has nothing to do with her father.


“Mom, hi.” She says cheerfully into the phone.


“Soo, sweetie. You’re in a good mood.” Jinri notices right away. 


“Yes, I have good news, can I go first before you drop some huge bomb on me about something or another.”


“Hey, I resent that, I don’t always have something bad to say to you, Soo.”


“Yeah, right.” Her daughter laughs. “Sure, anyway, so you remember how I told you about my designs? Well, we’re finally going to be moving forward, I’ve got actual business meetings planned, and things are looking up for me, it’s about time, right? I just wanted you to know.”


“Oh, that’s wonderful, Soo. I’m happy for you, really. I’m glad you’ll have a project you’re passionate about to look forward to, that is always a good thing. Now, can I get to my reason for calling, it’s not anything bad.”


“Sure, mom, what’s up?”


Sooyoung listens as her mother mentions a family meeting at Dara’s house, and she knows how well those usually go. The only good thing about now is that her father won’t be around, and they won’t have to go to his house for it, or rather the house that belongs to her now. The house he left her as a so called present that she hasn’t yet been to since before he died.


“Oh, well…” Sooyoung sounds hesitant. “Do we have to?”


“You don’t have to, sweetheart, but it would be nice if you and Seungwan do come. I spoke to Dara, and Seul and Joohyun will be there.”


“I guess, alright. As long as there’s tons of food.”


“Of course.” Jinri agrees.


“And booze.”




The alpha laughs and says that she was kidding, as nice as it is for Jinri to hear her daughter laugh. She isn’t quite sure Sooyoung is joking about the alcohol part, as she knows very well how much she has been drinking lately, more than ever, which isn’t a good thing for someone who has had a past drug abuse history. Because it might be alcohol now but it could very well turn into drugs again, and Jinri would not want her daughter to go down that dark path again, not if she could do something to help stop it.


“I need to go, I have to take Wan to the doctor soon.”


“Oh, well don’t let me keep you, sweetie. I’m glad you two are finally going, that’s very important you make that first appointment. Soo, try to remember she’s not having an easy time right now either, being pregnant isn’t the easiest thing in the world, you know?


The alpha hears the underlying message that her mother is saying. She’s politely trying to tell her to get it together more, and be better. Sooyoung thanks her then and gets off the phone. Sooyoung finishes getting ready and goes to see if Seungwan is ready as well to find her mate is waiting for her downstairs.


“Hey, sorry, that was my mom.”


“Oh, how is she?” Seungwan wonders.


“She’s fine, she asked if we could go to a family meeting this weekend. Do you feel up to that?”


“Yes, that would be fine.” The blonde agrees. “At least, this time it should be better than the last family meeting.”


“Yeah.” The alpha nods, but doesn’t say anymore since she doesn’t particularly like to think about that last family meeting because of everything that happened, thinking her father slept with her wife, and then their entire heated exchange afterwards that left Seulgi with a bruised face. For now, her focus is on getting them to the doctor’s appointment that Seungwan has. 


“Ready?” Sooyoung asks if she’s ready to head out.


“Yes, I’m ready.” 


The couple head outside to Sooyoung’s car and make their way to the doctor’s. Seungwan reaches over for her mate’s hand and Sooyoung eyed her curiously, wondering if maybe she forgot something at home, or if Seungwan needs anything.


“What’s wrong?”


“Are you still planning to go to the police station after this?”


“I was, why?”

“I was watching the news earlier, and the way the press was surrounding the station, and even Seul’s company too. I didn’t want you to possibly go and get into a bad situation because you’re upset, you know? Especially if you don’t let me go with you.”


Sooyoung hears what Seungwan is saying, and she thinks that for now it won’t be the wisest idea to go. Not with the immediate frenzy over the fact that her father’s murderer has been revealed. She’ll wait a bit until it’s calmer, or at least until it’s as calm as it can be given the circumstances.


“Alright, Wan. I won’t go now, if you don’t think it’s a good idea.”


“You won’t?”  She is surprised and didn’t expect to hear that at all. If anything, the blonde figured Sooyoung would simply go on anyway, since for the most part she does exactly that. This is an unexpected surprise.


“No, you’re probably right. I bet it’s really crazy right now since the guy came forward. If I need to know anything important right away, Seul will tell me.”


The omega agrees and gives her free hand a small squeeze. “Thank you, Soo. I’m glad that you’ll wait first.”


“Sure, Wan.”


Because, like it or not Seungwan is right about waiting. There is a press frenzy now that Mr. Kang’s killer has been revealed, and Seulgi had anticipated what she would be stepping into the moment she came to work. But, as the CEO she saw this as her chance to test herself as the leader of the company. She can’t simply hide away when things are tough even if she wants to. It’s why she came in to the office, knowing full well there would be press waiting to talk to her.


“Ms. Kang, Ms. Kang.” They surround her like the vultures they are. The young alpha remains calm, as she has experience with the press. There is very little they can do to provoke her.


“How do you feel now that your father’s killer has been revealed, Ms. Kang?”

“Ms. Kang, a word please?”


“Might we have an official statement, ma’am?”


“Hey!” Several of the office security head over and block the pathway, getting in the way of the press, so that Seulgi can get into the company building. “You don’t bother our boss in this way, now get moving or we have the cops on all of your asses so damn fast!”


The press slowly start to disperse and Seulgi finds herself relieved that she has such wonderful staff, and thanked them before stepping inside the building. Yerim is there in the main lobby to greet her with a warm smile.


“You’re welcome, boss.” She hands over a mug of coffee. 


“I should have known you did that.”


“Well, I have your back.”


“Yeah, you do, I appreciate it. Have they been out there for a long time?”


“Oh, for hours.” Yerim admits and follows Seulgi in the elevator as they head up to their respective floors. The younger woman wanted to help since she figured her boss would be bothered by the press when she arrived, it was the least she could do. Hopefully, with the real threat of police it should keep them away for a while, that’s the hope anyway.


“They probably will be back, but maybe not right now. Thanks again, Yerim.”


“Anytime, boss. This is me.” She gestures to her floor. “Let me know if you need anything else.”


Yerim gets off on her floor and Seulgi takes the elevator up one more level to her own floor and heads straight to her office to begin her day. She hopes that if Sooyoung had to be out today her sister is fine too, and not being harrassed by the press. Her sister has a temper and the press would love nothing more than to paint her in a bad light, and it wouldn’t take much either, so all Seulgi can hope is Sooyoung won’t let them get to her if she is out today. Seulgi does her best to keep her mind focused on her own work day, but it’s kind of difficult to do that when she’s just talked to her father’s murderer, and found out the real reason why he was killed. Her father shouldn’t have ever felt so ashamed of his attraction to a male omega that he had to hide it, and especially hide it from her. Something like that wouldn’t have bothered Seulgi, he was still her father. But then, the young alpha remembers how much a strong image meant to her dad, it was one of his important lessons he taught her. Did he find his attraction to the male omega a weakness on his part?


Her father never spoke much about his childhood, but from what Seulgi could tell it was not a very happy one. Seulgi had never met her paternal grandparents as they were both dead by the time she was born, but from what she had heard about them both, neither of them were particularly good people, and it’s part of the reason why she personally never gave up on her dad while he was alive. Sure, he may have not been the best person to others, and he had done a lot of terrible things, herself included. Still, he was her father, and he had done the best he could, and he loved her. Seulgi thinks after some time has passed, she’ll take a look at the box that Baekhyun gave her, as she has questions, and he has answers. He obviously knew a side to her father that she didn’t know and Seulgi wants to understand, even if he is gone now, and can’t give her any answers herself. For now she puts that aside, and goes about her day, until her lunch hour, and the only reason she remembers it’s her lunch hour is because her phone alarm rings off to remind her. Joohyun must have put an alarm in her phone, since Seulgi sure didn’t remember doing so herself.


“If I don’t eat lunch at a decent hour, I know Hyun will ask and be worried.”

She doesn’t want to worry her, as she knows Joohyun is already worried about her.  Joohyun does a lot for her as it is, so many little things that mean a great deal to the alpha. Things like making sure she eats, even if Seulgi herself might not feel hungry. She irons all of her suits, shirts, pants, whatever needs ir

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Andeulea_rv25 #1
Rereading for the nth timeee. Hoping to have a new upd soon :))
72 streak #2
Chapter 13: Damn!!!
72 streak #3
simply-bae #4
Chapter 28: This chapter was definitely loaded, but necessary! I’m looking forward to reading the next chapter :)
Chapter 5: Rereading for the nth time ❤️
Rereading 😁
72 streak #7
Chapter 23: aww the i love you's are so cute😣😔😣😔😣😔😣
72 streak #8
Chapter 17: ridiculous child ijbol
72 streak #9
Hello?? We miss this story.