f i v e

Hoodie Girl || k.th

Taehyung's POV

The pitter patter of the rain creates a shield around me. The rest of the world is silenced as i'm indulged in my own thoughts. I love the rain even though some might consider it to ruin the mood. School ended and i'm walking towards my car to head home and catch up on some sleep. Two girls dash past me and one of them collides with me. She yells 'Sorry' in a very hurried manner. However, she drops a book from her open bag. Before i can call her back she's much ahead of me, already getting into the car awaiting for them. I retrieve the book from the ground before the rainwater can damage it further. 

I walk towards my car and get in. The water droplets on my transparent umbrella are creating a small puddle on the carpet of the passenger side. I let the book slide into the cubby of my car and then secure myself with the seat belt.  

The drive home didn't take much time. I clean up, have lunch and decide to hop on my bed for a quick nap. I decide against it since my thoughts are directed at the book. I get off the bed and take the book from my table and sit on my bed comfortably. 

The book is actually a Planner. The cover contains a simple tumblr-style pattern. At the bottom right corner is a name. ''Park (Y/N). Class 12-A'' I read out loud to myself. Oh, so she was in my Math class earlier. I slowly open the book making sure that there won't be any loose pages. The rainwater did cause some areas to blot. Her handwriting is beautiful: sharp and small but, legible. She has excellent penmanship. From what i observe, she is well organised. I feel guilty for going through her planner but, i am quite glad it wasn't a diary. 

''I'll find her tomorrow.'' i say and keep the book on the small cupboard next to my bed. 

My eyelids droop as the tiredness comes rushing at me. My body feels quite numb and all i want to do is sleep. So, i turn over snuggling into my covers and closing my eyes.


Your POV

''Yah, Kim Eunji!!'' I yell. ''You better get back here!''

''Whatcha gonna do if i don't?''

I sigh frustrated. How annoying can she be? ''Eunji-ah, can you shut up about your brother? I don't even like him!''

She giggles and winks at me several times. ''But, he likes you. I totally ship you with Seokjin oppa!'' I cringe. I don't like the word 'oppa'. It's so cringy according to me. At this exact moment Seokjin decides to walk on into out conversation. RIP poor kitchen.  Seokijin's face lights up as he sees me.

I clear my throat awkwardly. ''Hey, (Y/N)-ah!'' He sends me a flying kiss. I look at Eunji who is smirking at us. I smile at him. ''Wassup, Jin? Long time no see?'' He nods and walks over to me and settles himself on the other side of the kitchen counter. We are facing each other now. Ohmegawd, the awkward vibes. 

''So (Y/N), do you wanna reconsider?'' I spit the water i was drinking back into the cup. ''W-what?'' I hear Eunji snort. That lil' turd.

He chuckles while ruffling my hair. ''I really like you. So it would be amazing if we date.'' Is he usually this straightforward? Eunji is watchng the whole scene. Things are lacking such as romantic vibes. All i get is awkward vibes. Hell No-

''Seokjin-ah, i am really sorry. I have to decline you again. This won't work out anyways and i am in a relationship already.'' The corners of his lips go down. I feel bad for making him disappointed. He nods. ''I'm sorry for asking you again. But, do i get to know who the guy is?''

Eunji bursts out laughing. My lips twitch as i smile. ''She means food, Jin oppa.'' He gives me a really weird look. He gets up and walks towards the kitchen door without saying anything. He stops at the door and looks at us. ''You girls need some treatments.'' He says this and walks out. We can't help but laugh ignoring the fact that we are so mean.

Eunji plops next to me. ''So, you had to reject him for the second time. I feel kinda bad for him.''

''Eunji, it's so weird dating my best friend's brother. Besides i don't like him in the boyfriend way.'' She nods understanding me.

A few hours later we are resting on the couch watching a movie. I am glad that we completed our homework and study sessions. We got more time to rest but, i have 'work' later on. I feel hungry right now. ''Eunji, want me to grab some snacks from the kitchen? I am in desperate need of some chips.'' She nods and motions with her hand for me to get some food. I hop off the couch and saunter towards the kitchen. I walk to the fridge and see a family picture. Man, they got some strong genes. Each and every person in the picture is so beautiful. Somehow, my eyes focus on one person. It's Kim Taehyung. He's posing in a really cute way with a 'V' sign and also grinning that box shaped smile at the camera. How adorable.

''(Y/N), are you inventing food?!'' Eunji's loud voice from the living room interrupts my thoughts. I quickly grab some snacks and a packet of biscuits from the counter and walk to the living room. I dump the packets on her and settle myself comfortably on the couch again.

''Eunji-ah, interesting family picture on the fridge.'' I say while opening a pack of Cheetos. Eunji stops in mid bite and looks at me. ''What?"

''Oh nothing.'' I say and get off the couch with my precious Cheetos. ''Gotta get ready. I have work. Can't lose my bar-tending job. See ya later?''

''Hell to the No, baby. Imma coming with you. You need my protection from all the erts which means i get to kick some .''

I shrug at her. ''Ok then, but we need to be secretive. Remember, no one knows us.''

She turns off the TV and hops off the couch. ''Everyone's sleeping.'' She smirks. ''So, what are we waiting for?''

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Hey my lovely readers!
Thanks for selecting Hoodie Girl as one of your reads. I really appreciate this and i hope you enjoy my story. I would love to know what you think in the comments: Motivation?
P.S. My original book is on Wattpad (@micmicyoongi)


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ctnajihah #1
Chapter 12: <3<3<3
Deerxi_krystal #2
Chapter 12: Daebakk!! Keep it up author nim ! Im so excited for what happen next !!
Chapter 12: OMGGG is Myungsoo his brother :OOO

Thank you for updating ♡