My First Love(s)


Yifan was gangly and awkward. Lord Jiaheng was confident and bold. How could two men with such similar features be so different? Written for 100xoverfest Fall/Winter 2017 round!


Junmyeon’s mother sighed and patted his hand. “It’s hard to forget your first love,” she said gently.


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2438 streak #1
Chapter 1: ofc it was just one person and not two! HAHA
tho, I dunno why Jiaheng used such a douche approach the first time he "intoduced" himself to Jun... you aren't getting anyone with that attitude boy! HAHA

am curious abt something tho, when Jiaheng said he already told Jun's parents his marriage proposal, he still didn't reveal to them that he was Yifan all along? I mean, I think Yifan must've known Jun's parents back then, or did he not? coz if he didn't, then, I think no need to tell them that he was Yifan all along...

anyway, it was cute how Jun was struggling to resist feelings for Jiaheng, he was so set on Yifan that he almost turned down a good man, who is actually Yifan too lol... but I wish you've given us more of the 5 months of Jiaheng wooing Jun instead of it being just a passing notion... I think that would've been more interesting :)

still, the moment when Jiaheng finally revealed he was Yifan, it became a somewhat easy conversation... Jun wasn't too mad that Jiaheng kept that from him coz tbh, if I were Jun, relief would be the first thing to come to mind upon hearing the revelation... same person all along! no more need to be so conflicted everytime he sees the scarf gifted to him before... his mind and his heart are now completely at ease with Jiaheng :)

thank you for this!
hoping you're joining the next round too!

ps. there was a part where it wasn't revealed that it was Yifan yet, but you used Yifan instead of Jiaheng... 3rd paragraph after the six months later cut :)
Chapter 1: Ugh, so good. My heart is fluttering.
aarushic_18 #3
Chapter 1: SO CUTE
SuhoSandi #4
Chapter 1: Oh it's you, I got to read there and now I'm reading again cause love this one so much. Thanks for the cute krisho story ^^
DarryLu #5
Chapter 1: Aah I love this story so so much, it's beautiful! I wondered when Junmyeon will realize it, wouldn't have thought that it would take until Jiaheng told him at the very last moment. And I'm so happy that Junmyeon didn't throw a major fit, because honestly, I hate angst, I wouldn't have survived a big drama developing out of this cause. Thanks a lot for this cute story, it's at least as soft a Junmyeons scarf! <3
Chapter 1: You always make the best krisho story!!! At first I thought Yifan and Jiaheng is the same person. But throughout the story I had my doubt.. I started to think they are two different person!! Thank god for that ending!!!! I'm going to feel sympathy for Yifan but all turns well!! Yeay!!!!! Thanj you for this story!!! Love you!!! Fighting!!!!