A Jade Pendant


Junmyeon never thought that he would ever do much more than smile and bow politely before the Prince of Dragons. One situation leads to another, and somehow, Junmyeon finds himself thinking of Prince Yifan far more often than he should.


Written for the Golden Exo Fest 2017!


“Will we be locked into an endless cycle of debts then?” Junmyeon asked light heartedly, smiling as Yifan stepped closer to him.

“Would that be such a bad thing?” Yifan stepped even closer, and Junmyeon found himself entranced by Yifan’s jewel-bright eyes.


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Chapter 1: Ahhhhh love at first sight>< amazing story line~~~~
The year 2020 and it is still as good as the first time I read it way back in 2018. It's one of absolute favorites and I reread it every chance I get. ^^
2446 streak #3
Chapter 1: im sorry for commenting so late on this, specially when i really loved it from the moment i first read this...

safe to say that Yifan has been fascinated by the Bunny Prince since he met him, Yifan even admitted to that, tho i do wonder if it's during Jun's first appearances in the Summit, since Jun said that they've been coming since he was 10, or when Yifan first discovered feelings regarding others? either way, pretty sure he's been keeping an eye on Jun whenever he can every summit as he's able to save Jun from Baek even at an unlikely time... Jun only got hyper aware of the attention he's been getting from the Dragon Prince after they had their first real interaction

anyway, i think Jun has no confidence in his own kind... i mean, im sure he's happy to be Bunny Prince and perfectly content with his family and kingdom... but how he regarded himself as a potential candidate to be Yifan's betrothed, he himself thinks it's absolutely ridiculous to even be considered and that only regal animals would stand a chance... and later on, when it's revealed that the necklace he's keeping is actually an engagement token from Yifan, he doesn't think that Yifan hasn't claimed it from him since he wants to be engaged to him, his first thought is that Yifan is returning to retrieve it from him and give it to his real fiance!!! JUN!!! UGHHHHHHHHH...

anyway, i love how they slowly got closer at every interaction they've had since their first real one, fate also seemed to help when they would unintentionally cross paths when they least expected it... Yifan may have given the necklace to Jun at first coz he'd be the most unlikely to have it, as time passed by, he found no reason to take it back from Jun, specially when he got to know Jun better and even fall for him... i wish he was just a bit more open with Jun, i mean it sure was a pleasant surprise for Jun as he's been harboring feelings for the Dragon Prince too! but i think he deserves to have known earlier than the general public HIHIHI but that's just me anyway, all parties seemed okay with it tho, so i shouldn't have any qualms about it HAHA

anyway, i really really enjoyed this one! let the strong dragon protect the bunny!!! i doubt the neighboring wolf kingdom would dare cross the bunny kingdom again, if they still want to be on the good side of the ruler of all! HAHA btw, Jun handled that diplomatic talk so well, he protected both parties' interests and rights unlike what Baekbeom was suggesting which was heavily in their favor... thank you for writing this!!!
jesyra #4
Chapter 1: I want to cry. I have been meaning to read this when I first saw it but just haven't had the time til today. I enjoyed it a lot. Thank you!
JaeBling #5
Chapter 1: Omg, the story was too fast to be finished!! Feels like I keep wanting more!!!
Bree_ND #6
Chapter 1: Omg, went to reread this again and fell in love with it all over again! It's so pretty and sweet and I'm spazzing over their innocent love once more!

Have i told you I love your writing?! Hahaha~
This is so cuuuute >///< Junmyeon is so adorable and so absolutely clueless! It just made me want to wrap in bubble wrap or something and protect him from everything. But Yifan can do that too I guess, probably better than I can :D
Ahh I loved this so much, I'm going to be thinking of it and getting all mushy because it's just SO CUTE for days xD
Chapter 1: So sweet~~~ ♡♡♡♡
Chapter 1: Smiling like a flipping idiot over here!
That was was so adorable -- lmbo, junmyeon being clueless had me in tears and talking to myself like "oh hon, no, no...he's had his heart set on you for years".

Very cute. So fluffy. I loves!