

Joohyun felt like it had been years since she last smiled so genuinely, and the reason behind her smile was because her cousin who was practically like her younger sister had returned from her graduation trip overseas after almost a month.

“Yeri!” She shouted excitedly when the younger girl appeared in her doorway and wasted no time in hugging her tightly. “Took you a while to finally come back.” She said, faking a stern expression at her.

“I wasn’t away for that long.” Yeri replied with her signature cheeky smile which made Joohyun grin and pinch her cheek lightly.

“It’s good to have you back.” Joohyun admitted, putting an arm around her and dragging her into the house, “I missed having someone to bully.” She laughed.

“Yeri!” Seungwan’s loud voice echoed through the house when she ran out to greet her and Joohyun let go of her cousin so that she could hug her friend. It was heart-warming how close Yeri was with Joohyun’s friends despite being so much younger. “How was your trip? Did you have a lot of fun? You have to show me all the pictures you took!” Seungwan rambled excitedly.

“I will! Maybe after I’ve unpacked because Mom keeps pestering me to do it. She almost didn’t let me come to see you.” Yeri pouted.

“I’m so touched that you are so eager to see us.” Seungwan gushed, covering her heart with her hand.

“Of course.” Yeri grinned before she took a glance around the house, a slightly perplexed expression crossing her face and she turned back to her cousin. “Where’s Seulgi-unnie?”

Almost instantly, the atmosphere in the house changed and the two adults froze, exchanging awkward glances.

“Hasn’t she been released already?” Yeri asked. “I thought I could see her as soon as I returned. I even bought her a souvenir from Thailand.” She said.

“Why are you being so nice to her?” Seungwan asked. “You know what she’s done.”

“Are you guys still angry at her?”

“No .” Seungwan blurted before covering quickly when Joohyun shot her a look for swearing in front of the younger one. “Of course we’re still angry. She’s unforgivable and she refuses to stop doing what she’s doing, so we try to stay as far away from her as possible.” She explained more calmly.

Yeri frowned a little, not liking what she was hearing and she walked over to Joohyun who had been quiet the entire time since Seulgi was brought up in conversation. “But unnie, don’t you miss her?”

“W-What?” Joohyun almost staggered backwards. Her eyes darted to Seungwan who gave a subtle shake of her head, eyes sending warnings. She understood that she shouldn’t complicate things and so she quickly replied. “Of course not.” She gave a low chuckle. “Why would I? And you know I’m dating Bogum now.”

Yeri snorted, “You’re not fooling anyone, cousin. It’s a known fact you don’t like guys.”

Even Seungwan had to let a short laugh slip out at the blatancy of Yeri’s statement. “I’m not dating him out of love obviously.” Joohyun replied quietly.

“You’re using him.”

Sometimes Joohyun really hated how mature and clever Yeri was. Not only was she smart and seemed to know exactly what Joohyun was thinking and doing, but she also had to vocalise it. Hearing it out loud made Joohyun flinch and the guilt that she suppressed would come crashing onto her, making her feel like a criminal caught red-handed committing a serious crime.

“I know.” She admitted. “But he knows it too and he doesn’t mind.”

Yeri sighed, shaking her head at how whipped that guy was for her cousin. He really deserved better. “Is it really impossible for you to give her a second chance?” She asked desperately.

“Why are you being like this?” Joohyun grew agitated. “You want me to give her a second chance after what she’s done? Do you know what kind of person she has become now? She’s not the same Seulgi-unnie you knew.”

“Your cousin is right.” Seungwan said, walking over to stand next to Joohyun. “Seulgi is very different now. I know it’s hard for you to accept it since you were so close to her, but eventually you will learn to forget and move on.”

“No.” Yeri shook her head slowly, refusing to believe them. “That’s not true, it can’t be. I want to see her.”

Among all of Joohyun’s friends, Yeri grew a special liking and attachment to Seulgi since she was still in primary school and Seulgi also adored her very much, always taking care of her like she was her own sister. 11 year old Yeri even claimed that she would marry her Seulgi-unnie when she grew up, and no one would ever forget how amusing it was when Joohyun got jealous of a child.

 “You are not going to see her.” Joohyun replied firmly. “Nothing good will come out of that. Bogum even got injured the last time he tried to talk to her. She’s really heartless.” She grit her teeth as her hands curled into fists. She couldn’t believe it when she saw Bogum with bruises and cuts on his face and arms, but it eventually sunk in that Seulgi had become someone who would stop at nothing to get what they wanted- even if it meant harming others.

Seungwan saw the anger and hatred on Joohyun’s face and she felt the guilt consume her when she remembered the night that Seulgi turned up at their front door after she heard of Joohyun’s sickness. Seungwan had sat and stared at the items given by Seulgi for a long time, trying to decide what to do. She eventually gave the hot packs and candles to Joohyun, but coaxed her into taking pills and eating the porridge she had cooked herself. Because if Joohyun saw the liquid medicine or the porridge from her favourite store, she would know straightaway it was Seulgi’s doing.

And Seungwan couldn’t allow Joohyun’s heart to soften. No, there was no way Seungwan would let her best friend go back to someone who didn’t deserve her. It gave her a guilty conscience, having to do all of this behind Joohyun’s back and hide things from her. She felt terrible for keeping it from Joohyun that Seulgi may in fact still have a heart somewhere, but for Joohyun’s happiness and wellbeing, Seungwan didn’t mind having to play the antagonist once in a while.

“I’m going to see Seulgi-unnie and I’m going to ask her what is going on. I’ll find out the truth.” Yeri said stubbornly,

“What truth? That she’s become a greedy, ruthless tyrant like that Jung Sangmin?” Joohyun snapped. “Don’t be naïve, you’re only going to get disappointed.”

“I’m not naïve! I know she’s not like how you say she is.” Yeri retorted. “I will see for myself and then prove all of you wrong.” She turned to leave the house.

“Kim Yerim!” Joohyun shouted but her cousin ignored her and ran outside.

“Joohyun.” Seungwan called out gently and grabbed her arm, stopping her from running after Yeri. “Just let her, she won’t listen to us no matter what we say. She will just have to see for herself.”

Seulgi took her keys out of her pocket as she trudged towards where her car was parked after a long day at work. She honestly didn’t know how she was surviving this; sure, working for Jung Sangmin was rewarding in terms of money and power, but it wasn’t easy on her conscience. As he trusted her more and more, Seulgi was able to see more and more of the darkness hidden in all the so-called legal deals and businesses. She saw the people that got hurt and affected by the actions of their company, she saw the people who lose all of their money so that Jung, and now her, could get even more.

She hated it. More so, she hated how Sangmin was so careful and sly as to not leave any traces back to himself. She couldn’t get enough solid evidence on him to put him in jail for the rest of his life. And until then, she couldn’t do anything but continue to be his loyal servant who was just as greedy for wealth and power as he was.

“Seulgi-unnie!” She barely had time to turn around and register why there was such a familiar voice shouting her name when a small figure barrelled straight into her, almost knocking her over with the force of the embrace.

“Y-Yeri?” Seulgi’s eyes widened.

Yeri sniffled, burying her face into Seulgi’s jacket. “Seulgi-unnie I missed you so much. You’re finally back.” She cried, looking up with teary eyes.

Seulgi’s heart broke a little and she could only apologize repeatedly, squeezing the smaller girl into a tight hug. “You’ve grown a lot, Yeri-ah.” She mumbled, looking at her face properly. God, she missed her favourite kid so much too. “You’re graduated now right?”

“Yeah.” Yeri stared up at Seulgi’s warm eyes, and she knew that gaze. It was no different to the ones she had seen for the past few years and in that moment, Seulgi was still the same Seulgi she had known and loved.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t be there.” Seulgi apologized again although no amount of ‘sorry’s could ever make up for the damage she has done to everyone close to her. “How did you even find me? Does Joohyun know you’re here?” She furrowed her brows.

Yeri bit her lip, diverting her gaze sheepishly. “She didn’t want me to see you.”

That seemed to pop Seulgi’s temporary happy bubble and drag her back into reality. “Can’t blame her for that.” Seulgi said honestly. “And she’s right… You shouldn’t be here.” She added quietly.

Yeri’s head shot up and she looked at her with disbelief. “W-What? Why?”

“You’re a big kid now, you should understand that things have changed. It’s best to accept it and move on instead of dwelling in the past and trying to hold on to something that doesn’t exist anymore…Do you understand what I’m trying to say?”

“Do you not love Joohyun-unnie anymore?” Yeri asked sadly. “Because if you do, and you want a second chance then you can still-” Her hopeful suggestion was cut off before she could even continue.

“I don’t think that’s necessary.” Seulgi said, coldness taking over her tone of voice. “I’m glad that I was able to see you again after so long, but it would be best if we don’t meet again after today. Listen to your cousin, and avoid me.”

“But why?” Yeri looked at her and Seulgi forced her eyes away so that she wouldn’t weaken at the sight of an upset Yeri. “Seulgi-unnie.” She whimpered as she stepped closer, reaching out to tug on her coat.

It was too much to bear and Seulgi almost gave in. She wanted nothing more than to hug the younger girl and say that she didn’t want to push her away, that she still loved Joohyun so much that it hurt and that she was doing all of this because of a stupid contract she had signed. She wanted to let her know how much she missed her and Joohyun and the rest of their friends, and how desperately she wanted to throw all of this away so that they could be together again like old times.  

But before anything slipped, Seulgi was saved by someone she never thought she would be grateful to see. Yeri turned around, staring warily when a tall and pretty girl ran over to them after calling out Seulgi’s name.

“You haven’t left yet?” The newcomer asked, automatically latching onto Seulgi’s arm while standing closely to her.

“I was just about to. What are you doing here?” Seulgi asked, taking a glance at Yeri who stared quietly, no doubt figuring things out in her mind.

“I’m going out for dinner with Dad.” Krystal replied before her lips formed a pout. “I wish it was with you though.” She tightened her clutch on Seulgi’s arm, leaning in closer.

“Ah, I see how it is.” Yeri’s bitter tone interrupted the two of them and Krystal looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

“Who is this kid? Do you know her, Seul?” She asked.

“Y-Yeah.” Seulgi could feel Yeri’s burning gaze on her even without having to look at her. 

“No wonder you don’t care about us anymore and keep telling us to move on. It’s because you’re the one who moved on so quickly and found someone new.” Yeri clenched her fists. “I am so sorry for being a bother to you but don’t worry, I will stay out of your way from now on.”

Seulgi didn’t say anything except nod curtly and Yeri her heel and marched away, fists clenched and tears slipping out involuntarily. She wished this was just a bad dream, but perhaps Joohyun was right. She should stop being naive and accept the fact that Seulgi was no longer the same Seulgi she had known. 

Krystal started talking excitedly about coming over to her house tonight but Seulgi couldn’t hear any of it over the sound of her loud thoughts. First Joohyun walks away from her. Then Seungwan and Sooyoung and now, even Yeri has walked away. The only one who wasn’t angry at her for going to jail, who didn’t believe her friends when they said Seulgi had changed, who willingly came to see her and had hope that Seulgi was still the same as before… Now she has given up and left her too. It felt like the last remaining piece of her past had disappeared as well and Seulgi had truly lost everyone.

“This undercover mission is more dangerous than it seems. Sangmin is like a venomous snake, he does things quietly and unsuspectedly. You won’t even know until he’s struck and by then it will be too late. Just because you work for him doesn’t mean you are safe from him, if he even has a slight suspicion about you or if he sees you as a threat, he will take action. Most of the time not on you, but the people that you hold close. One of the reasons we chose you is because you don’t have family members that he could use against you. But your friends could be put in danger if anything ever goes wrong, which is why we always recommend our undercover agents to cut off ties with people so that there’s nothing that can be used against them.”

a/n: omg how does it feel to know the big secret that no one else knows about :))
i apologize for the lack of seulrene in this update ;-; (i hate it too)
i normally try to avoid using korean words in my writing but it felt so weird if yeri didnt use honorifics so in the end i gave in...
seulrene moments gonna start in the next chapter btw! about time

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72 streak #1
72 streak #2
Chapter 21: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
72 streak #3
72 streak #4
Chapter 18: Damn
72 streak #5
Chapter 17: I cant take it anymore. :(((
72 streak #6
Chapter 16: Brb gonna shed more tears
72 streak #7
Chapter 15: I trust seulgi!
72 streak #8
72 streak #9
Chapter 13: Intersting and scary chap ok ok

Authornim, I have stan twt tooo!! Can we be moots?
72 streak #10
Chapter 12: Damn scary