

Arms wrapped tightly around her body, pulling the coat closer to preserve warmth but it didn’t help with the coldness that she felt from within her. Despite her efforts to erase the thoughts, she couldn’t wipe the image of Joohyun with Bogum from her mind.

“Yes, I’m with Bogum now.”

Seulgi bit her lip, her steps slowing to a stop as she became more aware of her surroundings. After seeing Joohyun, she had just wandered off without a destination in mind, walking around aimlessly like she was brain-dead. Now, she had no idea where she was.

It must be getting late, perhaps almost midnight. She tilted her head back to look up at the dark night sky, and she watched the puffs of air disappear into the night when she exhaled. Maybe she should try to get a place to stay tonight.

Pulling her phone out of her pocket, she ignored the pang in her heart when the picture of her and Joohyun lit up the screen. She scrolled through her contacts, seeing all the familiar names of people she once called friends. Well, she still considered them her friends, but it was clear that the feelings weren’t reciprocated.

Tucking her phone back into her pocket after concluding that no one would pick up her call, she heaved a sigh. She had no one anymore. Seulgi felt so very alone and the night seemed to get even colder. This road that she had chosen was not an easy one and she was very aware of that since the beginning, but what she expected was nowhere near the pain she currently felt. Had she known, she wouldn’t have chosen this path in the first place.

She walked across the street towards the tacky ‘MOTEL’ neon sign that hung loosely in front of an old building. This would have to do for tonight.

Bogum stole a glance at Joohyun who had been completely silent the entire car ride. She had her arm propped up against the door and her head atop her fist, staring out the window in deep thought.

He cleared his throat, “Joohyun? We’ve arrived.” He said, breaking her trance.

“Oh. We have.” She said faintly. “Thank you for the ride. My car should be fixed by tomorrow, so I won’t need to hitch a ride from you anymore.”

“You know I don’t mind driving you.” Bogum replied earnestly, staring at her and Joohyun cleared , diverting her gaze as she grabbed her handbag and reached for the door handle.

“Thanks again, and goodnight.” She said before getting out of the car. Bogum hesitated for a moment before he followed, getting out of the car to stop her from going into the building just yet.

“Are you okay?” He asked, looking concerned.

“Yes, why wouldn’t I be?” She smiled innocently at him.

“Joohyun…” He sighed. “I’ve known you for almost six years. You think I can’t tell if you’re not in a good mood?”

“I’m fine, really.” She said, but the way she avoided his gaze was contradicting her words.

“No, you’re not.” He said. “And no one expects you to be fine, not after you just saw her again.”

“I don’t want to talk about her.” Joohyun’s eyes flashed warningly at the mention. “She’s dead to me.” She added emotionlessly.

Bogum exhaled, scratching the back of his head. “Look, I just want you to know that I’m always here for you if you need someone to talk to.”

“I know you are.” Joohyun gave him a smile although it still looked strained. “You’ve always been, and I’m grateful for that. But really, I’m fine. Yes, seeing her has brought up painful memories but if I made it through the most difficult time, then I will also make it through now.”

“It’s good to see you so optimistic, then I don’t have to worry.” Bogum flashed a smile and she nodded. Silence fell over them and Bogum rocked back on his heels slightly, biting the inside of his cheek awkwardly and he hated how sending her home always ended up like this.

Oh, how easy it would be if he could just kiss her goodnight. But Bogum was very aware of his place and where the line was drawn.

“It’s getting late, you should go home now.” Joohyun reminded, breaking the awkward silence.

“Right, yes I should.” He laughed. “Goodnight! I’ll see you tomorrow.” He waved and Joohyun nodded, waving back before turning to go into the building. Bogum watched her disappear from his sight before he went back to his car and heaved a small sigh.

It was complicated; Joohyun and him, it was a strange relationship yet it still somehow worked.

He wasn’t her boyfriend, she wasn’t his girlfriend, but they were together. And it didn’t matter how complicated their relationship was, because as long as he could be with her, whatever the title may be, he was happy.

“Hyun, you’re finally back!” Seungwan skipped out of her room happily at the sound of the front door closing but skidded to a stop when she saw her. “Joohyun? Why are you crying?” She ran over to her housemate and also best friend.

“Seungwan…I…” Joohyun stammered as she buried her face into her friends shoulder when she was enveloped in a warm and comforting hug.

“Hey, it’s okay. Take it slow.” The girl patted her back soothingly, letting her cry to her hearts content. “You’re not hurt, are you?” She asked worriedly.

“I-I saw her.” Joohyun said in between shaky intakes of breath. “Seulgi.”

“What?” Seungwan’s eyes widened incredulously. “She’s out? Where did you see her? What did she say? What did you say?” She blurted.

“She came to see me…” Joohyun said, taking deep breaths to stabilise her voice. “And I walked away from her. I made it clear I wanted her out of my life.” Seungwan saw how her eyes filled with tears once again before she whispered the next part. “But maybe I don’t.”

“Joohyun…She’s not the Seulgi we used to know anymore.” Seungwan frowned at the thought of Seulgi looking for Joohyun; did she think they could all pretend as if nothing ever happened? Did she think Joohyun would happily take her back and forgive her for everything she had done?

“But I miss her. I miss her so much.” Joohyun confessed as the tears started again and she buried her face into her hands as sobs racked through her. She thought she had moved on; being able to put the past behind her and forget about the bad memories. But the moment Seulgi appeared before her eyes again in person, all of Joohyun’s defences came collapsing down. Seeing her familiar figure standing before her, with her warm and soft gaze that never failed to make Joohyun melt on the inside, then hearing her voice call out her name… Everything felt the same.

“I know, I know.” Seungwan cooed, hugging her friend close again. “It’s hard to let go of someone who you loved, but Joohyun, you spent an entire year getting over her and healing from the pain she inflicted on you. Don’t let this one moment of impulsive emotion ruin all of that.”

Seungwan had never been prouder when Joohyun was finally able to stand back up on her two feet and move on with life after the incident. Even prouder when Joohyun promised them she wouldn’t forgive Seulgi as the Seulgi she knew and loved didn’t exist anymore. The Seulgi they all knew was dead.

So it really worried Seungwan, hearing how Joohyun was realising she never really got over her ex-lover. Seeing her friend break down in uncontrollable tears like she did one year ago over the same person, and confessing that she missed them despite how much they had hurt her, Seungwan was really worried. She didn’t want her friend to get hurt again, and most certainly not by the same person.

Joohyun closed her eyes, the image of Seulgi tonight returning to her mind vivid and detailed, because she had refused to let the memory slip. Seulgi…The girl whom Joohyun had loved for seven years, the girl she saw a future with, and also the girl who broke her into a million pieces when she ultimately chose to give her up in order to pursue other things in life.

The whisper almost went unheard but Seungwan caught it and she felt more worried than ever.

“I want her.”

Seungwan shook her head vigorously. This could not happen. Over her dead body would she allow Joohyun to go back to that person who so cruelly broke her heart. She knew Joohyun wouldn’t be happy with her, and sooner or later, she would just be heartbroken again. Seungwan wouldn’t let that happen.

“But Joohyun, this isn’t Seulgi. The Seulgi you want…She’s not here anymore.”

She took a deep breath, staring at her reflection in the slightly cracked mirror. Reaching up, she straightened her collar and adjusted the blazer so that it was perfectly aligned and she looked presentable.

It had been a while since she wore clothes like this again and looked well-dressed. She tilted her head to the side, observing herself from head to toe. She looked foreign even to herself. But this was her life now; this was the Kang Seulgi she had become.

Her phone buzzed with a message and she glanced at the screen briefly before slipping it back into her pocket. She straightened her back, giving herself one last look of determination.

You can do this.

Seulgi grabbed her duffel bag from the bed on her way out of the motel room and made her way downstairs, feeling the cold air seeping through her clothes. The car was already parked right outside, a navy blue Rolls-Royce that was polished spotless and looked almost brand new. The driver immediately ran out to open the door for Seulgi when she arrived and she thanked him before getting into the luxurious backseat of the car.

The heavy scent of cigar smoke filled her senses and she stifled a cough, peering through the thick smoke to see the man seated beside her. The middle-aged man was clothed in an expensive three-piece suit, his black hair combed back neatly as he took puffs from his cigar.

“Mr Jung.” Seulgi bowed as deeply as she could to her boss, otherwise known as the chairman of the biggest company in Korea, J Corporation.   

“Seulgi, it’s good to see you still in one piece.” He acknowledged her. “I was afraid you wouldn’t make it out.”

“There’s nothing I can’t handle, Mr Jung.” She smiled confidently.

“You never stop proving yourself worthy to work for me. I’m glad I made the decision to take you under my wing.” He chuckled, “Are you ready to go? I have to take you somewhere.”

“You know I’m always ready.”

Her reply made him laugh heartily again as he lightly kicked the seat in front of him and told the driver to start the car.

Seulgi took the chance to take in the views of the city as they drove. It really had been a while, and she felt a familiar ache inside of her, knowing how much she had missed during her time away. The world keeps moving even if you don’t, Seulgi now understood the full meaning of it.

She soon realised they were driving into the land of one of the most expensive neighbourhoods in Korea and Seulgi’s mouth dropped at the sight of the high-end luxurious apartments. She was still speechless as she followed her boss into one of the buildings, led by a real estate agent. She was still in awe as the elevator travelled up to the top floor and the door to the penthouse was unlocked for her.

It all felt like a dream as she walked inside the insanely large house, furnished with only the best materials and decorated with modern furniture and artworks.

“Like it?” Mr Jung’s voice managed to find its way through Seulgi’s dream-like state and reach her. She could only nod with still agape as she tried to take in the overwhelming sight. A piece of paper was placed in front of her and she glanced at her boss who encouraged her to pick up the pen and she signed it, her mind still floating through a different dimension. “Then it’s yours.”

She shook hands with the real estate agent who gave her a smile and she was still dazed at what was happening. “Welcome to your new home Miss Kang, we will finalise the arrangements and send you the documents later.” He bowed to her and then to Mr Jung before taking his leave.

“W-Wait, this is mine?” Seulgi asked, wide-eyed.

“Correct.” He smiled, looking amused at her bewildered expression. “If any of the furniture is not suited to your liking, just let the agent know and he can arrange for new ones to be put in.”

“It’s fine the way it is.” Seulgi said, her voice trailing off as she pinched herself lightly to make sure it wasn’t all a dream. “It’s more than fine. This is…This is just amazing.” She said breathlessly.

He took a keychain with two car keys attached out of his shirt pocket, “There are two cars downstairs in your bay, both yours. I chose what I thought would suit you, I hope you like them.” He placed the keys in her hand and Seulgi’s eyes widened again, recognising the car brands as ones she never imagined she would be able to drive in her lifetime.

“Mr Jung…Isn’t this too much?” She suddenly felt bad when she realised how much she was receiving.

“It’s nothing compared to what you’ve done for me, kiddo.” He ruffled her hair, teasing her lightly. “This is just a small gift, and I can’t have my chief assistant living in a cheap motel can I?”

“This isn’t small at all.” She pursed her lips at the thought of the number of digits that all this would’ve costed.

“Oh, you have no idea.” He smirked. “This is nothing compared to what you will be gaining in the future as you continue to work for me.”

A smile formed on Seulgi’s face and her fingers closed over the keys in her hand. “I can’t wait.”


a/n: (the mr jung character is made up)
this is turning out more angsty than i had wanted hahha...
thoughts on whether joohyun should give in and go back to seulgi or nah?

thank you to everyone who read/subscribed/commented/upvoted! <3

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got featured :O thank you so much to everyone for reading and for supporting this fic <3 love you


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64 streak #1
64 streak #2
Chapter 21: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
64 streak #3
64 streak #4
Chapter 18: Damn
64 streak #5
Chapter 17: I cant take it anymore. :(((
64 streak #6
Chapter 16: Brb gonna shed more tears
64 streak #7
Chapter 15: I trust seulgi!
64 streak #8
64 streak #9
Chapter 13: Intersting and scary chap ok ok

Authornim, I have stan twt tooo!! Can we be moots?
64 streak #10
Chapter 12: Damn scary