Chapter 4 - This Was A Hump And Dump Situation

Beat The Odds
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"Inoperable optimism?"said Jongin, reading a book cover suspiciously, turning it over to skim through the back blurb.

They were in a bookstore and were trying to find the books Baekhyun had suggested that Chanyeol should read. Jongin had read some of the titles out loud and seemed really freaked out by then, explaining that to him they sounded like hippie books. He gave Chanyeol a confused look before continuing to read and laughing a little to himself.

"Mystic psychiatrist? What is that?" He seemed really confused and also amused now. "Why are you buying this?"

"My therapist said that I should read it so I'm going to read it," Chanyeol explained. Jongin didn't seem convinced that it was a good idea. He threw the book into his friend's shopping basket and continued looking around the aisle they were in. He saw a book and picked it up, holding it for Chanyeol to see. It was a book about Mardi Gras.

"Let's go to Mardi Gras," he said. Chanyeol couldn't tell if he was kidding or being serious.

"Why would I go to Mardi Gras I have a boyfriend and all you do is get laid there," he replied, rolling my eyes at him.

"You have a boyfriend?" Jongin asked giving him over dramatic wide eyes before chuckling softly, satisfied with his own joke. Chanyeol gave him a dirty look. "Oh yeah, I forgot. Why would you go away with me to a big party when you're not even getting laid, s, s or even  here? Where's the logic in that?" he said sarcastically and way too loudly. The older tried to shush him because he was being embarrassing but Jongin simply rolled his eyes at and looked around the store. Suddenly, something caught his attention. Chanyeol followed his line of vision to see what it was. Of course, it was a blonde girl. Now it was his turn to roll his eyes at his best friend.

"You know what?" Jongin asked.

"What?" Chanyeol prompted him.

"I'm gonna take advantage of this whole thing."

"What do you mean?" Chanyeol asked, tilting his head a little in confusion. Jongin took the list of books from his hand before he could stop him and walked swiftly over to the blonde. Chanyeol noticed that she had a name tag on so she must work here. They were close enough that he could hear but he kept his head down pretending not to listen.

"Hi Luna? Luna," Jongin said, reading her name tag. "I'm Jongin." He gave her a warm smile.

"Hi, how can I help you?" she asked, returning the smile.

"I was wondering if you could help me to find some of these please?" he asked and handed her the list. Chanyeol looked up and she was reading the list. Jongin looked back at his friend and received a glare in return from him. What was he up to? He winked at Chanyeol and turned back to Luna.

"Are these for you?" she questioned, her eyes wide. Then she realised what she had blurted and shook her head. "I'm sorry that's actually none of my business."

"No don't worry about it!" he laughed making her feel less awkward. Chanyeol kept glancing up from a book that he had opened to see what his friend was doing. He continued.

"Thank God these aren't for me! No, these are for my friend, that guy over there with the beanie on," he told her and started pointing at Chanyeol. The taller had been looking up when Jongin mentioned 'the guy' but when they started staring at him he shifted his focus back down to the book. Why did Jongin have to embarrass him so much? Here he was standing beside a bookshelf with a beanie on his bald head, looking at psychiatry and self-help books. Just a month ago if he'd seen a guy like this he'd have thought it was a skinhead who'd had a change of heart. He started sweating from the nervousness of people staring at him.

"That guy?" Luna asked pointing at Chanyeol.

"Yea they're for him. He's my buddy and he's really sick."

"Oh, that's awful."

"Yea he's got type four back cancer." Chanyeol rolled his eyes as far back as physically possible. Back cancer. Wow. Jongin started tearing up and wouldn't look her in the eyes. All Chanyeol wanted to do was eternally roll his eyes at him for being such an idiot. He knew his best friend was just trying to score a dare with this girl. Jongin didn't really have a preference for boys or girls he just liked to .

"Oh no!" sighed Luna. Chanyeol could hear the upset in her voice.

"I know it's quite sad," said Jongin. "But I don't like to focus on that! I take it from the positive side! I take him out to bookstores, on walks, out for snacks." He was making Chanyeol out to be some kind of simpleton or a pet or something. As if he couldn't take care of himself! God he would get an earful when they were alone again. Although, his tactic seemed to work because Luna was interested.

"So uhhhh," he mumbled glancing at the book list.

"Oh right!" she perked up. "The books are just over here if you'll follow me!" She sent him another warm smile which he returned.

"Sure! Thank you!" He gestured for Chanyeol to follow them.

Soon they were buying all of the books on the list and Jongin had arranged a date with Luna. She packed the books into a bag and handed it to Chanyeol.

"Alright there you go!" she said and smiled at the taller. She smiled a lot.

"Thanks you!" he answered trying to smile back as big as her.

"Bye! I'll see you tonight!" added Jongin as they were leaving.

"See you then!" she giggled waving at them.

"Nice to meet you!" Chanyeol yelled back as they walked through the doors before smacking Jongin with the bag of books and handing them to him. "Your friend's type 4 back cancer is acting up so you gotta carry the bag

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Hello everyone so there has been a slight change to the title of the story, please don't be alarmed! The story will remain the same, just the title will be different is all! ❤


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I like it
Chapter 11: Kyungsoo is but It seems like chanyeol goes from one guy to another guy easily....
Izzawa_94 #3
Chapter 7: It's good chap but you've got each characters' wrong name tho.. It's confusing me.. Hope you'll corrected it later.. ✌
Izzawa_94 #4
Chapter 5: I love this story ❤ can't wait for next chaps.. Poor channie ..