Chapter 31: Brothers for Life

Crimson Pride
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The appearance and loud whirring of the machines plunged the enemy troops into further disarray. It was complete chaos on the battlefield as men from the enemy’s troops scrambled out of the way of the way of Baekhyun’s creations but those that were not fortunate enough were ploughed down. Even those who had managed to get out of the way had failed to dodge the projectiles that were fired from the mobile launchers. Shrieks and cries of agony sounded from everywhere as men went down by the tens. Each launcher equalled to the strength of a hundred men and was controlled by a party of five men from the Silver company. It was a mass slaughter, a blood bath.

Seulgi’s senses were overloaded as she rode her fierce steed through the battlefield. The General felt as though she was controlled by some primal instinct to cut down anyone who was in her path. How many men had she slain? Seulgi lost count but it did not matter as long as it were men wearing other colours. All she knew was that the faster she slaughtered them, the faster this war would be over. Amidst the chaos, Seulgi had a vague sense that Chanyeol had been shadowing her and that lent Seulgi even more energy. It was always good to have a brother behind your back.


It felt like forever since the battle had begun. The battlefield was littered with bodies, broken and whole alike, and the stench of iron from blood wafted in the air. Chanyeol was beginning to feel the strain of the battle. The Lieutenant Colonel had not only busied himself with slaying his enemies but also ensuring that his General was safe. However, as he watched the way his General fight, thoughts about his protection for the General might have been an unnecessary move filled his mind. Seulgi looked almighty on his horse, stealing the lives of the others without a second’s hesitation.

Chanyeol was feeling equal parts of awe and fear of the General right there and then. How could someone fight with so much valour and have so much endurance? Chanyeol really could not keep up.

This further reinforced Chanyeol’s thought that he was truly not suited for the military life. The Lieutenant Colonel wanted everything to end without any loss of lives. Each life he took was akin to torture for him and Chanyeol wondered why he had thought of war as a glamorous affair when he was a boy. There was no satisfaction in winning wars, no pleasure in snatching people’s lives, and therefore, there was no happiness in prolonging his time in the military. Chanyeol was certain he was done with wars. Such thoughts came at a wrong time and Chanyeol had accidentally let an enemy’s blade get too close. Fortunately, the slash had gotten caught in his boiled leather vest beneath his heavy armour but the momentum had thrown him off his horse.

The Lieutenant Colonel landed with dust obscuring his vision. Rolling away from his own panicked steed, Chanyeol got up quickly to meet his foe but two other enemy soldiers had gained in on him. Three against one, with no horse, Chanyeol was severely disadvantaged. The two foes had each given him a cut at the joints of his armour and the Lieutenant Colonel grunted from the pain. Motivated by the successes of their first two assaults, the three enemy soldiers became more savage but less accurate as they swung their swords wildly. Chanyeol shielded himself and parried away most of them, those that he missed however, became wounds on his body.

The injuries, hampered his movements and Chanyeol felt despaired as he realised he could not hold out for long and knew his end would come soon unless a miracle happened. Chanyeol wanted to give up but that once he closed his eyes, the image of his smiling Seungwan appeared and he opened them back immediately again. His face, stained with blood, sweat, and tears must still reflect his determination to live because he knew, he knew that the Princess was watching, praying for him.

Then, the miracle that he had been praying for happened as an arrow protruded from the chest of a soldier. Chanyeol’s eyes widened and found his saviour to be none other than Baekhyun. The Lieutenant Colonel of the Silver company had gotten out from his mobile launcher and had shot the arrow with his bow instead. This fool!

Another arrow found its way through the skull of his other foe. Roaring with laughter, and surging with renewed energy, Chanyeol then cut down the last man with ease. He turned to flash his fellow Lieutenant Colonel, brother in arms, and childhood friend the happiest grin he could ever muster which was returned. They would let bygones be bygones, every heated discussion that had occurred during the past few months, and every injury they had given each other, be it physical or psychological had dissipated.

Yet, that moment of camaraderie shared between the two was short-lived and the grin on Chanyeol’s face faded away immediately as he witnessed Baekhyun skewered by two blades. The next thing Chanyeol knew was of himself slaying the two enemy soldiers who had done such a cruel deed to his brother. Then, Chanyeol released a loud cry which he never knew he was capable of making.


Seulgi heard and recognised it. She recognised the agonised cries of her brother in arms and turned, searching amidst the sea of bodies and people. Then she saw, the reason for the cry from Chanyeol and with cold-hearted fury, she skewered the men in her path to reach them. This would undoubtedly be a scene she would never forget; of Chanyeol kneeling before their fallen brother.

Baekhyun was gone.

Images of Chanyeol and Baekhyun’s cheerful laughter came flurrying back to her. Then, accompanying it were a muddle of other memories and the General had to will her own tears back.

“Get back on your horse, Lieutenant Colonel,” Seulgi ordered upon reaching the Lieutenant Colonel.

“I don’t want to fight anymore.” Chanyeol said as tears, mixed with blood and sweat streamed down his face.

Seulgi had to breathe in deeply to reign in her emotions before she ordered again, “Get back on your horse, Lieutenant Colonel. If not for yourself, then for Baekhyun, for your living brothers, and the Princess’s sake.”

Chanyeol shook his head, still refusing to budge even as chaos continued to erupt around them. Seulgi had cut down four more men as she circled the grieving Lieutenant Colonel who had lost all his will to fight. The General could take it no longer.

“Tell me you haven’t seen death, Lieutenant Colonel! Tell me you didn’t expect anyone of us to die! And finally tell me you will not be breaking hearts of your loved ones if you die here too!” Seulgi shouted and she finally felt tears stinging her own eyes.

Those harsh words from Seulgi seemed to have taken effect as Chanyeol snapped out of his senses but it was not nearly enough to drum the fighting spirit back into him. Seulgi leapt down from her own horse in her agitated state and dragged the Lieutenant Colonel up by his collar, shaking him to his senses.

“You will fight for Baekhyun and everyone else who cares about you. You will take revenge for Baekhyun, you will kill those who intend to cause harm to your loved ones, and you will do Baekhyun proud,” The General hissed at Chanyeol’s face.

Then, she saw, the light that had entered Chanyeol’s eyes and the renewed strength surging through Chanyeol’s body.

“Damn this war, damn myself, damn everything,” Chanyeol shouted as he ran and grabbed the reign of a nearby steed, slung Baekhyun’s body over the horse and seated himself in it.

Those were the last words the General heard the Lieutenant Colonel say before she had launched herself back into battle.


Qi’An emerged victorious that day but not without heavy losses. To Seulgi and her Prides, the greatest was definitely Baekhyun. Chanyeol had refused everyone except the Princess from visiting his tent. The rest of the Prides, tried to bury their sorrows by tending to the injured men.

An entire week after the battle, Seulgi finally demanded entrance into Chanyeol’s tent. It was hard to think that the once cheerful Chanyeol had become the listless man that was before her now. Fortunately, thanks to the Princess’s care, Chanyeol still look rather presentable and his injuries were well tended

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2 updates this week to make up for the cliffhanger. Hope you guys will enjoy it :)


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2187 streak #1
Rereading this again!!!
As always seulrene has great fics than Wenrene… why….
Chapter 34: Wahhh still the best 💕💕💕
Chapter 34: I'm re-reading this again and I can only say that the whole story is incredible.

You did an amazing job author.
Atiyejavid #5
Chapter 9: is this where irene learns that seulgi is a girl?
Atiyejavid #6
Chapter 6: Ooooo johyun is in love ❤️
Atiyejavid #7
Chapter 3: This is a wonderful story I'm really enjoying this
Atiyejavid #8
Just started rereading it
Chapter 34: Awesome author-nim
Chapter 1: This story seems really interesting, just starting with it...