Chapter 2: The Strategist

Crimson Pride
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Despite sporting numerous bruises along her limbs, Seulgi had not stopped training since dawn. Competition day was in a week’s time and Seulgi could not afford to slacken. Injuries were not strangers to Seulgi as they had accompanied through her growing years as she toughened herself up.   

“Aren’t you pushing yourself too hard?” Jongin asked with the lopsided grin on his face as he wrapped his own fist with a white bandage, ready to join his fellow enlistee in training for the competition.  

“Aren’t you too?” Seulgi asked back, as she lashed out another series of double kicks to the already abused wooden dummy that was before her. Jongin joined in and the two enlistees rained down punches and kicks alike, so fervently, that splinters flew.

“I must say that I cannot tell you have so much power in you with that size of yours.”

Seulgi threw a sidelong stare at Jongin. Unlike Jongin, who is a real male, was built tall, muscular, and tanned, a stark contrast to Seulgi. Growing up, Seulgi heard countless of times that she was too short for a male and that could be one of Seulgi’s main giveaway point.

Seulgi then remarked upon Jongin, her eyes staring balefully at those naturally slender but well-toned arms of Jongin’s. No matter how hard Seulgi trained, her limbs would only become more sinewy but she could never bulk up. If only… if only she was truly born a man, then Seulgi could perhaps be the epitome of the male specimen. The disguised male could only scoff at her unrealistic thoughts.

An arm flew towards her suddenly. Seulgi grabbed it on reflex and twisted them causing Jongin’s body to turn upon instincts with the motion. Seulgi smirked as she saw that look of surprise on Jongin’s face and heard him gasping for breath.

“Goodness! Have mercy on me!” Jongin growled, clenching his teeth as he bore the pain.

Seulgi released the wailing grown man’s arms immediately and laughed when it was Jongin this time who gave her a look of disgust.

“You are so going to win this competition, I swear.” Jongin rotated and flexed his arm which was almost twisted off by Seulgi as he said, the earlier grin on his face completely wiped off.

The wolfish grin that had been on Jongin was now reflected in Seulgi’s face. “I will, but no worries, you can take second.”

Jongin scoffed and that was the end of the conversation before the two enlistees engaged in a duel, both in armed and unarmed combat. It became apparent to Seulgi that Jongin’s favourite weapon was the sabre and a shield. The defensive type of fighter. This too, stood stark in contrast with Seulgi’s combat style of favouring attack and speed.

Steel rang against steel each time the sword met the sabre. Jongin’s blows were hard. Fortunately Seulgi had anticipated them to be so and managed to hold her ground each time it came crashing down on her. Despite so, they were slightly on the slow side and Seulgi’s sword easily made contact with Jongin’s boiled leather with the flat side of her steel. Her male opponent hissed each time he was hit and Seulgi felt satisfied in doing so.

“Not kidding, you will win this competition.”

Seulgi shrugged lazily with an equally nonchalant smile on her face. “Let’s just hope so.”

The two then returned the blunted weapons to their racks

“At what age did you start training?” Jongin asked, curiosity written all over his face as he unwrapped the dirtied bandage from his fist.

“Five.” Seulgi stated flatly and threw a cool towel to Jongin before she headed to her quarters, breaking off their conversation.

To Jongin she might have seemed in her top condition for the competition but the girl knew it was otherwise. For the past few weeks, her mind had been clouded, constantly distracted by the image of the lady who had ridden on the horse. Seulgi detested it, she detested that her heart was so easily swayed by looks. What she hated most was how taboo it was for her to feel for a woman. Pressing the cold towel to her own face, Kang Seulgi decided to stow away all these thoughts of hers as she prepared herself for the competition.

To heighten the excitement of the competition, the details for the segments were only announced five days before the start of the competition and it was rumoured that the segments were planned by the War Strategist. Once again, Seulgi knew that this was no rumour however this time, the letters from her family were less useful and even they themselves could not get hold of any details with their connections. Seulgi sighed, it was not as though she needed them. Competitions were all the same which meant that they were thoro

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2 updates this week to make up for the cliffhanger. Hope you guys will enjoy it :)


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2188 streak #1
Rereading this again!!!
As always seulrene has great fics than Wenrene… why….
Chapter 34: Wahhh still the best 💕💕💕
Chapter 34: I'm re-reading this again and I can only say that the whole story is incredible.

You did an amazing job author.
Atiyejavid #5
Chapter 9: is this where irene learns that seulgi is a girl?
Atiyejavid #6
Chapter 6: Ooooo johyun is in love ❤️
Atiyejavid #7
Chapter 3: This is a wonderful story I'm really enjoying this
Atiyejavid #8
Just started rereading it
Chapter 34: Awesome author-nim
Chapter 1: This story seems really interesting, just starting with it...