
Monochromatic Hearts

A/N : thanks to illa, kim kai has a fandom name uwu



Monochromatic Hearts



“2017 WAMA”

Article : Kim Kai wins Artist of the Year for 3 years consecutively, Red Velvet snatches Album of The Year for the first time

Source : Ilsan Sports via Naber




1. [+955, -76] Congratulations to Red Velvet!! They deserve it. I cried when they cried too…

2. [+843, -50] Red Velvet, you girls did well!! Hope next year will bring more success for them!

3. [+642, -102] As expected of Kim Kai, 3 strikes in a row. Congrats!

4. [+450, -87] I liked Kim Kai’s stage. I thought he was distracted at first but that was just a stunt to catch the audience off guard. He has a different aura. Kairoses were amazing with their fanchants.

5. [+223, -40] Congrats to all the winners! Next time just demolish these award shows if the camerawork is going to zoom out of the actual artists performing. The stages were nice, though.


Article : Oh Sehun takes home two crowns for Best Male Dance and Best Male Solo. Jennie takes Best Female Solo.




1. [+955, -76] Congrats to queen Jennie~ She had the best stage tonight in my opinion.

2. [+843, -50] Sehun killed it with his performance. Totally the best in SM. Congrats for the awards! Let’s aim for a daesang next year~

3. [+642, -102] Jennie is so talented. Hope YG will give her more opportunities to sing.

4. [+450, -87] Congrats! They all deserve it!

5. [+223, -40] I was hoping for some collaboration between him and Kim Kai. It would have been nice to see two different wavelengths in one stage.






“Hey, you alone?”


The other male looked up from his bubble tea, his face apathetic. Maybe it was surprise, but it wasn’t distinct on his facial features. 


“Yeah.” The guy answered. He didn’t look hostile, but certainly not that welcoming either. Jongin smiled anyway, taking a chair out for him to sit while the guy returned to drinking the bubble tea. The cafe was pretty empty except for a bunch of female trainees laughing on the other side. Jongin probably should’ve gotten his own drink too because he’s starting to feel a little awkward with nothing to keep his hands occupied.


“I’m Jongin.” He introduced himself.


“I know,” The guy answered, finally smiling and now he looked more warm. “You’re pretty famous.”


Jongin rubbed his nape bashfully. “I wouldn’t say so…”


“I’m Sehun.” He stretched his hand out and Jongin obliged. “Nice meeting you, I guess.”


Jongin chuckled politely, his lips in thought. “I’m actually here for a favor.” 


“Favor? Me?”


“Yeah,” Jongin had been thinking for a long while, had been going to all the practice rooms and observed each trainee, and he thought Sehun had really clean and sharp movements when he executed his routines and therefore he figured he had made the right choice in approaching him. 


“Go ahead.”


“Would you like to join me dancing for Yunho-sunbae?”


“Yunho-sunbae?” Sehun exclaimed, his eyebrows going high now and Jongin guessed that was as surprised as he could look. “Are you sure you’re asking the right person?”


“I’m positive.”


There was a doubtful look crossing his face and Jongin was not ready for rejection since he didn’t want anyone else. Sehun was perfect.


“Why me?”


Jongin smiled. “Cos’ you dance well.”


“I do?”


“Yeah,” Jongin frowns. “Do people not tell you that?” 


“Not really,” Sehun almost sounded sad, slurping on the last of his bubble tea. “They never bothered, I guess. How many people are you looking for?”


Jongin wanted to say that not only Sehun danced well - he was damn good at it. For someone with a tall build, people would expect them to be lanky when they dance, but it wasn’t the case for Sehun. Sehun was crisp when it comes to fast moves, and angelic in slow routines. “Only one.”


Sehun had a pout set on his lips as he gave it a brief thought before shrugging, smiling amicably. “Why not.”


The two trainees had a good time practicing together and knowing each other better, all for good fun and missed youth due to their intensive training period. When Jongin debuted, their shared time had been scarce but nevertheless still there, and the other male kept cheering him on and then being cheered on as he debuted a year after that. 


Jongin winning his first music show award was emotional enough for Sehun to cry for him too, both in each other’s embrace and sharing the joy of being rewarded for their hard work. Of course, the longer they worked in the industry, the lesser the waterworks as they flourished with wisdom and discretion, especially under the scrutinising eyes of the public. 


They resorted to congratulating each other by a half hug or through texts if their schedules demanded for their presence elsewhere, though their sincerity remained all the same, still. It’s easy to gain new friends within the industry, but it’s another thing to really learn their underlying motives for the whole showbiz is just one big circus of fraud. But Jongin and Sehun fortunately found candor in their friendship and it was nice to at least have one genuine friend in the horrid circus.


This, however, is the first time neither of them congratulate the other for their well-deserved awards. 




Kyungsoo feels a little choked up scanning his old apartment. He’s lived there ever since he became independent from the orphanage, a quarter of his life engraved here. In another person’s eyes, it would be a breath of relief to get out of such a place, but Kyungsoo is much too attached to it he’s now a little sad.


He places Winter’s toy ball inside a cat carrier and the feline comes running into it, and he then secures the latch. She isn’t one to make a fuss when coerced into the carrier so a toy ball isn’t really necessary, but Kyungsoo doesn’t want her to be bored inside there. 


He gives one last look at the living room, at the small dining slash coffee table, and at the old washed out brown couch, before lifting the cat carrier and locking the door for the last time. After returning the keys to the landlord, he goes to meet his neighbour and thanks him tearfully, the old man wishing him a good life in the city and also to let him know once he’s delivered, Kyungsoo blushing to no end. He guesses people can easily tell now if they closely look at him despite Kyungsoo’s attempts to hide the bump underneath his oversized clothings. 


As Kyungsoo reaches the end of the stairs, Jongdae quickly helps him with his cat carrier, placing it at the backseat while Baekhyun struggles to squeeze Kyungsoo’s bags at the car boot. Since the new apartment is close to fully furnished, Kyungsoo isn’t bringing his old furnitures and it saves a lot of hassle of finding and paying for a moving truck. 


Jongdae goes to the driver’s seat while Kyungsoo checks up on Baekhyun and his progress with his bags, looking if he needs help but soon Baekhyun finds his way to it and finally shuts the car boot. He laughs when Baekhyun playfully lets out a huffy sigh at the trouble.


In the car, Kyungsoo has Winter on his lap since he feels bad leaving her in the carrier after a while. She hardly travels so it’s not very often for her to be caged up in her carrier. The feline stands on her hind legs and rests her front paws on the rim of the window looking out at the view, her tail swishing happily. Kyungsoo hopes Winter will like her new home.


After a while, the feline curls up on his lap and naps away, Kyungsoo petting her gingerly while looking out the window, wondering what life in the city and at his new job has in store for him.




Jongdae and Baekhyun would’ve brought him for grocery shopping to stock up his new kitchen but Sehun has another filming schedule in the evening and Kyungsoo doesn’t want to keep them. The supermarket is a walking distance anyway, as like many other conveniences, so Kyungsoo can just stop by a little later once he’s up for it. 


“We’ll visit you often,” Baekhyun pulls him for a hug, only to snort when he can’t pull Kyungsoo flush against him with the growing bump in the way. “Damn, they’re so big now.” Kyungsoo rains a light hit on his shoulder. 


He wants to ask if the ‘we’ include Sehun before deciding against it. The idol has kind of made himself clear about not meeting Kyungsoo personally, so maybe if they all come together it would make things easier for the both of them. Kyungsoo will still want to know if the idol is doing well - he’s still his friend after all.


After the award show, they haven’t really talked much except for Kyungsoo’s text congratulating him. With his resignation Kyungsoo doubts they will ever have a lot of time together anymore, and if the idol ever plans on visiting him at his new place. He just hopes they won’t completely cut off all forms of contact due to the strange air in the friendship now. 


Speaking of friendship, Kyungsoo doesn’t like to meddle but it seems that Sehun and Jongin are not really on their best terms, from the way the latter idol almost punched the former backstage that night, and frankly he doesn’t know why. Kyungsoo thought their bond was stronger than that, or maybe it’s just a little rift. Regardless he hopes it’s nothing serious. It’s a wonder that Jongin still pulled off his performance smoothly and perfectly despite the minor feud when if it were any other person, their subconscious would have been too perturbed it reflects onto their activity. Perhaps Jongin really is that amazing, interchanging his persona when needed and the stage needs him to be Kim Kai, so he becomes Kim Kai. 


Closing the door, he examines the security keypad, frowing as he toggles his way to change the settings and his passcode but gives up in the end at the complexity. He’s never had the need to use it before and now that it comes to it, he’s confused at the mechanics. He settles for manual lock for now and makes a mental note to ask Junmyeon about it. Before going to his room, he unlocks the cat carrier and Winter comes out of it, stretching her limbs and finally sniffs around the house in a mini exploration. Kyungsoo just hopes she wouldn’t fall sick since cats tend to get a mild fever in their adaptation process to a new environment.


It’s more than twice as bigger than his old place, and the floor to glass window makes it even more spacious than it looks. Kyungsoo’s not sure if he’ll ever get used to it, but he knows he has to if he plans on raising two little cherubs here. He suddenly finds himself picturing two tots running around and into the master bedroom in a play-chase and he has to pause amidst unpacking to gather himself together. It’s still a long way to that.


He soon receives a text from Jongin, asking him if he’ll be home tonight, and Kyungsoo replies with a yes. It’s quickly followed by a ‘Are you stopping by?’ because Kyungsoo is suddenly nervous to see him again- but really, when is he not nervous meeting him?


They’re somewhat stuck together because of the twins, and Kyungsoo knows the idol has been having a hard enough time with them as it is, in between his busy schedules too. Kyungsoo doesn’t know how to make things easier for him than to listen to him and be good, which is also the key reason he accepted having his rent be handled by Jongin too when he wanted so hard to decline it.


Maybe he could negotiate with him about that, and maybe it could happen tonight. So after Jongin replies him with a ‘yes, around 9’, Kyungsoo also sends his own response.


“Looking forward, then.”




Jongin lies down on the floor, uncaring if his sweat spills there as he pants hard and tries to catch his breath. Kasper tosses him a bottle of water to which he expertly catches and twists open the cap. Getting up to sit, he throws his head back and takes generous gulps, replenishing his body water content after all that perspiration and reminding himself to get something more isotonic to balance the minerals out later. 


“For just practice, you sure are going hard at it,” Kasper notes, sitting beside him and drinking from his own bottle while wiping his forehead with his face towel. “Something wrong?”


The idol merely hangs his head down, still breathing slightly hard, as he caps the bottle back and tosses it at the side. “I’m good.” He lies, not feeling all that good if he’s being honest with himself. 


They’ve been practicing for two new songs, yet to be confirmed if they will be included in his next album or in his next tour song lineup, and the ambiguity is slowly killing him. No one has called him for a meeting to confirm about it, and not wanting to waste time his choreographer came out with a routine for the two songs and to just practice that while waiting for any word from the higher management. 


Usually an artist would be briefed or at least hinted about their incoming works months before they get around to them. Jongin has been left in the dark ever since the release of the blind items, and as much as he hopes that no news means good news, he would really appreciate some form of reassurance from the agency regarding the future of his career. At this point, Jongin can only assume the worst. 


The only activities he is confirmed to participate are the rest of the award shows as well as the year end music festivals, and after all of those are over he hasn’t gotten a word about his future works, neither as Kim Kai nor as actor Kim Jongin.




Jongin presses the doorbell and waits, removing his mouth mask and taking off his black cap, ruffling his hair to undo the flatness done by the cap. When the door finally opens, he almost drops his cap. 


The last time Jongin feels this warm was when he debuted and received high praise from his seniors as well as the people around him, and if there is one thing people note about him is that he rarely ever gets flustered now, not even at compliments for putting up a good performance or anything similar to that. So when he feels his face warming at the sight of Kyungsoo wearing the cream cardigan he bought for him as the door is opened, he has to take a step back to will the warmth to go down and it’s not particularly helping when Kyungsoo also seems to have noticed him noticing it and proceeds to flush all the way to his neck, making it two people being unreasonably embarrassed at a doorway. 




“I-" They both say simultaneously, until Jongin clears his throat to get himself together. “I can see that you’ve received them well.”


The shorter male smiles bashfully. “Y-Yes.” He stammers, fiddling with the ends of his sleeves. “They’re lovely. Thank you.”


When Kyungsoo steps aside and looks up at him expectantly (and shyly, dare Jongin say) Jongin quickly makes his way inside to prevent any further unnecessary warmth on his face, hearing the door shut behind him and he looks back to find the shorter male doing the latch. Only the latch, though. And when he looks closely, the device beside the door is turned off.


“You don’t arm your alarm system?” He asks.


Kyungsoo looks up at him, at the security touchpad, and back at him again. “I haven’t changed the passcode yet…”


“Doesn’t mean you can just let it be disarmed. Let me see,” Jongin walks up to it and inspects the device, turning it on and tapping on a few buttons until the word ‘ARMED’ pops up. “There. It’s armed now. I know this place is gated and guarded but it doesn’t mean you can compromise your own safety due to some lenience.” When Kyungsoo still looks puzzled, he disarms it again to teach him and observes if he does it right. 


“…Can you show me how to change the passcode too?” Kyungsoo asks quietly. Jongin blinks at him once before going back to it, tapping on some options and pulling back.


“Enter your old one,” He instructs, watching the elder male entering 1-2-3-4-5-6 and it soon moves to the next step to set a new passcode, further watching him trying to think of a new one and as he’s about to enter it, he spares Jongin a hesitant glance. “What?”


“Can you… look away for one sec…?”


Rolling his eyes, Jongin looks away anyway, listening to the device beeping, signifying the confirmed action of his passcode change. “You didn’t put your birthday, now did you? Birthdays can be predictable.” 


“No,” Kyungsoo steps away from the device with a rather content smile.


Jongin then has the wildest idea, and he fights the urge so hard but he’s gravely curious.“…It wouldn’t happen to be mine, right?” The question has Kyungsoo sputtering, vigorously shaking his head no with a prominent pink on his cheeks. It’s not like he would mind much if Kyungsoo did key in his birthday.


“When is your birthday, anyway?” He doesn’t care much for birthdays, not remembering even his own manager’s birthday for that matter. He follows the former makeup artist to the kitchen, all the while looking around the place. 


“January 12th.”


“Oh. That’s t—”


“Two days ahead of yours, yeah.” Kyungsoo blurts out only to grow flustered afterwards. “S-Sorry.”


Jongin doesn’t think much of it, merely watching the shorter male setting two mugs on the counter before asking the idol if he wants anything in particular, to which Jongin answers chocolate. Kyungsoo then checks the cabinets, mumbling about not having gone grocery shopping yet while taking out the jar of chocolate and finding a clean spoon, and Jongin isn’t really listening as he finds himself staring at the growing belly overlaid by the cardigan he bought for him. Only when the pregnant male pauses in whatever he’s doing does Jongin slowly look up, worries if he’s been caught. He almost lets out an audible sigh when the shorter male is only staying still to carefully pour water from the boiler into the two mugs.


When Kyungsoo finally turns around with both mugs in his hands, Jongin smoothly looks away, pretending to look around until he finds himself actually studying the apartment. “You picked a good place.”


“Thanks to Junmyeon, I did,” Kyungsoo says, placing the hot chocolates on the bar top and beaming at Jongin to sit.


“But it certainly looks like it could use some work,” Jongin takes his seat across of him, looking around the rather empty living room except for one sofa and a coffee table as well as a small flat screen television, otherwise it leaves a lot of space that could have been put to great use. “With more… furnishings.” He then looks down on his mug of chocolate, appreciating the bittersweet scent wafting in the air.


“I think it’s okay,” Kyungsoo smiles, and they share a quiet moment between themselves before Jongin occupies himself with drinking the hot chocolate only to wince since it’s still too hot. “Jongin.”


The idol gives up on trying to occupy himself and settles for giving his undivided attention to the other male. Kyungsoo looks like he’s thinking twice or thrice about going on, and Jongin patiently waits.


“I think… you should let me pay half of it. At least.”


“The rent?” Jongin an eyebrow at him. “Are you sure you can afford that?”


“I- I make my own money too, you know.”


“Then use it on makeup, food, other stuffs. Leave the rent to me.” Jongin asserts, finally raising his mug to his lips as if it will make his decision seem final.


“…Ten percent?” Kyungsoo tries again and Jongin almost chokes on his chocolate. “O-Okay, fine. Rent’s on you.” He breathes out huffily, and Jongin can tell that he still wants some sort of contribution to the whole matter but decides to contain it. Instead he watches him down his own chocolate, and it kind of takes him back to when Kyungsoo visited his apartment and drank the sour cranberry juice.


“Do you still get morning sickness?”


Kyungsoo slowly lowers the mug, looking up at him and offering a small smile. “I still do, just not as bad. Thank you for worrying, though.”


Jongin opens his mouth to argue that he’s not that worried but he snaps it back close, looking away as he drinks.


“Jongin, I’ve been meaning to ask… Um, Junmyeon said something about me being reallocated somewhere else… Is that true?”


Jongin wants to face-palm right then and there because his manager wasn’t supposed to blabber about it until the right time has come. In fact, it’s just a possibility and nothing has been greatly considered yet since everything is still yet uncertain. But now that Kyungsoo brings it up, Jongin has no choice but to tell him the truth. 


“I uh, was thinking that this is a temporary place for you while you begin to work at LOEY.” Jongin elaborates himself. “And with you nearby, I get to check on you…r twins.”


Pouting, Kyungsoo stares down at his drink quite dejectedly, his two hands cupping the warmth. “So… I won’t get to raise our babies here?”


If Jongin was drinking he would’ve spluttered chocolate all over himself because of Kyungsoo’s choice of words, but he wasn’t so he’s thankful for that but it doesn’t stop his face from growing warm again and Jongin surprises himself for feeling this flustered. 


“I’m not saying you can’t. I just think it’s possible that we might move you somewhere more… convenient.”


“But what’s wrong with this place?”


“Nothing’s wrong with this place, it’s just—” He pauses for a deep inhale while trying to sentence it properly. “I figure you might need some form of assistance with the twins, and I don’t see this place fit.”


“Assistance? By who?” Kyungsoo frowns. “And why not here?”


It’s been on Jongin’s mind a lot, to be honest. Because surely Kyungsoo won’t be able to raise the two of them on his own - parenting is hard work. It’s just that Jongin hasn’t been very firm about it and he has a lot of things to consider before he even think of settling down, most of it being his job. And with the former idol makeup artist looking questioningly at him as if he has all the formulated answers ready, Jongin can only drop his head and sigh. “Mind if I use your restroom for a bit?”


Blinking once, Kyungsoo leans back and moves to get off his seat. “Sure- ah, I haven’t cleaned the one outside yet so you better go into the one in the master bedroom instead.” Jongin follows his lead into the bedroom, staring at the blue knitted socked feet shuffling and then up at the cream cardigan hugging his figure warmly. He’s still staring even when the elder male is turning around and the bob of black hair transitions to stunning facial features. Kyungsoo’s eyes are really something; they stare up at you with an interesting innocence, gracing Jongin with an unusual feeling. 


“I’ll um, be waiting in the living room,” Jongin sees the lips hesitantly quirk upwards before he leaves. 


Going to the restroom is just an excuse to take a break from him.




Vitamin B-6



Jongin reads the label off the pill bottle after having washed and dried his hands, wondering why he would place a diet supplement in the bathroom instead of the kitchen or somewhere else. There’s also another bottle of painkillers but it’s still full and it’s quite understandable that Kyungsoo doesn’t take them in the state he is in. 


He takes out his phone to do a quick Google on what they’re for, and Google gave him ‘morning sickness’. 




“So when are you starting at LOEY?”


Kyungsoo looks up from rubbing Winter’s stomach, the feline almost limp on the floor and Jongin can hear her purring all the way from where he stands near the glass window, looking at the cars below and at the lights scattered on the otherwise navy blue canvas. There’s no balcony and Jongin suspects Kyungsoo picked this place for that very reason. The cat does seem like family to him after all. “Mr. Park told me to come by tomorrow. Said he’ll show me around and brief about my pay and all.”


“You’ll be surrounded with chemicals,” Jongin turns away from the glass, facing the sitting man. “Would that not aggravate your nausea?”


“Nothing I’m not used to,” Kyungsoo beams. “I’ve been working with chemicals almost half a decade now.” Winter soon gets up, the owner watching it strut away. Jongin almost blurts out that things are kinda different now that he’s expecting.


“That night,” Kyungsoo begins this time, his voice quiet and Jongin watches him grunt a little before making himself comfortable leaning on the edge of the couch, his legs folded and his hands resting on his bump, and maybe Jongin’s a little distracted. “Why did you fight with Sehun?”


The mention of that name, however, leaves a bad taste in his mouth. “I forgot you saw that.”


“I thought you two were best friends.”


“Until that day he kissed you, we were,” Jongin mutters under his breath, turning back to seeing the city lights.


“W-Was it a big deal? Him kissing me?”


“Was it not to you? He made a move on someone who is already pregnant with another guy’s kids -with his best friend’s kids. Did that not strike you as a big deal?” 


“But apart from the twins, there is nothing between you and me.” 


The truth in Kyungsoo’s words prick, and it’s a reminder yet again, of which the first was given by Sehun himself, that indeed Jongin and Kyungsoo have nothing between each other. The only thing that bound them together are the two beans steadily growing in Kyungsoo’s womb. He brought it upon himself. It was not his business, so why does he still feel worked up over it?


“Sehun knew,” Jongin suddenly comes to a deduction with a frown. “He knew about the speculations on him. That’s why…” He closes his eyes and exhales through his nose.


“Speculations?” Kyungsoo looks up at him, confused. “What speculations?”


It occurs to him that Kyungsoo has really never gotten around to read that side of the news, and it is probably somewhat buried now with updates from the recent award show and hype about their upcoming year end music festivals. “Never mind. If… If people ask you about me or Sehun, or anything weird at all, just tell them that you don’t have anything to say about it.”


“What’s wrong?” The shorter male frowns, genuinely confused. “And what people?”


Jongin has half a mind about mentioning the blind items but Kyungsoo doesn’t seem like he would take that well, so he settles for a shake of the head. “Just, people.” He checks the time on his phone and Junmyeon must have been bored waiting down at the parking area. He’s overstayed his welcome anyway.


“Are you leaving?” Jongin nods and promptly makes his way to the door, Kyungsoo getting up from the couch to tail him.


“I- I’m sorry, by the way,” Kyungsoo apologizes behind him, making Jongin turn around to face the shorter male. “For uh, questioning about your decision on reallocating me. I should just be grateful that you’re accommodating me and going so far as paying for my rent…”


Jongin doesn’t have anything to say to that so he doesn’t, because it’s unusual for someone to apologize for just being curious, but then again, Kyungsoo apologizes for just about anything when it comes to Jongin. He doesn’t know how to feel about this, though. “If you need anything, you can reach my manager, he’ll help you out. You can even, um, reach me.” He says, fixing a cap on his head and a mouth mask. 


Kyungsoo gives a timid nod, grabbing the openings of his cream cardigan and hugging himself. “I will.”


“All the best at LOEY, then.” Jongin doesn’t look back to gauge his reaction.




“Is he settling well?” The manager asks as soon as Jongin closes the passenger door. Jongin manages a curt nod. 


“Seems so.”


“This won’t be your last time checking on him, right?” Junmyeon taunts him. “The distance shouldn’t be your excuse in not visiting him anymore.”


Jongin’s too tired to retort with his own remark. “I’m thinking of getting a car.”


Junmyeon looks at him like he grew two heads before it slowly dissolves into understanding, his hands steady on the steering wheel. “That would be plenty helpful, I guess.”


“You’ve helped us a lot. I should probably start counting less on you.”


“Not at all. If a car is what you need, then I suppose that can be arranged. Your comeback’s over and you have some free time now.”




Kyungsoo his lips in nervousness, standing before a large unit with ‘LOEY - Hair and Beauty’ reading at the entrance, flanked by a sundry and an outlet store. It’s his first day today. He’s not sure if he’ll immediately start working today, but he dresses well and comfortably and he has his work portfolio in his hands in case the owner asks for it.


The smell of chemicals instantly hit his nose the second he steps foot into the salon. Some hip-hop music is playing in the background, and Kyungsoo can hear someone humming to it as well. He approaches the receptionist who seems to be smiling on her phone.


“Excuse me,” Kyungsoo starts, hugging his portfolio close and loosening his muffler a little, reading the nametag on her chest. It reads ‘Bora’. “I’m- I’m Doh Kyungsoo, and I’m supposed to meet Mr. Park today?”


The lady looks up at him and instantly smiles. “Welcome! Do you have an appointment?”


“What- no, I’m not here for your service. I’m here to work.”


This ‘Bora’ girl looks in the distance before checking for something on the desktop. “Oh sweetheart, I don’t think we have a walk-in interview today, though-”


“Hey, aren’t you that dee kyeongsu guy on Insta?” A girl’s voice asks, and Kyungsoo turns to her.


“Wait, he is?” The girl beside her exclaims. “The guy who works for Sehun?”


“Are you?” The first girl comes up to him and looks at him in wonder, her eyes vibrant, and Kyungsoo can only hug his portfolio tighter as he awkwardly smiles at them.




“Momo, Sana, get back to work or demerits for the both of you.” A gruff bass voice reaches them, and the two girls sulkily glare at the silver-haired man going down the stairs before running off.


“Chanyeol! Just in time. Mr…. What was your name again, sweetheart?” Bora asks, and Kyungsoo opens his mouth to answer but the man is quick to cut him off.


“Doh Kyungsoo,” He grins down at him, his knuckles deep in the pockets of his jeans and only when he’s within Kyungsoo’s vicinity does he pull his hands out and reach one out towards him, to which Kyungsoo reciprocates. “Nice to finally meet you. I’m Park Chanyeol.”


Kyungsoo manages a shy smile. He was expecting someone more… upright and a lot older, but this man is far from that. He’s wearing a black button-down with his sleeves folded up to his elbow, revealing some neo-traditional tattoo of some bird on his right forearm and a yellow gold wristwatch on the other, and his silver hair looks like it hasn’t been combed today. “Oh um, yeah nice meeting you too, Mr. Park—”


“Please, just Chanyeol.” He snorts, and turns to the receptionist. “Totally my bad for not giving you a heads up about our new guy right here.”


“Yeah, yeah, Chanyeol. Don’t be too hard on him.” Bora says before returning to texting on her phone.


“My office is upstairs, so,” Chanyeol claps his hands once. “Allow me to show you around this floor first before we go up?” Kyungsoo nods, not like he is expected to say no anyway. “Great! We have hair and makeup over here, and nail over there. Zitao is one of our nail technicians. Another one is Taeyeon but she clocked out already. Or didn’t even come. We don’t have a lot of customers coming for their nails in mornings.”


Kyungsoo tries to catch up with him and the names of the staffs he list out although he is sure to forget them later. Some of the staffs there greet him with an acknowledging nod and some don’t even notice the newcomer, too busy with their customers.


“Amber is a hairdresser. You’ll be working alongside her and Kibum…”


“Is taking out the trash,” The Amber girl provides, smiling at Kyungsoo once before returning to chat with her customer while blow-drying her hair. It is then that it finally hits him that he gets to work with women’s hair too, and for the first time that day Kyungsoo is excited. Manipulating long hair is a lot more fun, albeit more tiring too.


“Cool, cool. Sometimes we have freelance hairdressers and they rent a chair for on-calls,” Chanyeol informs him before finally leading him upstairs. “How far along are you, by the way?”


“3 months and 2 weeks,” Kyungsoo replies with a small smile.


“Oh, fast into your second trimester now, aren’t you?” Chanyeol casually remarks. “On normal occasions we would treat newbies as trainees, or assistants, and have them do most of the cleaning and assisting alongside observe how we work and learn like a sponge before we recruit them full-time,” He elaborates, leading him upstairs as he speaks. “But hey I’m the boss here and I get to decide how we do things around here and my verdict is that a pregnant male can’t run around taking out trash and doing loads of laundry.”


Kyungsoo pauses in his steps when the taller man turns around, smirking down at him. “Consider yourself special.” Kyungsoo blushes more in embarrassment of not doing much to get himself this special treatment rather than the fact that Chanyeol just winked at him. 


“Our massage room, waxing and facials,” Chanyeol shows each room respectively before gesturing for Kyungsoo to step inside the final room. “And my humble little office. Come on in.”


Kyungsoo seats himself on the chair and places his portfolio on his lap, watching Chanyeol settle on the other side of the desk. Soon, the two girls from just now knock on the door with a cup of warm tea in their hands, setting them for the two men before going off, but not without a hidden smile directed at Kyungsoo while he can only offer a small wave. 


“Famous already, I see,” Chanyeol an eyebrow, looking smug and Kyungsoo blushes.


“Ah, no, I didn’t expect to be recognized…” He mumbles.


“Help yourself. Those two are our assistants, by the way. You can ask them for anything.” Chanyeol says, sipping on his tea once and Kyungsoo mirrors him. “That your portfolio?” He points to the file on his lap and Kyungsoo wordlessly picks it up and hands it over to him and he flips through the pages with a constant smirk. “How was it? Working for Oh Sehun?”


Ah, he must be asking that since a lot of the pages on his portfolio are of Sehun’s photos, both hair and makeup wise. “You fly a lot, I guess.”


Chanyeol snorts, amused, turning to the next few pages, and it is then that Kyungsoo realizes to his horror that this might be the ‘boss interviewing their potential worker’ and he might as well have just ruined it. 


“Not good for the baby, huh? Constant travel and all,” The taller man says, finally closing his portfolio and slides it back to him before sipping on his tea. “That his child?”


The former makeup artist’s eyes widen when he looks up at him. “What?”


At Kyungsoo’s reaction, the salon owner quickly holds up both his hands. “Don’t mean to pry. Just that Jongdae said you have special circumstances, and although rare we do get expecting parents working here too. I was simply curious about what this ‘special circumstances’ means. But please, feel free to not answer.”


“Um, by all means, Chanyeol, it’s a little personal…” Kyungsoo confesses, looking down at his cup of tea. 


“Then that’s totally fine,” Chanyeol reassures him before moving on about his work contract, and Kyungsoo’s utterly relieved he’s not probing too much.  “You are interested in working full time here afterwards, right?”


Kyungsoo assumes he’s asking about after his delivery. “I am,” He nods, can’t find any better idea anyway and the job sounds personally rewarding itself. “Would love to.”


“Lovely,” Chanyeol pulls out his drawer in search of something, placing a paper pad on the desk and slides it to him, further discussing about his contract and insurance and other job details. Since this isn’t a street salon where every staff does all the work and are more commonly referred to as ‘beauty therapists’ in general, the job here is specific and strictly does not entail one person to do another one’s job. Kyungsoo is here as a new hairstylist, and is expected to only entertain clients in that department. It’s a little sad that he can’t do makeups on these customers, but hair is fun too.


“I think you can start working tomorrow. Bora told me we have enough hairdresser to client ratio today, not that we allow last minute appointment bookings anyway. But that can be considered on a case-to-case basis,” Chanyeol clarifies. “Like a badly time-managed actress. Quite common.” He follows it with a laugh, and Kyungsoo guesses he’s a decent boss with how easygoing he is. Maybe he’ll have a good time working here.




Halfway through December finds Jongin preparing to shoot a VCR for a year end music festival.


“It’s gonna be your 6th debut anniversary soon, isn’t it?” Minseok asks conversationally, his hands kept busied with sorting out his brushes while he looks for Jongin’s shade of foundation. “December 23rd?”


“Yeah.” Now that Minseok mentions it, his anniversary is around one week from now. He’s been working in the industry for 6 years now.


“Heard you’re given some time off that day. Gonna celebrate with your Kairoses? Or are you going anywhere?”


“Probably visiting my family. Catching up.” And potentially introducing someone. “It’s around Christmas anyway.”


“Guess that’s for the better,” Minseok chirps. “Hey, I remember you asking me about LOEY some few days back.”


“Yeah. What about it?”


“I was catching up with my old friend there, and- you know Doh Kyungsoo right? Sehun’s makeup artist?”


Jongin thinks he’s doing excellent at acting. “Yeah, I’ve heard of him.”


“He said Kyungsoo will be working there now.” Minseok states, going back to his case to look for a different brush before returning to Jongin’s face. “Do you hear anything from Sehun about it?”


We’re not on speaking terms at the moment. “No. Does your friend know why he’s working there, though?”


“‘Special circumstances’ or something like that. Wonder what it is.” His makeup artist hums noncommittally before reaching for Jongin’s eye to line it. 


Well damn, he guesses some people really just like to talk. “You’re not very close with him, are you? Considering your line of work…”


“Who, Kyungsoo? Nah, we just met at SMTown last year I think. Quiet guy.”


There’s a knock on the door, and they both turn to see it’s his manager. “Sorry, Jongin. Car hunting will have to wait until tomorrow. Senior management wants to see you later after the filming.”




“What do you think it will be about?”


Nervous is an understatement. If Jongin was just halfway done back when they called to meet him immediately after the release of the blind items, this time he’s all nerves. He hopes it’s good news in the form of a new tour or a new album, or possibly drama or movie casting calls. 


“No idea.” Junmyeon simply responds, walking beside him. As they approach the meeting room, Junmyeon pushes the door open and lets Jongin walk in first before himself, and in there sit two expectant middle-aged men.




Kyungsoo flips the milk carton to check for the expiry date before placing it inside his trolley, now full of food to stock up his new kitchen. He then checks his watch for the time, worrying Winter will be hungry at home due to this impromptu trip to the supermarket. 


He guides his trolley to one of the cashiers, but stops at one of the lanes to grab a personal cart, deciding it will be useful for grocery shopping like this. It’s a 10 minute walk from his new home to this supermarket anyway, and he can’t possibly carry everything and hope to make it back without tired arms.


After showing up to the salon just now and studying his new work environment, Kyungsoo concludes that he definitely needs to work on his people skills. Working with Sehun meant only having to deal with one personality, and the last time he had to deal with different types of clients was when he was apprenticing at a street salon before auditioning to work under SM. If he wants good reviews then he’ll have to win his clients’ hearts. He’ll need to entertain to their life rants and story sharing and play the ‘therapist’ in beauty therapists, although he’s pretty much just licensed in ‘beauty’. 


Dusk gets remarkably cold here. Kyungsoo looks for a beanie in his bag and puts it on before pulling on his newly bought cart filled with his shoppings and starts walking home. It’s different out here in the city than back at his former area. There are people everywhere, and there’s also Kim Kai everywhere. Mostly. Standees, billboards, brand advertisements on the LED screens on buildings, everywhere. Occasionally there’s Oh Sehun. Kyungsoo passes by everything in hope to reach home soon.


As he waits for the elevator, he sighs, his hand going over his back to press some massages there. He can’t imagine how it would be like once he approaches his due date. Once the elevator dings, he pulls his cart and is about to walk in when someone beats him to it. The lady seems like she’s in a rush, her lips muttering in Mandarin to the caller on her phone as she taps for her floor. When she notices Kyungsoo still pausing in front of the lift, she urges him to come in with her free hand and Kyungsoo does, not knowing why he froze like that in the first place. 


He taps for his floor and soon the doors close.


“You don’t park in here?” The lady chats him up as soon as she ends her call, scrutinizing Kyungsoo’s cart.


Kyungsoo smiles. “I don’t own a car.”


“Oh,” She offers him a smile. “Would’ve thought that you would, you know. Since you’re living here.”


Kyungsoo can only respond with a polite chuckle, understanding exactly what she meant. To not own a car but can still afford to reside here can be a little questionable. He thought it would be a silent journey until she speaks again. 


“You’re expecting?” She asks, more out of curiosity than courtesy. “Your husband doesn’t drive you to the store?”


He doesn’t know what to reply to that. It’s out of the norm here, or rather untraditional, to be a single parent, more so when you’re pregnant. So instead of denying the mention of a husband, he simply plays it safe with a shake of the head. 


“Hubby issues?” She whispers, and Kyungsoo wills the lift to go faster because at this point he doesn’t think he can keep up with the (sort of) lie. When he hears a chuckle from her as well as the ding of the elevator, he looks up to fortunately find that it’s her floor. “I’m Victoria, by the way. Unit A-9-12. Come by if you need anything.” She then add in a playful whisper. “Or if the little one needs anything.”


Kyungsoo smiles and waves goodbye at her as the elevator doors close again, sighing in relief. He isn’t sure how to make new friends here and simultaneously avoid the topic of the baby daddy, especially now that people can tell he’s pregnant.


Upon reaching his floor, he pulls on his cart and the tiny squeaky wheels roll on the floor, the plastic bags rustling against each other. The door labelled A-11-10 greets him and Kyungsoo exhales through his nose as he keys in the passcode.


1-1-1-2-2-3. The door unlocks. 





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Been thinking about this fic lately :(



Chapter 22: This is such a good read, am not giving up on this story, either. Still hoping for an update :)
Kainatwafa #4
Chapter 22: I'm still not giving up on this story. Please update its one of my favourite kaisoo fics ever.
Cupcake19 #5
All I would like is an ending this story is so good I would hate for it to not see an ending even if you have writers block we will wait till this story can finally be finished thank you for all of your hard work so far 💙
Chapter 22: I miss
Chapter 22: Don't pressure the author yall, I'm dying for an update just as much as the next one but they already stated they're busy with uni, maybe they have a writers block or simply don't feel the story anymore. Which is sad but I'm happy we have as much as we already do and real life comes first <3
I need update plz
chanlily2109 #9
Chapter 22: Hi Author Can you update please ?
Por fin pude votar! ❤Desde que empecé a leer tu historia, quise darle el voto y no podía.
Vine en cuanto pude. En verdad me gusta mucho y espero pronto puedas a actualizar 😊