
Sweet Memory
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november 29th

This new school is alright. I made new friends with 2 girls in my Music Theory class and they let me sit with their group for lunch and we all exchanged numbers. They asked me if my parents pack my lunch for me still and I just laughed and shook my head. Mom and Dad hardly have time to cook us dinner so basically every night I take my time to pack oppa's lunch as well as mine. I wish we would stop moving so much, but they said this place is ours to own now which I'm pretty excited about. I have my own room now, much more different from that small apartment that we stayed in before this one. Well, I should get started on homework and get ready for bed.

                             signed, Jisun.

The small girl leaned over to grab her school bag that leaned on her bed frame. It was just out of her reach, "Damn, these short arms." she said to herself before scooting her chair closer so that she could pull the bag to her. She sighed as she threw it onto the desk and moved her chair back to it's original position. She took out the Music Theory home work that was assigned for the day. She knew how to read music but she wasn't confident about pitches since her voice wasn't as strong as those around her. She hummed the melody that was on the scale as she wrote the corresponding letter on top of each note. It wasn't long until she reached the end of the song and realized that she wasn't supposed to go that far. Her teacher had told them that they were supposed to do a line each day.

"Well... At least i wouldn't have to MT homework to do for the week," Jisun said as she shrugged. She got up and got ready for bed. She took a quick shower and slipped into her favorite pajama set. She layed in bed and stared at the ceiling before eventually reaching for her phone that lit up in the dark room. It was a message from one of the girls that she met earlier. 

"YO! It's Jiwon from Music Theory. Was wondering if you finished the MT homework." 

Jisun's small fingers got onto replying, "Yeah... Well I accidentally finished the whole thing... Do you need help?"

"No... I was just trying to make small talk. You can sit with us at lunch everyday if you'd like. The girls really liked talking with you today. :)"

A small smile appeared on her face, "I didn't talk much though... but I'll see you tomorrow, I need to get to sleep." 

"You sleep early... lol. See you tomorrow! <3" 

Jisun plugged her phone into her charger and looked at the time, "20:30" it was still pretty early but she still believed that the reason she wasn't getting taller was because of her lack of sleep in middle school so getting enough sleep was very important to her. Her phone lit up another time so she pulled it closer to her once more to check if it was Jiwon again. 

"Jisun-ah! Remember to take the dog out in the morning tomorrow, I have to leave early for basketball practice. You start school a bit later anyways." It was her older brother. 

"Yeah, sure. Don't forget your lunch... you forgot it today... Be careful!" Jisun replied back and shut off her phone so that she could finally get to sleep. 

 Jisun woke up, her phone, and opened up the curtains in her room even though the sun wasn't up yet. She went to brush her teeth and passed by her brother's room to see if he had already left. His room was messy from looking for practice clothes and his bags were gone, it was now time to check if he forgot his lunch. She quickly jogged over to the kitchen with the toothbrush still in . She smiled a bit after seeing that her box was the only one there. She jogged back to the bathroom and finished brushing her teeth. As usual her parents leave their coffee cups in the sink with a bit of the dark liquid still sitting at the bottom. She made herself a cup of tea and walked to the room where her dog slept, it was just in front of the door that lead to the backyard. "Ahchoo! Come lets go do business!~" She said cutely to the white colored pup. She waited until Ahchoo stretched and jumped out of her bed before walking out. Jisun let the dog run around as she sat on the steps, drinking her tea.

Fifteen minutes later Jisun heard her phone ring from kitchen. She called Ahchoo to come back in and gave her breakfast. She jogged over to her phone and answered. "Yes hello? Who is this?" Normally she would check who was calling but she was just in a rush to answer just in case her mom was calling. 

"Oh- Jisun, I didn't think you'd answer since it's so early... It's Gyuri, Since you're our new addition to our group, I would like to invite you over for breakfast at the Jang residence! The others will be here too!" A very enthusiastic voice said through the phone. 

"Oh, sure! Let me just get my stuff ready and I'll head on over... Just text me your address." Jisun said with a small smile. 

"Okay, see you here!" Gyuri said and hung up. It sounded like she was busy cooking breakfast. 

The small girl let Ahchoo out once more as she got her stuff ready. She threw on her uniform and tied up her hair. Before leaving she picked up after Ahchoo and let her back in after tossing the bag into the bin outside. She bid the puppy goodbye before throwing on her backpack and leaving. She checked the directions to Gyuri's house and noticed that she just lived a few streets down. She then noticed a familiar face leave the house that was across the street from her. Jisun didn't get to talk with the girl since she was too busy looking on her phone the entire time. Jisun didn't know if she should say 'Hi' or just keep walking. She decided that she would act like she didn't see her and put her earphones on and started to walk. She then felt someone tap her shoulder and the same girl popped up, slightly out of breat

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Chapter 1: I thought this is going to be WonSun but another ship is sailing....
This is cuuute
Chapter 2: Aww this is so cute
Oh my, I think I need an update ? This is so good.
Chapter 1: This is great! Can't wait to read more~