
i think we have a problem...
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“Okay, Seungwan-ah. We're leaving for a while.” Joohyun patted Wannie's head on the way to the dorm's entrance. “I've prepared food for you in case you get hungry. It's in the green tupperware at the bottom-most fridge compartment.”

She leaned on the wall with one hand to balance herself while she put on outdoor shoes with the other.

One by one, the members passed by Wannie to the shoe and coat racks by the door. Wannie stood silently a few feet away, looking so forlorn that Sooyoung let out a laugh.

“Unnie, we're not going to be gone long.” Sooyoung bent down to Wannie's eye level. “It's just one schedule. We'll be back before you know it.” She reached out to give Wannie a soft pat on the cheek, before standing up and shrugging on a dark blue trench coat.

Seulgi looked at Wannie for a minute, then ran back into their room and came out with a huge, white, teddy bear. She placed Wannie's arms around its neck, its hind legs touching the floor.

“So you won't feel lonely,” she said, patting its tummy.

Wannie gave her an accusing look over the top of the bear's head. “Are you patronizing me?”

“Of course not. Now if you need anything, just give Seulgi-unnie a call. Ok?” Seulgi tilted her head and directed an eye-smile at Wannie.

“And don't open the door for strangers,” Yerim added. “not even if they say they know us, or if they tempt you with candy.”

Wannie blew her bangs out. “Guys, I may look like a child right now, but I'm still an adult in here.”

Joohyun smiled, placed a hand on the doorknob, “We know. See you later~” then walked out, holding the door open for the other members.

“Bye, unnie.” The maknaes chimed as they followed their leader out of the dorm.

“Bye, Seungwannie~” Seulgi turned back to give a quick wave over her shoulder before exiting.

The door's automatic lock clicked shut behind them.



In the car, Yerim turned to look back at the dorm's facade, which disappeared from sight as their vehicle turned a corner.

“I'm worried about Seungwan-unnie.”

Joohyun laughed. “It's not the first time she's left alone in the dorm, you know.”

“Ahhh~ I miss her already.” Sooyoung grinned mischievously. “So cute and small and absolutely can't fight back when we bully her with love.”


The members checked their phones simultaneously.

Seulgi: Wannie <3 What are you doing~? [WavingRyanTheLion.jpg]

They turned to stare at Seulgi, who looked up from typing her messages.

“What? I miss her, too.”




Back at the dorm, Wannie lugged Seulgi's bear into their bedroom and heaved it over the bed, climbing up to lie down beside it. She stared up at the ceiling, wondering what to do with the unexpected free time.

That old woman. She never had to miss a group schedule before, and felt heavily guilty about it. She had not felt this stressed since she caught a cold and had to miss Sooyoung's surprise birthday party earlier in the year.

What worry-free life? I didn't want this .

Granted, if the situation presents itself again, she's pretty sure she would have still done the same thing.

Well, the stress that came with dance and singing practice sure went away, she mused. because I freakin' can't do that now– with this tiny body and untrained voice!

She shook her head.

Enough with the negativity! I need to keep myself preoccupied until the members come back.





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too late to upvote a lot of comments T_T but please know that i appreciate every one. reading them makes me so happy~ >_<
i want people to feel soft & warm & fuzzy when they read this; in short, i want this story to give you comfort :)
thank you so much for the love you've shown this fic!


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Kklavs #1
Chapter 6: this is too cute for my heart safgsjdkgksdgj
1692 streak #2
I forget to bookmark this... I search my 1k+ WR fic to find this fluff... Aww my heart fluttering again