
i think we have a problem...
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“We're back.”

Seulgi walked into the dorm with Sooyoung in tow. She scanned the dorm for signs of the other members while easing out of her shoes. Behind her, Sooyoung shrugged off her coat and hung it on their coat rack. They made their way into the dining area, following the light and the sound of muted conversation.

Joohyun sat at the table with a half-full wine glass in hand.

“Welcome back,” she said softly, raising a corner of her lips in a smile.

On the chair beside her, balanced on a neat stack of directories, Wannie slept– her head resting on her folded arms, and an empty glass of milk in front of her. Yerim sat at Wannie's other side, chin resting on her left palm, her right hand holding an ice pack against Wannie's back.

She lifted her eyes to smile at the newcomers. “She tried her hardest to stay awake, but fell asleep waiting for you two.”

Sooyoung smiled back at Yerim, then raised both eyebrows at Joohyun's wine glass and shook her head in mock disapproval.

Joohyun crinkled her nose in acknowledgment and let out a tired sigh. “It's been a long day.”

Sooyoung smirked and walked towards the refrigerator. “I could use a beer myself,” she said, tugging open the fridge door and rummaging through the beverage compartment.

Seulgi quietly pulled back a chair to sit opposite Joohyun. Sooyoung flopped down beside her, beer can in hand. She popped it open, took a long swig, then set the can on the table. Before she could take another sip, Seulgi grabbed her beer and finished the rest in three big gulps.

Sooyoung, Joohyun, and Yerim stared at her, scandalized.

Seulgi placed the can down and wiped with the back of her hand.

“It's been a long day,” she said, giving a halfhearted shrug.

The members silently agreed. They stared at the child sleeping peacefully in front of them.

It was Joohyun who broke the silence.

“How did it go?”

“It went smoothly, thankfully.” Seulgi replied. “No more unwelcome surprises for the night.”

“As far as the police is concerned, we just happened to be in the right place at the right time.” Sooyoung added. “Major downplay of our roles in this drama, focusing on Anna as the only protagonist. I think we did well covering our tracks; although fingers crossed that no tabloid ever gets ahold of this story.”

“We'll just deny it, if it happens.” Joohyun stated matter-of-factly, taking another sip of her wine.

“How is she, by the way?” Yerim asked, referring to Anna.

“She should be fine. We left her with the police after making sure that her parents have been informed, and will be coming to pick her up.” Seulgi replied. “Then we hightailed it out of there before we could be recognized. The kid was surprisingly calm, all things considered.” She stated, impressed.

“That's good.” Joohyun commented.

Again, silence.

“I think we should get some rest.” Joohyun decided. “Tomorrow...is another day to try and find that lady.”

The other members nodded and stood. Yerim placed the ice pack on the table and smoothed out the back of Wannie's shirt. She gently patted Wannie's cheek, and the child opened her eyes blearily at her.

“Unnie, we need to get you to bed.”

Wannie, half-asleep, reached out to Yerim with both arms. Yerim hoisted her up, and Wannie settled against her shoulder and closed her eyes.

Joohyun walked over to the sink, draining the last bit of wine from her glass. She placed the glass in the dishwasher, then washed her hands. Seulgi maneuvered behind her to throw the beer can into their trash bin.

Sooyoung lingered at the table, remembering something. “I...” she started.

Yerim, Seulgi, and Joohyun turned to look at her.

“When Seulgi-unnie was giving her statement to the police, I was left to entertain Anna...”


“Please wait here.”

The officer guided Sooyoung and Anna to a corner of the precinct, to what appeared to be their receiving area, then left with Seulgi to fill out some paperwork.

Judo puzzle mats carpeted a space that is sparsely furnished with a 3-seater couch, a coffee table stacked with car and fashion magazines, and a small bookshelf containing illustrated children’s books. A water dispenser flanked by huge potted plants lined one end of, serving to

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too late to upvote a lot of comments T_T but please know that i appreciate every one. reading them makes me so happy~ >_<
i want people to feel soft & warm & fuzzy when they read this; in short, i want this story to give you comfort :)
thank you so much for the love you've shown this fic!


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Kklavs #1
Chapter 6: this is too cute for my heart safgsjdkgksdgj
1702 streak #2
I forget to bookmark this... I search my 1k+ WR fic to find this fluff... Aww my heart fluttering again