C H A P T E R 7

Forgiving him 77 Times
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Jungkook felt like he was choking, like your hands were around his neck, softly smothering the life out of him and crushing his airway. Your words had hurt him, not that you knew about it of course.

But Jungkook was dejected.

Had you seriously thought that all that he did for you were just to keep up with the pretenses? Have you never understood his feelings?

The corner of Jungkook’s lips turned up sadly as he shook his head. Of course, you didn’t think that his acts were genuine. After all, reading the first few chapters of your diary had helped Jungkook understand just how much he had broken your heart, little by little, inch by inch.

Yet, Jungkook thought that he still had a chance with you, and that he could perhaps salvage this relationship. Jungkook had thought that reading your diary and finding out just how much his actions have affected you meant that he had some space in your heart still.

Except, you had showed and quite literally told him that it’s all over.

Jungkook then headed back to his office and sat himself in his chair. He swiveled around as he stared at your diary that was lying on his table, contemplating if he should continue to read it.

Initially, Jungkook had thought that by revisiting the past memories, your memories, your thoughts, he could perhaps have a better handle on how to salvage the relationship. He had thought that you leaving the diary for him was akin to you leaving a little piece of your heart for him, and though he couldn’t bring himself to admit it, the divorce had caused his heart to feel empty, as if something was missing.


He had thought that perhaps by reading your diary, that emptiness in his heart could close up. He was right though, reading your diary had worked. Occasionally, he had laughed at the memories but other times, he had caught himself cursing at himself for being such a .


Looking at your pink diary once again, Jungkook picked it up and opened it to where he last left off.


The time when Jungkook surprised you.


The third date came as a surprise from Jungkook. You had woken up to the smell of pancakes, thick creamy milk and maple syrup that was waffling in the air. As you slowly opened your eye to the smell of vanilla, you caught a glimpse of Jungkook hovering over you. Your eyes snapped open in shock as you couldn’t register why Jungkook was on top of you.


“I guess you really like to sleep on your day off huh.” He smirked as he stared at you with his soft brown eyes.


In disbelief, you stared back at Jungkook. He had looked incredible even though he was just dressed in his black sweatpants and a white T-shirt. But there was just something about him that made him look beautiful, innocent even. You couldn’t quite put your finger on it though, was it the way his soft brown hair fell back or was it the way his cheeks puffed up when he smirked?


You sleepily rubbed your eyes and yawned before sitting up to face Jungkook.


“Come on, I made breakfast. Then we’ll need to go out for a while later on.” Jungkook tugged at your arms, half dragging you out of bed.


After washing up, you headed to the dining room and was amazed at the breakfast Jungkook had made. There was bacon, scrambled eggs, pancakes and waffles. Even a fruit platter sat on the table, glistening as the sun gently shone on it.

You were curious and somewhat taken aback by Jungkook’s kindness but you decided to think nothing more of it. Barely managing to utter a polite thanks, you started digging in to breakfast.

As you absentmindedly ate your breakfast, Jungkook started to initiate a conversation with you. He had told you all about his week at work, how the pancakes he made were his own secret recipe and that there was a way to make them this fluffy. You gave Jungkook a quiet hum, as you listen to him speak.


Your mind however, couldn’t stop spinning as you wondered if Jungkook had a hidden agenda. You didn’t understand why Jungkook had been kind enough to make you breakfast when the two of you had only gone so far as to make coffee for each other. You felt weird that Jungkook was initiating conversations with you when normally, the two of

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Hello everyone!!! i started a new historical fic, featuring characters from exo!!
If anyone is interested check it out here: https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1329741
or you can click the link/ poster in my foreword!


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mianderthal #1
Chapter 14: I! Love! This!! Fic!!! SO much ! Keep up the awesome writing!!
Chapter 14: I'm shocked, I keep coming back to this fic. It pulls all the right strings every time @~@
hurmm..one of the important things that keeps on watering a relationship is the constant n honest communications between both parties.. :)
Sounds promising
lol I almost thought someone had pirated your story when I saw the ad, all because of the x ^o^
Chapter 14: Can Jungkook and Hyera go back together? Pleaseee I'm begging you ??
Chapter 2: First chapter, but I already feel sad, to the point that I want to cryyyy ???
Looks interesting