Second Trimester

The greatest gift
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A/N: Wow, I honestly couldn’t believe I actually got a feature. This was an amazing surprise when I found out, so thank you all who helped make that possible. This is chapter 7 that means three more to go after before I complete this fic. Enjoy!


Seulgi moved in with Joohyun as she promised. She came with just a few suitcases of things, as its most likely she’ll stay for the remainder of Joohyun’s pregnancy, and perhaps for a little while after the baby is born. It will be difficult post baby to take care of a newborn, without the constant assistance. Anything other than that will have to be worked out for when the baby does arrive. Joohyun on the other hand wasn’t thinking about that. She was just so happy Seulgi moved in with her, and even happier she didn’t have to convince her. The raven was just glad to see Seulgi come to that decision all on her own.


Joohyun was so thrilled to have Seulgi with her. She made a lot of her favorite foods, and couldn’t wait to help the monolid woman get settled in. Joohyun was so sure that nothing could spoil her mood. That was until night came and Seulgi dropped some terrible, earth shattering news.


“Hey, so I’ll sleep in the guest room.”


Well, she was happy until Seulgi said that anyway. Joohyun didn’t ask her to move in just for the brunette to go sleep in the guest room. If asking Seulgi to move in would be this result, then the monolid woman could have just stayed home. The only response Joohyun has to what Seulgi tells her is dragging her to bed.


“Ow, hey, you’re like the hulk right now, Hyun. Can you please calm down?”


“No, you didn’t come here to stay in the guest room. We’re going to bed!” Joohyun declares and continues to drag her to the bedroom. Seulgi spent the first night pretty much pinned to the mattress, with one super strong best friend happily clinging onto her.


“How many more months of this!”


Despite, that first night. Things have been going smoothly for them. It’s been two months now of living together. Seulgi has become quite used to waking up and going to sleep besides Joohyun every night. She enjoys that they have all their meals together, prepare for their baby, and have settled nicely into a routine of sorts. One way they’re currently preparing for their baby is now with Joohyun is sitting in the spare bedroom sipping lemonade, and instructing Seulgi on where things need to go in the nursery.


“No, not there. I want you to move it more to the left.”


Seulgi has been moving furniture for hours. She was so hot in her sweatshirt hat she needed to take it off, and is currently in a black sleeveless undershirt, which may or may not be providing eye candy to the raven sitting down.


“Is this better?”


“Yea, much better.” Joohyun nods, but is really just staring at Seulgi. She’s no longer paying attention to how the dresser looks.


“Okay, seriously. You made me move the crib 4 times because it wasn’t where you wanted it to be. I painted the room, and then I had to re paint the room, because it wasn’t the right shade of purple you wanted. Then you make me shove dressers and cabinets back and forth like I’m that strong.” Seulgi sighs and falls down onto the floor. She’s just so tired right now.


“Seul, oh my god. Are you okay?”


“Y-Yes, I think so.”


“Okay good. We need to go shopping now that you’ve finished moving the furniture.”


“Shopping, why do we need to go shopping for? The last time we did you already brought the whole store.


“We only shopped for the furniture. We need clothes, bottles, pacifiers, diapers, you know items for the actual baby.”


“Fine,” Seulgi sighs, now sitting up. “Can we also buy toys?”


“Of course we can. Our baby is going to have toys. Wait a minute, you’re not thinking of buying toys for yourself, are you Seul?”


“What,” the brunette laughs nervously. “Of course not, why would you think that, Hyunnie?”


“Uh-huh,” the raven looks skeptical to say the least. Still, they make their way for more shopping. Joohyun is excitedly going from aisle to aisle in the store. She shows Seulgi cute clothes like a bear onesie, and matching hat. She even shows her a small pair of bunny slippers that they just had to buy in multiple colors. In fact, Joohyun loads the shopping cart with so many clothes, bottles, pacifiers, diapers, and toys that Seulgi’s head is spinning.


“Hyun, I think we have enough,” the monolid woman sighs as Joohyun is trying to place a few more baby blankets inside. What does one child need with so many blankets anyway?


“What did you just say!”


“Oh, um….”


“Did you just say we have enough?” The raven angrily grabs her by the shirt collar. “We can never have enough for our baby. They deserve everything, do you hear me?”


“Uh, yes, ma’am!” Seulgi nods fearfully. She doesn’t want to say or do anything else to set Joohyun off. That’s how they end up with so many bags they barely get them all into Seulgi’s car. The brunette sighs once she has everything packed.


“Okay, now we can go,” she opens the car door and is about to drive off. Joohyun gives her a tap on the shoulder.


“Um, Seul. You did a great job and everything.”


“Thank you,” Seulgi beams. She thinks she did a damn good job packing the bags into her SUV. She is thankful for all her hours of playing video games.


“Yes, there's just one thing. Where am I supposed to sit?”


“What?” Seulgi’s smile fades, and realizes then that with all the bags everywhere, including some in the passenger's seat. There isn’t any room for Joohyun to sit.


“Oh, sorry,” Seulgi chuckles nervously. She then quickly moves bags around for Joohyun to sit. Of course when they get back home, it’s Seulgi who moves and carries all the bags back inside. Joohyun has two small bags, but those are actually her snacks and not the other things. After Seulgi gets everything settled they sit down to lunch, and Joohyun really couldn’t be happier.


This is the life she wants, together with Seulgi. She wants this everyday just them, and their baby. Joohyun enjoys the nights of binge watching movies in bed. She loves talking about the baby with Seulgi. She likes their impromptu duets, and waking up to Seulgi is always one of the best feelings. Joohyun knows no matter what she always wants this for them.


“Movies and ice cream tonight?” Joohyun asks hopefully.


“Yeah, movies and ice cream.”


Joohyun is a little more than 7 months now. She isn’t terribly uncomfortable as of yet. She does however tire more easily. The baby is also very active and the kicking is much more prominent. Sometimes it is so obvious that it wakes Joohyun up in the middle of the night. At the same time there is nothing like feeling those strong and healthy kicks. Joohyun is trying to stay awake now, but when a tired yawn escapes her, Seulgi turns to her.


“Tired,” Seulgi smiles and gently pushes some of her raven locks out of her face.


“Yeah, I’m so tired. I’m going to go take a nap.”


“Okay, sounds good. You need to get as much as rest as you can, Hyunnie.” She knows how important it is for Joohyun to be resting, eating well, and having as little stress as possible. They both want to have both a healthy mom and baby. The raven nods and starts to go to the room. She was hoping Seulgi would join her. She really can’t sleep well without her. Joohyun hadn’t been lying when she said she can’t sleep well without Seulgi. The raven thinks the baby as well is used to Seulgi’s presence, and especially her voice whenever the monolid woman speaks, or sings to the baby. It is easier now that Seulgi lives here with her.


That doesn’t mean she can force too much. Joohyun needs to gradually get Seulgi to see her feelings. She loves her and wants to be with her. She hopes for ultimately the two of them being a couple, but only time will tell for that to happen. Joohyun really does have to focus on her pregnancy too, which she is very aware of. She keeps up with any and all doctors appointments. She makes sure she’s taking her vitamins, eating well, sleeping, and limiting her stress. The raven ends up fast asleep soon enough as she is really tired.


Seulgi uses the time Joohyun is resting to set more things up in the baby’s room. She doesn’t mind helping out in anyway that she can. It’s her child too, and she does want what’s going to be best for not only Joohyun, but for their baby too. Seulgi also has been getting some exclusive cooking lessons from her mom, who insisted she needed to teach her daughter some basics, or what she really said was this.


“I can’t have you potentially poisoning my daughter-in-law, and grandchild.”


Seulgi tried to explain to her mom that Joohyun was not her daughter-in-law. It only earned her smacks, and her mom saying she knows what she said. The brunette just doesn’t think such a thing is possible. Joohyun from the very beginning has always been more concerned about her personal life. She even said she didn’t think Seulgi wanted to have a pregnant best friend causing issues for her. If that doesn’t sound like someone who wants to be just friends, then Seulgi isn’t sure what is. After she finishes putting some of the clothing, diapers, and toys away. The monolid woman herself ends up falling asleep on one of the couches.


She is soon awoken by what sounds like loud banging at the front door. God, does she hope that it didn’t startle Joohyun too badly. Seulgi knows how much loud, sudden noises scare the raven. She hurries to the door and is met with Yeri and her weird girlfriend Sooyoung.


“What’s going on you two? Can you not bang on the door so loud, Joohyun is sleeping.”


“Oh, sorry, we just wanted to drop off some stuff for the baby.” Yeri gestures to the pink bags in her hands.


“Okay, come in.”


“Hi, Seulgi!” Sooyoung beams and snaps a photo. Seulgi has tried to get used to the oddness that is the redhead, but she has to admit the girl is a little off. Yeri doesn’t seem to care though, as she insists she loves the science major.


“Do you guys want anything to drink or eat?”


“Well since you so nicely offered, yes!” Yeri nods.


“Seulgi, honestly I would love a sample or specimen quite soon. It’s just fascinating to me the entire process.”


“Entire proc

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Keenakeens #1
Chapter 3: Re-reading!
Chapter 10: It was definitely a good read!!! 💖 Thank you author!
What a pair 🧡💜
coolfeeljoe #4
Chapter 10: Aww lovely story author-nim 🥰
433 streak #5
Chapter 10: Awww❤️
Rereading this! 💕
Chapter 10: Reread this for a couple of times now, the humor and softness of Irene and Seulgi's dynamics here still has an effect on me. Really, one of my favorites
Jensoo4everlove #8
Chapter 10: Loved it ❤
Chapter 9: Meltingg
Chapter 8: Gossh. It was so funny